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Evolution of the Western Tethys as seen from the Western Carpathians’ perspective
Plašienka, Dušan
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
The palaeogeographic positions of the pre-Cretaceous Tethys “western ends” (Kovács, 1992) and their relationships to easterly located oceanic domains remain to belong to the most challenging issues in deciphering the structure and tectonic evolution of the European Alpides (e.g. Schmid et al., 2020). Due to the westward increasing paucity of direct indications of ancient oceanic domains and their discontinuous occurrences, a number of sometimes considerably different reconstructions have been proposed by several authors. All these are based on various data and authors’ preferences; therefore achievement of a widely accepted model seems not to be probable at present. In general, searching for evidences of former oceanic domains in the nappe edifice of collisional mountain belts, commonly in the suture zones, is based on several fundamental criteria: 1) ophiolite slivers and ophiolite-bearing mélanges as vestiges of consumed oceanic lithosphere; 2) blueschistto eclogite-facies metamorphosed units recording the subduction/exhumation processes within a subduction channel and/ or accretionary prism; 3) deep-marine synorogenic sedimentary complexes like wildflysch or olistostromes; 4) mixture of these in chaotic units within an accretionary wedge; and 5) a specific case of intraoceanic subduction resulting in ophiolite obduction, but this is not considered as a continental collisional tectonic setting. Indirectly, position of past oceanic basins can be detected by: a) secondary occurrences of an oceanic crust-derived detritus, including the heavy mineral spectra, in syn- to early post-orogenic sedimentary clastic formations and clues to their source areas; b) shelf-slope-continental rise facies polarity of former passive margins; c) progradational trend of collisional thrust stacking of the lower plate with a suture (often totally destroyed) in the uppermost structural position in the rear part of an orogenic pro-wedge; d) subduction-related calc-alkaline magmatism accompanying the active margin; e) upper plate back-arc extension, or retro-wedge thrusting opposite to the pro-wedge in a bivergent orogen with the suture in its axial zone; f) major crustal-scale discontinuities revealed by deep seismic sounding connected to surface fault zones separating palaeogeographically distinct domains indicating possible plate boundaries. All these potential clues have been considered while reconstructing the Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the Western Carpathians (Plašienka, 2018 and references therein). It should be noted that no single criterion characterized above, even not a few indirect signs are enough to define a particular orogenic zone or unit as an evidence for an oceanic suture. There is only one Western Carpathian zone which fulfils most of them. It is represented by units and rock complexes grouped in a tectonic superunit known as the Meliaticum and respective oceanic realm as the Meliata Ocean. The Meliata-related units bear clear signs of criteria 1, 2, 3, 4 and indirect indicators a, b, c and e. Whatever different are the interpretations of the Meliata Ocean origin (e.g. born as a back-arc basin initiated by the northward subduction of Palaeotethys, or simply as a northern margin or embayment of Neotethys), or even its existence as an independent domain (regarded as a facies zone only), all palaeotectonic interpretations of the Alpine tectonic evolution of the Western Carpathians have to take into account these pieces of evidence.
Geotourism / Geoturystyka; 2023, 1-2 (72-73); 57--57
Pojawia się w:
Geotourism / Geoturystyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bositra limestones - a step towards radiolarites: case study from the Tatra Mountains
Jach, R.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
thin-shelled bivalves
Middle Jurassic
Krížna Basin
Western Tethys
Bositra limestones of Aalenian–Lower Bathonian age crop out in the Krížna unit in the Western Tatra Mountains (Poland). They are sandwiched between pelagic red limestones and radiolarites and display lateral facies variation. Four facies were distinguished: (i) Bositra packstones/grainstones, (ii) crinoidal packstones/ grainstones, (iii) Bositra-crinoidal packstones, and (iv) Bositra-radiolarian wackestones. The Bositra packstones/ grainstones were laid down in high-energy setting, while Bositra-radiolarian wackestones in calm condition. Crinoidal packstones/grainstones represent density current deposits. Bositra-crinoidal packstones resulted from intense bioturbation and mixing of crinoidal packstones/grainstones with background Bositra-rich deposits. Topographic gradient affected the lateral facies variation. Taphonomic factors strongly controlled by energy of the sedimentary environment, ecological factors which caused domination of Bositra bivalves in benthos assemblage and dissolution eliminating non-calcitic bioclasts could resulted in formation of the Bositra limestones. The eutrophication of water column and remodelling of the Krížna Basin, which finally led to deposition of radiolarites seem to be of considerable importance. Hence, Bositra limestones can be regarded as the record of the interme- diate stage of the basin evolution towards radiolarite formation.
Wapienie bositrowe wczesnego aalenu–wczesnego batonu, które odsłaniają się w jednostce kriżniańskiej w Polskich Tatrach Zachodnich znajdują się w profilach pomiędzy pelagicznymi czerwonymi wapieniami a radiolarytami (Fig. 1, 2; Lefeld et al., 1985; Gradziński et al., 2004). Wapienie te wykazują wyraźne facjalne zróżnicowanie. Wydzielone zostały następujące facje: (i) bositrowe pakstony/greinstony, (ii) krynoidowe pakstony/greinstony, (iii) bositrowo-krynoidowe pakstony i (iv) bositrowo-ra diolariowe wakstony (Fig. 2, 3). Bositrowe pakstony/greinstony powstały w środowisku o stosunkowo wysokiej energii, a bositrowo- radiolariowe wakstony w warunkach niskiej energii. Krynoidowe pakstony/greinstony są interpretowane jako osady prądów gęstościowych, a bositrowo-krynoidowe pakstony jako osady prądów gęstościowych zbioturbowane i zmiksowane z osadami tła depozycyjnego. Zróżnicowana morfologia basenu wpłynęła na oboczną zmienność facjalną omawianych wapieni i przestrzenny rozkład facji (Fig. 4). Powstanie wapieni bositrowych było warunkowane przez czynniki natury tafonomicznej, związane z energią środowiska sedymentacji, natury ekologicznej decydujące o dominacji bositr w zespole bentosu i procesy rozpuszczania eliminujące nie kalcytowe bioklasty. Postępująca eutrofizacja wód (Bartolini & Cecca, 1999; Cobianchi & Picotti, 2001) i przemodelowanie basenu kriżniańskiego związane z procesami ryftingu Zachodniej Tetydy, które ostatecznie doprowadziły do depozycji radiolarytów, wydają się mieć zasadniczy wpływ na powstanie wapieni bositrowych. Tak więc, wapienie bositrowe reprezentują przejściową fację poprzedzającą w czasie powstanie tetydzkich jurajskich radiolarytów.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2007, 77, No 2; 161-170
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the junction area between the Western and Eastern Carpathian nappe systems (Ukrainian Carpathians)
Hnylko, Oleh
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
The Carpathians contain the remains of the Western Tethys, the main of which are: continental/microcontinental fragments (Alkapa and Tisza-Dacia terranes) of the Tethys Ocean, now located in the Central (Inner) Carpathians, and (palaeo)accretionary prisms, building mainly the Outer Carpathians. The Ukrainian Carpathians occupy the junction where the Western Carpathian and Eastern Carpathian nappe systems converged. In the presented work, author try to reconstruct the tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Eastern and Western Carpathian nappe systems in the junction area on the basis of own and published geomapping works, stratigraphic, sedimentological and structural research using existing restorations (see van Hinsbergen et al., 2020 and references therein). The Central Western Carpathian nappes (part of the Alcapa Terrane) are not exposed in Ukraine and probably buried under Neogene Transcarpathian Depression. The Central Eastern Carpathian nappes (part of the Tisza-Dacia Terraine) are represented in Ukraine by the Marmarosh thick-skinned basement nappes, that were formed in the Early Cretaceous time and overlapped by the latest Early Cretaceous–Paleogene post-nappe sedimentary cover. Between the Central Eastern and Central Western Carpathian nappe systems, the Pieniny Klippen Belt suture zone and Monastyrets Nappe filled with Paleogene flysch are developed. The structure of the junction between the Outer Eastern and Outer Western Carpathian nappe systems is more complicated. In Ukraine, the Outer Carpathians are made up of a several stacked nappes filled with Cretaceous–Neogene, mainly flysch sediments uprooted from their original substratum. In the Eastern Carpathian segment of Tethys at the Late Jurassic and/or Early Cretaceous, Ceahlau-Severin ocean (called Fore-Marmarosh one in Ukraine) was opened between the Dacia continental block (part of the Tisza-Dacia Terrane) and the Eurasian continent (van Hinsbergen et al., 2020 and references therein), that suggested by rift oceanic and continental basalts occurring under the Cretaceous flysch of the Outer Eastern Carpathian. Sinking of the Dacia (micro)continent into a subduction zone existed in the Neotethys ocean and inclined to the west (van Hinsbergen et al., 2020), could have caused the east-directed thrusting of the thick-skinned Marmarosh Nappes towards the CeahlauSeverin ocean. Ahead the Marmarosh nappe pile, the Eastern Carpathian Internal flysch thin-skinned nappes such as the Kamyanyi Potik, Rahiv, Burkut, Krasnoshora, Svydovets and Chornohora ones were formed. Coarsening upward and regular younging of the stratigraphic successions from inner to outer nappes suggest their attribution to the accretionary wedge growed in the Early Cretaceous–Paleogene time due to the subduction of the Outer Carpathian flysch basin basement under the Marmarosh pile. In the Western Carpathian segment, the Pieniny Klippen Belt accretionary wedge began to rise in the Late Cretaceous due to subduction of the Penninic oceanic domain under the Central Western Carpathians (part of the Alcapa Terrane) accompanied by detaching and grouping together originally very distant lithofacies (Plašienka, 2018 and references therein). The Western Carpathian Internal flysch nappes such as the Magura and Dukla units were attached to the Fore-Alcapa prism during the Middle Eocene–Oligocene, accordantly to outward shifting and uplifting of the trench-like Magura and Krosno lithofacies during this time. Closuring of the Monastyrets “between-terrainian” flysch basin at the late Eocene suggests the collision of the Alcapa and Tisza–Dacia terranes at the turn the Eocene and Oligocene. As a result, the Fore-Alcapa and Fore-Tisza-Dacia wedges were incorporated within an amalgamated internal wedge system that limited from the SW the Outer Carpathian basin. This unificated Menilite–Krosno basin was gradually uplifted and its deposits were subsequently thrusted as the external Silesian, Skyba and Boryslav-Pokyttya nappes onto the Miocene Carpathian Foredeep. Sedimentological and structural data suggest northeastward shift/migration of the wedge front–trench/foredeep– forebulge during Carpathian evolution. In addition, the junction of the Eastern and Western Carpathian accretionary wedges is complicated by strike-sleep movements.
Geotourism / Geoturystyka; 2023, 1-2 (72-73); 25--26
Pojawia się w:
Geotourism / Geoturystyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Unraveling the collisional history of the Western Carpathians through deep geophysical sounding
Soni, Tanishka
Schiffer, Chrystian
Mazur, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
The ALpine-CArpathian-PAnnonian (ALCAPA) block is one of the terranes involved in the Alpine-Tethys suture along with the North European Plate. In the Western Carpathians, this suture is supposed to be represented by the Pieniny Klippen Belt (PKB) which is a few kilometres wide and about 600 km long unit between the Outer Western Carpathians (OWC) and Central Western Carpathians (CWC) (Plašienka et al., 1997; Schmid et al., 2008). Unlike the Neotethian suture in the Western Carpathians, the PKB does not show the typical characteristics of a suture. The PKB is a sub-vertical unit with mainly shallow marine limestone and flysch deposits in a conspicuous “blockin-matrix” structure (Plašienka et al., 1997). The presence of “exotic” sediments in the PKB and the southernmost units of the OWC along with their shallow marine deposition environment led to the theory proposing the presence of a continental sliver called the Czorsztyn Ridge in the Alpine Tethys, dividing it into two oceanic/marine basins: the Magura Ocean to the north and the Vahic Ocean to the south (Plašienka, 2018). This controversial continental fragment possibly forming the basement for PKB successions, and its structural relationship with the adjoining OWC and CWC units, make it the main target of this project. The objective is to find evidence of the presence of this continental block, the Czorsztyn Ridge, which may have subducted along with the Vahic oceanic lithosphere underneath the CWC (Schmid et al., 2008). A passive seismic experiment will provide insight into the deep lithospheric structure across the PKP, testing the presence of a tectonic suture along with relaminated remnants of the Czorsztyn Ridge, and potential remnants of subducted or underthrusted lithosphere. Eighteen broadband stations have been deployed in a ~N-S transect (Fig. 1a) under the umbrella of the AdriaArray initiative, cutting across the PKB and Neotethian Meliata suture to the south. The data obtained during up to three years will complement 10 other permanent and temporary broadband stations, forming an approximate 370 km long profile and will be used to perform receiver function analysis and build structural and velocity models of the lithosphere (i.e., Schiffer, 2014; Schiffer et al., 2023) beneath the Western Carpathians. The horizontal extent of the imaging is shown in Figure 1b.
Geotourism / Geoturystyka; 2023, 1-2 (72-73); 65--66
Pojawia się w:
Geotourism / Geoturystyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Glaucony from the condensed Lower-Middle Jurassic deposits of the Križna Unit, Western Tatra Mountains, Poland
Jach, R.
Starzec, K.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
High-Al autochthonous glaucony
K-Ar dating
Lower-Middle Jurassic glaucony-bearing deposits crop out in the Polish part of the Križna Unit in the Western Tatra Mts. These deposits, up to 20 cm thick, consist of glaucony-rich marls and limestones. The glaucony grains constitute up to 30% volume of the deposits. They represent an evolved stage of glauconitization since they contain more than 7% K2O. The content of Al2O3 is high (up to 19.97%, average 16.98%) while the content of Fe2O3 is low (not more than 23.48%, average 12.84%). These features are interpreted as a product of diagenetic processes. The glaucony-bearing deposits were formed at an upper bathyal depth and their rate of deposition was very low, what allowed long-lasting evolution of the glaucony grains. The K-Ar age of the glaucony grains is much younger than the biostratigraphic age of the studied section. The lowering of the K-Ar dates is interpreted as a result of loss of radiogenic Ar from the lattice of the glaucony.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2003, 73, No 3; 183-192
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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