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Stosunki polsko-senegalskie. Stan obecny i perspektywy
Polish-Senegal Relations. Contemporary Condition and Perspectives
Ndiaye, Bara
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
International relations
Polish contacts with Senegal are presented here in the context of relations between Poland and Africa. Polish scientists and scholars played a significant role in the process of discovering The Black Continent. But, Poland has never been a colonial power. The first Polish emigrants arrived to the Senegalese coast at the second half of the 18th century. During the period of Poland's partitions, A number of Polish military men served in the Foreign Legion and thanks to this service, they arrived in Dakar. The character of Polish contact with Senegal changed during the inter-war period. Poland established an honorary consulate in Dakar, in the territory of French West Africa, whose mission was to promote Poland in the region. The opening of the diplomatic mission took place in 1935 and its competency inc-luded the all French West Africa territory. During the independence period, Senegal becomes one of Poland's larger West African trade partners. The first Polish-Senegalese trade agreement was signed on June 18, 1962. At the same time, an agreement for cooperation in the fields of technology and science was ratified. Along with the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1963, the Polish Trade Mission was created in Dakar. As part of international agreements, a small group of Senegalese youths was able to begin studies at Polish universities, mainly in the technological and medical fields. Cultural relations with Senegal resulted in Polish missionaries from various orders conducting mission activities in Senegal. Polish missionaries are present in Senegal since 1932. During the Second World War, 35 Poles have conducted mission work in the country. Polish missionaries of both genders were actively involved in virtually all local Roman Catholic Church activities in Senegal. Actually, nuns are worked in medical service, education and are also involved in running academicals/students Church groups and in training of religion teachers. They are also involved in charity work, bringing aid to the needy. There is also under their responsibilities church administration, teaching in schools or seminary academies in addition to their chief task, conducting pastoral duties under very difficult conditions. The economic cooperation between Poland and Senegal is not characteristic of the potential of either country. However, there are chances to improve the situation. There is a possibility of intensifying the direct relations and both capital and production ties of Senegalese and Polish firms.
Forum Politologiczne; 2006, 3 - Kontakty polsko-afrykańskie. Przeszłość, teraźniejszość, przyszłość; 189-212
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Forum Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mocarstwa regionalne jako wyzwanie badawcze. Wybrane zagadnienia
Regional powers as research challenge. A few remarks
Bryła, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
Regional powers
International relations
Since the end of the Cold War regional powers play more and more important role in international relations, on regional and global level as well. Increase of scientist interest in studying of regional powers and regional power status highlighted the fact, that this category of states became a real research challenge for many reasons. Both concepts - "region" and "power" - are contested across and within disciplines. Authors disagree on what makes region and what states and why one can classify as a part of the region; disagreement is also on what power and regional power status is, and how to measure it. Many different theoretical and methodological approaches are applied, and different analytical tools, typologies, criteria of identifying, classifying, and distinguishing regional powers are in use, what makes it difficult, for instance, to compare this category of states. All of this make necessary further systematic and in depth research for better and more comprehensive understanding of regional powers, their role in international relations, in global and regional governance and in regional security orders.
Forum Politologiczne; 2012, 13 - "Stare" i "nowe" mocarstwa w Afryce - stygmaty kulturowe, religijne, polityczne, ekonomiczne i społeczne; 17-43
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Forum Politologiczne
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Biblioteka Nauki
Główne problemy w stosunkach Chińskiej Republiki Ludowej z Japonią
Major Problems of the Peoples Republic of China in Relations With Japan
Dryjańska, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
International relations
The ending of the Cold War was the end of bipolar era with 2 main powers: the US and the USSR. In Asia it coincided with economical and military rising of People Republic of China which aim was always to become a superpower on the one hand and with the change towards more active role of Japan in world politics on the other hand. In East Asia it's China which is believed to dominate the region and challenge the US after the USSR fall. However one of the main thesis of the article is that the change in Japanese foreign policy although slow is radical because it is in fact the process of its normalization. In the view of these two great processes the author presents main problems in Sino-Japanese relations such as contradictory strategic interests, border dispute and controversy about Yasukuni shrine. In the article not only hard power perspective is taken into account. Except for the Japan alliance with the US, the modernization of the Chinese army and the border demarcation dispute concerning partition of the territories on East China Sea also the question of historical memory and reciprocal perception is presented.
Forum Politologiczne; 2008, 8 - Współczesny Daleki Wschód w stosunkach międzynarodowych - rywalizacja i mocarstwowość; 177-201
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Forum Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kombinat Górniczo-Hutniczy Miedzi - POLSKA MIEDŹ SA związki z Afryką
KGHM POLSKA MIEDŹ SA Connections with Africa
Jaremczuk, Edward J.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
International relations
The Company presented in the article is one the biggest producer of copper and silver in the Word. What made Company very modern, is strict and respected environmental standards, high quality of products and existence on the biggest stocks exchange throughout the world. The developing direction was determined by strategy, which enforced on Company searching an access to cheap mine, which is also situated in Africa. The Company has been in the continent of Africa since 1997, when it obtained right to exploitation Kimpe bed. The bed is located in Shaba province which belongs to Democratic Republic of Congo. At the present time exploited bed by KGHM is continually transformed and modified. In addition there are new investments connected with new technology. Base on the led research it is under consideration a suggestion of buying up rights to exploitation very similar bed situated near the border with Democratic Republic of Congo, in Zambia. For KGHM Company and Polish economy these new challenges should be controlled in details to avoid mistakes which are related to specific nature of African continent, its phenomenon and constant lack of political and economy stabilization.
Forum Politologiczne; 2006, 3 - Kontakty polsko-afrykańskie. Przeszłość, teraźniejszość, przyszłość; 213-227
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Forum Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stosunki polsko-etiopskie. Zarys problematyki
Polish-Ethiopian Relations: Outline of the Problem
Gemechu, Degefe Kebede
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
International relations
This article examines the Polish-Ethiopian historical relations and problems appeared in the course of their relations. The article mainly refers to the process of efforts made to establish diplomatic, political, scientific, cultural and trade relations between the two countries to the end of 1960s. In the past, these relations were determined by the barrier of geographical distance as well as the lack of common interests of both countries. Even though, now days when the problem of distance does not appear as the major factor for multilateral relations between both countries, still the Polish-Ethiopian relations can be considered as unsatisfactory. The earlier contacts can be traced back to the period of the reign of king Jan Sobieski, who in the 17th century tried to establish the alliance of Christian countries against Turkey. Ethiopia was one of the countries he considered to contact for this purpose. The modern contacts and diplomatic relations started in 1930 during the coronation of Emperor Haile Sellasie I. During the Se¬cond World War, the Ethio-Italian conflict and pro Italian stand taken by Poland, led to the deterioration of Polish-Ethiopian relations. The diplomatic relation was renewed after the end of the Second World War. Even though different obstacles occurred in bilateral relations, and the achievements of the goals were not so satisfactory, both parties were determined to maintain their relations.
Forum Politologiczne; 2006, 3 - Kontakty polsko-afrykańskie. Przeszłość, teraźniejszość, przyszłość; 173-187
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Forum Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wielka Brytania w afrykańskiej rzeczywistości międzynarodowej przełomu XX i XXI wieku (1990-2007)
The United Kingdom in Africas international reality at the turn of the 20th and 21st century (1990-2007)
Zajączkowski, Kamil
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
United Kingdom
International relations
Among the conditions which have shaped the relations between the European countries and Africa the ones worth mentioning are tradition and historical ties linking Europe with its former colonies. The process of colonisation, as well as decolonisation, and the postcolonial era have permanently tied African countries with the Old Continent. The two European countries which are most interested in developing cooperation with Sub-Saharan Africa are the United Kingdom and France - the two biggest colonial states in Africa. At the beginning of the last century, before the independence of Egypt, London controlled the largest part of Africa (36.5%), as well as Sub-Saharan Africa (41.5%); whereas France was on the second place, with 35% of the whole African continent and 28.6% of the Sub-Saharan part. The aim of this article is to present the policy of the UK towards Africa, its determinants and the role of historical factors in mutual relations, as well as the main directions of the British policy towards Africa - its main principles, aims and progress. The article focuses mainly on the last decade of the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century, and on the rule of John Major and Tony Blair, i.e. 1990-2007.
Forum Politologiczne; 2012, 13 - "Stare" i "nowe" mocarstwa w Afryce - stygmaty kulturowe, religijne, polityczne, ekonomiczne i społeczne; 133-181
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Forum Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ubóstwo Afryki jako wyzwanie dla etyków stosunków miedzynarodowych
Poverty in Africa as a challenge for ethics in international relations
Solarz, Anna M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
International relations
The problem of ethics in international relations is as old as the hills. Moral arguments can mobilize governments and people or prevent somebody from doing something. For the pope John Paul II ethics is „the safeguard of all that is human in any system" and this definition could be useful also to the system of international relations. Answer to the question why Africa hasn't taken advantage of fifty years of independence and is staying out of mainstream of globalization and what should be done to change this situation is rather complex. However, there could be found three groups of answers from ethical point of view which eventually have much to do with each other. One can argue that the most important factor responsible for Africa's current situation is colonialism and neocolonialism, the European domination and the exportation of black slaves from continent. Therefore nowadays rich countries should enlarge their financial help for Africa as a compensation. The argument from another point of view says that the main responsibility is in African culture and tradition and the enlargement of financial help may only make things worse. Africans should take their fate into their hands. There is also the Catholic Church's standpoint, well- known thanks to the Holy See's position in international relations. This point of view combines both above-mentioned and puts emphasis on reconciliation as a starting point to all indispensable changes.
Forum Politologiczne; 2011, 12 - Problemy bogactwa i biedy we współczesnej Afryce; 109-125
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Forum Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
"Jakie znaczenie ma religia?". Religia w badaniu stosunków międzynarodowych
"What Does Religion Matter?": Religion in Studying International Relations
Solarz, Anna M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Studiów Międzynarodowych
Interpersonal relations
International relations
Literature review
Relacje międzyludzkie
Stosunki międzynarodowe
Przegląd literatury
Przegląd książek i czasopism specjalistycznych pozwala stwierdzić, że badacze dostrzegają i analizują rolę religii w międzynarodowej sferze relacji społecznych w zasadzie od czasu zakończenia konfrontacji zimnowojennej, a więc od lat 90. XX w., a zwłaszcza po zamachach Al-Kaidy z 11 września 2001 r. A zatem kluczowe dla porządku międzynarodowego wydarzenia ostatnich dekad stały się jednocześnie pretekstem do zogniskowania większej uwagi na religii. Nie wydaje się, by był to przypadek. Stosunki międzynarodowe pozostają dyscypliną, która poszukuje swojego miejsca w nauce - mając ambicje budowania globalnych wizji i teorii, musi przede wszystkim wyjść poza swój pierwotny europocentryzm, a tym samym spotkać się z religią i religijnością. W artykule autorka dostrzega konieczność podejścia interdyscyplinarnego do badania rzeczywistości międzynarodowej i wyjścia poza pozytywistyczne metody badawcze, kreśli genezę i rozwój oraz główne źródła międzynarodowej demografii religii, a także podejmuje problem włączania religii do literatury dotyczącej stosunków międzynarodowych. Wskazano, że choć coraz więcej się pisze na ten temat, badanie religii jest na początku długiej jesz-cze drogi. Autorka podkreśla, iż warto podjąć to wyzwanie, które z jednej strony zmusza badaczy do wyjścia poza ramy swojej dyscypliny, z drugiej - może istotnie wpłynąć na jej tożsamość.(abstrakt oryginalny)
An overview of books and academic journals allows one to come to the conclusion that scholars have taken note of and analysed the role of religion in international social relations more or less since the end of the Cold War, that is since the 1990s, particularly after the Al-Qaeda attacks of 11 September 2001. Events of key significance to the world order in recent decades have also become a pretext for giving more attention to religion. This is not a coincidence. International relations as a discipline is still searching for its place in science. Driven by the ambition of constructing global visions and theories, it must first of all transcend its original Eurocentrism and hence encounter religion and religiousness, among other things. The author of the article sees a need for an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the international reality as well as going beyond positivist research methods. She outlines the origins and development of international religious demographics and addresses the problem of including religion in international relations literature. She claims that although much is already being written on the subject, we are still at the beginning of the road. The challenge is worth taking up; on the one hand, it forces scholars to look beyond the boundaries of their discipline, and may significantly impact its identity on the other.(original abstract)
Stosunki Międzynarodowe - International Relations; 2017, 53, 4; 9-35
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Stosunki Międzynarodowe - International Relations
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Spór Chin i Japonii o Archipelag Senkaku
Chinese-Japanese Dispute Over The Senkaku Islands
Wangrat, Michał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
International relations
The Senkaku Islands, or Diaoyutai Islands are a group of disputed, uninhabited five small volcanic islands and three rocky outcroppings. The islands are located roughly northeast of Taiwan, due west of Okinawa, and due north of the end of the Ryukyu Islands in the East China Sea. They are currently controlled by Japan, but also both the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China (Taiwan) claim that these islands fall under their respective sovereign jurisdiction. Historically, the islands are of insignificant economic value be- sides the rich fishing stock. They were mainly used as safe harbour for local fishers or navigation points so that till 1970 sovereignty over them wasn't discussed or questioned. However, a study by the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (UNECAFE) published in 1969 suggested that the seabed of the East China Sea could be one of the richest oil and gas-deposit areas in the region. It became apparent that the acquisition of territorial sovereignty over these islands might legitimise future claims to the adjacent territorial sea, and possibly to justify the creation of an exclusive economic zone under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). The direct reason for the dispute was however the fact of giving the administration over the Riukiu islands and Senkaku back to Japan (in 1972) from temporary US military administration after the WW II. Japan declined the Chine- se claims and pointed out that till the mid 1970 no such claims were laid. Additionally for both sides military (due to location it is an important point in Japanese self defence system) and political (need to show the power of the countries at realizing their national interests, claims of sovereignty over the islands raised the spirit of nationalism in both countries used by politicians) meaning of the disputed territory became clear. The claims of both sides use a variety of historical, law and other reasons. The Chinese argumentation is trying to show that its acts of prior discovery, use, and ownership of the islands are sufficient to grant it legal title and argues about the legal treaties regarding these territories asserting that Japan specifically ceded the islands to China after World War II. On the other side Japan concentrate on the facts that it claims legal possession of the islands and peacefully and continuously exercised sovereignty over the is- lands for over one hundred years also the different interpretation of the treaties is represented. Both sides present extensive documentary evidence and historical arguments to prove title to the islands and appear unwilling to negotiate any compromise. The national pride and political interest have resulted in number of protests, incidents and quarrels over these territories started mainly by Chinese nationalists to support bad feelings against Japan or to make a pressure on Japanese government. However the situation in the region, despite the lack of cooperation in this matter is stabile. The economic concurrence between the countries and their need for mineral resources make the dispute stay open and to be used in the right time (as bargain by China) but it doesn't change the fact that Japan is exercising authority over the islands. Additionally the other disputes these countries have with their neighbours make it more difficult to achieve a sati factionary result because it could influence them as the sign of weakness. It is highly possible that the dispute will stay unsolved and without causing broader tensions will be used in particular cases according to the political interests of both sides.
Forum Politologiczne; 2008, 8 - Współczesny Daleki Wschód w stosunkach międzynarodowych - rywalizacja i mocarstwowość; 203-220
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Forum Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polityka zagraniczna Japonii wobec Bliskiego Wschodu
Middle Eat in the Foreign Policy of Japan
Frelak, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
Middle East
International relations
For decades Japanese foreign policy in the Middle East was oriented merely towards economic issues. Its main goal was to secure long-term and reliable deliveries of the Middle East oil, which was crucial to the Japanese economy. Therefore, during the Cold War Japan based its foreign policy in this distant region on the alliance with the United States. Strong relations with the Americans were seen by the government in Tokyo as a guarantee of its oil supplies from that volatile region. On the other hand the Japan-U.S. alliance imposed serious constraints on Japanese independent action in the Middle East. In addition, the tendency to frame foreign policy questions in terms of economic interests has led the Japanese government to underestimating the challenges of relations with the Middle East, an area where vital economic issues cannot be separated so easily from social, political, and strategic questions. The failure of these foreign policy guidelines in the Middle East became apparent in the last decade of the 20th century, and at the beginning of the 21st century, forcing Japan to adopt more active role in the region, and develop more profound relations with the Middle Eastern partners. This new approach of the Japanese diplomacy can be seen in such areas as cultural cooperation (Japan-Arab Dialogue Forum), or political involvement (Iran, Iraq and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict) in the region.
Forum Politologiczne; 2008, 8 - Współczesny Daleki Wschód w stosunkach międzynarodowych - rywalizacja i mocarstwowość; 471-500
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Forum Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pozycja i miejsce Etopii jako mocarstwa regionalnego a stosunki z sąsiadami
Position and place of Ethiopia as the regional power and relations wuth its neighbors
Gemechu, Degefe Kebede
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
Regional power
International relations
Ethiopia is the strongest regional power among the states of the Horn of Africa. It is the second most populous country on the continent. This article refers to the past and recent relations with neighbors of Ethiopia, regarding its dominant position. The military intervention in Somalia, the war with Eritrea and their post war relations, peacekeeping mission in the Republic of South Sudan and other relations at the regional level are thoroughly analyzed. Ethiopia deployed hundreds of its troops in Somalia, to oust rebel insurgents in 2006. Chaos and violence in the country, frag- mentation of the population along clan and sub-clan lines gave Ethiopia strong position to freely operate in Somalia without significant resistance. Generally Ethiopia withdrew its troops in 2009,but it returned several times with small scale troops. Another victory for Ethiopia was noted after the war between Ethiopia and Eritrea from 1998-2000 that claimed numerous injuries, dislocation of innocent citizens and left thousands dead. Following the weak- ness of Somalia and then Eritrea, Ethiopian, position in the Horn of Africa became stronger. Ethiopia also involved in case of stabilization of the Sudan Conflict by sending its troops to the region of Abyei, a border between Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan. Ethiopia may keep its present dominant position in the future, if it changes its internal political system to more open and fully democratic which could lead to positive changes of political and socioeconomic situations in the region.
Forum Politologiczne; 2012, 13 - "Stare" i "nowe" mocarstwa w Afryce - stygmaty kulturowe, religijne, polityczne, ekonomiczne i społeczne; 597-614
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Forum Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zachodnie mocarstwa wobec wydarzeń w Afryce Północnej
Wetern Great Powers towards the events in North Africa
Kumelska, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
Arab Spring
International relations
The mass demonstrations, which took place in the North Africa, soon called "Arab Spring", constituted unexpected surprise for Western Great Powers. As yet, the international community, haven't expected, that mass protests could, firstly became grass roots initiative, which do not have any connections with political or religious organizations, secondly boiled over into huge, social movement able to drive authoritarian regime out. Western Great Powers were confident that such situation could have happened after coup achieved by Islamists. Events that took place in the North Africa at the turn of 2010 and 2011 have shown the miscalculations of the West. This paper presents the reactions of Western Great Powers to "Arab Spring".
Forum Politologiczne; 2012, 13 - "Stare" i "nowe" mocarstwa w Afryce - stygmaty kulturowe, religijne, polityczne, ekonomiczne i społeczne; 391-421
Pojawia się w:
Forum Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Recenzje : Maéva Clément, Eric Sangar (red.), Researching Emotions in International Relations. Methodological Perspectives on the Emotional Turn, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham 2018, ss. 355
Piekarska, Maria
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Studiów Międzynarodowych
Interpersonal relations
International politics
International relations
Political relations
Economic crisis
Humanitarian intervention
Relacje międzyludzkie
Polityka międzynarodowa
Stosunki międzynarodowe
Stosunki polityczne
Kryzys gospodarczy
Interwencja humanitarna
Rola emocji podnoszona jest głównie w teoriach krytycznych i feministycznych, które upatrują źródła dotychczasowej niskiej pozycji tego czynnika w hierarchii zainteresowań badawczych w percepcji emocji jako elementu miękkiego, kobiecego, a tym samym nieuznawanego za poważny w międzynarodowym świecie. Co więcej, ich nieuchwytność i subiektywność sprawia, że często uważa się je za niemożliwe do zbadania na gruncie nauk społecznych. Jak przekonują autorzy rozdziałów w pracy zbiorowej pod redakcją Maévy Clément i Erica Sangara, nic bardziej mylnego. (fragment tekstu)
Stosunki Międzynarodowe - International Relations; 2017, 53, 4; 249-253
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Stosunki Międzynarodowe - International Relations
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The European Union Weltanschauung and the Liberal World Order
Ilik, Goran
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Centrum Europejskie
European Union
International relations
Liberal democracy
This article investigates the challenges of the liberal democracy in the new international context, provoked by the emergence of the new great powers (Russia and China), and especially the establishment of the BRICS grouping in the world political scene. Namely, this article ‘clashes’ the both paradigms of BRICS and the EU, in order to conclude their performances in relation to the values of liberal democracy. In that context, especially is stressed the liberal axiological set of the EU, as a postmodern entity, with typical soft power in the international relations. The EU soft power stems from its axiological set, which predominantly is composed by the values of liberal democracy. The new international context is characterised by the establishment of liberal and illiberal actors. The IR theorists treated the USA and the EU as main represents of the liberal democracy, whilst Russia and China, as illiberal democracies, or simply, autocracies. This article concludes the forthcoming challenges of the liberal democracy in the new international context, as well as the place, role and the international political capacity of the EU, in relation to its mission for safeguarding and advancement of the liberal democratic values.
Studia Europejskie - Studies in European Affairs; 2016, 4; 9-26
Pojawia się w:
Studia Europejskie - Studies in European Affairs
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Is globalization a cause of asymmetric conflicts? Is it part of the solution or a problem?
Prosic, Ale
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Dąbrowie Górniczej
Asymmetric threat
International relations
Middle East
There is no place on the Earth which is not influenced by globalisation processes as for now with differing results and outcomes. It is especially influencing the Middle East and North Africa as they live with own values and those are determined by outside world influences. The paper is to research the interaction between globalisation and asymmetric conflicts that shape world politics economy, culture and security of the modern world. It covers globalistion effects on asymmetrical warfare and the way that globalisationhas greatly increased the ability of terrorists using asymmetric means and violence, in order to achieve a political, religious or ideological goal The paper is structured in three sections. It definesthe concepts of globalisation and asymmetric conflicts presens an interaction between globalisation, cultures and religion and finally describes asymmetric opposition of 'weaker' toward 'strong' in the modern form of 'asymmetric warfare', namely terrorism.
Security Forum; 2017, 1, Volume 1 No. 1/2017; 29-38
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Security Forum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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