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Wyszukujesz frazę "Glowinski, Sebastian" wg kryterium: Autor

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Motorbike protective helmets, construction, testing and its influence on the type and severity of injuries of motorbike accident casualties: a literature review
Obst, Maciej
Rzepczyk, Szymon
Głowiński, Sebastian
Żaba, Czesław
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Poznańska. Instytut Mechaniki Stosowanej
motorbike helmet
head injuries
neck injury
helmet safe
kask motocyklowy
urazy głowy
uraz szyi
bezpieczeństwo kasku
A motorcycle or moped helmet is currently mandatory, and provides basic protection to the user of a motor-powered two-wheeler against the possible consequences of a road accident. A wide market offer of various protective helmets allows one to choose from many different design solutions used by the manufacturers. The introduction of a protective motorcycle helmet is associated with the need of meeting the conditions set out in legal regulations. In recent years there have been changes in the legal provisions regarding to protective helmets and the conditions imposed on helmets are becoming more and more restrictive. There have also been changes in the conditions for conducting the helmet approval tests. Regulations valid in Europe include the Economic Commission of Europe (ECE), whereas regulations in the United States are created by the Department of Transportation (DOT). Despite the advanced construction of protective helmets, various test methods, and changes in legal regulations, the problem of the effective protection of the heads of two-wheeler users remains valid. The article presents an actual state of constructions for motorbike helmets, safety level, testing methodology and actually applicable law regulations. This analysis includes a wide medical description of motorcyclist injuries and helmet obstacle impact behaviour. Further studies are required to estimate the head and neck injuries caused by accidents involving motorcycles and other materials. Therefore, construction and testing methods should be developed accordingly. This review presents the current state of knowledge that can be used as the basis for helmet tests and medical assessments of body injuries.
Vibrations in Physical Systems; 2023, 34, 1; art. no. 2023118
Pojawia się w:
Vibrations in Physical Systems
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-1 z 1

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