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Homoseksualizm jako przyczyna nieważności małżeństwa według orzecznictwa roty rzymskiej i trybunałów kościelnych
Homosexuality as a cause of nullity of marriage according to the jurisprudence of the roman rota and ecclesiastical tribunals
Gołębiowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
Issues concerning homosexuality is well known both in the documents of the Catholic Church, as well as in the case law of the Roman Rota and the judgments of the ecclesiastical tribunals. Currently, homosexuality is a serious social problem, psychological and legal. The issue of homosexuality more often appears in ecclesiastical tribunals, as a cause of inability of people to take the essential obligations of marriage. Homosexuality causes inability to distinguish carefully the particular subject of matrimonial consent and conduct a critical assessment of the person affected by these disorders, which is unable to transfer the rights and assume the obligations of marriage.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2012, 32; 31-47
Pojawia się w:
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cypriot Gay Men’s Accounts of Negotiating Cultural and Sexual Identity: A Qualitative Study
Phellas, Constantinos N
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Ethnic minorities
Qualitative Research
Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
This paper examines some of the key cultural concepts and relevant historical factors that may shape the development of Anglo-Cypriot gay identity. Accounts of sexual identity experiences provided by second generation Greek and Turkish Cypriot gay men in London are examined in the light of this analysis to explore how these men negotiate Anglo-Cypriot and gay identity. Twenty-eight self-identified second generation Greek and Turkish gay men living in London were recruited by advertising in the gay press, by writing to community groups, and gay groups and organizations and by “snowballing.” In-depth face-to-face interviews were conducted with those men recruited through these channels. Data were subjected to interpretative phenomenological analysis. The personal accounts of these men demonstrate that their sexual identity does not always become their primary identity and that different identities are constructed by individuals at different places and times. Most men indicated that the translation of their sexual desires and behaviors into the “political statement” of gay identity is not only difficult but is strongly resisted. Instead they chose to construct their identity in terms of their relationships with their families, their peers at work and other members of their community. The findings of this research may help develop an understanding of the complexities surrounding the “sexual and cultural” identities of Anglo-Cypriot gay men, thereby reinforcing the notion that identity is multiple, contested and contextual.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2005, 1, 2; 65-83
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Homoerotyzm i homoseksualizm w "Naszyjniku gołębicy" Ibn Hazma
Homoeroticism and Homosexuality in Ibn Hazm’s The Ring of the Dove”
Zawisza, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Orientalistyczne
Arab culture
Ibn Hazm
The Ring of the Dove
The aim of this article is to retrace the male homoerotic and homosexual strands in Ibn Hazm’s "The Ring of the Dove" – with contextual analysis which refers to the juridical-religious debates and controversies about a phenomenon of love between men. At first, the author and a general profile of his work are presented. Then, a number of comments concerning difficulties with research on non-heteronormativity will be made with reference to the knowledge of scholars working with ancient Greek and Christian sources. Such perspective allows to evade a necessity of total agreement neither with essentialists nor with culturalists. The following part of the article discusses various attitudes of Islamic classical schools towards homoeroticism and homosexuality. Elucidation of original terms used in this context is followed with an analysis of fragments from "The Ring of the Dove". This analysis leads to a conclusion that ‘homoeroticism’ and ‘homosexuality’ as deliberately conventional notions have a potential to depict polarity within Arab culture of the classical period regarding love between men: by means of unwritten rules and thanks to the clearly outlined public sphere a great spectrum of possibilities between condemnation and acquiescence was institutionalized. In this way, the article demonstrates that all designations referring to eroticism are inadequate and casual.
Przegląd Orientalistyczny; 2014, 1-2; 26-42
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Orientalistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mass Media as the Key Space for Preaching and Defending Christian Personalism
Oko, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Human Person
Christian Personalism
Media Manipulation
Tygodnik Powszechny
Gazeta Wyborcza
Krzysztof Charamsa
Since the invention of print, the media have been increasingly influencing individual and social awareness. They seem apt to undo, in a relatively short period of time, whatever good the upbringing and authorities of a high moral standard have instilled into a person. However, the media can also support the development of this good in a significant way. They are a powerful tool that everyone has to reckon with, they are a place to exchange all sorts of ideas – from the worst to the best. That is the reason why anyone who wants to proclaim the principle of Christian personalism in society should try to think through how to wisely use them to spread the message. However, this message will inevitably meet with strong opposition from people who have opposite beliefs and from the media they own, as they have made them a fundamental place for the struggle for power and dominion over human consciousness. This article, written on the basis of theoretical considerations, but also the rich media experience of the author, attempts to provide practical advice on these matters. The article explains the common structure of all such opposition that follows the pattern of the very loud media case of Fr. Krzysztof Charamsa (in which the author was himself deeply entangled), Tygodnik Powszechny and Gazeta Wyborcza which supported him. In this way, the article shows the mechanisms of manipulation of contemporary media, but also the remedies available.
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II; 2020, 10, 1; 89-123
Pojawia się w:
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Porównanie sytuacji prawnej osób LGBT+ w Polsce i Hiszpanii w latach 1930–2021
Comparison of the legal situation of LGBT+ people in Poland and Spain in the years 1930–2021
Skrzypek, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
prawa człowieka
sytuacja prawna osób LGBT+ Hiszpania
human rights
legal situation
Tematem artykułu jest porównanie sytuacji prawnej osób LGBT+ w Polsce i Hiszpanii. Mimo, że oba kraje są członkami Unii Europejskiej, sytuacja prawna w obu krajach jest zupełnie odmienna. Hiszpania jest uznana za jeden z najbardziej liberalnych kulturowo i przyjaznych krajów wobec społeczności LGBT+ na świecie. Kultura LGBT+ odegrała znaczącą rolę w hiszpańskiej literaturze, muzyce, kinie i innych formach rozrywki, a także w kwestiach społecznych i w polityce. W badaniach ankieterów na temat homoseksualizmu hiszpańska opinia publiczna jest oceniana jako „zdecydowanie pozytywna”, a społeczeństwo zaakceptowało homoseksualizm, co czyni go najbardziej przyjaznym dla osób LGBT+. Widoczność osób LGBT+ wzrosła również w kilku warstwach społeczeństwa, takich jak wojsko, sądownictwo i duchowieństwo. Zdecydowanie odmienna sytuacja występuje w Polsce. Osoby nieheteroseksualne w naszym kraju stoją przed wyzwaniami prawnymi, z którymi nie mają do czynienia inni polscy obywatele, osoby niebędące osobami LGBT+. Według raportu ILGA-Europe z 2021 r. stan praw LGBT+ w Polsce jest najgorszy wśród krajów Unii Europejskiej. Teoretycznie Polska zapewnia osobom LGBT+ takie same prawa jak osobom heteroseksualnym w niektórych obszarach. Polskie prawo zakazuje dyskryminacji w zatrudnieniu ze względu na orientację seksualną. Nie istnieją jednak zabezpieczenia dla służby zdrowia, przestępstw z nienawiści i mowy nienawiści. W Polsce nie funkcjonują związki partnerskie osób tej samej płci i nie ma możliwości adoptowania dzieci. Osoby LGBT+ nie są dobrze postrzegane i są przedmiotem kpin i żartów. Celem pracy jest więc próba analizy i porównania sytuacji osób LGBT+ w Polsce i w Hiszpanii. Autor postawił następujące pytania badawcze: czy i w jakim stopniu sytuacja osób LGBT+ w Hiszpanii uległa zmianie w okresie po uchwaleniu Konstytucji Hiszpanii w 1931 r. i wprowadzeniu nowego kodeksu karnego? Czy i w jakim stopniu uległa zmianie sytuacja osób LGBT w Polsce w analogicznym czasie? Jaka jest sytuacja prawna i postrzeganie osób LGBT+ obecnie w Hiszpanii, a jak w Polsce? Autor podjął także próbę wyjaśnienia, czym te różnice mogą być powodowane. Cel został zrealizowany poprzez studium literatury z lat 1930–2021 oraz analizę dokumentów. Ze względu na fakt, że poruszany temat jest ciągle aktualny, w pracy wykorzystałem artykuły naukowe, książki, ale także informacje podawane na stronach internetowych, akty prawne, korzystałem również z oficjalnych witryn organizacji pozarządowych i stowarzyszeń.
The subject of the article is the comparison of the legal situation of LGBT+ people in Poland and Spain. Although both countries are members of the European Union, the legal situation in both countries is completely different. Spain is recognized as one of the most culturally liberal and LGBT-friendly countries in the world, and LGBT+ culture has played a significant role in Spanish literature, music, cinema and other forms of entertainment, as well as in social issues and politics. In polls on homosexuality, Spanish public opinion is judged to be “overwhelmingly positive” and society has accepted homosexuality, making it the most LGBT+-friendly. LGBT+ visibility has also increased in several layers of the society, such as the military, the judiciary and the clergy. The situation in Poland is definitely different. Homosexual persons in Poland face legal challenges that are not faced by other Polish citizens, non-LGBT+ persons. According to the ILGA-Europe report from 2021, the state of LGBT+ rights in Poland is the worst among the European Union countries. In principle, sexual activity of both men and women of the same sex has been legal in Poland since 1932, when the country introduced an equal age of sexual consent for homosexuals and heterosexuals. In theory, Poland provides LGBT+ people with the same rights as heterosexual people in some areas: gay and bisexual men can donate blood, gay bisexual people can openly serve in the Polish Armed Forces, and transgender people can change their legal gender after meeting certain requirements. Polish law prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of sexual orientation. However, there are no safeguards for health care, hate crimes and hate speech. In 2019, the Constitutional Tribunal ruled that the provision of the Polish Code of Petty Offenses, which prohibits refusal to receive goods and services without “just causa”, is inconsistent with the Constitution. There are no same-sex partnerships in Poland and it is not possible to adopt children. LGBT+ people are not well perceived and are the subject of mockery and jokes. The aim of the work is therefore an attempt to analyze and compare the situation of LGBT+ people in Poland and Spain. The author raised the following research questions: has the situation of LGBT+ people in Spain changed in the period after the adoption of the Spanish Constitution in 1931 and the introduction of the new Penal Code? Has the situation of LGBT people in Poland changed in the same period and to what extent? What is the legal situation and perception of LGBT+ people in Spain and in Poland? The author also made an attempt to explain what these differences may be caused by. The aim of the work was achieved through the study of literature since the years 1930–2021, the analysis of documents. Due to the fact that the topic is still up-to-date, in my work I used scientific articles, books, but also information provided on websites, legal acts, I used the official websites of non-governmental organizations and associations.
Eastern Review; 2022, 11, 2; 9-26
Pojawia się w:
Eastern Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kim są „psy” w Ap 22,15? Lektura terminu οἱ κύνες w greckim antycznym kontekście kulturowym
Who Are „The Dogs” in Rev 22:15? Reading of the Term οἱ κύνες in the Ancient Greek Cultural Context
Siemieniec, Tomasz Marcin
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Apokalipsa św. Jana
Starożytna Grecja
The Book of Revelation
Ancient Greece
Prezentowany artykuł zajmuje się analizą motywu psa w Ap 22,15 w kontekście kulturowym starożytnej Grecji. Analiza stanu badań pokazała, że egzegeci w interpretacji terminu οἱ κύνες odwołują się przede wszystkim do tekstów paralelnych znajdujących się w samej Biblii (oraz literaturze pozabiblijnej). Taka interpretacja nie wyczerpuje jednak bogactwa znaczeniowego metafory psa. Ten sam tekst czytany przez chrześcijan, którzy mieli za sobą doświadczenie kultury hellenistycznej otwiera się na nowe znaczenia. Zdaniem autora artykułu chrześcijanie wywodzący się z kultury hellenistycznej mogli widzieć motyw psa w powiązaniu z zalotami o charakterze pederastycznym, gdzie stanowił on uosobienie starszego partnera w tej relacji – tzw. erastesa. Takie rozumienie metafory psa ma u swoich fundamentów odwołanie się do polowania, które stanowiło ważny element życia antycznych Greków. W literaturze greckiej oraz w malarstwie wazowym, przedstawiając homoseksualne zaloty starszych – erastesów względem młodszych – eromenosów odwoływano się do idei polowania. Widoczne jest to w ikonografii, gdzie sceny ukazujące pederastię często zawierają motyw psa, oraz literaturze, gdzie wysiłki erastesa ukazane są na podobieństwo polowania. Autor Apokalipsy umieszczając „psy” pośród kategorii ludzi wykluczonych z udziału w Mieście Świętym pokazał, że praktyki pederastyczne zamykają dostęp do wspólnoty nowego ludu Bożego. 
The presented article deals with the metaphor of “the dog” in Rev 22:15 on the cultural background of Ancient Greece. The analysis of the state of research has shown that exegetes interpreting the term οἱ κύνες refer primarily to parallel texts found in the Bible itself (and in extra-biblical religious literature). However, such an interpretation does not exhaust the richness of meaning of the metaphor of “the dog”. The same text read by Christians who have had a previous experience of Hellenistic culture opens up new ways for an exploration of new meanings of “the dog” metaphor. According to the author of the article, Christians originating from Hellenistic culture could see the motif of “the dog” in connection with pederastic courtship, where it was the embodiment of an older partner in this relationship – the so-called erastes. This understanding of the metaphor of “the dog” is based on the reference to hunting, which was an important part of the life of ancient Greeks. In Greek literature and in vase painting, when presenting the homosexual courtship of the elder – erastes towards the younger – eromenos, one often referred to the idea of hunting. This is evident in iconography, where scenes of pederasty often employ motifs of a dog, and in literature, where erastes’ efforts are depicted in the likeness of hunting. The author of the Apocalypse, placing “dogs” among the categories of people excluded from participation in the New Jerusalem, showed that pederastic practices prevent access to the community of God's new people.
Verbum Vitae; 2021, 39, 3; 895-912
Pojawia się w:
Verbum Vitae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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