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Sweden and the Muslim Brotherhood – is Islamism a natural part of a multicultural society or is it a threat to our civilization?
Herstad, Björn
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Instytut Nauki o Polityce
Muslim Brotherhood
political Islam
A historical parallel of the mood of operation by the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt to the way the organization is operating in Europe is identified. The organization has a very pragmatic ideological view allowing it to align with the political elite in EU and countries such as Sweden. It uses multiculturalism, the fight against Islamophobia and a claim of being representative for all Muslims as the three main bases to leverage influence. The Islamism it represents must be regarded as fundamentalist because it is advocating Islam as a total system encompassing all areas of life and demanding long-term subjugation. In Sweden individuals from Muslim Brotherhood associated groups have entered high-ranking political positions and managed to channel significant governmental funds to build schools, mosques, relief services and “educating” newly arrived immigrants and prison inmates. Due to the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood is trying to create an Islamist parallel structur it controls, and at the same time try to facilitate governmental support for these efforts and lastly due to the fact that it advances an ideological position in conflict with core Western values, it must be considered a threat to Europe and civilization as we know it.
Polish Journal of Political Science; 2017, 3, 4; 31-100
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Political Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The influence of the Salafi movement on the political transformation of Egypt in 2011–2013
Palamar, Antonii
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Middle East
Muslim Brotherhood
Saudi Arabia
political Islam
Until 2011, Salafimovement held itself aloof from politics. However, Arab Spring resulted in an opportunity to create their own political parties. Egyptian Salafists were the first to follow this path after the fall of the Hosni Mubarak regime. The emergence of these parties proved to be beneficial for the development of Arab democracy. By their convictions, the Salafists are extremely conservative and more radical than the Muslim Brotherhood. Despite its conservatism, the political force used peaceful means to fight for change, attracted a significant part of Arab society to participate in legal politics, and also added diversity to the spectrum of Islamist parties, preventing any one force from claiming that it represented the entire Muslim community. But soon the rise in popularity of jihadist organizations, which call to fight for the implementation of Islamist ideas not by legal political, but by violent methods, undermined the influence of Salafiparties. In addition, discrediting of the Salafimovement was largely influenced by Saudi policy, the main purpose of which was to counter the Muslim Brotherhood inside Egypt. As a result, most of the ultra-conservative forces became Wahhabi, which led to discord within the Egyptian Salafists. The one part of the movement, which continued to support the Brothers, suffered a political defeat with them after the 2013 military coup. The other part, which sided with the military elite, as a result of these actions completely lost support among the population. This article analyzes the process of the Salafimovement entering the political arena in Egypt, the dynamics of its relations with the Muslim Brotherhood and the ideological differences between them. The article also examines the influence of Saudi Arabia on Egyptian Salafism and explains the main differences between Salafism and Wahhabism in the context of this influence.
Reality of Politics; 2020, 14; 144-159
Pojawia się w:
Reality of Politics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sudański „eksperyment” islamistyczny Hasana at-Turabiego
Hassan al-Turabi’s Sudanese Islamist “Experiment”
Zasuń, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydawnictwo UMK
Hasan al-Turabi
Muslim fundamentalism
National Islamic Front
Muslim Brotherhood
Hasan at-Turabi
fundamentalizm muzułmański
Islamski Front Narodowy
Stowarzyszenie Braci Muzułmanów
Hasan at-Turabi jest jednym z kluczowych współczesnych islamskich myślicieli politycznych i zarazem inicjatorem sudańskiego islamizmu. Okres jego aktywności politycznej to jeden z ważniejszych momentów w historii Sudanu, związany z procesem islamizacji kraju, gwałtownymi przemianami sudańskiej sceny politycznej w powiązaniu z wpływami fundamentalizmu muzułmańskiego, głównie w wydaniu Stowarzyszenia Braci Muzułmanów. Artykuł prezentuje wpływ ideologii islamistycznej na kształtowanie się koncepcji państwa i porządku islamskiego w Sudanie pod przewodnictwem at-Turabiego i kierowanych przez niego czołowych formacji politycznych, w tym głównie Islamskiego Frontu Narodowego (IFN). Zostały także przedstawione elementy, które ukształtowały ten specyficzny islamizm – poza gwałtownymi zmianami w strukturach najwyższej władzy kraju są to wpływy sufickie, elementy przedmuzułmańskiej kultury oraz te bardziej radykalne zaczerpnięte z salafizmu, na których kształtował się światopogląd i przekonania at-Turabiego.
Hassan al-Turabi is one of the key contemporary Islamic political thinkers and the initiator of Sudanese Islamism. The period of his political activity is also one of the most important moments in the history of Sudan, related to the process of Islamization of the country, rapid changes in the Sudanese political scene in connection with the influence of Muslim fundamentalism, mainly in the version of the Muslim Brotherhood. The article presents the influence of Islamist ideology on the shaping of the concept of the Islamic state and Islamic order in Sudan under the leadership of al-Turabi and leading political formations led by him, mainly the National Islamic Front (NIF). It presents also elements that shaped this specific form of Islamism – apart from the rapid changes in the structures of the highest power of the country, it was also Sufi influences, elements of pre-Muslim culture, and the more radical ones derived from Salafism, on which the worldview and beliefs of al-Turabi were shaped.
Historia i Polityka; 2023, 45 (52); 9-24
Pojawia się w:
Historia i Polityka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bunt młodych Egipcjan – dlaczego udało się „obalić” Hosniego Mubaraka?
Youth revolt in Egypt – why “deposition” of Hosni Mubarak was successful?
Lipa, Michał
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Europejska im. ks. Józefa Tischnera
Arabska Wiosna
Ruch 6 Kwietnia
Bracia Muzułmanie
Arab Spring
6 April Movement
Muslim Brotherhood
Pierwsza część artykułu obejmuje uwarunkowania polityczne i społeczno-ekonomiczne, w jakich przyszło żyć Egipcjanom i jakie stanowiły istotne tło dla wydarzeń, które nastąpiły po 25 stycznia 2011 roku. Kolejne dwie traktują o takich kwestiach, jak polityczna mobilizacja i strategia, w tym zastosowanie taktyki protestu bez przemocy. Nie byłaby ona skuteczna, gdyby nie pewne okoliczności, których dziś możemy się jedynie domyślać. Ostatnia część mówi więc o istotnych okolicznościach sprzyjających osiągnięciu celu, jakim była dymisja prezydenta, a także o możliwym scenariuszu na niedaleką przyszłość. Tezą artykułu jest konstatacja, iż polityczna mobilizacja, której skutkiem był masowy protest oraz dymisja Hosniego Mubaraka, okazała się skuteczna dlatego, że towarzyszyło jej pęknięcie w łonie autorytarnego systemu władzy (armia kontra partia dominująca i technokraci) – związane z problemem prezydenckiej sukcesji (po upływie kolejnej kadencji ponad 80-letniego Mubaraka) i lansowanie na stanowisko przyszłej głowy państwa Gamala Mubaraka, reprezentującego interesy technokratów („reżimowej burżuazji”), a nie armii.
The first part of the paper focuses on political and socio-economic conditions in Egypt, offering a crucial background for a better understanding of events that took place after 25 January 2011. The following two parts concentrate on issues such as political mobilization and strategy, including protest policy without using violence. Were it not for some circumstances one can only speculate about, it would not have been possible. The final part concerns the most significant events that helped achieve this very goal, i. e. the resignation of the President Hosni Mubarak, and possible future scenario. The main thesis is that political mobilization resulting in mass protests and deposition of Hosni Mubarak was successful because it was accompanied with a breakdown in the very heart of authoritarian system (army against dominating party and technocrats) – which was connected with a problem of presidential succession (after over 80- years long tenure of Mubarak), and with lobbying Gamal Mubarak, representing not army but technocrats (so-called ‘regime bureaucracy’), to become next head of the state.
Kultura i Polityka; 2012, 11; 32-43
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Polityka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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