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The Economic Condition of the Bishopric of Gaza (Palestine) during the Rule of Bishop Porphyry (circa 395–420)
Milewski, Ireneusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
early Byzantium
late Roman economy
early Byzantine hagiography
early Byzantine Church
The study attempts to determine the economic condition of a small provincial bishopric, namely the church of Gaza (Palestine) during the rule of bishop Porphyry (circa 395–420 AD). All of the information on the subject comes from the Vita Porphyrii by Mark the Deacon – a source whose historical value has often been disputed. Although the information on the wealth of the church in Gaza at the turn of the 4th and 5th centuries is not particularly vast or illuminating, it is nevertheless possible to identify several spheres of economic activity of the Gaza bishopric. These are, among other things, the property owned by the bishopric (real estate), its cash reserves (mostly at the beginning of the 5th century), the endowments of the imperial court (given by emperor Arcadius and his wife, empress Aelia Eudoxia), as well as the charitable activity of the bishopric (especially on the occasion of erecting the Eudoxiane, probably in 407).
Studia Ceranea; 2018, 8; 193-207
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ceranea
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Textile Prices in Early Byzantine Hagiographic Texts. Three Case Studies
Milewski, Ireneusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
early Byzantium
late Roman economy
early Byzantine hagiography
prices in early Byzantium
This text analyzes three early Byzantine source accounts on clothing prices from the beginning of the 5th to the early 7th centuries in Italy (Rome), Palestine (probably in Jerusalem), and Egypt (Alexandria). The compiled and discussed narrations were compared with other contemporary source reports, which feature analogical figures describing the amount of prices, wages, taxes, and other values or distances. By making a comparative analysis, the author came to the conclusion that these data are recurrent, and, therefore, unreliable. This observation also applies to the clothing prices discussed in the text, which, undoubtedly, should be considered topical.
Studia Ceranea; 2020, 10; 399-413
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ceranea
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bankers and Usurers in the Early Byzantine Hagiographical Texts
Milewski, Ireneusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
early Byzantium
early Byzantine hagiography
bankers and usurers in early Byzantium
The text discusses accounts from early Byzantine hagiographical texts depicting the activities of bankers and usurers in the period from the early 5th to the second decade of the 7th century. Texts by Palladius of Helenopolis, John of Ephesus, John Moschos, and Leontius of Neapolis are analysed. In the collated material we find relatively little information depicting the activities of bankers and usurers. Neither do we find any further details of the conditions under which money loans were granted. However, we note the statement that the cancellation of a loan, even if forced by circumstances (even if due to the intervention of a holy man), is charitable in nature and the ‘lost’ capital by the creditor in such a case bears the characteristics of a merciful deed. Most of the analysed accounts are presented in a somewhat fanciful way, which, however, should not question the information conveyed by the narrative. Two aspects of the analysed accounts are most significant. Firstly, the absence of any criticism of the Alexandrian Church deriving, even if not high, some profits (interest) from monetary loans. Secondly, in the accounts analysed we note a peculiar narrative, or in fact a new way of reasoning, by means of which the authors wanted to reach their audience, the potential benefactors. Thus, we become acquainted with somewhat naïve tales of how the benefits of granting a non-refundable loan to the needy, not only to the poor but also to merchants who traded on the high seas (?) would quite quickly return to the merciful benefactor, in a tangible material benefit, while he was still alive. We do not find such an argument in the patristic texts of the 4th and 5th centuries, where accounts of this kind merely refer to a prediction or even a guarantee of ‘heavenly interest’ that could tip the scales in favour of the merciful donor (creditor) at the Last Judgement.
Studia Ceranea; 2023, 13; 587-598
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ceranea
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cyril of Scythopolis on Relieving the Damage in Palestine Inflicted during the Samaritan Revolt (529–531)
Milewski, Ireneusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Cyril of Scythopolis
early Byzantine hagiography
early Byzantine economy
money in hagiographic texts
The text analyses a short account by Cyril of Scythopolis concerning the imperial decision to finance the repair of the damages caused in Palestine by the Samaritan uprising of 529–531. A description of the alleged circumstances of this decision and information regarding the amount of the sum granted are examined. According to Cyril’s account, the granted sum, 13 centenarii of gold, was to be set aside from the tax revenues of Palestine and then used to rebuild (only) the ecclesiastical and monastic infrastructure. It is not clear from the text whether the repair of the aforementioned damage was to be financed only in the area of Palaestina secunda (where the main fighting of the rebellion took place) or also in Palaestina prima. Moreover, there is no mention in the text in question (as well as in other sources of the period) of the financing of the repair of other damages, which undoubtedly were also caused by the Samaritan uprising. The issue that interested the author most was the amount of money that the Emperor Justinian allegedly allocated for the above-mentioned purpose. In order to verify the amount, the author compared it with other data showing the abundance of the imperial treasury at the time of Anastasius and Justinian, as well as reached for other information on the wealth of the cities at that time. After analysing this data, the author has come to the conclusion that, despite some doubts, the sum of 13 centenarii of gold (1,300 pounds) mentioned by Cyril and allegedly allocated by the imperial court to repair the damage caused by the Samaritan uprising seems quite reasonable.
Studia Ceranea; 2022, 12; 725-737
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ceranea
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ceny niewolników w „Historia Lausiaca” autorstwa Palladiusza z Helenopolis
Slave prices in “Historia Lausiaca” by Palladius of Helenopolis
Milewski, Ireneusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
late antiquity
late Roman and early Byzantine economy
slave trade
early Byzantine hagiography
The paper draws on the accounts by Palladius, bishop of Bithynian Helenopolis, to gather insights into slave prices. The figures contained in the source vary to a great extent (from 3 to 20 solidii for a slave). The author verifies the information against other late antique and early Byzantine accounts regarding slave prices.  
Studia Europaea Gnesnensia; 2018, 18; 9-26
Pojawia się w:
Studia Europaea Gnesnensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Money in the Apophthegmata Patrum
Milewski, Ireneusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Apophthegmata Patrum
early Byzantine hagiography
late Roman economy
early Byzantine economy
early Byzantine monasticism
The objective of this paper is to discuss accounts related to money in Apophthegmata Patrum, a collection of sayings attributed to famous Egyptian monks. The collection as we know it was produced in the 6th century. By describing the organisation of monastic centres in Egypt in the 4th and 5th century Apophthegmata also offer us some information about the period’s economic aspects. However, by and large, the data is very general. It pertains to: prices, wages, tax issues as well as money that was given to monks by pilgrims. Limited as it is, the data confirms that money was present in the everyday lives of Egyptian monks in late antiquity. Naturally, the major consideration behind whether a monk possessed money was whether he had contact with the outside world. This included selling self-made handcraft at markets, particularly woven mats and ropes, clay pots and sometimes also more specialised items (such as copied codices of the Bible). In Apophthegmata Patrum, similarly to what is the case with other Early Byzantium hagiographic texts, we find little information about moral evaluation of money or about the “appropriate” way to manage it.
Studia Ceranea; 2019, 9; 603-614
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ceranea
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wczesnobizantyński system podatkowy w świetle wybranych relacji hagiograficznych
The Early Byzantine Tax System in the Light of Selected Hagiographic Texts
Milewski, Irenesz
Data publikacji:
Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne
późna starożytność
późnoantyczna i wczesnobizantyńska gospodarka
hagiografia wczesnobizantyńska
late antiquity
late antique and early Byzantine economy
early Byzantine hagiography
W tekście poddano analizie wybrane relacje dotyczące obciążeń fiskalnych spoczywających na mieszkańcach wschodnich prowincji Cesarstwa Rzymskiego w V i VI wieku. Dwie z nich dotyczą niewypłacalności podatników. W takim przypadku liderzy lokalnych społeczności (w tej roli widzimy cieszących się powszechnym uznaniem eremitów) udawali się nierzadko do stolicy, aby na dworze cesarskim prosić o częściową ulgę, odroczenie terminu płatności lub nawet o całkowite umorzenie podatku. W analizowanych przekazach czytamy o opłatach spoczywających na kolonach oraz o podatku pogłównym obciążającym eremitów i mnichów, w V wieku nadal uznawanych przez ustawodawcę za ludzi świeckich (stąd też brała się niechęć poborców, aby w takich przypadkach przydzielać immunitety podatkowe). Ostatnia analizowana relacja, przekaz Cyryla ze Scythopolis, to opis podróży palestyńskiego mnicha Saby na dwór cesarski w Konstantynopolu celem uzyskania anulowania zobowiązań podatkowych spoczywających na mieszkańcach Palestyny, zrujnowanej wskutek powstania Samarytan (z lat 529-530).
The text contains an analysis of accounts concerning taxation loads laid on the inhabitants of eastern provinces, as found in selected Early Byzantine hagiographic texts. Although the texts have questionable cognitive value and the events written therein may even be fictional (including the cited tax levels), yet they are used in research on Roman economy and society at the end of Antiquity. Two of the analysed accounts (Historia religiosa by Theodoretus of Cyrhus and Apophthegmata Patrum) refer to the insolvency of tax payers. In such cases, the leaders of local communities (we often see famous monks, but hardly ever secular priests, in such roles) would sometimes travel to the capital in order to ask the imperial court for a partial tax relief, for prolongation of the payment deadline or even for a total tax remission. Thus we read in the analysed records about overdue taxes burdening the coloni (tenant farmers) or about the poll tax borne by hermits and monks, who in the 5th century were still considered secular people by the law makers (hence the aversion of local tax collectors to granting them tax immunities). The last record analysed, an account by Cyril of Scythopolis (Vitae monachorum Palaestinae), refers to actions undertaken to annul the tax arrears due from Palestine, which was in ruins at the time as a result of the Samaritan uprising (529-530).
Studia Gdańskie; 2018, 43; 87-95
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gdańskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Winnica eremity Saby. Uwagi na temat Vita Hilarionis (17, 26-27) autorstwa Hieronima ze Strydonu
The Vineyard of Saba the Eremite. Some remarks on Vita Hilarionis (17, 26-27), by Jerome
Milewski, Ireneusz
Data publikacji:
Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne
Hieronim ze Strydonu
późna starożytność
monastycyzm wczesnobizantyński
gospodarka wczesnobizantyńska
hagiografia wczesnobizantyńska
Jerome of Stridon
late antiquity
early Byzantine monasticism
early Byzantine economy
early Byzantine hagiography
Tekst dotyczy krótkiego passusu w Vita Hilarionis, w którym Hieronim opisuje wizytę bohatera swego dzieła w skupiskach palestyńskich eremitów. Hieronim zestawia dwa skrajne przypadki: mnicha skąpego (którego imię celowo przemilcza) oraz mnicha szczodrego o imieniu Saba, który ugościł przybyszy częstując ich winogronami, owocem pracy całego skupiska mnichów. Hieronim podaje przy tej okazji informacje o możliwym do uzyskania zbiorze winogron. Jednakże dane te, zarówno liczba mnichów uczestniczących w opisywanym zdarzeniu jak też liczby określające szacowaną i rzeczywistą wielkość zbioru, deprecjonują wartość poznawczą przekazu. Hieronim dla ich określenia zastosował wartości topiczne.
The remarks in the text refer to a short passus in the Vita Hilarionis, in which Jerome describes visits of his protagonist to two clusters of Palestinian eremites who owned vineyards. Jerome juxtaposes two extreme instances: a mean monk (whose name he intentionally omits) and a generous monk called Saba, occasionally providing information on the forecasted harvest of grapes. However, the numbers he quotes (both in terms of the number of monks participating in the described event and of the numbers stipulating the estimated and actual size of the harvest) do reduce the cognitive value of the account. Jerome used topical values to define them.
Studia Gdańskie; 2018, 42; 79-86
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gdańskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pieniądz w Vita Porphyrii episcopi Gazensis pióra Marka Diakona
Money in Vita Porphyrii episcopi gazensis by Marc the Deacon
Milewski, Ireneusz
Data publikacji:
Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne
antyczne chrześcijaństwo
ekonomia późnego Cesarstwa Rzymskiego
wczesne Bizancjum
biskup palestyńskiej Gazy
Marek Diakon
hagiografia wczesnobizantyńska
Ancient Christianity
economy of the Later Roman Empire
early Byzantium
bishop of Palestynian Gaza
Marc the Deacon
early Byzantine hagiography
W tekście przeprowadzono analizę relacji dotyczących pieniądza jakie pojawiają się w Vita Porphyrii episcopi Gazensis. W dziele Marka Diakona pieniądz pojawia się w kilku kontekstach, a mianowicie w działalności biskupstwa w Gazie, jako darowizny otrzymane przez palestyńskie Kościoły od dworu cesarskiego w Konstantynopolu (od cesarza Arkadiusza i jego żony Aelii Eudoksji) oraz pieniądza rozdawanego w ramach działalności dobroczynnej. Niestety w Vita Porphyrii nie odnajdujemy informacji na temat ówczesnych cen i płac. Wątpliwa jest również wartość poznawcza tego tekstu, także w kwestii zasadności wymienianych w nim sum pieniężnych.
The paper analyses the reports regarding money which appear in the Vita Porphyrii episcopi gazensis. In the work of Marc the Deacon, money appears in several contexts: as involved in various activities of the bishoprics in Gaza; as a donation to a church given by the imperial court (the emperor Arcadius and his wife the empress Aelia Eudoxia); and as sums donated to charity (also by the bishopric of Gaza). However, in Vita Porphyri we find no information about the prices and wages of the time. Another problem is the credibility of the reports when it comes to the amounts of money mentioned. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to verify their credibility with any degree of certainty.
Studia Gdańskie; 2017, 40; 35-42
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gdańskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-9 z 9

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