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Władza komunistyczna wobec duszpasterstwa polonijnego prowadzonego przez zakony męskie
The Communist Authorities vs. Pastorate Conducted by Male Religious Orders for the Polish Community Abroad
Zamiatała, Dominik
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
zakony męskie
duszpasterstwo polonijne
polityka wyznaniowa PRL
men's orders
Polish community abroad pastorate
denominational policies of the Polish People's Republic
The Communist authorities included pastorate conducted by male orders and congregations for the Polish community abroad in the domain of political actions against the Catholic Church in Poland. In the first years after the Second World War the Communists, who wanted to keep appearances of good relations with the Church, allowed monks to go abroad and work in Polish communities there. Their approach to this issue changed in the Stalinist times, when they were more interested in re-emigration of Poles to Poland than in Polish clergy going abroad. Such an approach presented by the Warsaw authorities resulted in dissatisfaction among Poles living abroad. A lack of Polish priests in the emigration centers resulted in priests of other nationalities taking over Polish parishes. Requests and petitions for priests from Poland filed by various Polish organizations to the Polish authorities had no effect. They were simply ignored. At the beginning of the 1960s the situation changed; the authorities agreed to allow monks to leave, however, under some strictly defined conditions; permits to leave depended on meeting these conditions. It was only in the 1970s and 1980s that the Communists' policies towards Polish pastorate abroad changed completely. The Warsaw authorities, realizing the aversion most members of Polish communities abroad had to the Polish People's Republic, tried to use monks going abroad for their own goals and aspirations. This is why they were monitored by diplomatic posts abroad, seminars were organized for monks leaving Poland to work with Poles abroad, and meetings were arranged in Wilanów for those who came to Poland to spend their holidays here. Going abroad to work there was not hindered, and in certain situations some congregations were even encouraged to send their monks to conduct pastorate in Polish communities. Also the security services were interested in the involvement of religious orders in Polish pastorate abroad.
Studia Polonijne; 2012, 33; 27-55
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Opieka duszpasterska nad Polakami w Harbinie
Pastoral Care for Poles in Harbin
Szymański, Józef
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Polacy w Chinach
Parafia pw. św. Stanisława Bpa w Harbinie
duszpasterstwo polonijne
Poles in China
St Stanislaus Bishop Parish in Harbin
pastoral care of the Polish community abroad
Polacy zaczęli osiedlać się w Harbinie od 1897 r. Przybyli tam w składzie wysłanej przez rząd carski pierwszej ekspedycji technicznej dla wytyczenia linii Kolei Wschodniochińskiej (około 7 tys. Polaków). Od samego początku podejmowali oni starania o przybycie do ich społeczności polskiego kapłana. W 1901 r. oficerowie i żołnierze będący Polakami zwrócili się do władz z prośbą o zgodę na budowę kościoła. Na urządzenie kaplicy katolickiej dla Polaków przydzielono wówczas dom należący do Straży Pogranicznej. 30 maja 1904 r. władze przydzieliły plac pod budowę kościoła. W posługę zaangażowali się księża: P.P. Bulwicz, A. Szpiganowicz, S. Ławrynowicz, A. Maczuk. 1 sierpnia 1909 r. abp Jan Cieplak dokonał poświęcenia nowego kościoła i ustanowił proboszczem parafii polskiej w Harbinie ks. Władysława Ostrowskiego. Kolejno do pracy duszpasterskiej zaangażowali się księża: A. Eysymontt, W. Mi[e]rzwiński, R. Wierzejski, W. Zborowski, A. Leszczewicz i P. Chodniewicz. Dołączyli do nich ojcowie franciszkanie: Maurus Kluge i Paulin Wilczyński, od 1925 r. Gerard Piotrowski i od 1941 r. o. Gracjan Kołodziejczyk (do 1957 r.). Kapłani obsługiwali również kościoły filialne, wybudowane, zorganizowane przez Polaków, przeważnie wzdłuż linii kolejowej (2 lub 3 razy do roku, w przeciągu całych dziesiątków lat). Głównym centrum życia religijnego i kulturalnego polskiej społeczności w Harbinie była parafia pw. św. Stanisława Biskupa. Rozwój życia religijnego i kulturalnego ośrodka parafialnego związany był z pracą duszpasterską ks. Ostrowskiego, który zainicjował przy kościele powstanie Towarzystwa św. Wincentego à Paulo, Szkoły Początkowej im. św. Wincentego à Paulo, ochronki dla najbiedniejszych dzieci, polskiego Gimnazjum Koedukacyjnego im. Henryka Sienkiewicza, biblioteki parafialnej. Od 1922 r. wydawał „Tygodnik Polski”. Zainicjował budowę drugiego polskiego kościoła na tzw. Przystani pw. św. Jozafata, gdzie proboszczem został ks. A. Leszczewicz, również przy tej parafii utworzono szkółkę początkową. Zorganizował pierwszy na azjatyckiej ziemi kongres katolicki polskiej parafii. Od 1946 r. kościoły i pozostały majątek ośrodków parafialnych przejęły władze chińskie. W 1959 r. świątynię przejęło Patriotyczne Stowarzyszenie Katolików Chińskich, w 1966 r. kościół uległ dewastacji. Z czasem dokonano w nim przeróbek i umieszczono szkołę. W 2004 r. odrestaurowano, jako świątynię pw. Najświętszego Serca Pana Jezusa.
Poles began to settle in Harbin in 1897. They arrived there as part of the first technical expedition (about 7,000 Poles) sent by the Tsarist government to mark out the East China Railway line. From the very beginning they made efforts to bring a Polish priest to their community. In 1901 Polish officers and soldiers turned to the authorities asking for permission to build a church. The Catholic chapel for Poles was organised in the building belonging to the Border Guards. On 30 May 1904 the authorities assigned a square for the construction of the church. The priests involved in the ministry were: P.P. Bulwicz, A. Szpiganowicz, S. Ławrynowicz, A. Maczuk. On 1 August 1909 Archbishop Jan Cieplak consecrated the new church and appointed Rev Władysław Ostrowski the parish priest of the Polish parish in Harbin. The following priests engaged in pastoral work: A. Eysymontt, W. Mi[e]rzwiński, R. Wierzejski, W. Zborowski, A. Leszczewicz and P. Chodniewicz. They were joined by the Franciscan friars: Maurus Kluge and Paulin Wilczyński, from 1925 Gerard Piotrowski, and from 1941 Gracjan Kołodziejczyk (until 1957). The priests also served branch churches erected and organised by Poles, mostly along the railway line (2 or 3 times a year, over entire decades). The main centre of the religious and cultural life of the Polish community in Harbin was St. Stanislaus Bishop Parish. The development of the religious and cultural life of the parish was associated with the pastoral work of Rev Ostrowski, who initiated the creation of St Vincent de Paul Society, St Vincent de Paul Basic School, an orphanage for the poorest children, Henryk Sienkiewicz Junior High School for Poles and a parish library. From 1922 he had been publishing the weekly “Tygodnik Polski”. He initiated the construction of the second Polish church at so-called St Josaphat Harbour. Its parish priest was Rev A. Leszczewicz. He organised the first Catholic congress of the Polish parish on the Asian soil. A basic school was also created at this parish. In 1946, the churches and other assets of the parishes were taken over by the Chinese authorities. In 1959 the temple was taken over by the Patriotic Association of Chinese Catholics, but in 1966 the church fell into ruin. Over time, it was adapted to house a school. In 2004 it was renovated as a temple dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Studia Polonijne; 2017, 38; 37-59
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wacław Tokarek - W Służbie Jednego Kościoła
Rev. Wacław Tokarek - In the service of one Church
Szymański, Józef
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Ks. Tokarek Wacław
duszpasterstwo polonijne
redaktor „Słowo Katolickie”
„Słowo Polskie”
„Polska Wierna”
Rev. Wacław Tokarek
chaplaincy of the Polish community abroad
an editor of „Słowo Katolickie
„Słowo Polskie
„Polska Wierna
Rev. Wacław Tokarek was a priest of the Archdiocese of Łódź. He was born on January 15, 1914 in Łódź. On August 15, 1936 he was ordained a priest by Bishop W. Jasiński. On October 6, 1941 he was arrested by the Gestapo in Pabianice. He was imprisoned at Dachau concentration camp. He worked for the Poles in Munich and the region near this city. He was an editor of, among others, "Słowo Katolickie", "Słowo Polskie". In 1950 he went to France, where he edited the magazine: "Polska Wierna" and "Słowo Katolickie". He helped in pastoral work in Paris. In 1969 he returned to Germany, where he settled permanently. On 1 November 1970 he became a parish priest of the Polish Catholic Mission in Dortmund. He died there on July 2, 1990. Immediately after the liberation of the camp, he began ministering to his countrymen. By sharing their wanderer’s fate through the written word, he provided opportunities to protect the language, culture and customs learnt in the family home. The documents cited below exemplify his pastoral struggle in the service of  God, the Church and the country.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2015, 103; 273-284
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kontakty polonijnego duszpasterza ks. Wawrzyńca Wnuka z Polską
Contacts between Rev. Wawrzyniec Wnuk, a priest working in the Polish community abroad, and Poland
Walkusz, Jan
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Polonia kanadyjska
duszpasterstwo polonijne
duchowieństwo emigracyjne
kontakty polsko-kanadyjskie
Polish community in Canada
Polish pastorate abroad
emigrant clergy
Polish-Canadian contacts
The present article is an attempt at illustrating the relations of the emigration priest with his home country in the span of over 60 years. Rev. Warzyniec Wnuk, a non-compromising priest and indeed a heroic organizer of Polish emigration circles, when he was freed from a concentration camp he first worked in Germany, and then in the USA and Canada. After establishing his legal-ecclesiastic status, in order to revive the social life of the Polish emigrants, brought Ursuline Sisters of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus to Windsor (Ontario, Canada). Along with them he organized yearly trips to Poland, where he met several friendly bishops, supporting financially their investment projects; he also supported Polish cultural-academic institutions (including the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, the Mikołaj Kopernik University of Toruń and specialist clinics) and he established funds and stipends for Polish students and scholars; and after marshal law was imposed on Poland he established a special Fund for Aid to Poland. He also organized two official visits by Canadian bishops in Poland – Bishop Emmett Carter, the Chairman of the Episcopate of Canada in 1977, and Bishop John M. Sherlock, the Ordinary of the London Diocese in 1998. Rev. W. Wnuk spent most of his life in Canada, but still he was interested in Poland all the time; he felt Poland, thought and acted like a Pole and did it for Poland.
Roczniki Historii Kościoła; 2011, 3; 133-146
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Historii Kościoła
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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