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Evidence of soils and paleosols in the Poznań Formation (Neogene, Polish Lowland)
Duczmal-Czernikiewicz, A. M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Poznań clays
Polish Lowland
A succession of stacked paleosol profiles was recognized in open pits in the western Wielkopolska region (Poland). Field observations and micromorphological studies made it possible to distinguish the following pedostructures, formed in contrasting environments: soil horizons, crystallaria, concretions, redoximorphic structures, Fe-Mn globulae and slickensides. In both soils (Holocene) and paleosols (Pleistocene or/and Pliocene?), surface horizons are present (horizon A), marked by rhizocretions. There are two separate carbonate soils. One of them contains calcite concretions and gypsum pedofeatures, presumably formed in arid or semi-arid conditions. Two of the soil profiles are probably truncated, and only subsurface horizons are present (horizon B). In some cases, paleosols are separated by sediment layers slightly influenced by pedogenesis (horizon BC). Carbonate soils (Bk) indicate water deficit during their formation. The presence of horizons with slickensides (Bss) indicates intervals with contrasting seasonal climates (wet and dry cycles). The profiles were influenced by gleying processes which caused redistribution of iron oxides and formation of iron and iron-manganese concretions. The pedostructures recognised reflect different climatic conditions as well as humidity changes during the time of their formation.
Geological Quarterly; 2013, 57, 2; 189--204
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fennoscandian erratics in glacial deposits of the polish lowland - Methodical aspects
Górska, Maria
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
indicator and statistical erratics
glacial deposits
Polish Lowland
In the gla cial de pos its of the Pol ish Low land, there are er ratic boul ders drifted with the last con ti nen tal ice sheet. Their out crops are situ ated in the Bal tic Shield area as well as south of it, in the bot tom of the cen tral and south ern Bal tic Sea. In di ca tor er rat ics, sta tis ti cal er rat ics and the oth ers can be dis tin guished in coarse- gravels as so cia tions. The stud ies on iden ti fi ca tion of the in di ca tor er rat ics are de signed for speci fi ca tion of the Scan di na vian and Bal tic ali men ta tion cen - tres of gla cial tills of dif fer ent age and their flu vio gla cial coun ter parts; they are also aimed at de ter min ing the di rec tion of the dis tant trans port as well as the ice- sheet and its streams’ trans gres sion routes to the depo si tion places. Ef fec tive - ness of the analy sis de pends to a large ex tent on the cor rect clas si fi ca tion of er rat ics, and this abil ity hap pens in turn to be bur dened with a sub jec tive evalua tion of the clearly visi ble fea tures of an er ratic. In the pres ent pa per, an at ten tion is paid to ad van tages and dis ad van tages of the analy sis on the in di ca tor boul ders of the gla cial de pos its.
Studia Quaternaria; 2006, 23; 11-15
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sorption of Pb and Cd by sediments of the polygenetic river valleys of the eastern part of the Polish Lowland
Falkowska, E.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Polish Lowland
river valleys
sorption of Pb and Cd
sorption isotherms
Sediments, filling the polygenetic, melt-out river valleys of the eastern part of the Polish Lowland and adjacent areas are characterised by various sorption capacities in relation to Pb and Cd. Valley bottoms and ice-dammed basins within the morainic plateau are built of peats, mucks and warps, which bond 98% of the added heavy metals from the input solution with concentrations of 1 to 20 mg/dm3. These sediments, occurring also in the form of horizontal and continuous layers, form natural isolation barriers protecting the groundwaters against pollution with lead and cadmium. Deposits which build the adjacent morainic plateau and which contain over 20% of clay fraction also possess very high sorption capacities in relation to Pb and Cd. Sandy sediments of kames and kame terraces are characterised by the lowest sorption capacities to lead and cadmium. The content of organic matter and to a lesser extent the clay mineral composition determines the sorption capacities of lacustrine and marsh sediments. In the case of the clastic deposits of the morainic plateau, the value of this parameter depends on the quantity and composition of the clay fraction, and on the presence of CaCO3 and oxides and hydroxides of Fe, Al and Mn. The sorption of lead by peats and warps for delivered input solutions (5–100 mg/dm3), in most cases, are described by Henry’s isotherms whereas the sorption of cadmium is described by Freundlich’s isotherms. The sorption of lead as well as cadmium by mineral and organic-mineral sediments are described by Freundlich’s isotherms.
Geological Quarterly; 2003, 47, 2; 169-186
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Baeothryon alpinum (L.) T.V. Egorova (Cyperaceae) in the Polish Lowlands: distribution, population decrease and implications for conservation
Pawlikowski, P.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
Baeothryon alpinum
Polish Lowland
plant distribution
plant population
plant conservation
threatened plant
A total of 47 localities of Baeothryon alpinum, hosting population of more than 100 000 shoots, were recorded in the lowland part of Poland during field surveys in the years 2003-2009. Among them were 25 populations discovered for the first time. Out of 57 sites of the species known from literature and unpublished (including herbarium) sources, 35 were not confirmed during the survey, 27 of them being definitely extinct. B. alpinum shows a clear pattern of distribution in Poland, with three main areas of occurrence: 1) the north-easternmost Poland (Lithuanian Lake District with the adjacent parts of the Masurian Lake District and the upper Biebrza river valley in North Podlasie Lowlands), which is part of the species boreal main range; 2) scattered localities in north-western Poland; 3) mountain mires at higher altitudes in the Sudetes and Tatra mountains and the adjacent part of southern Poland. The main aggregation of localities is found in Augustów Forest (including the Sejny Lakeland and Wigry National Park), and in the Góry Sudawskie region with adjacent areas. The biggest Polish population in the "Kobyla Biel" fen near Augustów consisted of several dozens of thousands of shoots. The Lithuanian Lake District is an area of general importance for the conservation of B. alpinum in Poland. The species is threatened, first of all, due to secondary succession (mires overgrowing with shrubs, trees and reed) and requires conservation measures as well as establishing nature reserves in places where it occurs. The degree that B. alpinum decreases in number is strikingly different in particular regions of Poland - it has lost most of its localities in north-western Poland and in Masurian Lake District, while in the Lithuanian Lake District and the upper Biebrza valley there are minor losses only. Depending on the region (from the west to the east and from the south-west to the north-east), the species should be given extinct or critically endangered (regions of north-western and southern Poland), endangered (Masurian Lake District), vulnerable (North Podlasie Lowlands) and near threatened (Lithuanian lake District) status. Although the disappearance of the populations beyond the species main range is a common phenomenon, the presented pattern is man-related and connected with differences in land management.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2010, 79, 3
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Transformation from natural (thermal contraction) to anthropogenic (resource exploitation) depressions in the Krotoszyn-Koźmin-Raszków area (Polish Lowland)
Stankowski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
periglacial relief
anthropogenic relief
thermal-contraction structures
Polish Lowland
antropogeniczna rzeźba
Niż Polski
An exceptional concentration of almost identical depressions exist near the small towns of Krotoszyn, Koźmin and Raszków (southern Wielkopolska). Their origin is, however, different from that of the typical post glacial-relief: they are Man-made enlarged thermal-contraction structures that developed at the very end of the Middle Polish (Warthian) glaciation and during the North Polish (Weichselian) glaciation, most probably under periglacial conditions.
Geologos; 2012, 18, 1; 43-50
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Exploration and exploitation of oil and gas fields in Poland: a historical outline
Karnkowski, P.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
historia przemysłu naftowego
pola naftowe i gazowe
zapadlisko przedkarpackie
nizina polska
history of petroleum industry
oil and gas fields in Poland
Carpathian Foredeep
Polish Lowland
Petroleum industry began in Galicia region, the former part of Poland which was in 1772-1918 a province of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The birth of this industry was connected with petroleum distillation made by two pharmacists: Ignacy Łukasiewicz and Jan Zeh, who persistently were working to get a liquid without both light and heavy factions of hydrocarbons, i.e. a liquid paraffin of oil. This aim was reached in spring of 1853. That time also a kerosene lamp was constructed by Adam Bratkowski under direction of I. Łukasiewicz. The set of these lamps was used in the Lviv municipal hospital during the serious surgical operation on 31 July 1853. This date was accepted as the beginning of the world oil industry. Next year I. Lukasiewicz established the oil mine in the Bóbrka village near Krosno. Oil wells then were frequently the open ones dug out to the depth of 60 m and from them oil was extracted with wooden buckets by usage of gin. When petroleum deliveries were assured I. Łukasiewicz founded in 1856 the first petroleum distillery in Ulaszowice near Jasło, the second one in 1858 in Kleczany, and the third one in Polanka near Krosno in 1861. In 1890s in the Carpathians the new oil deposits were discovered in the Gorlice-Jasło-Sanok region. In 1888 the Bergheim Mac Garvey Company found the new oil fields in Weglówka near Krosno and the Galician Oil Mining Company discovered oil-rich deposits in Potok, Turaszówka, Iwonicz, Stara Wieś, Rudawka Rymanowska and Wankowa. Discoveries were also along the Carpathians thrust front where exists the zone of deep-seated folds covered by the Miocene deposits. Oil fields are here located at depth of 800-2000 m. In the Borislav vicinity a few very efficient oil fields were documented in 1896. In 1908 the highly productive "Oil City" well with oil production 2500 t/d was drilled. Exploitation in this region of the Carpathians in 1909 was 2x10exp.6 t, i.e. 5%of the world oil production and Galicia was the third producer in the world. During 150 years of exploration, in this part of Polish Carpathians, 67 oil and 17 gas fields were discovered. In the Carpathian Foredeep 50 gas fields and 10 oil fields were documented. The biggest success was the Jaksmanice-Przemyśl gas field with 75x 10exp.9 m3 of resources. In the Polish Lowland in 1946, just after the Second World War, basing on gravimetric and magnetic data, the first drilling was located on the Kłodawa structure and the Zechstein salts at depth of 300 m were found. Later this drill was a base for foundation of Kłodawa salt mine. In 1961 in the Fore-Sudetic Monocline the first oil field Rybaki was discovered in the Zechstein Main Dolomite formation, and three years later, in 1964, the first gas field discovery - Bogdaj-Uciechów was found within the Rotliegend sandstone and the Zechstein Limestone unit. Until now a dozen of oil and gas fields were documented not only in the Permian formations but also in the Devonian and the Carboniferous deposits in the Lublin Petroleum Province and in the Cambrian sandstones in the Gdansk Petroleum Province. Exploration works, initiated after the Second World War, both in the Carpathians as well as in the Carpathian Foreland and the Polish Lowland give premises of new oil and gas filed discoveries there also in the future.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2007, 55, 12/1; 1049-1059
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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