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Sadzonki do odnowien w roznych warunkach siedliskowych pozarzyska
Gorzelak, A.
Lukaszewicz, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
szkolkarstwo lesne
sadzonki z zakrytym systemem korzeniowym
produkcja sadzonek
sadzonki z odkrytym systemem korzeniowym
Sylwan; 1994, 138, 06; 101-105
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Biblioteka Nauki
Struktura społeczna i liczebność członków Polskiego Towarzystwa Leśnego
Social structure and the headcount of the Polish Forest Society
Grzywacz, A.
Łukaszewicz, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Polskie Towarzystwo Lesne
struktura spoleczna
polish forest society
history of forest sciences
The paper provides information on the social structure and number of members of the Polish Forest Society over the 124 years of its activity. The analysis covers the total number of members, the percentage share of women among the members, their profession and education, degrees and titles, age of the members, institutions where they work, participation in the Society activity of the persons who retired or are on disability pension. The authors describe the changes that occurred during that period regarding the social status of the Society's chairmen and honourable members in individual historical periods: the so−called Galician period between the First and the Second World War and in the last six decades of its activity.
Sylwan; 2006, 150, 07; 62-72
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Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena rębni gniazdowej na podstawie drzewostanów uszkodzonych w lasach nizinnych Polski
Evaluation of the group cutting system on the basis of damaged forests in lowland Poland
Łukaszewicz, J.
Niemczyk, M.
Dmyterko, E.
Bruchwald, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
przebudowa drzewostanow
rebnie gniazdowe
rebnie czesciowe gniazdowe
drzewostany nizinne
uszkodzenia drzewostanow
czynniki abiotyczne
czynniki biotyczne
group cutting system
sawtimber stand
demaged stand
The paper compares the proportion of damaged stands managed under group cutting system (group clear cutting and group shelterwood cutting) with the analogous stands where cuts had not been performed. The empirical material came from the database of the State Forests Information System and covered all forest districts located in Polish lowlands. To evaluate the group cutting a test of differences between the fractions of the elements distinguished in the population was used. The first population involved sawtimber stands in which no group cuts had been performed in the past decade. The number of damaged stands was determined for this population and their percentage share was established. A similar procedure was applied to the second population of stands in which the group cutting was employed. A damaged stand was assumed to be one in which the volume of windbroken and windfallen trees and deadwood harvested in the past 10 years exceeded the volume set in the given formula (1). The performed analysis shows that after several years, the proportion of damaged stands in which gaps were established is significantly higher (57.2%) than in the stands without cut patches (32.9%). Stands with patches demonstrate a significant, statistically greater susceptibility to damage from abiotic and biotic factors. The proportion of damaged stands managed under the group shelterwood cutting (60%) is larger than that under the group clear cutting (55.4%). Spruce is the most vulnerable to damage, while alder − the least vulnerable. On average, the higher proportion of damaged forests, mainly pine and oak forests is in the territory of the Bialystok Regional Directorate of the State Forests (RDSF) (tab. 2) being lower in the territory of the Warsaw RDSF where damaged pine stands are more frequent (tab. 3). In areas with a high probability of damage to stands group cut should be limited, and in spruce stands – totally abandoned. Time regimes should also be established applying the group cutting by shortening the period of reconstruction of the entire forest stand.
Sylwan; 2015, 159, 01; 3-12
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Biblioteka Nauki
Charakterystyka wybranych drzewostanów jodłowych Beskidu Niskiego i sposoby ich zagospodarowania
The characteristics of selected fir stands in Beskid Niski and the method of their management
Bruchwald, A.
Dmyterko, E.
Niemczyk, M.
Łukaszewicz, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Beskid Niski
drzewostany jodlowe
struktura drzewostanu
liczba drzew
piersnicowe pole przekroju
miazszosc drzew
zagospodarowanie lasu
stand layer
multi−layer structure
bdq method
abies alba
Assuming multilayer structure as optimal for silver fir stands, we attempted to answer the following questions: 1) how to describe such structure, 2) to what extent does the structure of a particular stand differ from the optimal one, and 3) how to obtain the optimal structure. The study was based on the material collected in 12 stands in the Nawojowa Forest District (S Poland). Three to five 0.04 hectare circular plots were established in each stand, and diameters at breast height (d) of all trees with d > 7 cm were measured. Height (h) was measured for 25 trees selected within the stand. The top height determined for each stand enabled to classify trees into two layers: higher (group I) or lower (group II) than ⅔ of top height. Trees with d<7 cm were divided into 3 layers according to the height: III – h>2 m (higher upgrowth), IV – h between 0.5 and 2 m (lower upgrowth), and V – h<0.5 m (seedlings). Trees in layer V were counted on a 0.005 ha plot, while trees in layers IV and III on a 0.04 ha plot. The selected fir stands revealed high diversity in basic characteristics (tab. 1 and 2). The number of trees in layer III was higher than in layer II only in one stand, and was larger than the number of trees in layer I. Moreover, the variation in tree height formed a vertical canopy closure. The stand was considered to be a model one, and used to develop diameter distribution according to the BDq method. Most stands characterized a smaller number of trees in lower and larger in higher diameter classes compared to the model distribution. It seems that large number of thick trees prevent satisfactory growth of thinner trees. Fir stands proved to have a mosaic vertical structure. In some fragments, eight classes can be distinguished including one layer only: 1) upper (I), 2) middle (II), 3) upgrowth (III), combination of layers: 4) I and II, 5) I and III, 6) II and III, 7) I, II and III, and 8) gaps. The multi−layer structure of fir stands can be maintained only in the form of such a mosaic, but single−layer fragments are also needed to enhance the natural regeneration. We could select a stand with a close−to−optimal multilayer structure, which was considered as a model one and its diameter distribution was used in the BDq method. A comparison of the model curve with the empirical distribution of diameters at breast height for the stand under consideration allows determining diameter classes with an excess of trees that can be harvested without the fear of losing the multilayer structure of the stand. Whether a given tree has to be cut should depend on the vertical differentiation of trees in a particular fragment of the stand. In further studies, measurements in multilayer fir stands should be conducted to verify the model distribution.
Sylwan; 2015, 159, 09; 722-731
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Biblioteka Nauki
Tempo wzrostu wysokości i pierśnicy jodły pospolitej (Abies alba Mill.) w Beskidzie Niskim
Height and diameter growth rates of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) growing in Beskid Niski mountains
Bruchwald, A.
Dmyterko, E.
Niemczyk, M.
Łukaszewicz, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
drzewa lesne
jodla pospolita
Abies alba
wzrost roslin
wysokosc drzew
piersnice drzew
przyrost piersnicy
przyrost wysokosci
tempo wzrostu
Beskid Niski
height growth rate
diameter growth rate
spatial diversity of canopy layers
physical age
abies alba
Silver fir is one of the main tree species of mountain and foothill forests in Poland that in optimal conditions forms pure stands with multi−layer structure. The study objective is to present differences in height and diameter growth rates of firs growing in upper stand layers and in the undergrowth. The research was conducted in 12 fir stands located in the Beskid Niski Mts. (southern Poland). In each stand height and diameter at breast height (dbh) were measured for 25 fir trees in order to develop a height curve. The first canopy layer included trees that were higher than ⅔ Hmax established from the height curve of the tree with the largest dbh. Height and diameter were measured on eight trees selected from the first canopy layer. An increment core was extracted at breast height in order to estimate the tree age. From the third canopy layer, which included trees higher than 2 m with dbh below 7 cm, five trees were selected. After cutting those trees, the length of the last ten branch whorls was measured. Five−year ring width measurements starting from the bark towards the pith were done at the stem cross−sections obtained at breast height. The number of rings was counted on remaining stumps. Height growth rate was defined as the height at the base age of 100 years (eq. 1). For the first canopy layer, the height growth rate was on average 31.8 m, while for the undergrowth it was 12.1 m. There was also large difference between diameter growth rate of the first stand canopy layer (55.7 cm) and undergrowth (18.3 cm). Both differences were significant at p=0.05. These discrepancies could result from low amount of light reaching the forest floor. The correlation between height and diameter growth rates and undergrowth tree age was negative in both cases. Long periods of shading result in smaller number of firs reaching the first canopy layer. Assuming that uneven−aged stand structure is optimal for that species, it should be characterized by a spatial variability (mosaic) of various canopy layers including even−aged patches with sparse canopy closure as well as gaps where fir regeneration will be initiated having favorable growth conditions.
Sylwan; 2015, 159, 10; 804-812
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Biblioteka Nauki
Wzorzec rozkładu pierśnic drzew wielowarstwowego drzewostanu jodłowego Gór Świętokrzyskich
Pattern of breast height diameter distribution in a multilayer silver fir stand in the Swietokrzyskie Mountains
Bruchwald, A.
Dmyterko, E.
Łukaszewicz, J.
Niemczyk, M.
Wrzesiński, P.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Gory Swietokrzyskie
drzewostany jodlowe
jodla pospolita
Abies alba
rozklad piersnic
metoda BDq
diameter distribution
abies alba
bdq method
In Poland, the majority of silver fir stands is characterised by a single−layer stand structure. The current silvicultural activities aim at obtaining multilayer stands, which requires a clearer definition of the structure, and more precisely, a better knowledge of the pattern of diameters at breast height (DBH) distribution. The aim of the research was to develop a pattern of DBH distribution of trees in a multilayer silver fir stand in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains (central Poland) using the BDq method, through the mathematical determination of function parameters, including the productive capacity of the habitat. The application of this pattern will allow the selection of the management methods aimed to obtain and then maintain model stands with a different layer structure. The research was based on the empirical material collected in 56 stands that were characterized by both a single− and a multi−layered structure. They grew in coniferous forest habitats, mostly in the upland mixed coniferous forest, upland mixed deciduous forest and upland deciduous forest or mountain forest. One big (up to 1 ha) or 3−5 smaller (0.04 ha) sample plots were established in each stand in which diameters at breast height of all trees and heights of usually 25 trees, selected from the entire range of diameters, were measured. These were used to determine the height growth curve equation coefficients and then the height of each tree. For each stand the basal area was calculated and a graph for DBH distribution was prepared. Site index was established using the original empirical equation. In order to develop a model for multilayer fir stands, individual parameters of the equation 5, such as the basal area (B), the target diameter at breast height (D) and the coefficient q were to be determined using the BDq method. Taking into consideration only stands with one−tailed DBH, individual parameters of the function were found to be associated with site index. Empirical equations were developed for the determination of B and D, and, based on the DBH distribution graphs, coefficient q associated with site index was also calculated (tab.). The developed DBH distribution pattern is a mathematical description of the target fir stand. When the value of stand parameters approaches those of the model stand, it should be managed using the shelterwood cutting system, which results from the spatial variation in the stand height structure, and consequently from the need for different silvicultural treatments in different stand fragments.
Sylwan; 2016, 160, 09; 741-750
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Biblioteka Nauki
Pochodzenie drzewostanów świerkowych (Picea abies L. Karst.) z Puszczy Białowieskiej na tle regionu RDLP Białystok na podstawie analiz mitochondrialnego DNA
Origin of the Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) stands from Bialowieza Forest at the level of Bialystok Regional Directorate of the State Forests based on mitochondrial DNA analysis
Nowakowska, J.A.
Łukaszewicz, J.
Borys, M.
Tereba, A.
Konecka, A.
Zawadzka, A.
Sułkowska, M.
Zajączkowski, P.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Puszcza Bialowieska
drzewostany swierkowe
drzewa lesne
swierk pospolity
Picea abies
markery genetyczne
DNA mitochondrialny
pochodzenie roslin
zmiennosc genetyczna
RDLP Bialystok
genetic diversity
mitochondrial dna marker
postglacial migration routes
białowieża forest
Considered to be the most natural of all other Polish stands Picea abies in Białowieża Forest has suffered severely of bark beetle damages for decades. In order to find out some historical events in native Norway spruce stands diversity at regional level, we carried out the study on poly− morphism with DNA markers and performed Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) on the basis of genetic distance matrix. Two ranges (i.e. Baltico−Nordic and Hercyno−Carpathian) of Norway spruce cover north−eastern and southern Poland, respectively. The spruceless zone separates the these two ranges in lowland Poland. From genetic point of view, the Baltico−Nordic P. abies populations mainly harbor mitochondrial haplotype ‘c', whereas the spruces from the Hercyno− −Carpathian range – haplotype ‘a'. Until recently, the Białowieża Forest has been considered to belong to the northern range of spruce occurrence in Europe. Seven populations from Biało− wieża Forest were studied (two of them from the Strict Reserve in Białowieski National Park) according to mitochondrial DNA diversity, and compared with genetic diversity found in 24 other populations located in Białystok Regional Directorate of the State Forests (north−eastern Poland). All studied spruce populations were more than 100 years old and were of natural origin. As result, the spruces from the Białowieża Forest harbored three mitochondrial haplotypes of the nad1 gene (‘c', ‘a' and ‘a1'), with the haplotype ‘a' being more frequently present (>51%) than the hap− lotype ‘c'. The spruce stands from Białowieża Forest have the highest gene diversity (h Nei=0.527) comparing to the other stands from the Białystok RDSF. The PCoA proved the particularity of the spruces from Białowieża Forest grouping them into one cluster of genetic similarity. Our data demonstrated that most of Norway spruces populations from Białystok RDSF harbor haplotype ‘c', which confirms their historical relationship with the Baltico−Nordic range of P. abies in Europe, while most spruces from Białowieża Forest have different historic origin, because they share high frequency of the southern haplotype ‘a'. It also turned out that Norway spruce pop− ulations from two different European ranges met in lowland Poland after the last glacial period, as proved by the presence of two mitochondrial haplotypes ‘a' and ‘c'. It can be assumed, that the spruceless zone was created by human activity in the past millennia. The results of all molecular analyses confirmed the unique character of spruces of Białowieża Forest, which is distinguished by the greater richness of the gene pool in comparison to the region of Białystok RDSF as well as good adaptation to local environmental conditions.
Sylwan; 2017, 161, 01; 40-51
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Biblioteka Nauki
Kształtowanie się przyrostu grubości jodeł z Gór Świętokrzyskich
Radial increment of silver fir from the Swietokrzyskie Mts.
Bruchwald, A
Dmyterko, E.
Bijak, S.
Łukaszewicz, J.
Niemczyk, M.
Wrzesiński, P.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
sloje przyrostu rocznego
analiza dendrochronologiczna
Gory Swietokrzyskie
drzewostany jodlowe
jodla pospolita
Abies alba
przyrost drzew
przyrost grubosci
przyrosty radialne
czynniki srodowiska
czynniki klimatyczne
zanieczyszczenia przemyslowe
abies alba mill.
increment reduction
increment release
The paper presents the dendrochronological analysis of silver firs (Abies alba Mill.) growing in the canopy layer of the forest stands. We searched for the similarities in the rhythm of radial growth of studied trees and we analysed the response of these stands to the increment disturbances related to the occurrence of adverse climatic factors and the pressure from industrial pollution. The research material was collected in 30 pure and uneven−aged silver fir stands located in the Świetokrzyskie Mountains (central Poland). We investigated the effect of age of the stands and the conditions for their growth (location, forest habitat type) on an average tree−ring width. In order to detect similarities in the rhythm of radial growth of the surveyed stands, we grouped the raw chronologies by the means of the cluster analysis, using Ward's agglomeration procedure with 1−r distance (r – Pearson correlation coefficient). We assessed the incremental response of the investigated stands to the disturbances (situations of significantly reduced radial growth) using indicators of resistance, recovery and resilience proposed by Lloret et al. [2011]. We also studied the influence of the stand age and the forest habitat type on the response of analysed for stands to the detected disturbances. The shortest chronology consisted of 94 tree−rings, while the longest one of 137. Average length of the obtained silver fir chronologies was 119 years. Older fir stands characterised with narrower rings (r=–0.451, p=0.012). Neither the location, nor the forest habitat type are the factors determining the similarity of the rhythm of radial growth of silver firs from the Świętokrzyskie Mountains (p=0.243 and p=0.967 respectively). The extreme climatic conditions responsible for the majority of the short−term (one−year−long) incremental depressions are the factor of regional importance, which affects the growth of investigated trees. Older stands characterized with better possibilities of increment recovery after the disturbance than younger stands (p<0.001), which may be a result of the production of secondary crowns. No consistent differences in the indices of resistance and resilience were found among analysed stands.
Sylwan; 2016, 160, 11; 893-904
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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