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Zmiany reżimu wydajności i potencjału zasobności źródeł : implikacje do ich klasyfikacji
Changes in discharge regime and storage capacity of the springs : implications to springs classification
Buczyński, S.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
źródła sudeckie
współczynnik recesji
pojemność magazynowa
SW Polska
recession coefficient
storage capacity
SW Poland
The paper presents the results of precipitation influence on the discharge regime changes of 6 springs located in south-western Poland and draining a variety of rocks differing in lithology and age. Calculations for the very wet (2010) and the extremely dry years (2015) have shown that the low spring discharges experienced the greatest variations, with the coefficient ofvariation falling between 3-141%. The coefficient of variation for the maximum and average discharges generally does not exceed 90%. The obtained values of the regression coefficient from 0.0016 to 0.1 d-1 and the coefficient of variation (0-33%) indicate a relatively low variability of groundwater resources and the low transmissivity and high storage capacity of the weathering cover. The spring discharge analysis indicates also the drainage of groundwater bodies of various capacity. The maximum values of the storage capacity are several hundred thousand cubic meters, whereas in the lowest spring resources it does not exceed several thousand cubic meters. Three springs have shown a low variability of the storage capacity (Cv = 4-32%), two have indicated a moderate variability (66 and 70%) and one has shown a large variability (135%). The large storage capacity and high hydraulic resistance of the weathering cover does not guarantee the spring recharge during longer periods (summer-autumn) without rain.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2017, 65, 11/2; 1179--1183
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O konieczności wykonania drugiej edycji Szczegółowej Mapy Geologicznej Sudetów w skali 1 : 25 000 – analiza dotychczasowego stanu i założenia kompleksowej realizacji
On the need to develop the second edition of the Detailed Geological Map of the Sudetes at the scale of 1 : 25,000 - current state analysis and assumptions of a comprehensive program for the second edition
Cymerman, Z.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Szczegółowa Mapa Geologiczna
kompleksowy projekt
SW Polska
detailed geological mapping
comprehensive project
SW Poland
Basic statutory task of the Polish Geological Institute-National Research Institute within the framework of the State Geological Survey is conducting detailed geological mapping ofPoland. One of the leading themes of the III Polish Geological Congress is the "Geological mapping - history and contemporary challenges”. The article presents an analysis of the current state ofdetailed geological mapping in the Sudetes and adjacent areas, as well as the reasons for the need to start a new, second edition of the Detailed Geological Map of the Sudetes (SMGS) at the scale of 1 : 25,000. These reasons can be briefly defined as follows: long-lasting duration of the SMGS development (nearly half a century), lack of uniformity, and outdatedness of this edition. The first edition covered 139 map sheets at the scale of1 : 25,000, with a total area over 10,100 km2. The newly presented comprehensive project assumes very fast workflow, just 10 years of work before the implementation of the second edition of the 1 : 25,000 SMGS. The new edition is going to be more modern and based on the new classification of rocks, providing more information about their origins, geotectonic settings, as well as the processes and geological phenomena, which are not included in the first edition of the 1 : 25,000 SMGS.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2016, 64, 9; 604--610
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zasoby przewidywane surowców metalicznych Polski na mapie w skali 1 : 200 000 – miedź, srebro, złoto, platyna i pallad w utworach cechsztyńskiej serii miedzionośnej
Predicted metallic resources in Poland presented on the prospective maps at scale 1 : 200 000 – copper, silver, gold, platinum and palladium in the Kupferschiefer ore series
Oszczepalski, S.
Chmielewski, A.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
obszary perspektywiczne
przewidywane środki
seria miedzionośna
SW Polska
prospective areas
predicted resources
SW Poland
Themost significant copper reserves in Poland are confined to sediment-hosted stratiform Kupferschiefer-type deposits that occur at the Zechstein/Rotliegend transition. Gradual depletion of shallow reserves in the Fore-Sudetic Monocline results in exploration of deeper beds, and the long-term challenges require new solutions for mining industry of the future and industrial market within the EU, to enable the reindustrialization of Europe. Latest studies of numerous drillhole cores strongly indicate that the Kupferschiefer series in SW Poland (outside the Lubin–Sieroszowice Copper District) contains a very large volume of prognostic, prospective and hypothetical resources. Thirty Cu-Ag prospects have been delineated (including six areas with prognostic resources, six with prospective resources, and 18 areas with hypothetical resources). Among the prospective areas, particular attention is paid to the areas with prognostic resources (Bia³o³êka, Grochowice, Krêpa, Kulów, Luboszyce), adjacent to the existing mines of the Lubin–Sieroszowice copper district. The areas of Nowiny, Mirków, Raciborowice and ¯arków are also interesting due to accessible depths, and the Bogdaj, Henrykowice, Janowo and Sulmierzyce areas due to considerable resources and reasonable depth. Extremely interesting is the possibility of extension of the Bytom Odrzañski deposit towards the Jany, Mozów and Wilcze prospective areas. Studies of archival drillhole cores taken outside the documented Cu-Ag Lubin–Sieroszowice deposit revealed Rote-Fäule-related Au-Pt-Pd mineralization in many localities of SW Poland. Fifteen Au prospective areas, accompanied by Pt-Pd mineralization, have been delineated. However, due to relatively low thickness and content, Au-Pt-Pd mineralization can be considered only as associated with the overlying Cu-Ag ores. It can be estimated that approximately 166 million Mg Cu and 269 thousand Mg Ag concentrated as predicted resources in prospects of SW Poland for future mining, which will be possible, when geological and technological barriers (depth, temperature, oil and gas) will meet economic trends in the world market.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2015, 63, 9; 534--545
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ewaporaty górnego permu (cechsztyn) na obszarze centralnej części monokliny przedsudeckiej (SW Polska) – warunki występowania i wykształcenie
Geology of Upper Permian (Zechstein) evaporites in the central Fore-Sudetic Monocline (SW Poland)
Czapowski, Grzegorz
Nowacki, Łukasz
Chełmiński, Jacek
Głuszyński, Andrzej
Skowroński, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Polskie Stowarzyszenie Górnictwa Solnego
górny perm (cechsztyn)
centralna część monokliny przedsudeckiej
SW Polska
Upper Permian (Zechstein)
central Fore-Sudetic Monocline
SW Poland
Analiza obecnego występowania i zróżnicowania miąższości utworów ewaporatowych (siarczanowych i chlorkowych) górnego permu (cechsztyn) na obszarze centralnej części monokliny przedsudeckiej, bazująca na danych z 635 archiwalnych otworów wiertniczych, umożliwiła przedstawienie obrazu przypuszczalnej paleogeografii basenów siarczanowych i chlorkowych w przypadku niektórych ewaporatowych wydzieleń litostratygraficznych kolejnych czterech cyklotemów. Utwory siarczanowe i chlorkowe cyklotemów PZ1 i PZ3 oraz siarczany cyklotemu PZ2 (anhydryt podstawowy [A2]) powstały w zbiornikach o wyraźnie zróżnicowanej batymetrii, ze strefami płytszymi (bariera i płycizny) i głębszymi (baseny). Akumulacja tych osadów następowała według schematu występującego w basenie typu „wypełnieniowego”, w którym na etapie depozycji soli chlorki wypełniają głównie obniżenia dna wcześniejszego zróżnicowanego batymetrycznie zbiornika siarczanowego, zaakcentowane różnym tempem osadzania siarczanów (szybszym na płycinach i wolniejszym w basenach). Lokalne występowanie pozostałych ewaporatów cyklotemów PZ2 i PZ4 nie pozwala otworzyć paleogeografii ich zbiorników depozycji. Omówiono też wykształcenie wydzieleń ewaporatowych, wykorzystując dane z terenów sąsiadujących z obszarem badań w sytuacji braku miejscowego materiału rdzeniowego.Tektonika dysjunktywna (sieci uskoków i dwa rowy tektoniczne) w różnym stopniu przemodelowała pierwotne rozmieszczenie ewaporatów i spowodowała ich lokalny wzrost miąższości w strefach przyuskokowych.
Analysis of recent extension and thickness of Upper Permian (Zechstein) evaporites (sulphates and chlorides) in the area of central Fore-Sudetic Monocline, based on data from 635 archive boreholes, enabled to reconstruct the possible palaeographic images of both sulphate and chloride basins, represented some evaporitic lithostratigraphic units of four Zechstein cyclothemes. Sulphates and chlorides of PZ1 and PZ3 cyclothemes as well as sulphates of PZ2 cyclotheme (Basal Anhydrite [A2] unit) have deposited in the basins with distinctly varied bathymetry, where existed the shallow (barrier and shoals) and the deeper (basins) parts. Their accumulation realized the depositional scheme of the „infill” type of evaporitic basin, after which dominant infill by chlorides took place in the deeps of former sulphate basin with differentiated bathymetry accentuated by other accumulate rate of sulphates (a higher on bottom shoals and slower in the deeps). Local occurrence of other evaporate units of PZ2 and PZ4 cyclothemes eliminated creation of similar palaeogeographic images for their depositional basins. Commented evaporite units were characterized by data representative for their age equivalents drilled in the nearest areas because of extremely rare core data form the study area. Disjunctive tectonics (fault systems and two tectonic grabens) modified in a different rate the primary extent of studied evaporites as well as it was responsible for their local thickness increase in the near-fault zones.
Przegląd Solny; 2018, 14; 29--53
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Solny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Petrografia i mineralogia łupków niższego paleozoiku kratonu wschodnioeuropejskiego oraz piaskowców karbonu podłoża monokliny przedsudeckiej
Petrography and mineralogy of the lower Palaeozoic shales from the East European Craton and Carboniferous sandstones from the basement of the Fore-Sudetic Homocline
Sikorska-Jaworowska, M.
Kuberska, M.
Kozłowska, A.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
dolny paleozoik
kraton wschodnioeuropejski
SW Polska
niekonwencjonalne węglowodory
lower Palaeozoic
East European Craton
SW Poland
unconventional hydrocarbons
The study deals with clay-silt shales occurring in the lower Palaeozoic basin at the western slope of the East European Craton, and sandstones known from the Carboniferous Basin of SW Poland (basement of theFore-SudeticHomocline).The clay groundmass of the shales consistslargely of illite, and the silt fraction is made up of quartz with a variable admixture of feldspars. Quartz and carbonate cements are common, while pyrite, kaolinite and phosphate cements are rare. The clay groundmass reveals microporosity in the form of microchannels paralleling illite plates, and visible with in mica packets. Carboniferous sandstones are represented mostly by sublithic or subarkosic wackes and rarely by lithic, sublithic or subarkosic arenites. The pore space between sand grains is completely filled by clayey matrix. Both porosity and permeability are very low in the sandstones.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2016, 64, 12; 963--967
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przydatność pomiarów georadarowych i analiz geomorfometrycznych do rozpoznania wewnętrznej struktury płytkich osuwisk : na przykładzie góry Średniak w Masywie Śnieżnika, Sudety Wschodnie
Evaluation of usefulness of integrated ground-penetrating radar and geomorphometric analyses applied to recognition of internal structure of shallow landslides - case study from
Makoś, M.
Sobczyk, A.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
analiza geomorfometryczna
translacyjne osuwisko
wewnętrzna architektura osuwisk
Sudety Wschodnie
SW Polska
geomorphometric analysis
translational landslide
internal architecture of landslide deposits
Eastern Sudetes
SW Poland
The paper reviews an application of non-destructive electromagnetic imaging of shallow bedrock and landslide colluvium horizons performed with ground-penetrating radar (GPR) technique on mass movement-affected mountain slope. We used a non-shielded 52 MHz GPR equipment to study an area of a shallow translational landslide, which developed on steeply inclined gneissic bedrock on Mt. Sredniak slopes (1210 m a.s.l.) in the Śnieżnik Massif. This landslide originated at the boundary zone between intact bedrock comprising Proterozoic gneisses and uppermost slope cover, as a result of continuous rainfall during July of 2011. Furthermore, to better understand and examine a landslide area on Mt. Sredniak slopes we also applied structural geological and geomorphological methods. The GPR analyses resulted in high-resolution imaging of internal slope structure and gravitational deposit architecture in the range of 0.5-5 m below surface level. Electromagnetic sounding performed directly above the landslide source area elucidated a set of bedrock discontinuities with a possible direct impact on water aggregation and migration during the rainfall episodes. Furthermore, a GPR profile performed in a landslide toe area, showed subsurface reflection horizons to be correlated with a colluvium/bedrock transitional zone and internal heterogeneous architecture of colluvial deposits. Ground-penetrating radar proved to be both powerful and an easy-maintained 'on-site' method for steep mountain slope analysis, with a potential for high-resolution imaging of shallow-seated gravitational slope deformations.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2018, 66, 10; 636--647
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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