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Określenie rzeczywistej powierzchni lasów w Polsce na podstawie dostępnych danych przestrzennych
Determination of the actual forest area in Poland based on the available spatial datasets
Hosciło, A.
Mirończuk, A.
Lewandowska, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
tereny lesne
powierzchnia lasow
dane przestrzenne
forest cover
forest land definitione
forest inventory
Several studies discussed a disagreement concerning forest extent in Poland between land cadaster and status on the ground. The aim of the paper was to assess the actual forest extent in Poland based on an existing spatial datasets such as: Digital Forest Map (covering explicitly the State Forests), Topographic Database, Database of Parcel Identification System, High Resolution Layer (Copernicus Land Monitoring product based on classification of satellite data) and National Forest Data Bank. The geospatial data analyses were preceded by an accuracy assessment of the available datasets, which allowed to assign weights to each of the dataset. The result of this project was the actual forest extent map, which refers to the national definition of forest as defined in the Forest Act of 28 September 1991 (forest by definition is a homogeneous area of 0.1 hectares). This includes all forms of ownership forests and areas that are forested, but officially recorded as non−forest. Moreover, the map of the forest extent under the Kyoto Protocol, including areas that meet the criteria of actual forest extent map and additionally forest areas designed or used for housing, recreation, infrastructure, and other industrial and agricultural areas (e.g.: permanent crops – orchards) were determined. The results confirmed that the actual forest extent is higher by almost 800 thousand hectares then the official statistics provided by the Central Statistical Office of Poland. According to the official statistics forest in Poland covers 29.4% of the country, however this study revealed that 32% of the country, considering the national forest definition, and 33.5%, considering the forest definition under the Kyoto Protocol, is occupied by forest. It showed the need for the land cadaster update. Precise information on spatial distribution of forest extent is crucial for the national purposes i.e. reporting, implementation of the National Afforestation Program and also for the international commitments under the climate convention to determine the accurate forest carbon content and carbon dioxide sequestration.
Sylwan; 2016, 160, 08; 627-634
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problemy związane z definicją lasu w polskim systemie prawnym
Issues related to the defi nition of a forest under the Polish legal system
Bujny, Jędrzej
Mądry, Tymoteusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
forest land
Act on forests
register of buildings and land
classification of land
ustawa o lasach
grunty leśne
ewidencja gruntów i budynków
klasyfikacja gruntów
The article touches upon the controversies around the defi nition of a forest contained in the provision of Article 3 of the Act of 28 September 1991 on forests, present in the doctrine as well as in judicial decisions in administrative law. The interpretation of the above provision is analysed and the views presented in the doctrine and the judicial rulings, which sometimes include contradicting arguments, are examined. In the fi rst part of the article individual elements of the defi nition of a forest have been identifi ed and the diffi culties with their interpretation that have led to the emergence of a vast number of judicial decisions and rulings delivered by administrative courts as well as the Supreme Court have been presented. The second part contains deliberations on the importance of the data included in the land and buildings register and their potential use for the classifi cation of land as a forest on the grounds of concrete administrative proceedings, including these on tax matters. In this context the normative value of the provisions of the Act of 17 May 1989: Geodetic and Cartographic Law and individual tax laws making these data binding and applicable has been examined as well. Also this latter issue generates frequently diverging opinions expressed by administrative courts. The last part of the paper contains de lege lata and de lege ferenda postulates intended to reconcile the presented controversies connected with the classifi cation of individual land as forest. The authors hope that implementation of these postulates will contribute to the unifi cation of the judiciary opinions regarding the concept of a forest and consequently will help to eliminate the existing doubts.
Studia Prawa Publicznego; 2017, 3 (19); 71-91
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Studia Prawa Publicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Las i gospodarka leśna w systemie planowania i zagospodarowania przestrzennego w Polsce
Forest and forest economy in spatial land-use planning and management in Poland
Przybylska, K.
Zięba, S.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
gospodarka lesna
planowanie przestrzenne
gospodarka przestrzenna
spatial land−use planning
sustainable development
forest valuation
functional forest area
The aim of the paper is to indicate the possibilities of synchronizing forest resource management planning with spatial land−use planning at different levels: national, provincial, county and local. In the paper references are made to hierarchical spatial land−use planning to be enriched with a systematic forest planning.
Sylwan; 2009, 153, 12; 814-824
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Definicja lasu w ujęciu krajowym i międzynarodowym oraz jej znaczenie dla wielkości i zmian powierzchni lasów w Polsce
National and international definition of forest and its importance for the forest area in Poland
Jabłoński, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
tereny lesne
powierzchnia lasow
Organizacja Narodow Zjednoczonych
Protokol z Kioto
forest definition
forest cover
land use
forest expansion
kyoto protocol
Sustainable forest management, the leading topic in forest and environmental policy since the 1990s, has required an appropriate tools for both clarification of general principles and measurement of its progress. Many of indicators developed for these purpose are based on forest area. However, definitions of forest are not compatible, especially on national and worldwide scale. Definition of forest applied by FAO refers to crown cover and land use, while definition adopted for reporting under Kyoto Protocol refers only to the occurrence of trees. Polish Act on Forest applies the destination of land use as a determinant of forest. Paper analyses the process of forest area assessment in Poland for the purpose of national as well as FAO and UNFCCC reporting. Natural expansion of trees on abandoned agriculture land, still classified as the agriculture areas in cadastral system, was recognized as the biggest challenge of forest area assessment in Poland. Although natural succession is described by many authors, the total area subjected to this process is unknown. According to the FAO and Kyoto Protocol rules such areas should be reported as forests. As a consequence, forest area in Poland could be at least a few hundred thousand hectares higher than reported in the last assessments basing only on cadastral system. The proper classification of forests not recorded in the cadastral system would also be important challenge, otherwise between forest area on country and international level will be a huge discrepancy. But, there are some areas classified as a forest in Poland, which probably should not be included within FAO and Kyoto reporting. However, the most important topic concerns the possibility of identification of afforested areas, submitted under article 3.3. of Kyoto Protocol, basing on forest area changes between 1989 and 2012. One should recognise if afforested area is not overestimated using such approach, as a result of modification of forest definition in Poland in 1991. Additional question concerns the forest lands included into cadastral system after 1990, but afforested or resulting from natural succession occurring before that time, which currently are reported as afforestation under article 3.3. of Kyoto Protocol.
Sylwan; 2015, 159, 06; 469-482
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wielkoobszarowa inwentaryzacja stanu lasu źródłem informacji o powierzchni lasów w Polsce
Forest area in Poland based on national forest inventory
Jabłoński, M.
Mionskowski, M.
Budniak, P.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
powierzchnia lasow
zrodla informacji
inwentaryzacja lasu
inwentaryzacja wielkopowierzchniowa
forest definition
land use
land cover
cluster sampling
Forest area in Poland is annually evaluated as a part of public statistics research. However, this information is based on land use resulting from Land and Property Register (LPR). Delays in the reclassification of afforested land, as well as the natural expansion of trees on abandoned agricultural lands, observed over the last decades, caused that information from LPR becomes unreliable. In many countries forest area is assessed within the National Forest Inventories (NFIs) based upon systematic grid of sample plots. NFI in Poland has been performed since 2005, in 4×4 kilometre grid with clusters consisting of five plots. Until 2014 measurements were made only on these sample plots which were located in forest according to LPR records. Within the 3rd NFI cycle (2015−2019) the areas fulfilling the criteria of forest definition, but located on non−forest land referring to LPR, has become the object of study. The aim of this work is to present statistical approach for evaluation of forest area using NFI cluster sampling data. Additionally, results from two year measurements (2015−2016) were analysed and compared with LPR data. Attributes of NFI plots allow to apply national forest criteria as well as the land use and land cover thresholds recommended by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations or Kyoto Protocol. Our research shows that forest cover in Poland is in the range of 32.8−33.0%, depending on forest definition used, and is almost 3% higher than official LPR data (30.1%). The standard error of forest cover, based on two years NFI data is 0.44. Thus, with 95% probability the true value of this parameter lies between 31.9 and 33.7%, while country thresholds of forest definition are used. Additionally it was assessed that using the entire NFI cycle data the standard error of forest cover should be lower i.e. less than 0.3. The National Forest Inventory seems to be an appropriate tool for monitoring forest area in Poland.
Sylwan; 2018, 162, 05; 365-372
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gospodarka leśna w warunkach skażenia radioaktywnego
Forest management under radioactive contamination
Bojko, S.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
gospodarka lesna
skażenia radioaktywne
zagrożenia lasu
nuclear power plant
forest management
land reclamation
Nearly 3.5 million hectares of forest were contaminated by radioactive effluents from the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Pinus sylvestris L. is the species most sensitive to radiation. Pine wood showed the lowest levels of potential 137Cs activity, while in assimilatory apparatus and bark such activity was highest. Among the non−wood products, mushrooms, berries, medicinal plants and venison that feature the highest ability to accumulate radioactive elements. Partial cuts ensure canopy closure of stands and reduce the vertical and horizontal radionucleide migration. Afforestation is one of the main land reclamation methods applied in contaminated areas. Mechanical planting with limited tending of plantations is used most often there. In cutting areas with a radioactivity level dangerous to carry out regeneration operations, natural regeneration is used exclusively.
Sylwan; 2006, 150, 11; 30-39
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Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena fragmentacji lasów Pomorza Zachodniego pomiędzy XV a XX wiekiem
Evaluation of the forest cover fragmentation in Western Pomerania between the 15th and 20th century
Pieńkowski, P.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
fragmentacja lasu
spadek lesistosci
Pomorze Zachodnie
wiek XV-XX
forest fragmentation
land use changes
landscape metrics
The paper analyzes the changes of forest fragmentation in the Western Pomerania region (NW Poland). The analysis was carried out basing on maps from 16th and 18th century as well as 1930s, when the forest cover in the studied area was the lowest. The historical area of forests was assessed on the basis on Hartnack utilization maps. The analysis of numerical maps was carried out in the GUIDOS program, which enables to evaluate the fragmentation of the forests through Morphological Spatial Pattern Analysis (MSPA) that describes the geometry of patches and their interconnectivity. The program calculated the forest areas classified for the seven categories according to their functions in the landscape (MSPA classes). In the 15th century the forests coverage was around 52.5%. There was a significant loss of forest area between the 16th and 18th century, and in the 18th century they occupied 24.7% of the researched area. Because of the economic changes in the country that took place after the World War II, the forest area in Pomerania increased to 33.7%. It was found that changes in the forest area in the examined period resulted in a decrease in the area classified as forest interior (CORE) and an increase in the boundary area (EDGE). Taking into account the equidistant of 1 km², the area occupied by the core patches dropped in the analysed period from 59.9% to 35.6%. At the same time the spatial isolation of many patches increased, which was reflected in an increase in the area classified as ‘islands' (ISLET). Their share in relation to the entire forest area increased from 4.4% to 23.6%. This could be particularly seen in the area of Pyrzycko−Stargardzka Plain and Choszczno Lakeland, where in the 1930s the so−called forest islands constituted the entire forest area of these mesoregions. The MSPA analysis enabled to specify forest patches classes, which can be useful for landscape characterization, including the patch and corridor model. The fragmentation of forests can be objectively assessed using GUIDOS and it can make the output results obtained in GIS programs complete.
Sylwan; 2015, 159, 07; 610-616
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Opracowanie maski obszarów leśnych w celu monitoringu kondycji zdrowotnej lasów w Polsce na podstawie wieloletnich obserwacji satelitarnych
Development of forest cover mask to monitor the health condition of forests in Poland using long-term satellite observations
Bartold, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
stan zdrowotny lasu
obserwacje satelitarne
program CORINE Land Cover
pokrycie terenu
Znormalizowany Wskaznik Wegetacji
baza CORINE Land Cover 2012
CORINE Land Cover 2012
forest condition
satellite images
vegetation mapping
The work presented here aims at developing cover mask for monitoring forest health in Poland using remote sensing data. The main objective was to assess the impact of using the mask on forest condition monitoring combined with vegetation indices obtained from long-term satellite data. In this study, a new mask developed from the CORINE Land Cover 2012 (CLC2012) database is presented and its one-kilometer pixel size matched to low-resolution data derived from SPOT VEGETATION satellite registrations. For vegetation mapping, only pixels with a cover ≥50% of broad-leaved and mixed forests defined by CLC2012 were taken into account. The masked pixels were used to evaluate spatial variability in eight Natural-Forest Regions (NFRs). The largest coverages by masked forests were obtained in Sudetian (65.7%), Carpathian (65.9%) and Baltic (51.3%) regions. For other forest regions the coverage was observed to be around 30–50%. Time-series of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) comprising SPOT VEGETATION images from 1998 until 2014 were computed and cross-comparison analyses on ≥50% and <50% forest cover masks brought up frequent differences at a level higher than 0.05 NDVI in seven out of eight NFRs. An exception is the Sudetian region, where the data was highly consistent. Furthermore, the Mann-Whitney U non-parametric test revealed statistically significant differences in two regions: Baltic and Masurian-Podlasie NFR. The comparative analysis of NDVI confirmed that there is a need for additional investigation of the quality of newly developed forest mask combined with vegetation and meteorological data.
Leśne Prace Badawcze; 2016, 77, 2
Pojawia się w:
Leśne Prace Badawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lokalizacja kompleksów leśnych zagrożonych ze względu na sąsiedztwo różnych form zagospodarowania przestrzeni
Location of the forest complexes endangered by the vicinity to diverse form of land management
Cieślak, I.
Szuniewicz, K.
Czyża, S.
Ogrodniczak, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
kompleksy lesne
zagrozenia lasu
analiza wielokryterialna
zagospodarowanie przestrzenne
obszary zagrozone
pokrycie terenu
vicinity of forest areas
land cover
threats to forests
analytic hierarchy process
corine land cover
The article presents a method of assessing the effect of vicinity on forest areas and provides a comprehensive procedure for distinguishing vicinities with a negative impact on forest areas. The study was carried out in four districts of Warmia and Mazury province (Pisz, Szczytno, Giżycko and Mrągowo). Diversification of land cover in the selected districts was identified using Corine Land Cover (CLC) databases for 2012. The authors used Analytic Hierarchy Process (a decision−making method) in order to assess significance of vicinity for a group of spatial forms. The main objective of this work was achieved by using OL indicator, which was developed by the authors as a measure of burden exerted on forest areas due to their vicinity. The indicator was determined for all forest areas under study. Based on the classification of the indicator, affected areas were isolated and the ones particularly exposed to negative vicinities were identified. The developed assessment procedure and method may become a useful tool in sustainable forest management. It allows to predict potential conflicts and threats to the natural environment and considerably improves the process of monitoring and protecting forest areas, which is especially important for environmental, social and economic reasons.
Sylwan; 2019, 163, 04; 300-310
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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