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Na pograniczu świata barbarzyńskiego i feudalnego. Rody staropruskie po podboju krzyżackim
On the Borderland of the Barbarian and Feudal World. Old Prussian Kinship after the Teutonic Order’s Conquest of Prussia
Białuński, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Instytut Północny im. Wojciecha Kętrzyńskiego w Olsztynie
zakon krzyżacki
Old Prussians
Teutonic Order
Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia dwa znaczenia rodziny, jedno z epoki barbarzyńców – w okresie pogaństwa pruskiego, drugie po ich podboju przez Zakon Krzyżacki, w epoce feudalnej. Zakładano, że Prusowie, podobnie jak inne ludy barbarzyńskie, uznawali pokrewieństwo obu stron, linie (patrylinearne i matrylinearne), mierzone jako „kolana” (od głowy przez ramiona do łokci i paznokci). Oznaczało to, że rodzina nie była sztywną i stabilną grupą, ale zróżnicowaną w każdym pokoleniu. Nawet bliscy krewni mieli różne kręgi pokrewieństwa. Tylko bracia i siostry należeli do tej samej grupy. Oznaczało to również, że rodzina nie miała jednego miejsca. Pierwszym i najważniejszym zadaniem rodziny było wróżenie, jak również również odbiór lub zapłatę za nieruchomość. Drugim i równie ważnym zadaniem rodziny wydaje się być ochrona własności. Kolejnym zadaniem rodziny kognitywnej była powszechna przysięga. Każdy członek gminy był zobowiązany do stawania z bliskimi i dochowania złożonej im przysięgi, zaś z drugiej strony mógł liczyć na konsekwentne wsparcie krewnych. Rodzina w epoce feudalnej była czymś innym. Została zbudowana na bazie agnatycznej, a zatem składała się z zamkniętej grupy, wywodzącej się od tego samego przodka w dół linii patrylinearnej. Jej funkcja podlegała również pewnym ograniczeniom. Również krąg osób uprawnionych do zadań indywidualnych został zmieniony. Trendem było zawężenie tego kręgu. Ze względu na to, że rodzina kognitywna nie pozwalała ambitnym rodzinom na zwiększanie swojego znaczenia i bogactwa, zwłaszcza w pomnażanu ich własności ziemi, pod koniec epoki pogańskiej w Prusach, rosło znaczenie pokrewieństwa na bazie agnatycznej, jak to miało miejsce od jakiegoś czasu w feudalnej Europie. Zlikwidowania dawnych struktur rodowych dokonał ostatecznie Zakon Krzyżacki. Kognitywna rodzina była niezbędna i możliwa tylko w społeczeństwie kolektywnym. Nową erę zdefiniował: indywidualizm i relacje rodzinne. Wraz z powstaniem nowej władzy solidarność rodzina zniknęła. Na jej miejscu pojawiła się niepodzielna jednostka agnatyczna. Rozpad rodziny kognitywnej nie nastąpił od razu, nie było też jednej decyzji ani środka prawnego od nowych władców w tej sprawie. Był to pewien proces, a niektóre stare elementy zostały zachowane. Do takich elementów należały: krwawa zemsta i „weregild” jako akt pokory, wspólne zamieszkiwanie krewnych, znaczenie linii matrylinearnej, zwłaszcza wuja-siostrzeńca, wspólną własność posiadaną przez grupę krewnych oraz przenoszenie imion w obu liniach. Po rozpadzie rodziny kognitywnej krąg krewnych, oparty na kanonie praw, zmieniał się i był stale pomniejszany. Pojawiły się także nowe zasady dziedziczenia, a w końcu ważne i nowe formy identyfikacji rodzin agnatycznej epoki feudalnej, a mianowicie herby i pieczęcie. W wyniku tych zmian w XV wieku w Prusach ślady dawnej rodziny kognitywnej są trudne do znalezienia.
This article presents two meanings of family, one from the Barbarian epoch – in the period of Prussian paganism, the second after their conquest by the Teutonic Order, in the feudal era. It was assumed that the Prussians, like other barbarian peoples, recognized kinship along both lines (patrilineal and matrilineal), measured as “knees” (from the head through the shoulders down to the elbows and nails). This meant that the family was not a rigid and stable group, but varied in every generation. Even close relatives had different kinship circles. Only brothers and sisters belonged to the same group. It also meant that the family did not have a single seat, as well as a single authority. The first and foremost task of the family was divination, and as a consequence this also involved the reception of or payment for property. The second and equally important task of the family seems to be have been the protection of ownership. Another task of the cognitive family was a common oath. Each member of the community was obliged to stand with his relatives and assist him with an oath, but on the other hand, he could rely on consistent support from other relatives. The family in the feudal era was something else. It was built on an agnatic basis, and therefore consisted of a closed group deriving from the same ancestor down the patrilineal line. Its functions had also undergone some restrictions. The circle of people entitled to individual tasks also changed. The trend was a narrowing of this circle. Due to the fact that the cognitive family did not allow ambitious families to increase their significance and wealth, especially in multiplying their ownership of land, at the end of the pagan era in Prussia, the importance of kinship was growing on an agnatic basis, as has been the case in feudal Europe for some time. The breakdown of the old ancestral structures was finally made by the Teutonic Order. The cognitive family was only indispensable and possible in a collective society, the new era was defined by individualism and family relationships. With the rise of the new authority, the solidarity of the family disappeared. In its place an indivisible agnatic unit appeared. The disintegration of the cognitive family did not happen immediately, nor was there any single decision or legal measure from the new rulers in this matter. It was a certain process, and some of the old elements were retained into modern times. Such elements included: blood revenge and ‘weregild’ as an act of humility, the cohabitation of relatives, the importance of the matrilineal line, especially uncle–nephew, commonly held property possessed by a group of relatives, and the transfer of names down both lines. After the disintegration of the cognitive family, the circle of relatives, which was based on canon law, changed and constantly decreased. New rules of inheritance also appeared, and finally an important and new form of identifying families of the agnatic feudal era, namely heraldic emblems and seals. As a result of these changes in the 15th century in Prussia, traces of the former cognitive family are difficult to find.
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie; 2021, 315; 282-300
Pojawia się w:
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Na pograniczu świata barbarzyńskiego i feudalnego. Rody staropruskie po podboju krzyżackim
On the Borderland of the Barbarian and Feudal World. Old Prussian Kinship after the Teutonic Order’s Conquest of Prussia
Białuński, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Instytut Północny im. Wojciecha Kętrzyńskiego w Olsztynie
zakon krzyżacki
Old Prussians
Teutonic Order
This article presents two meanings of family, one from the Barbarian epoch - in the period of Prussian paganism, the second after their conquest by the Teutonic Order, in the feudal era. It was assumed that the Prussians, like other barbarian peoples, recognized kinship along both lines (patrilineal and matrilineal), measured as “knees” (from the head through the shoulders down to the elbows and nails). This meant that the family was not a rigid and stable group, but varied in every generation. Even close relatives had different kinship circles. Only brothers and sisters belonged to the same group. It also meant that the family did not have a single seat, as well as a single authority. The first and foremost task of the family was divination, and as a consequence this also involved the reception of or payment for property. The second and equally important task of the family seems to be have been the protection of ownership. Another task of the cognitive family was a common oath. Each member of the community was obliged to stand with his relatives and assist him with an oath, but on the other hand, he could rely on consistent support from other relatives. The family in the feudal era was something else. It was built on an agnatic basis, and therefore consisted of a closed group deriving from the same ancestor down the patrilineal line. Its functions had also undergone some restrictions. The circle of people entitled to individual tasks also changed. The trend was a narrowing of this circle. Due to the fact that the cognitive family did not allow ambitious families to increase their significance and wealth, especially in multiplying their ownership of land, at the end of the pagan era in Prussia, the importance of kinship was growing on an agnatic basis, as has been the case in feudal Europe for some time. The breakdown of the old ancestral structures was finally made by the Teutonic Order. The cognitive family was only indispensable and possible in a collective society, the new era was defined by individualism and family relationships. With the rise of the new authority, the solidarity of the family disappeared. In its place an indivisible agnatic unit appeared. The disintegration of the cognitive family did not happen immediately, nor was there any single decision or legal measure from the new rulers in this matter. It was a certain process, and some of the old elements were retained into modern times. Such elements included: blood revenge and ‘weregild’ as an act of humility, the cohabitation of relatives, the importance of the matrilineal line, especially uncle-nephew, commonly held property possessed by a group of relatives, and the transfer of names down both lines. After the disintegration of the cognitive family, the circle of relatives, which was based on canon law, changed and constantly decreased. New rules of inheritance also appeared, and finally an important and new form of identifying families of the agnatic feudal era, namely heraldic emblems and seals. As a result of these changes in the 15th century in Prussia, traces of the former cognitive family are difficult to find.
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie; 2016, 291, 1; 11-29
Pojawia się w:
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kinship w ujęciu posthumanistycznym. Międzygatunkowe rodziny przyszłości
Kinship in the Posthumanist Approach. Interspecies Families of the Future
Gajewska, Grażyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Patricia Piccinini
Shaun Tan
Joon-ho Bong
The author analyzes the works of Patricia Piccinini (sculpture), Shaun Tan (literature) and Joon-ho Bong (film) in terms of the post-humanist idea of interspecies familiarity. The text begins with an explanation of the term Kinship, and then indicates to what extent post-humanism extends its scope and describes the emotional ties between human and other-than-human members of the household. The author presents this kind of post-humanist, multi-genre family life in three different versions: in the field of visual arts, these will be works from the Welcome Guest, and Families of the Future by Piccinini, in the field of the literature – Tan’s Tales from the Inner City, and the film representation – Okja by Bong. Although each of these works brings out slightly different aspects and contexts of the post-humanist vision of the concept of Kinship, they share an openness to what is other-than-human, combined with care and tenderness.
Przestrzenie Teorii; 2023, 39; 179-194
Pojawia się w:
Przestrzenie Teorii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-3 z 3

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