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Powołanie jako istotny problem współczesnej katechezy
Vocation as a Significant Problem of Modern Catechesis
Dziekoński, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
rozwój człowieka
man’s development
The term “vocation” may be understood in many different ways, and in Christianity, most generally, calling a man by God to lead a certain way of life or to perform certain tasks, is defined in this way. Forming the calling, or vocation, although it is a distinct activity, is also closely connected with other aims and tasks of Christian education realized in catechesis. This means that in order to understand and to realize the calling that God directs to a Christian, formation is significant that touches all the dimensions or spheres that are distinguished in the structure of a man as a person; with activities connected with moral education of a child, with prayer and the practice of love, and with manifold forms of education in faith having immediate significance. These questions are at the foundations of setting tasks to modern catechesis that not only aims at making it possible for the catechized one to assimilate faith, but forms the proper attitude of a Christian life and stimulates the fruit of sanctity.
Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne; 2011, 3; 227-238
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Schul- und Gemeindekatechese in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Ein Űberblick
School and Parish Catechesis in the Federal Republic of Germany. A overview
Myjak, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
staatliches Recht
religious teaching
state law
church law
Der vorliegende Artikel befasst sich mit dem Thema der Schul- und Gemeindekatechese in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Der Autor stellt die kirchen- und staatsrechtlichen Grundlagen der Schul- und Gemeindekatechese dar. Die katechetische Unterweisung wird durch den Codex des kanonischen Rechtes definiert. Informationen dazu finden sich unter anderem im zweiten Kapitel des Titels „Dienst am Wort Gottes“ in diesem Codex. Nach der kurzen Skizzierung der rechtlichen Grundlagen geht der Autor des Artikels zur Darstellung der Geschichte der Religionspädagogik in Deutschland über. Ihre Ursprünge liegen im 16. Jahrhundert zur Zeit der reformatorischen und gegenreformatorischen Strömungen. Im weiteren Teil des Artikels beschreibt der Autor die gegenwärtige katechetische Unterweisung in Deutschland. Seit den 60er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts lässt sich eine Entwicklung des Religionsunterrichts von der Katechese zur Religionswissenschaft in der deutschen Schule beobachten. Anstatt die Schüler religiös zu formen und zu erziehen, wird in der Schule Wissen über Religionen vermittelt. Es wird gelehrt, dass es viele gleichwertige Wertsysteme gibt. Die Glaubenswahrheiten und die Sakramente werden dabei übergangen. Vor allem lässt sich feststellen, dass die deutsche Gesellschaft über das Sakrament der Buße falsch informiert ist. Außerdem werden das Leiden Christi, seine Bedeutung für das Leben der Christen und die Rolle Marias im Unterricht nicht thematisiert. Die Gemeindekatechese erfreut sich wiederum keiner großen Beliebtheit. Dies ist wohl auf die Tatsache zurückzuführen, dass viele junge Menschen vom institutionellen Charakter der Kirche enttäuscht sind. Darüber hinaus gibt es einen großen Anteil an atheistischer Bevölkerung (vor allem in den neuen Bundesländern). Deshalb ist der Autor der Meinung, dass eine erneute Evangelisierung statt der Katechese notwendig ist, damit die Deutschen wieder an Jesus und die Mutter Gottes glauben.
The article deals with the topic of the school and parish catechesis in the Federal Republic of Germany. The author presents the legal basis of the catechesis, in the Church and in the State. The catechetic teaching is defined in the Code of Canon Law. Information on this can be found in the second chapter of the title “The Ministry of the Divine Word” in this code. After a brief outline of the legal basis the author proceeds to presenting the history ofreligious education in Germany. Its origins lie in the 16th century at the time of Reformation and Counter-Reformation.In a further part of the article the author describes the current catechetic teaching in Germany. Since the 1960s we can observe a development from catechesis to religious studies in the religious education at school. Instead of forming and educating pupils religiously, knowledge of religions is imparted at school. It is taught that there are many equally valid systems of values. The truths of faith and the sacraments are omitted during lessons. Above all, it can be observed that the German society is misinformed about the sacrament of penance. Besides, the passion of Christ, its meaning for a Christian and the role of the Holy Virgin Mary are not among the topics in school. On the other hand, parish catechesis is not very popular. The reason for this is probably the disappointment of the young people aboutthe institutional character of the Church. In addition, there is a high percentage of atheists (especially in the former East Germany). Therefore, the author claims that there is a need ofa renewed evangelisation instead of catechesis in Germany, in order that people believe in Jesus and the Mother of God again.
Studia Elbląskie; 2021, 22; 397-410
Pojawia się w:
Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geneza i główne wskazania Dyrektorium ogólnego o katechizacji
Genesis and major points in general directory for catechesis
Panuś, Tadeusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
General Directory for Catechesis
the rule of faithfulness to God and man
basic catechistic environments: family, school and parish
Dyrektorium ogólne o katechizacji zasada wierności Bogu i człowiekowi
podstawowe środowiska katechetyczne: rodzina, szkoła i parafia
Directory is a long known form of conduct for Church’s people and institutions in given domain. One published in 1997 is a result of 50 years of studies. During this time many documents have appeared that analyzed the issue of catechesis from the perspective of the whole Church. Tis Directory helps to go deeper into the nature of catechesis as Church understands it. Te document presents achievements of catechesis aſter then Second Vatican Council, such as the rule of Trinitarian Chrystocentricity, the rule of faithfulness to God and man, the need for hierarchy of truths of faith, basic, dynamic catechistic environments such as family, school and parish gathered around Jesus Christ .
Dyrektorium jest znaną i stosowaną w Kościele od kilku wieków formą regulowania postępowania i działalności osób lub instytucji kościelnych w określonej dziedzinie. Opublikowane w 1997 Dyrektorium ogólne o katechizacji stanowi zwieńczenie katechetycznych poszukiwań ostatnich 50 lat, w ciągu których pojawiły się dokumenty, które dogłębnie analizowały zagadnienia katechezy w skali całego Kościoła. Dyrektorium to pozwala głębiej wniknąć w naturę katechezy, a więc poznać, jak ją dzisiaj Kościół rozumie. Prezentuje ono istotne osiągnięcia katechetyki po Soborze Watykańskim II, jakimi są zasada chrystocentryzmu trynitarnego, zasada wierności Bogu i człowiekowi, potrzeba hierarchii prawd wiary, skoncentrowanych wokół Jezusa Chrystusa i zdynamizowania podstawowych środowisk katechetycznych, jakimi są rodzina, szkoła i parafia.
Studia Katechetyczne; 2017, 13; 11-33
Pojawia się w:
Studia Katechetyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nauczanie religii w polskich szkołach – sukces czy porażka?
Religious Education in Polish schools – a success or a failure?
Jedynak, Witold
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
religious education
children and youth
nauczanie religii
dzieci i młodzież
Religious Education was reintroduced to state Polish schools in September 1990. The par- ticipation is not obligatory and it depends on parents and pupils. Sociological studies show that Religious Education has far more supporters than opponents which, undoubtedly, is the pastoral success of the Catholic Church. Despite the fact that in the last few years the attendance at RE was dropping, the vast majority of pupils still participate in it. Young people assess the quality of RE in a positive way. Some of them think that RE is interesting and they participate in it willingly. Others are of the opinion that RE is no di erent from other subjects. For the Catholic Church Religious Education is an important pastoral task. Therefore, it under- takes activities in order to provide quali ed RE teachers. The drawback of this e ort is, undoubtedly, the fact that the catechization at school is done by laypeople with the simultaneous pullback of priests. Both pupils and parents are of the opinion that such actions not only impair the quality of RE teaching and lead to poor participation but also damage the relation between young people and parishes. In times when the level of religiosity and morality is falling, the Church should intensify its e ort to stop the process of secularization of young generation and strengthen or even rebuild the relation between young people with local Church communities by providing e ective RE teaching.
Religious Education was reintroduced to state Polish schools in September 1990. The par- ticipation is not obligatory and it depends on parents and pupils. Sociological studies show that Religious Education has far more supporters than opponents which, undoubtedly, is the pastoral success of the Catholic Church. Despite the fact that in the last few years the attendance at RE was dropping, the vast majority of pupils still participate in it. Young people assess the quality of RE in a positive way. Some of them think that RE is interesting and they participate in it willingly. Others are of the opinion that RE is no di erent from other subjects. For the Catholic Church Religious Education is an important pastoral task. Therefore, it under- takes activities in order to provide quali ed RE teachers. The drawback of this e ort is, undoubte- dly, the fact that the catechization at school is done by laypeople with the simultaneous pullback of priests. Both pupils and parents are of the opinion that such actions not only impair the quality of RE teaching and lead to poor participation but also damage the relation between young people and parishes. In times when the level of religiosity and morality is falling, the Church should intensify its e ort to stop the process of secularization of young generation and strengthen or even rebuild the relation between young people with local Church communities by providing e ective RE teaching.
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne; 2018, 32; 207-228
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pastorale und Katechetische Implikationen des geänderten Kerncurriculum der Katechese der katholischen Kirche in Polen im Bereich der Vorbereitung der Kinder auf die Erstbeichte und -kommunion
Pastoral and catechetical implications of the revised “the core Curriculum of the catholic church’s catechesis in Poland” regarding Children’s preparation for first confession and holy communion
Ceglarek, Roman
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
pierwsza Komunia św
pierwsza spowiedź
Podstawa programowa katechezy
reforma szkolna
First Holy Communion
first confession
the Core Curriculum of the Catechesis
school reform
One of the essential catechetical and pastoral problems is the question of preparation for first confession and Holy Communion. Interest in this issue is an expression of concern by catechists and priests regarding the proper formation of children before receiving these sacraments. This theme has returned recently in connection with the implementation of the guidelines of the Core Curriculum of the Catechesis approved on 8 March 2010. The document gives a few indications in preparing children for the sacraments of Christian initiation: Penance and Reconciliation as well as Holy Eucharist. The instructions concern, among other things: the time of accession to these sacraments, forms of the pastoral-liturgical meetings for children and their parents in the period of preparation, their frequency and subject matter, and finally, the religious knowledge required of children at this stage of education. The approximation of these issues seems to be crucial as they may in fact affect the manner of work of individuals responsible for the education and religious formation of children preparing for their first confession and First Holy Communion.
Jednym z istotnych problemów katechetycznych i duszpasterskich jest kwestia przygotowania do pierwszej spowiedzi i Komunii św. Interesowanie się tym zagadnieniem jest wyrazem troski katechetów i duszpasterzy o właściwą formację dzieci poprzedzającą przyjęcie tych sakramentów. Temat ten powrócił także w ostatnim czasie w związku z wdrażaniem założeń nowej Podstawy programowej katechezy zatwierdzonej 8 marca 2010 r. Dokument podaje kilka wskazań w zakresie przygotowania dzieci do sakramentów inicjacji chrześcijańskiej: pokuty i pojednania oraz Eucharystii. Dotyczą one między innymi: czasu przystąpienia do tych sakramentów, form spotkań pastoralno-liturgicznych dla dzieci i rodziców w okresie przygotowania, ich częstotliwości, tematyki czy wreszcie wiedzy religijnej wymaganej od dzieci na tym etapie edukacyjnym. Przybliżenie tych zagadnień wydaje się istotne, mogą bowiem rzutować na sposób pracy osób odpowiedzialnych za edukację i formację religijną dzieci w okresie ich przygotowania do pierwszej spowiedzi i Komunii św.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2014, 35, 1; 11-28
Pojawia się w:
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-5 z 5

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