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Pisma Orybazjusza jako źródło informacji o pożywieniu ludzi w późnym Cesarstwie Rzymskim
Works of Oribasius as a source of information on food in the later Roman Empire
Jagusiak, Krzysztof
Kokoszko, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
pisma Orybazjusza
antyczna i bizantyńska medycyna
antyczna gastronomia
works of Oribasius
ancient and Byzantine medicine
ancient gastronomy
The article makes an attempt at the presentation of medical works written by Oribasius (ca. 325 – ca. 400 A.D.), well educated physician from Pergamon, and a close friend of Julian the Apostate. It discusses the content of the treatises, reasons for their compiling and circumstances accompanying the creation of three of his extant writings, notably Collectiones medicae, Synopsis ad Eustathium filium, and Libri ad Eunapium. Moreover, the study presents available information about his lost medical work, whose title is now unknown. The authors focused on these parts of Oribasius’ works, which concern food and dietetic, i.e. five books of Collectiones medicae (from I to V), book IV of Synopsis ad Eustathium filium and a part of book I of Libri ad Eunapium. The above-mentioned books enlist the most important foods like cereals, cereal products (breads, cakes, groats, pancakes), vegetables, fruits, meats, fishes, and seafood, dairy products, soft and alcoholic drinks as well as enumerating some specific diets and groups of food divided according to their properties or influence on human body. An important part of the article is a succinct presentation of sources of Oribasius’ dietetic expertise, and moreover a brief discussion of the medic’s impact on medical systems in three different cultural circles, namely the Byzantine, Arab, and Latin. The authors’ research corroborates the already existing view that major dietetic parts of Collectiones medicae, Synopsis ad Eustathium filium and Libri ad Eunapium are based on writings of Galen (which he, however, reworked with a view of their simplification), but there are many fragments taken from other authorities, for instance Pedanius Dioscurides, Athenaeus from Attalia, Diocles of Carystus, Rufus of Ephesus to mention but a few. As for medical authors, who excerpted or translated Oribasius’ works, the most renowned are Aetius of Amida, Paul of Aegina, Alexander of Tralles, Hunayn ibn Ishāq, and the representatives of the medical school of Salerno. Finally, the authors claim, that Oribasius’ heritage is important especially for two reasons. First of all, it helped preserve a large amount of citations from ancient works, which today are lost, and known only thanks to the physician’s painstaking work. Secondly, it contains a cornucopia of information about food, which reflect culinary habits of Late Roman society, and specifically of the Late Roman food market.
Vox Patrum; 2013, 59; 339-357
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Malábathron (μαλάβαθρον). Kilka uwag o roli Cinnamomum tamala w medycynie i w kuchni antyku i Bizancjum między I a VII wiekiem
Malábathron (μαλάβαθρον). Quelques remarques sur le rôle de Cinnamomum tamala en médecine et dans la cuisine de l’antiquité et dans l’Empire byzantin entre I et VII siècle
Malábathron (μαλάβαθρον). Einige Bemerkungen über die Rolle Cinnamomum tamala in der Medizin und in der Küche der Antike und im Byzanz zwischen den 1. und 7. Jahrhunderts
Malábathron (μαλάβαθρον). Несколько замечаний о роли Cinnamomum tamala в медицине и кухне античности и Византии в I–VII веков
Kokoszko, Maciej
Rzeźnicka, Zofia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
cynamonowiec tamala
antyczna i bizantyńska medycyna
antyczna sztuka kulinarna
ancient and byzantine drug-lore
ancient cuisine
Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy historii i zastosowania cynamonowca tamala, zwanego po grecku malábathron (μαλάβαθρον), a po łacinie określanego terminem malabathrum (lub malobathrum). Autorzy, na podstawie greckich tekstów medycznych i wybranych źródeł łacińskich, próbują odpowiedzieć na pytanie, kiedy przyprawa ta pojawiła się w świecie śródziemnomorskim, a nadto starają się ustalić jej zastosowanie w medycynie i sztuce kulinarnej. Jednocześnie podejmują się określenia znaczenia terminu folium, występującego w niektórych przepisach kulinarnych, zawartych w łacińskiej książce kucharskiej zatytułowanej O sztuce kulinarnej. Badacze dochodzą do wniosku, że historia opisywanej przyprawy stanowi doskonały przykład globalizacji antycznego i bizantyńskiego handlu. Mimo że brakuje dowodów, iż cynamonowiec tamala był masowo importowany na tereny leżące w basenie Morza Śródziemnego, to nie ulega wątpliwości, że był on wykorzystywany w medycynie (także w kosmetologii) i gastronomii analizowanego okresu. Autorzy ustalają, że największy wzrost zainteresowania malábathron przypadł na I w. p.n.e., co wiążą z rzymskimi podbojami na Bliskim Wschodzie oraz przyłączeniem Egiptu (które to tereny były głównymi punktami na szlaku handlowym, którym cynamonowiec tamala był transportowany). Analiza źródeł medycznych dowodzi, że dietetyczno-farmakologiczna charakterystyka opisywanej przyprawy została ukształtowana jeszcze przed I w., a w dość rozbudowanej formie utrwalił ją Dioskuridesa w traktacie De materia medica. Następnie jego ustalenia zostały uzupełnione przez Galena, a te z kolei zostały przejęte przez kolejne pokolenia bizantyńskich medyków działających do VII w. Ponieważ cynamonowiec tamala był drogim, importowanym z odległych krajów produktem, nigdy nie stał się ani powszechnym składnikiem farmaceutyków, ani też codzienną ingrediencją potraw. Mimo to analiza traktatów lekarskich poświadcza jego nieprzerwane użycie do czasów działalności Pawła z Eginy (jednak farmaceutyki, których stanowił komponent, przeznaczone były dla zamożnych pacjentów). Z kolei zgłębiając zagadnienie gastronomicznego wykorzystania malábathron, na podstawie wybranych greckojęzycznych tekstów medycznych, autorzy artykułu dochodzą do wniosku, że występujący w dziełku O sztuce kulinarnej termin folium odnosi się właśnie do cynamonowca tamala.
The present study deals with the history and applications of one of the spices, called in Greek malábathron (μαλάβαθρον) and malabathrum (or malobathrum) in Latin. It is nowadays called tejpat or tejpata. The researchers try to establish the time when it appeared in the Mediterranean and subsequently identify its medical and culinary uses, which were noted in Latin texts and first and foremost in Greek medical sources. On the way the authors of the study attempt to pinpoint the meaning of the term folium used in some recipes included in the collection entitled De re coquinaria. The researchers conclude that the history of the spice is an excellent example of globalization of ancient and early Byzantine trade. Though there is no argument for mass import of cinnamomum tamala to the Mediterranean, the spice had a tangible effect on medicine (including cosmetology) and culinary art over all centuries in interest of the article. The authors admit a failure in their attempt to pinpoint the exact moment since when the aromatic leafage of cinnamomum tamala started to be transported to reach the territories, where centres of the Mediterranean civilization were blossoming. On the other hand, they prove that a major growth in the interest in the plant dates back to the 1st c. BC., and they surmise that it might have occurred in the wake of the Roman conquest of the near East and incorporation of Egypt (which were both important points on the malábathron trade route). Anyway, the dietetic- pharmacological doctrine on the characteristics of the plant had been shaped to a commonly accepted form well before the 1st century. Subsequently (and for the first time in the extant sources) it was penned by Dioscurides in his De materia medica. The theory, after being supplemented with Galen’s findings became the cornerstone of medical deliberations on the spice composed up to the 7th century. Malábathron never became a common medicine nor a cheap culinary ingredient. The fact that it was imported from far away (precisely from China, via India, to Syria and Egypt, wherefrom it was later transported to the northern shores of the Mediterranean Sea) contributed to its high price, which limited the number of its buyers and consumers. As for medicine, medical treatises suggest an unbroken use of the spice up until the time of Paul’s of Aegina medical encyclopedia (however, exclusively as a condiment utilized in medicines produced for the upper classes of society). In turn, the recipe given by Anthimus prove that cinnamonum tamala was profited from by Roman and Greek cooks, and that a taste for it developed even such barbarian as the Francs. As for the presence of malábathron-including recipes in De re coquinaria, having analyzed select Greek medical texts, the authors of the article came to the opinion that the term folium (with no adjective nor an adjectival phrase) used in the collection refers only and exclusively to cinnamomum tamala. Thereby, they support Andrew Dalby’s opinion on the subject.
Przegląd Nauk Historycznych; 2016, 15, 1
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Nauk Historycznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Owies w greckich traktatach medycznych starożytności i bizancjum (V w. prz. Chr. - XI w. po Chr.)
The common oat in Greek medical treatises of antiquity and Byzantium (Vth c. BC - XIth c. AD)
Kokoszko, Maciej
Jagusiak, Krzysztof
Rzeźnicka, Zofia
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
antyczna i bizantyńska medycyna
antyczna i bizantyńska dietetyka
antyczna i bizantyńska gastronomia
historia uprawy owsa
ancient and Byzantine medicine
ancient and Byzantine dietetics
ancient and Byzantine gastronomy
history of oats cultivation
The common oat (Avena sativa) is a kind of cereal which is fairly well attested in the ancient and Byzantine Greek sources. It is to be noted that medical literature of the abovementioned periods is especially informative as far as the subject in question is concerned. The body of evidence shows that both in Antiquity as well as over the Byzantine period (i.e. between the Vth and the XIth centuries) oats belonged to the crops which did not enjoy much appreciation nor special attention on the part of both mass consumers as well as medical specialists. Generally the cereal was thought to be worse than other crops and therefore lending itself to being animal fodder. It was made use of almost exclusively as an emergency food in case of shortages of other cereals. Though there are very few recipes that refer directly to the ways of preparing oats as food, some guidelines can be formulated on the basis of information pertaining to other cereals. The analyzed sources appear to suggest that it was used to prepare thin soups (on the basis of oats cooking liquor). Moreover, the cereal was also cooked into gruel-like soups. Having been finely ground, it could also be utilized to prepare bread, which, however, was not highly appreciated for its taste nor dietetic value. Medical sources characterize oats in reasonable detail. The cereal is said to be not very appealing in its flavour (which reveals unbalanced humours), characteristic of limited wholesomeness, slightly astringent (and therefore slowing down the work of the alimentary tract), hard to digest, delicately desiccating, heating and cooling at the same time. The same material suggests that oats were used for therapeutic purposes. Mainly they were profited from to treat diarrhea, stomach problems, liver ailments, prepare cataplasms to stimulate diaphoresis, help remove mucus from the bronchi and feed the feverish.
Vox Patrum; 2013, 59; 421-447
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dieta monastyczna w świetle nauki medycznej. Teodoret z Cyru i medycy o soczewicy
The monastic diet in the light of medical science. Theodoret of Cyrus and physicians on lentils
Kokoszko, Maciej
Dybała, Jolanta
Jagusiak, Krzysztof
Rzeźnicka, Zofia
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
konsumpcja roślin strączkowych w starożytności i Bizancjum
antyczna i bizantyńska gastronomia
antyczna i bizantyńska medycyna
mnisi syryjscy
Teodoret z Cyru
legumes as food in Antiquity and Byzantium
ancient and Byzantine gastronomy
ancient and Byzantine medicine
Syrian monks
Theodoretus of Cyrus
The present article discusses one of the most important ingredients of the Syrian ascetic diet (from the beginning of the IVth to the mid Vth century) as described by Theodoret of Cyrus in his Historia religiosa, namely lentils (fakÒj). The basis of the research is constituted by ancient and byzantine medical treatises composed between the Ist and the VIIth centuries by Dioscurides, Galen, Oribasiusa, Aetius of Amida and Paul of Aegina. The aim of the article is to describe the role of the legume and thereby opine on compatibility or incompatibility of the monastic dietetic pattern with the one described by the medical doctors. First, the authors of the study try to show the importance of lentils as food across the area of the Mediterranean. Subsequently, they proceed to sketch its dietetic characteristics developed by ancient and Byzantine medical doctors and conclude that the evaluation was not fully appreciative of the foodstuff. Thirdly, the authors come to show applications of lentils in medical procedures, since both in Antiquity as well as in Byzantium the plant was considered to be a medicine. The discussion on lentils is concluded by introducing culinary uses of lentils, which abound in medical writings. The authors also note that all the preserved recipes envisage the cooking of the food, i.e. a procedure which was usually avoided by the Syrian ascetics.
Vox Patrum; 2014, 62; 297-329
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Proso w gastronomii antyku i wczesnego bizancjum
Millet in ancient and Byzantine cuisine
Rzeźnicka, Zofia
Kokoszko, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
antyczna i bizantyńska gastronomia
antyczna i bizantyńska medycyna
antyczne i bizantyńskie potrawy zbożowe
konsumpcja prosa zwyczajnego i włośnicy w starożytności i Bizancjum
ancient and Byzantine gastronomy
ancient and Byzantine medicine
cereals in Antiquity and Byzantium
broomcorn and foxtail millet as food in Antiquity and Byzantium
The present article deals with some culinary applications of millet in Antiquity and Byzantine period, as demonstrated in select Greek and Roman literary sources (Athenaeus of Naucratis, Pedanius Dioscurides, Galen, Oribasius, Aetius of Amida, Alexander of Tralles, Symeon Seth, Geoponica, Byzantine lexica, Cato, Columella, Antimus and Apicius). The authors of the article start their analysis with presenting two kinds of millet, which ancient and Byzantine people were familiar with, namely Latin – milium, i.e. broomcorn millet, Latin – panicum, i.e. foxtail millet. Subsequently, they demonstrate suitability of the cereals for bread baking. As result, they prove that millet bread was fairly popular and appreciated, even though Greek dietitians promoted the doctrine that millet was suitable for the purpose of bread production only in the time of scarcity of other, better quality grains. Accordingly, they specify various kinds of bread and describe diverse sorts of ovens (furnus, furniculus) it was baked in. The authors also write about one of the ancient desserts, occasionally made of millet flour, namely about libum. Then, the authors of the article discuss Roman puls, which were two kinds of foods eaten (instead of bread) by a considerable fraction of ancient and Byzantine society and which could also be prepared from the analyzed cereal. The discussion is exemplified with some extant recipes. Ultimately, the authors of the study refer to the evidence left by medical writers (Galen, Oribasius, Aetius of Amida, Alexander of Tralles), as they discuss soups/ gruels and beverages prepared from millet, which were said to possess some medical values (and, as the sources reveal, were profited from mostly to cure alimentary tract disorders).
Vox Patrum; 2013, 59; 401-419
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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