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Zegary słoneczne kościoła pw. Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Panny Marii w Gdańsku
Sundials of St Mary’s Church in Gdańsk
Jażdżewski, T.
Piwek, A.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
zegar słoneczny
kościół Mariacki
St. Mary’s Church
Artykuł przedstawia najnowsze ustalenia na temat formy, funkcji i historii zegarów słonecznych kościoła Mariackiego w Gdańsku. Omawiane zegary znajdują się na ścianie południowej transeptu kościoła. Po stronie zachodniej okna zachodniego, przy krawędzi ściany znajduje się zegar, którego autorstwo przypisywane jest Lorenzo Zachau. Miał on powstać w 1533 r. Tarcza zegara rozdzielona jest poziomą linią na dwie części. W górnej zawarto gwiazdy i słońce z metalową wskazówką (polos). Dolna część ma podziały oznaczające godziny i półgodziny oraz cyfry i liczby. Badania prowadzone w związku z trwającymi pracami konserwatorskimi wykazały, że dotychczasowe nieregularne tynki na wschód od tego zegara, po lewej stronie centralnego okna, są reliktami drugiego zegara słonecznego. Jego tarczę wyznaczają dodatkowo nasieki na cegłach, a w górnej partii znaleziono otwór, w którym był osadzony polos. Umieszczony był pod rynną i spadająca woda spowodowała jego zniszczenie, porzucenie miejsca i zmianę lokalizacji (przy krawędzi). Z tych okoliczności można wnioskować o czasie powstania tego reliktu zegara. Prawdopodobnie zegar ten został wykonany w 2. połowie XV w. Byłby to najstarszy zegar słoneczny w Gdańsku. Wartość dwóch zegarów słonecznych na kościele Mariackim wynika z czasu ich powstania i z wyjątkowej formy.
The paper presents contemporary research evidence of form, function and history of the sundials of St Mary’s Church in Gdańsk. The discussed sundials are located on the southern wall of the church transept. The sundial, which is believed to be made by Lorenzo Zachau in 1533, is placed on the west side of the western window, at the edge of the wall. The face of this sundial is separated by a horizontal line into two parts. The upper part is painted in stars and sun with metal bar (polos). The painting in the lower part has numbers and divisions denoting hours and half-hours. Researches, which have been conducted in connection to the conservational works allowed identifying irregular relics of plaster on the east side of this sundial and on the left side of the central window as relics of the second sundial. Outline of its face is marked by dents on the bricks. In the upper part a hole was found in which the polos was embedded. This sundial was located under the waterspout. Falling water caused its destruction, abandonment and foundation of the new sundial in a different place (near the edge of the wall). From these facts one can infer about the time of the foundation of this sundial. Probably it was made in the 2nd half of the 15th century as the first sundial in Gdańsk. Value of two sundials of St Mary church in Gdańsk arise from early origins and unique form.
Architectus; 2018, 4 (56); 3-12
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zbiory sztuki Kościoła Mariackiego w Gdańsku. Uwarunkowania historyczne
The art collections of St. Marys Church in Gdańsk. Historical factors
Noworyta-Kuklińska, Bożena
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
kościół Mariacki
dzieło sztuki
St. Mary's Church
a work of art
the patriciate
St. Mary's Church boasts an impressive Gothic interior of a high class, which houses a unique collection of works of art. It is the result of the patronage of extremely rich bourgeoisie of Gdańsk over four centuries - from 1400 to 1800- and also creative activities of the second half of the 20th century. It presents an extremely high artistic level, which owes to a sublime aesthetic taste of people from Gdańsk (often highly educated in European universities), who visited- because of  their activities- important art centres in Europe, as well as their wealth thanks to which they could afford to hire the best artists.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2016, 106; 115-125
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kaplice czy kaplica? O zawiłych dziejach kaplic(y) św. Bartłomieja i św. Jadwigi w gdańskim kościele Najświętszej Maryi Panny i o ich znaczeniu dla badań nad średniowiecznymi elementami wystroju
On the Complex History of the Chapel(s) of St. Bartholomew and St. Hedwig in St. Mary’s Church in Gdańsk and their Significance for Research on Medieval Decorative Elements
Grabowska-Lysenko, Alicja
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
St. Mary’s Church in Gdańsk
parish church
medieval art
wall paintings
According to the findings of the research into the history of St. Mary’s Church in Gdańsk, in its eastern part, behind the main altar, three liturgical centres operated in the Middle Ages: the Chapels of the Holy Sepulchre and of St. Bartholomew, which divided the wide architectural space on the axis of the temple, as well as the Chapel of St. Hedwig, located to the south of them. In the latter, a set of wall paintings and a reredos have survived to the present day, the aspects of which have been analysed mainly in relation to the scanty information on the history of this chapel. The example of the decoration of a chapel referred to as ‘Chapel of St. Hedwig’ shows how important, from the point of view of historical and artistic research, it is to use written sources, both those contemporary to the created works of art, and those from a later period. An in-depth analysis of various source materials related to the history of the chapels mentioned above, especially documents related to the Chapel of St. Bartholomew, founded in 1451, has made it possible to establish that in fact there were formerly only two chapels behind the main altar: The Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre (later also called the Chapel of St. Gertrude) and – on the southern side – the Chapel of St. Bartholomew, which as early as at the beginning of the 16th century was commonly referred to as the Chapel of St. Hedwig. Putting this issue in order will make it easier to analyse the objects found in the Chapel of St. Bartholomew/Hedwig in a more comprehensive manner – as a group of works that are the effect of a more uniform concept, and it will enable a more precise dating of the works, which in turn may serve as a starting point for further research into the artistic environment of mid-15th century Gdańsk.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2022, 87, 1; 27-62
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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