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Czy mówisz po polsku, sąsiedzie? Potrzeby i oczekiwania Czechów i Litwinów wobec platformy do nauki języka polskiego
Dear Neighbour, Do You Speak Polish? Needs and Expectations of the Czechs and Lithuanians Towards the Platform for Learning Polish
Masojć, Irena
Muryc, Jiří
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
język polski
nauczanie języka polskiego jako obcego
nauczanie online
Unia Europejska
the Polish language
teaching Polish as a foreign language
online teaching
the Czech Republic
the European Union
W artykule autorzy prezentują wielojęzyczną platformę e-learningową Jest ona innowacyjna, interaktywna i przyjazna dla użytkownika. Jej celem jest ułatwienie dostępu osobom o różnych umiejętnościach, zainteresowaniach i potrzebach do technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych (Information and Communication Technologies – ICT). Platforma korzysta z nowoczesnych narzędzi ICT i pozwala na naukę języka od samego początku, oferując atrakcyjne ćwiczenia. Jest tworzona w kilkunastu językach i dostępna dla zainteresowanych z wielu krajów. Portal jest przeznaczony dla dorosłych, którzy chcą uczyć się języka polskiego i poszerzać swoją wiedzę o Polsce. Obejmuje kurs języka polskiego na poziomie A1 i A2 (w przygotowaniu poziom B1), przewodnik po gramatyce języka polskiego, słownik z nagraniem poprawnej wymowy poszczególnych słów i zwrotów, narzędzia do komunikacji z odbiorcami i udostępniania postów w ramach sieci społecznościowych. Z jednej strony autorzy odnoszą się do szerszego kontekstu potrzeb potencjalnych użytkowników tej platformy, zwłaszcza w obszarze statystyk, postaw i rekomendacji Unii Europejskiej. Z drugiej zaś strony analizują ich oczekiwania na podstawie badań przeprowadzonych w dwu sąsiadujących z Polską krajach – w Czechach i na Litwie. Zastosowanie w analizie danych ankietowych metody ilościowej i jakościowej pozwala ustalić i porównać potrzeby Czechów i Litwinów w zakresie nauki języka polskiego oraz pokazać, w jakim stopniu struktura i treści powstającej platformy e-learningowej będą w stanie je zaspokoić.
In their article, Irena Masojć and Jiří Muryc present a multilingual e-learning platform It is innovative, interactive and user-friendly. Its aim is to facilitate access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for people with different skills, interests and needs. The platform uses modern ICT tools and allows students to learn the language from the very beginning, offering attractive exercises. It is available in several languages and caters to interested parties from many countries. The portal is designed for adults who want to learn Polish and expand their knowledge about Poland. It includes, among many things, Polish language courses at A1 and A2 levels (B1 level in preparation), a guide to Polish grammar, a dictionary with recordings of the correct pronunciation of individual words and phrases, tools for communicating with recipients and sharing posts on social networking sites. On the one hand, Masojć and Muryc refer to the broader context of the needs of potential users of this platform, especially in the area of statistics and the attitudes and recommendations of the European Union. On the other hand, they analyze prospective users’ expectations on the basis of research conducted in two neighboring countries, the Czech Republic and Lithuania. The use of quantitative and qualitative methods in the analysis of survey data has allowed the scholars to determine and compare the needs of Czechs and Lithuanians when it comes to learning Polish and to show the extent to which the structure and content of the emerging e-learning platform will be able to meet them.
Postscriptum Polonistyczne; 2022, 30, 2; 1-16
Pojawia się w:
Postscriptum Polonistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Multiculturalism of the Cieszyn Silesia Borderland and the Identity of an Individual
Wielokulturowość pogranicza a tożsamość jednostki
Muryc, Jiří
Raclavská, Jana
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Bielsko-Bialski
Czeski Cieszyn
One of the important factors binding an ethnic group is a language. From this point of view, it has to be stressed that in the territory of the historic Duchy of Teschen we have recorded the presence of members of Polish, Czech and German, and – to a lesser extent – Jewish, Slovak, Ruthenian and Wallachian nationalities. The political history of this region was unusually disruptive – change of citizenship was typical and, as a result, spoken and official language changed as well. Over the centuries, Latin, German, Czech and Polish have been used as official languages. Regarding the current usage of standard language varieties, the formal Czech, Polish and – to a lesser extend – Slovak are used. As far as dialects are concerned this group belongs of the southern subgroup of Silesian dialects, the majority of which are located in the polish territory. The dialect is used by the local inhabitants of both Polish and Czech nationalities. Apart from dialect, other language forms used are standard Czech (it is a compulsory class in Polish-language schools), standard Polish as a code of pedagogical communication in local Polish schools, the language of Polish minority magazines; Polish plays on the Polish stage of the Těšín Theater are also shown in Polish language. Polish is used at the events organized by Polish organizations and Polish church services. The Těšín Silesian dialect is probably the most widespread communication code and performs the function of natural, commonly spoken language. Its usage is not determined by age or ethnicity. Generally speaking, the inhabitants of the area are bilingual and, depending on the communication situation, choose the appropriate language code. However, the ethnic identity cannot be derived only from language usage, although language identity is one of its important elements. In the past the inhabitants of Czech Těšín region felt the need similar to that of other inhabitants of other border regions with multi-ethnic, multicultural and multilingual character – the necessity for self-identification. Nowadays, the situation is different – the Czech majority does not feel the need to emphasize its ethnicity, and Polish minority, thanks to Polish schools, organizations, democratization processes and participation in Polish cultural life, declares Polish nationality, but stresses its specific region origin.
Świat i Słowo; 2022, 38, 1; 465-474
Pojawia się w:
Świat i Słowo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-2 z 2

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