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Да гісторыі ўжывання слоў талерантнасць, памяркоўнасць і цярплівасць у беларускай мове. Дыяхранічны аспект
To the history of the use of the words tolerance, reasona-bleness, patience in Belarusian language. Diachronic aspect
Kozłowska-Doda, Jadwiga
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Belarusian language
cognitive definition
The Author of the article is taking over the meaning of the words талерантнасць (eng. tolerance), памяркоўнасць (eng. reasonableness), цярплівасць (eng. patience), which are used for the description of the term tolerance in Belarusian language. The Author is looking after its appearance at the Belarusian language dictionaries, analyzing its etymology, comparing synonyms, antonyms and hyperonyms. At the same time the Author specifies the time range of specific changes of the form and content. It is necessary to pay attention to the question concerning to the subject of tolerance from a concrete person whose characteristic features are: the acceptance of other people, kindness, understanding, appreciation and respect towards other people, social groups (especially religious and national), up to the characteristics of abstract conceptions, ideas. On the other hand I should admit the absence at the vocabulary database of the content ‘understanding and respect for the different sexual orientation groups’, which begins to appear just at modern texts at the tern of the XX and the XXI century (so text researches as analyses of the questionnaires which will be carried out among Belarusian youth will be done by the Author in the nearest feature). At the Belarusian language dictionaries nation is minimally characterized by the concept tolerance (refers to the joint subject). At the article the Author has used the methodology of cognitive definition, proposed by Jerzy Bartminski.
Acta Polono-Ruthenica; 2019, 3, XXIV; 19-34
Pojawia się w:
Acta Polono-Ruthenica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Semantyka ZDROWIA w języku białoruskim: analiza danych systemowych
HEALTH Semantics in Belarusian: System Data Analysis
Семантыка ЗДАРОЎЯ ў беларускай мове: аналіз сістэмных даных
Kozłowska-Doda, Jadwiga
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Lingwistyki Stosowanej. Katedra Białorutenistyki
linguistic image of the world
system data
cognitive definition
contemporary Belarusian language
językowy obraz świat
dane systemowe
współczesny język białoruski
definicja kognitywna
моўная карціна свету
сістэмныя даныя
сучасная беларуская мова
кагнітыўная дэфініцыя
The article presents a fragment of the reconstruction of the image of HEALTH in the modern Belarusian language. It is planned to identify the maximum complex of meanings of the concept of HEALTH using the cognitive definition developed by Jerzy Bartminski. The integral cognitive definition arises on the basis of the analysis of three types of data: systemic (lexicographic), empirical (obtained by survey) and textual. This publication contains the results of the analysis of the system data. The author uses obtainable lexicographic works from the field of Belarusian linguistics. Explanatory dictionaries in the meaning of HEALTH pri¬marily emphasize the physical state of the body, the mental state appears in examples, it can be deduced from them but it is absent in the definition. In lexicographic publications, other nuances of the meaning of the word also appear, for example, ‘healthy’ as ‘big, strong, sturdy’. However, etymological studies unambiguously show that the adjective ‘healthy’ originally meant 'tree’, 'good, healthy as a tree'. Etymologists convince us that initially the word characterized the tree as 'strong, hardy, not sick, healthy’, later it expanded its meaning to humans and animals. As follows from the proverbs and beliefs of Belarusians, health is a gift from God – it can be both good and weak, only in modern lexicographic data it is possible to find examples of human actions aimed at securing a good state of health, e. g. physical culture, a sober lifestyle, etc.
Artykuł jest częścią rekonstrukcji językowego obrazu ZDROWIA we współczesnym języku białoruskim. Odtworzenia pojęcia autorka zamierza dokonać za pomocą definicji kognitywnej, opracowanej przez Jerzego Bartmińskiego. Holistyczna definicja kognitywna jest budowana w oparciu o trzy typy danych: systemowych (leksykograficznych), ankietowych i tekstowych. W niniejszej publikacji dokonano analizy danych systemowych. W tym celu wykorzystano dostępne prace leksykograficzne z zakresu językoznawstwa białoruskiego. Słowniki objaśniające definiują ZDROWIE głównie poprzez komponent fizyczny organizmu, komponent psychiczny pojawia się na marginesie. Dane leksykograficzne dostarczają także innych znaczeń, np. zdrowy ‘duży, silny, krzepki’. Badania etymologiczne przynoszą jednak dane, które jednoznacznie przekonują, że to zdrowy pierwotnie oznaczało ‘drzewo’ ‘dobry, zdrowy niby drzewo’. Etymologowie twierdzą, że pierwotnie wyraz charakteryzował drzewo ‘pełen sił, krzepki, niechory, zdrowy’, dopiero później rozszerzył znaczenie na ludzi i zwierzęta. Jak wynika z przysłów i wierzeń Białorusinów zdrowie jest darem od Boga – zarówno dobry stan, jak słaby (добрае здароўе, слабое здароўе), a dane współczesne przynoszą przykłady działań ludzkich w celu utrzymania dobrego stanu zdrowia, np. uprawiać sport, unikać alkoholu, palenia itd.
Артыкул з’яўляецца фрагментам рэканструкцыі моўнай карціны ЗДАРОЎЯ ў сучаснай беларускай мове. Пры дапамозе кагнітыўнай дэфініцыі, якую распрацаваў Ежы Бартмінскі, плануецца выявіць максімальны комплекс значэнняў паняцця ЗДАРОЎЕ. Інтэгральная кагнітыўная дэфініцыя паўстае на базе аналізу трох тыпаў даных: сістэмных (лексікаграфічных), эмпірычных (атрыманых шляхам апытання) і тэкставых. У дадзенай публікацыі змешчаны вынікі аналізу сістэмных даных. Аўтарка выкарыстоўвае даступныя лексікаграфічныя працы з галіны беларускага мовазнаўства. Тлумачальныя слоўнікі ў значэнні ЗДАРОЎЯ ў першую чаргу падкрэсліваюць фізічны стан арганізма, псіхічны стан выступае ў прыкладах, яго можна з іх вывесці, але ён адсутнічае ў дэфініцыі. У лексікаграфічных выданнях выступаюць таксама іншыя адценні значэння слова, напр. здаровы ‘вялікі, сільны, дужы’. Аднак этымалагічныя даследаванні адназначна пераконваюць, што прыметнік здаровы першасна абазначаў ‘дрэва’, ‘добры, здаровы як дрэва’. Этымолагі лічаць, што першапачаткова слова характарызавала дрэва ‘сільны, моцны, не хворы, здаровы’, пазней – пашырыла значэнне на чалавека і жывёл. Як вынікае з прыказак і вераванняў беларусаў, здароўе – гэта дар ад Бога – можа быць і добрае, і слабое, толькі ў сучасных лексікаграфічных даных можна знайсці прыклады дзеянняў чалавека накіраваных на прафілактыку добрага стану здароўя, напр. фізічная культура, цвярозы лад жыцця і г. д.
Acta Albaruthenica; 2021, 21; 177-190
Pojawia się w:
Acta Albaruthenica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Представление о РОДИНЕ жителей белорусско-польско-литовского культурно-языкового пограничья (на материале польских периферийных говоров)
Imagination of the HOMELAND of the inhabitants of the Belarusian-Polish-Lithuanian cultural and linguistic borderland (based on the material of Polish peripheral dialects)
Kozłowska-Doda, Jadwiga
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Belarusian-Polish-Lithuanian Borderland
Polish peripheral dialects
cognitive definition
oral history
белорусско-польско-литовское пограничье
польские периферийные говоры
когнитивная дефиниция
устная история
The article discusses the concept of HOMELAND based on the material of Polish peripheral dialects on the territory of Voronovo district, Belarus. As a context, the author used selected dictionaries of other researchers of the “Polish language of Borderlands” in the Belarusian-Polish-Lithuanian borderlands, narratives of the inhabitants of the Myadel region (Belarus), memories of emigrants from the Vilnius region (Lithuania), as well as residents of Podlasie, Warmia and Mazuria (Poland). The author collected the material as records of continuous texts on various topics, it was not a purposeful study of vocabulary and semantics on the topic of the homeland. The method of cognitive definition proposed by Jerzy Bartminski, which provides for the reconstruction of the “mental object”, i.e. the maximum set of characteristics fixed in the language, was used in the article. As a result of the analysis of the material, similar features, indicated earlier by the researchers of this borderland, were found. Among the components of the imagination of HOMELAND, in the first place there was a warm attitude to native places (the emotional connection of a person with the place of birth and the period of childhood) and ancestors (including the deceased, the cemetery). The importance of the place of residence and neighbours (their own, ours, etc. people with similar experience), as well as religion (their own and neighbouring parishes, the cult of the Virgin Mary) was also emphasized. Less often, but expressively accentuated cultural (for example, traditions and language) and everyday signs of the concept (stability; private property; homeland where you can live). At the same time, more expressive than in other works, sketching of the ideological homeland by local residents was noticed (for the older it is the Second Polish Republic, for the younger – Belarus). According to the author, this is explained by the fact that among the respondents were, among other things, the residents whose ancestors participated in the uprising of 1863, fought with the Bolsheviks in the Polish-Soviet war, as well as those associated with the Home Army. In addition to the traditional point of view of an ordinary peasant/ petty nobleman, the perspective of a patriot not only of a “small homeland”, but also of a non-existent state (Second Polish Republic) is also considered.
В статье рассматривается понятие РОДИНА на материале польских периферийных говоров на территории Вороновского района Беларуси. Контекстом автору послужили избранные словари других исследователей «польщизны кресовой» на белорусско-польско-литовском пограничье, нарративы жителей Мядельщины (Беларусь), воспоминания эмигрантов из Виленщины (Литва), а также жителей Подляшья, Вармии и Мазур (Польша). Материал автором собирался как записи сплошных текстов на разные темы, а не как целенаправленное исследование лексики и семантики на тему родины. В работе используется предложенный Ежи Бартминьским метод когнитивной дефиниции, который предусматривает реконструкцию «ментального предмета», т.е. максимального набора характеристик, закрепленных в языке. В результате анализа материала обнаружены подобные признаки, указанные ранее исследователями данного пограничья. Среди составляющих воображение о РОДИНЕ на первом месте оказалось теплое отношения к родным местам (эмоциональная связь человека с местом рождения и детского периода) и предкам (в том числе умершим, кладбище). Подчеркивалось также значение места проживания и соседей (своих, наших и т.д. людей с подобным опытом), а также религии (свой и соседние приходы, культ Девы Марии). Реже, но выразительно акцентированы культурные (например, традиции и язык) и бытовые признаки понятия (стабильность; частная собственность; родина там, где можно жить). Одновременно замечено более выразительное, чем в других работах, выделение местными жителями идеологической родины (для старших это ІІ Речь Посполитая, для младших – Беларусь). По мнению автора это объясняется тем, что среди респондентов оказались, между прочим, жители, чьи предки участвовали в восстании 1863 г., воевали с большевиками в польско-советской войне, а также связанные с Армией Крайовой. Кроме традиционной точки зрения обычного крестьянина/мелкого шляхтича, рассматривается и перспектива патриота не только «малой родины», но и несуществующего государства (ІІ Речи Посполитой).
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia; 2023, 3(38); 248-285
Pojawia się w:
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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