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Koncepcja podkultury przemocy a wyjaśnianie przestępczości agresywnej
The subculture of violence thesis and explaining violent criminal behavior
Krajewski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
przestępczość agresywna
pojęcie kulturowe
brutalny przestępca
zachowanie jednostek
aggressive crime
concept cultural
violent criminal
individuals behavior
This article dears with some problems related to application of Wolfgang’s and Ferracuti's subculture of violence theory explanation of violent criminal behaviour. Wolfgang and Ferracuti adopted in their concept cultural  approach to explanation of crime in general, and violent crime in  particular. Doing so, they rejected openly usefulness in this particular area of Merton’s anomie theory. They adopted so-called normative theory of culture, when means that they understand under the term culture a normative system consisting of values, norms and behavioral patterns, which exert pressure over individuals being under their influence, what results in uniformity of human behaviour. Application of this concept in criminology means that there may exist specific normative systems containing such values and norms which may lead individuals influenced by them to criminal behaviour. In other words it means, that when we observe within certain social group high criminality rates, higher than the average ones in a given society we may explain  them in terms of  the specific features of the culture of this group. This way of thinking is not totally new in American criminological literature. The best example of it constitutes W.B. Miller’s concept of flower-class culture as a generating milieu of gang delinquency. Wolfgang and Ferracuti claim that disproportionately high rates of violent crimes among and members of American lower-class (especially members of ethnic minorities) result from specific subculture existing within this social group, which they call subculture of violence. This subculture is the specific normative system which is characterized by tolerance and permissiveness which respect to the use of violence in interpersonal relations. The use of violence is  perceived by members of such subculture as something normal and natural, they do not consider it as either illegal or immoral. On the contrary, violent people showing physical prowess and readiness of high enjoy many social rewards, high social status and prestige. People who do not conform to the requirements of such subculture face many troubles within their groups, including even possible ostracism.             Wolfgang's and Ferracuti's concept contains evidently two separate layers. The first one, sociological, deals with subculture of violence as a social phenomenon and the problems related to the existence, functioning and transmission of violence related norms and values within society. The concept of subculture itself plays here a key role. The second one, psychological, deals with psychological consequences for the individuals of being under influence of such subcultural ethos. The main concern here are changes in attitudes and ways of perceiving environment resulting from the adoption of subcultural values, which one observes among violent people. These two layers are connected by very important thesis that aggression and violence constitute learned behaviour deeply internalised in the personalities of individuals. As it was said before subculture of violence thesis was conceived by Wolfgang and Ferracuti primarily to explain excessively high rates of violent crime among members of American lower class. But they point out as well to other examples of such subcultures as for example barbaricino code in Sardinia, customary vendetta in Albanova district in Italy, Colombian violencia or ,,criminal tribes'' in India. All  this means that they treat their concept as a broader integrated criminological theory of violent criminal behaviour not limited to specific American context.      One can point out to many attempts in the USA at empirical verification of the violent subculture thesis. First of all it is necessary to mention researches done by S. Ball-Rokeach and H. Erlanger. They attempted to verify Wolfgang's and Ferracuti's claims that there must exist significant differences in value systems and attitudes towards the use of violence between violent and non-violent persons, and that people who engage very often in violent incidents enjoy within their communities many social rewards including high status and prestige. The subculture of violence thesis was also used to explain a well-known in the American literature phenomenon of excessively high rates of violent crimes, especially homicides in the southern states. Among attempts at cultural explanations of this phenomenon one can point out first of all to contributions by Hackney, Gastill and Erlanger as well. All mentioned above researches hardly brought conclusive results. They involve many methodological shortcomings' and generally speaking seem to be too simply conceived, using too crude tools to pretend to be real tests of the subculture of violence thesis. This concept still awaits real, comprehensive attempt at empirical verification.             When evaluating Wolfgang's and Ferracuti's concept from the theoretical point of view one has to start from the proposition which seems - as it was said before-to constitute the core of the entire concept: aggression and violence constitute learned behaviour. At this moment it is easy to observe similarity with E. D. Sutherland's differential association theory. Sutherland was speaking about conflict between criminal and non-criminal cultures. Existence of this conflict made it possible for an individual to have contacts with patterns of both criminal and law-abiding behaviour.  Prevalence of one of them in the immediate environment of the individual decided about its future behavior. Very similarly Wolfgang and Ferracuti speak about the conflict between dominant culture (which they call non-violent culture) and subculture (which they call subculture of violence). This conflict makes possible differential association in the Sutherland’s meaning of the term. There is however one important difference. Sutherland, as it is well know, was strongly influenced in his thinking by G. H. Mead’s symbolic interactionism and sociology of Ch. H. Cooley, what resulted in particular attention paid to the primary social groups  and direct interaction. For Sutherland the process of learning criminal behaviour could take place only by means of direct interaction within primary social groups. It is not easy to interpret Wolfgang’s and Ferracuti’s theory with respect to this problem, as they are not very explicit within the subculture. It makes it necessary to  carry out a more detailed analysis of what they understand under the term subculture. They say on the one hand that the concept of subculture is strictly connected with the concept of social group. It seems however that this last concept they understand very broadly, when they say that individuals  sharing certain values, norms and behavioral patterns constitute social  groups. This means that under the term subculture they understand just individuals sharing particular norms and values, at least partly distinct from those existing in the dominant culture. This means as well that such sharing of values does not require direct interaction between individuals. It leads finally to a very important statement that subculture may exist widely dispersed spatially. It is necessary to underline that such understanding of the term subculture is not totally alien even to the contemporary adherents  of symbolic interactionism. An article by A. Fine and S. Kleinman constitutes clear example. The essence of this approach is an attempt to avoid ,,reification’’-as above authors call it-of the concept of subculture, what means equaling it with certain social structure, in other words social group. It seems however that one should not press this point of view to the extreme. Interpretation of the meaning of the term culture in terms of individuals behaviour is quite popular in social anthropology, to mention only R. Linton. But it may lead also to certain consequences absurd from sociological and behaviour point of view. It may mean that if somebody behaves in a certain way, he adheres to certain norms and values of which his behaviour is a result. If not, it means that he  does not adhere to them. In fact, it is a great simplification from the point of view of the mechanisms of human behaviour. In such a situation the concept of subculture lacks clear empirical meaning and loses its explaining potential. It seem  that Wolgang's and Ferracuti's stance results from a very individualistic approach paying attention only to the relation culture-individual, while neglecting a very important one: culture-social group.  Very helpful in solving presented above problems may be more detailed analysis of the psychological mechanisms of learning. What is interesting is that Wolfgang and Ferracuti do not go into details with respect to this, and mention only eventual usefulness of either Eysenck's or Bandura’s concepts. This lust one seems to be particularly suitable for the purposes of interpreting subculture of violence concept. Bandura's concepts of observational learning, as well as clear distinction between learning and performance, and analysis of the process of learning from three separate points of view, i.e. acquisition mechanisms instigation mechanism and maintenance mechanisms may be here particularly useful. It means that subculture of violence supplies to individual patterns of violence and aggression which are observed, memorized and in this way learned. It is also obvious that these patterns are not supplied by abstract subculture itself, but by behaviour of other individuals in the immediate environment. It is clear however that there are no people who behave constantly violently, what Wolfgang and Ferracuti admit, but do not elaborate on it. Learned violent patterns may result in violent behaviour only sometimes, when they meet necessary instigating stimuli. They may become more consistent and durable behavioral patterns only when necessary maintaining mechanisms come into being. It is obvious that subculture of violence may, serve as the supplier of both instigating and maintaining mechanisms. Especially these last may be very important. Bandura provides a very important distinction between internal and external control of human behaviour .Internal control means rewards, reinforcements coming from the individual's self. Here internalized values and norms come into action and play on important role. Behaviour, being in accordance with them brings satisfaction to the individual. This aspect of maintaining mechanisms constiutes main subject for Wolfgang and Ferracuti. But there is another one: external control, reinforcements, rewards coming from social environment, from social groups. Wolfgang and Ferracuti pay less attention or almost none to this aspect, because to analyse it one has to connect the meaning of the term subculture with the term social group, what they refuse to do. External control can not be an attribute of subculture itself. It is the function of groups. When one recognizes that subcultural system may be analysed only as a normative system of given- social groups, the possible influence of it becomes much broader. In such an interpretation subcultural influence is not limited only to mechanisms of internal control. Individuals may behave violently because they receive many external rewards for such behaviour. Because of this violent behaviour does not have necessarily to bring special satisfaction to the individual. Such behaviour may result from well known in social psychology mechanisms of group pressure and conformity with group standards.    In sum, it seems to be very profitable to use Bandura’s social learning theory to interpret and to broaden Wolfgang's and Ferracuti’s subculture of violence thesis. It is necesary of course to modify their use of the term subculture and connect it strictly with social structures and groups. In such a situation subcultural influence from the psychological point of view may not be limited to the mechanisms of internal control but extended to the external control by social groups, -what makes possible application of the theory as a theory of violent behaviour in general.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1987, XIV; 7-42
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Атрибутивные коллокации, как источник языковой экспликации концепта „любовь” в русском лингвокультурологическом пространстве
Attributive collocations as a source of linguistic explication of the concept „love inRussian linguistic and cultural space
Sitarski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
linguistic and cultural space
linguistic consciousness
sphere of concepts
The aim of the study is to present attributive adjectival collocations, categorizing the concept ”love” in contemporary Russian linguistic and cultural space. On the basis of semantic analysis of 130 excerpted exemplary collocations it must be stated that the realization of the concept under discussion within the analyzed language units is the result of crossing of the concept „love” with the concepts „space”, „time” and „values”, which have their semantic realization in the collocations under study. It should be emphasized that the analysis of semantics of specified collocations would not be possible without paying attention to a human being - his emotional and spiritual world, system of standards and values, as well as the feeling of love. That is why an anthropocentric paradigm has been taken into consideration in the description of the excerpted linguistic material.
Acta Polono-Ruthenica; 2016, 1, XXI; 89-97
Pojawia się w:
Acta Polono-Ruthenica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Константы и переменные культуры в языковом пространстве украинских медиа
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski
cultural marker
media communication
semantics of word
communicative status of word
The article deals with the question if the categories of “constant” are “variables” in a projection on media communication. Status of these categories in science, their features in a natural-science and human comprehension are examined. Constants and variable units of culture are analyzed in their dynamic development. Media communication is interpreted in the context of representation of mass language awareness through the active processes of language development. The author pays attention to the invariance of cultural constants in the media, their certain semantic and functional diffusion in relation to the variable units of culture in media communication.
Stylistyka; 2015, 24; 249-260
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Album dwupłytowy w muzyce rockowej
The double album in rock music
Gornat, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Narodowe Centrum Kultury
album dwupłytowy
tekst kultury
forma fonograficzna
double album
cultural text
audio format
Tekst jest próbą analizy fenomenu podwójnego albumu jako znaczącego formatu LP i CD w muzyce rockowej. Rozpoczyna się definicją podwójnego albumu i krótkim omówieniem głównych powodów jego pojawienia się w przemyśle muzycznym. Następnie zawiera przegląd głównych typów podwójnego albumu. Można wyróżnić cztery specyficzne rodzaje tego formatu: podwójny album komplementarny, koncepcyjny album dwupłytowy, podwójny album koncertowy oraz przekrojowy album kompilacyjny. Oprócz tych szeroko rozpowszechnionych typów istnieje również kilka interesujących podkategorii. Najczęstszymi pokrewnymi formami są tak zwane albumy towarzyszące, które w jakiś sposób są powiązane z głównym albumem, ale zostały wydane oddzielnie (czasami w tym samym czasie). Autor koncentruje się na motywach powstania podwójnego albumu i krytycznie omawia jego niektóre elementy jako tekstu kulturowego. Najtrudniejszy element w tworzeniu podwójnego albumu to oczywiście muzyczna i tekstowa realizacja jego koncepcji, ale są też problemy z występami na żywo wydanymi na klasycznych podwójnych albumach. Ostatnia część tekstu odpowiada na pytania o obecny status i uzasadnienie istnienia podwójnych albumów w epoce zdominowanej przez cyfrowe formaty audio i streaming.
This text analyses the phenomenon of the double album as a significant LP and CD format in rock music. It commences with a definition of the double set and a brief discussion of the main reasons for its use in the music industry. The paper provides an overview of the principal types of the double album: double complementary album, double concept album, double live set and double compilation. In addition to these four most popular categories, there are also several interesting subtypes of this format. The most common are companion pieces – albums associated with and complementing each other even though packaged and released separately (sometimes at the same time). The author also focuses on the motives behind the formation of a double album, offering a brief critical discussion of certain shortcomings of this cultural text. Naturally, the greatest challenge in the making of a double album is to express its concept through music and lyrics; however, certain problems may also be identified in the case of live performances released on classic double sets. The final section addresses the questions of the present status of the double album and the rationale for its existence in an age dominated by digital audio formats and streaming.
Kultura Współczesna. Teoria. Interpretacje. Praktyka; 2022, 119, 3; 34-45
Pojawia się w:
Kultura Współczesna. Teoria. Interpretacje. Praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
В погоне за жар-птицей… Языковая объективация концепта ДУША в казахской, русской и польской лингвокультурах
In Pursuit of the Fire Bird... Language Objectivization of the SOUL Concept in Kazakh, Russian and Polish Linguocultures
NDiaye, Iwona Anna
Mussatayeva, Manatkul
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
linguistic consciousness
Kazakh language
Russian language
Polish language
cultural component
linguistic culture
This article explores the concept of the SOUL based on slang and prison culture. The starting point for the argument is the belief that the soul symbolizes the man and his inner being (from the presence of high moral and ethical qualities to statements of spiritual death) in all cultures, as evidenced by the presence of a large number of phraseological and paremiological units with identical values. The purpose of the study is to consider and characterize the linguistic objectification of the concept of the soul. The conducted comparative analysis allows us to conclude that the perception of this concept among the Slavic and Turkic peoples is largely matching. The concept of the soul in all comparable languages is multilayered, in which cognitive traits are reflected, corresponding to the semantic components of the tokens representing it. The presented variety of semantic and conceptual variations facilitates the modelling of a wide interpretation field of this concept.
Acta Neophilologica; 2020, XXII/2; 67-82
Pojawia się w:
Acta Neophilologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Education Process Digitalization in Sociocultural Activity Managers’ Training
Lubarets, Vladislava
Pavlenko, Dmitro
Litvinova, Tetyana
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
vocational training
future manager of socio-cultural activity
information and educational environment
institutions of higher educationIntroduction
The process of the future sociocultural activity managers’ professional training under the conditions of information and educational environment in the higher education institutions is recreational-aesthetic and psychological-rehabilitative restoration of the future specialists’ intellectual and professional potential, which can be effectively applied in the different spheres of life.
Journal of Education, Technology and Computer Science; 2020, 11, 1(31); 30-35
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education, Technology and Computer Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ключове слово як національно- культурний мовний компонент: лінгвокогнітивний вимір
Keyword as a national-cultural linguistic component: the linguo-cognitive dimension
Havrylenko-Rusak, Vitaliia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
ключове слово
національно-культурний мовний компонент
мовна картина світу
national-cultural linguistic component
linguistic picture of the world
Стаття присвячена проблемі визначення функційно-семантичної кваліфікації ключового слова як національно-культурного мовного компонента. Визначено, що в художніх текстах реалізуються ознакові параметри національно-культурних компонентів через словесне оточення із включенням ключових слів. Підкреслено, що в системі Автор-Текст-Читач мовно-культурні, ментальні ознаки є визначальним чинником поетичної системи мовомислення. Доведено, що ключові слова, що містять у своєму смислі національно-культурний компонент, кристалізують у собі сенси, закладені авторськими інтенціями, узагальнюючи смислові й образотвірні категорії. Відзначено, що вивчення функційності ключових слів як національно-культурного мовного компоненту, спрямувань їхнього лінгвокогнітивного впливу на передтекст, післятекст, підтекст художнього твору входить до актуальних парадигм текстотворення, що потребує подальшого мовностилістичного аналізу та інтерпретації. Визначено закономірності використання ключових слів із національно-культурним мовним компонентом у художніх текстах сучасних українських письменників.
The article is devoted to the problem of determining the functional-semantic qualification of a key word as a national-cultural linguistic component. It was determined that the characteristic features of the national-cultural components are realized in the artistic texts through the verbal environment with the inclusion of key words. It is emphasized that in the Author-Text-Reader system, linguistic, cultural, and mental features are a determining factor of the poetic system of linguistic thinking. It has been proved that key words containing a national-cultural component in their meaning clarify the meanings laid down by the author's intentions, generalizing semantic and pictorial categories. It is observed that the study of the functionality of key words as national-cultural linguistic components, the directions of their linguistic-cognitive influence on the pretext, posttext, and subtext of an artistic work is part of the current paradigms of text creation, which requires further linguistic and stylistic analysis and interpretation. The regularities of the use of keywords with a national-cultural linguistic component in the artistic texts of contemporary Ukrainian writers have been determined.
Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia; 2023, 11; 11-21
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-7 z 7

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