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Przekłady literatury słoweńskiej w Czechach i w Polsce w latach 1990—2006
Češke in poljske prevode slovenske knijževnosti w letih 1990—2006
The translation of the Slovene Literature in the Czech Republic and in Poland in 1990—2006
Jamnik, Tatjana
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
literatura słoweńska
polskie tłumaczenia
czeskie tłumaczenia
recepcja tłuamczeń
związki kulturalne
Slovene literature
Polish translations
Czech translations
reception of translations
curtural connections
Na podlagi pregleda prevodov slovenske literature na Češkem in Poljskem v zadnjih sedemnajstih letih avtorica pokaže razlike in podobnosti med kulturno podobo Slovenije v zavesti teh dveh narodov. Obdobje razdeli na dva dela, pred letom 2000, ko za leposlovne prevode iż slovenščine skrbijo predvsem posamezni prevajalci t. i. starejše generacije, in po njem, ko je v obeh deželah zaradi priliva nove generacije prevajalcev opazen bistven porast knijžnih prevodov. Analiza leposlovnih prevodov w knijžni obliki, pa tudi prevodov, objavljenih v periodičnem tisku in na spletu, je pokazala, da je med stanjem w češkem in poljskem prostoru še vedno opaziti bistveno nesorazmerje.
In this review od Czech and Polish translations of Slovene literature in the past 17 years, the author shows diversity and resemblance in the cultural image of Slovenia in the collective consciousness of the two nations. The chosen era of research falls into two distinct periods. In the first, before the year 2000, the translations lied solely on the shoulders of individual translators, members of the „old” generation. The second period is characterized with a great outburst of translated Slovene literature by the young generation of traslators. Trough analysis and comparison of translated books and translations published in journals and on the internet in the Czech Republic and Poland the author draws our attention to the discrepancy in the amount of translated publications. The article explores the possible reasons for these changes and differences in the field of Slovene translated literature in the two related countries.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2009, 1, 1; 295-312
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pięć wersji tekstu Ulissesa. Lukullusowa uczta dla filologów
Five Versions of Ulysses Text. A Lucullan Feast for Philologists
Paszek, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
gry słowne
James Joyce
word play
Artykuł stanowi polemiczne i krytyczne omówienie kilku przykładowych tłumaczeń gier słownych w powieści Jamesa Joyce’a Ulisses w nowym przekładzie Macieja Świerkockiego. Aby pokazać inne możliwości translatoryczne, autor artykułu przytacza także tłumaczenia Macieja Słomczyńskiego i Aloysa Skoumala.
The article discusses, both polemically and critically, a few instances in which Maciej Świerkocki, in his new translation of James Joyce’s Ulysses, renders the novel’s puns into Polish. In order to indicate other possible translations in this regard, the author of the article quotes from previous Polish version by Maciej Słomczyński and the Czech translation by Aloys Skoumal.
Śląskie Studia Polonistyczne; 2022, 20, 2; 1-6
Pojawia się w:
Śląskie Studia Polonistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Odczytując sens oryginału (na podstawie przekładu na język serbski i angielski "Poematu dla dorosłych" Adama Ważyka)
Прочитајући смисао оригинала (на основу превода на српски и енглески "Поеме за одрасле" Адама Важика)
Making out the sense (based on translations of Adam Wazyk’s "A Poem for Adults" into English and Polish)
Haneczok, Iwona
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
tłumaczenia z polskiego na chorwacki
tłumaczenia z polskiego na serbski
Adam Ważyk
преводи с пољског на енглески
преводи с пољског на српски
translation from Polish into English
translation from Polish into Serbian
Когнитивна наука је основа овог чланка који покушава да ствара прототип савршене ситуације у преводу и затим категоризuje две такве ситуације: превод са пољског на српски и са пољског на енглески. Овај прототип је процес у коме преводилац нема проблема да нађе еквивалент речи, a читалац може да прочита у преводу смисао оргинала. Иако је ова савршена ситуација нестварна, различите ситуације превода могу бити класификоване као “бољи“ или „гори“ представници ове категорије. Чланак се фокусира на пољском, српском и енглеском језику и закључак је да превод са пољског на српски је бољи представник категорије него превод са пољскод на енглески. Деси се тако због тога да пољски и српски потиче из зaједничке групе словенских језика.
The article is based on cognitive science and tries to create a prototype of a perfect situation in translation and then categorize two of these situations: a translation from Polish into English and from Polish into Serbian. The prototype is a process in which the translator doesn’t find it difficult to find equivalents and the reader is able to understand the sense of the original. Although this perfect situation is unreal, different situations can be classified as “better” or “worse” representatives of it. As the article focuses on Polish, Serbian and English languages, the conclusion is that the translation from Polish into Serbian is a better representative of the category than the translation from Polish into English as the language relationship of the two former languages is stronger than the relationship between the two latter ones.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2011, 2, 1; 37-49
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O leksyce bezekwiwalentnej w tłumaczeniu. Szkic psycholingwistyczny
O bezekvivalentnom leksiku u prevođenju. Psiholingvistički pogled
Nonequivalent words in translation process. A psycholinguistic view
Warchał, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
leksyka bezekwiwalentna
proces tłumaczenia
bezekvivalentni leksik
nonequivalent words
translation process
Svrha je prevođenja prenijeti obavijest iz jednoga jezika u drugi, po mogućnosti sa svim njezinim leksičkim, gramatičkim, stilističkim i konotativnim značenjima. Mogućnost prijenosa svih tih značenja ovisi ponajviše o tome, koliko dva jezična sustava i kombinacije njihovih elemenata to dopuštaju. Svrha je ovoga članka prikazati lingvističko-teorijsku podlogu prevođenja. Prikazano je shvaćanje procesa prijevoda u kojemu bitnu ulogu igraju ishodišni tekst, prevoditelj, kao i različite psiholingvističke teorije o funkcionalnoj ekvivalentnosti i komunikativnosti prijevoda SL u TL. Očito je da problem prijevoda nije samo ni jedino ishodišni jezik. U procesu prevođenja postoje i druge zadaće koje prevoditelj treba također uspješno obaviti: treba premostiti pojmove između civilizacije i kulture. U okviru prijevoda na poljski jezik Matvejevićevog Mediteranskog brevijara opisuje se i definira u članku pojedine elemente np.: geografske i dr. Sve što se može naći i napisati o Mediteranu (od sastava tla, preko vetrova, morskih struja do vrste mornarskih čvorova) tvori neki entitet koji, samo kroz popis činjenica težko uhvatiti u prijevodu.
This paper attempts to discuss the importance and validity of the concept of equivalence as a constitutive feature in translation theory. Equivalence is defined as a relation that holds between a source language (SL) and a target language (TL). When we attempt to describe and explain the relation that holds between a source language text and a target language text in translation, we necessarily come across the concept of equivalence. Textlinguistics plays a crucial and decisive role in the study of language use and obviously in the case of translation it does have a close relation with other disciplines, such as psycholinguistics. Of course, some words are nontransferable. On the other hand, text is to be understood as a complex, and, for instance, the use of a lexical entry in a text does not simply affect the lexical level but may have semantic or pragmatic implications (denotations, connotations). Therefore conditions and determinants (psychological characterization, and context) have necessarily been taken into account for fulfilling a communicative purpose in translation process. Analyzing (describing, classifying, explaining) translation equivalence is based in this paper on Croatian word formations that appear in Mediterranean: A Cultural Landscape, by Predrag Matvejević. Matvejević plunges on to subjects — the olive, sponges, fish, nets, herbs, markets, curses, winds — interwoven with a skein of intellectual discourse. This cross-cultural view requires a deep knowledge of the way Croatian phrases translate into Polish phrases.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2011, 2, 1; 138-143
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Błędy atrybucyjne — ich psychologiczna dystrybucja, możliwości oceny i eliminacji w procesie translatorskim
Atribucijske pogreške — njihova psihološka distribucija, mogućnost vrednovanja i eliminacije u translatorskom procesu
Attributive errors — their psychological distribution, possible evaluation and elimination in the translating process
Warchał, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
błędy atrybucyjne
proces tłumaczenia
atribucijske pogreške
proces prevođenja
fundamental attribution error
the process of translation
Članak pokušava predstaviti psihološke mehanizme atribucije, koja se pojavljuje u sekundarnom primanju teksta i evaluaciju uloge prevoditelja. Mehanizmi opisani u članku odnose se na razlike u perspektivi — glumac (prevoditelj) i promatrač (čitatelj) te opisane su u kontekstu stereotipa koji se pojavljuju u izvornom i sekundarnom tekstu. Autor priznaje da proces stereotipizaci je neizbježan, a čitatelj može stalno stavljati pitanje za (ne)prevođenje, što čini da je opterećen prekomjernom „psihologizacjijom“.
This paper attempts to provide for the psychological mechanisms of attribution, which appear in secondary text reception and evaluation of the role of the interpreter. The mechanisms described in the article relate to the difference in the perspective of the actor (the translator) and the observer (reader) and are described in the context of the stereotypes that appear in the source text and secondary text. The author acknowledges that the process of stereotyping is inevitable and at each step the reader asks the question about the (non) translatability is well founded, but is doomed to impose excessive “psychologization”.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2013, 4, 1; 241-252
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Słoweńskie wybory literatury polskiej: przekłady z lat 1990—2006
Slovene choices from Polish literature: translations from 1990—2006
Slovenski izbori poljske literature: prevodi iz let 1990—2006
Tokarz, Bożena
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
polsko-słoweńskie tłumaczenia literackie
literatura polska
literatura słoweńska
wybory translatorskie
Polish-Slovene literary translation
Polish literature
Slovene literature
choices of translation
Between the years 1990 and 2006, about 50 Polish books (poetry, prose and drama) were translated in already independent Slovenia, also a lot of single poems, short stories and fragments of more substantial compositions. Slovene macrochoices from Polish literature on the one hand constitute continuation of the traditional presence in the Slovene culture, on the other hand they result from increasing language and encyclopedic competencies of the translators. The choices are defined by four criteria: Polishness, empathy, the desire to get to know the Polish mentality, the historically‑literal process and personal motivation. The authors of choices and translations of Polish literature are translators belonging to many generations, differently evaluating the needs of a Slovene reader and the character of Polish literature and mentality. Although Polish literature is distinctly present in the Slovene literary life, in the Slovene choices from it dominates perspective of strangeness, with which translators from different generations familiarise the native recepient, choosing works belonging to the canon and often to the opposite pole.
V letih 1990—2006 je bilo v že samostojni Sloveniji prevedenih okoli 50 poljskih knjig (s področij poezije, proze in dramatike), ob tem pa še veliko posameznih pesmi in pripovedi ter fragmentov večjih literarnih enot. V teh slovenskih izborih poljske literature lahko po eni strani vidimo nadaljevanje njene tradicionalne navzočnosti v slovenski kulturi, po drugi pa izhajajo iz čedalje širših jezikovno‑enciklopedijskih kompetenc prevajalcev. Opredeljujejo jih (izbore) štirje kriteriji: poljskost, empatija, potreba po spoznanju poljske mentalitete in literarnozgodovinskega procesa ter osebna motivacija. Avtorji izborov in prevodov poljske literature so prevajalci, ki pripadajo različnim rodovom in imajo različne poglede na potrebe slovenskega bralca in značaj poljske literature ter mentalitete. Čeprav pripada poljski literaturi v slovenskem literarnem življenju opazno mesto, prevajalske izbore iz nje narekuje opažanje drugačnosti, ki jo prevajalci različnih generacij domačemu prejemniku približujejo skozi izbor del, pripadajočih kanonu, pogosto pa tudi z besedili s slednjemu prav nasprotnega pola.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2009, 1, 1; 211-226
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cicha rozmowa ostatnich przekładów Tonego Pretnara
Tiha govorica zadnjih Pretnarjevih prevodov
The quiet conversation of Tone Pretnar’s last translation
Šurla, Andrej
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Tone Pretnar
przekłady literatury polskiej
słoweńskie tłumaczenia
wybory tłumacza
translations of Polish literature
Slovene translations
translator`s choices
I Whisper to you
Knjižica "Tiho ti govorim" (1992) s Pretnarjevimi prevodi dvainštiridesetih poljskih pesmi iz različnih literarnozgodovinskih obdobij je izrazit primer prevajalčevega osebnega dialoga z literaturo. Na izbor je gotovo vplivala prevajalčeva osebna bivanjska (zdravstvena) izkušnja. Ta „prevajalski dnevnik” tematizira osamljenost, odsotnost (npr. Szymborska, Orkan), smrt, samomor in celo ubijanje (npr. Szymborska, Bursa); nemoč izpovedovanja (npr. Wojaczek). Zdi pa se, da je prevajalčevo zadnje sporočilo vendarle optimistično. Priložnost za preseganje smrtnosti prepoznava v ustvarjalnem/umetnostnem dejanju (tudi npr. Wojaczkovo „tiho govorjenje” je kljub načelnemu dvomu v izrazno moč besed predvsem „pesniško izrekanje” o življenju) in religioznem doživetju (npr. Wat, Staff, Gałczyński), najtrdnejše zagotovilo „občutenja” nadčasnosti pa vidi v možnosti ljubezenskega čustvovanja in občutka pripadnosti drugemu (npr. Krasiński, Przybora).
The volume of poems translated by Tony Pretnar "I Whisper to you" (1992) written by poets of different historical and literary periods clearly reveals the personal dialog of the translator with literature. The personal experience of the translator had the influence on the choice of the poems. The subject of his „diary of translation” is isolation, feeling of deficiency (Szymborska, Orkan), death (Szymborska, Bursa), the crisis of expression (Wojaczek). However, it seems that the definite expression of Pretnar’s translation is optimistic. A chance to overcome death he sees in a creative act. (also „quiet conversation” of Wojaczek in spite of his doubt in the power of word expression stands a poetical witness in sense of life) and in religions experience (Wat, Staff, Gałczyński). The most everlasting confirmation of eternity for Pretnar were love and contiguity to another human being (Krasiński, Przybora).
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2009, 1, 1; 278-292
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Literatura tłumaczona jako naturalny etap historii gatunku? Projekt Stefana Minczewa Iz istorja na Byłgarskija Roman
Преводна литература като натурален етап в развитие на жанра? За проекта Из история на българския роман на Стефан Минчев
Translated Literature as a natural Phase of History of the Genre? Stefan Minchev’s Project Iz istorija na balgarskija Roman
Pytlak, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
historia tłumaczenia
historia literatury bułgarskiej
gatunek literacki
история на превода
история на българската литература
history of translation
history of Bulgarian literature
literary genre
Статията представя работата на българския литератур Стефан Минчев (1874—1912) — Из история на българския роман — като своеобразен проект. В публикуваната между 1908 и 1912 година студия авторът включва не само оригиналните български произведения, но също така преводите, както и побългарените съчинения. Статията резюмира проекта на Минчев и се стреми да отговори на въпроса за мотивация на неговия подход. Дали за изследователя преводът е натурален етап в равитие на един жанр? Дали чрез включването на преводите изследователят повишава стойността на млад език и литература, а може обратно — показва тяхната слабост? И дали той базира на вече съществуващ метод, или подходът му изпреварва времето, не само в контекста на българските и славяските преводни студии?
The paper presents the work of Bulgarian literary critic and scholar Stefan Minchev (1874—1912). In his work Iz istorija na bylgarskija roman (From the History of Bulgarian Novel) created in 1908—1912, the author includes not only Bulgarian pieces, but also translated and adapted (pobalgareni) ones. The paper recounts Minchev’s project and attempts to answer the question about motivation of the literary scholar. Was it unreflective gesture, or rather treating it as a natural stage in history of the literary genre? Was it to gentrify young literature and language, or to show its weakness? And finally — was it based on already existing model or it was innovate, groundbreaking not only in the context of Bulgarian or Slavonic literary translation studies.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2014, 5, 1; 160-173
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozrachunki po przełomie. Polskie przekłady z literatury bułgarskiej po 1989 r. Diagnozy i prognozy. Współczesność i tradycja
Разчети след прелома. Полски преводи на българската литература след 1989 година. Диагнози и прогнози. Съвременост и традицията
Reckoning after the turn. Polish translations of Bulgarian literature after 1989. Diagnoses and prognoses. The present time and the tradition
Juda, Celina
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
polskie przekłady literatury bułgarskiej
literatura bułgarska po 1989
strategie tłumaczenia
Polish translations of Bulgarian literature
Bulgarian literature after 1989
strategy of translation
Разглеждайки го списъка на преведените през последните петдесет годин книги от български на полски очевидно е, че след 1989 година броят на артистичните преводи систематично и драматично намалява. Причината на тези негативни тенденции трябва да се търси в крайно неразбираема културна политика — отлагане на съответните институции задалженията си да се подкрепя междукултурен диалог. Очевидно е, че без структурните промяни (подкрепящи активно действаши преводачи) няма шанс за прогресивните промяни.
After 1989 the number of translations of Bulgarian literature into Polish decreased dramatically in comparison with the output of the previous 50 years. On the one hand, this seems to be caused by a complete change of the Polish state’s cultural policy principles, too little activity on the part of relevant institutions, or even giving up the obligation to create and support the inter‑cultural dialogue or to mediate in this process. On the other hand, it is primarily market economy and interest of the media and not the efforts or commitment of the translators that are decisive factors for the number and quality of publications.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2009, 1, 1; 15-28
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Słowacki realizm magiczny w polskim przekładzie
Slovenský magický realismus v poľskom preklade
Slovak magical realism in polish translation
Buczek, Marta
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
literatura słowacka 1989
literatura słowacka w polskich tłumaczeniach
strategia tłumaczenia
Vaclav Pankovcin
realizm magiczny
Slovak literature after 1989
Slovak literature in Polish translation
strategy of translation
magical realism
V svojom članku autorka uvažuje na tému prekladových výborov Jacka Bukowského, poľského prekladateľa prózy Václava Pankovčína, predstaviteľa mládej generácie slovenských spisovateľov, debutujúcich na začiatku 90 tých rokov. Zbierka krátkych poviedok Marakéš (1994) a novela Tri ženy pod orechom (1996), ktoré boli publikované v Poľsku pod názvom Marakesz (2006) sú ojedinelé preklady slovenskej prózy vychádzajúce v tomto roku. Autorka članku rozvažuje výbor prekladovej stratégie a jeho konzekvencie.
The author presents in this paper her consideration of the strategy of translation taken by Jacek Bukowski, polish translator of Václav Pankovčín prose. Short stories Marakéš (1994) and the novel Tri ženy pod orechom (1996) by Václav Pankovčín were publicated in Poland under the title Marakesz (2006) and are the only one example of slovak prose transalted into polish this year. The author of the paper discusses transtlatological problems of the prose wchich strongly corespondents with magical realism, she concentrates on the semantic signals of the text, significant elements of the structure which define the boundary‑line of the meaning space of Václav Pankovčín works. Finaly she reflects on the transfer of implicated senses and meanings from original into translation. She reflects how in proces of translation the translator transfered hormony of fundamental codes of the original (lexical, semantics, cultural and estetic).
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2009, 1, 1; 196-208
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Переводы польских писателей в русско-еврейской периодике второй половины XIX века
Tłumaczenia polskich pisarzy w czasopismach rosyjsko-żydowskich w drugiej połowie XIX wieku
Translations of Polish writers’ literary works in the Russian-Jewish journals from the second half of the 19th century
Valdman, Batia
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
czasopisma rosyjsko-żydowskie
tłumaczenia z języka polskiego
tematyka żydowska w prozie polskie
życie Żydów
sztetl żydowski
Russian-Jewish periodical
Translations from Polish
Jewish Theme in Polish Prose
Jewish life
Jewish stetl
W drugiej połowie XIX wieku w periodykach rosyjsko-żydowskich ważne miejsce zajmowały tłumaczenia z języka polskiego, obejmujące utwory polskich  pisarzy nieżydowskich i recenzje żydowskiego tygodnika „Izraelita”. Zainteresowanie tematyką żydowską polskich pisarzy wynika z odwiecznego współistnienia Żydów i Polaków. W Rosji duża populacja żydowska pojawiła się po rozbiorach Polski, kiedy to terytoria zamieszkane przez ludność żydowską przyłączono do Rosji.Tematyka żydowska zajmowała centralne miejsce w twórczości Elizy Orzeszkowej, której utwory publikowano w „Russkom jewrieje” i w czasopiśmie „Woschod”. Orzeszkowa opisywała życie i charakter Żydów, ich dyskryminację prawną, wzywała do pojednania Polaków z Żydami. Do innych polskich twórców, których utwory ukazywały się w rosyjskojęzycznych publikacjach żydowskich, należeli: Józef Kraszewski, Kamilla Odyniec, Michał Bałucki, Janina Baudouin de Courtenay (Bagnicka), Adam Szymański. Ich dzieła świadczą o judofilskiej orientacji, zainteresowaniu tematyką żydowską, dobrej znajomości specyfiki charakteru i życia Żydów. Dotyczy to przede wszystkim dzieł Orzeszkowej, doskonale obeznanej z tematyką żydowską. Podobnie jest z jej listami, w których pobrzmiewa idea bractwa Żydów i Polaków.
In the second half of the 19th century in the Russian-Jewish press, translations of Polish writers’ literary works occupied an important place in prose. These translations included works of non-Jewish Polish authors and summaries of a Jewish weekly in Polish, “Izraelita”. The interest in Jewish subjects among Polish writers is due, first of all, to the long living side by side of Jews and Poles. In Russia, a significant Jewish population appeared after the partition of Poland in 1772, 1793, 1795, when territories with the Jewish population were attached to Russia. The Jewish theme was one of the central themes in the prose of Eliza Orzeszko, whose works were published in “Russkii evrei” (Russian Jew) and the “Voskhod” (Sunrise). She showed the life and character of Jews, their deprived position, called for the unity of Poles and Jews. Other Polish writers whose works were published in Jewish periodical in Russian — Joseph Kraszewski, Camilla Odynets, Mikhail Balutsky, Janina Baudouin de Courtenay (Bagnitskaya), Adam Szymanski. The works of Polish writers testify to their distinguished sympathy to Jews. They sought to show the peculiarities of character and life of Jews, with whom they often intersected in ordinary life, to show their deprived position. Most of all, this was realized in the works of Eliza Orzeszko, where she manifested her knowledge of Jewish life. Orzeszko’s letters are an evidence of her thorough study of Jewish sources. They are permeated by the idea of brotherhood of Poles and Jews.
Iudaica Russica; 2020, 2(5); 98-111
Pojawia się w:
Iudaica Russica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dora Gabe i Anna Kamieńska — dialogi poetyckie
Дора Габе и Анна Каменска — поетически диалози
Dora Gabe i Anna Kamienska — poetic dialogues
Kovacheva, Adriana
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
poezja bułgarska
strategie tłumaczenia
gender and przekład
Българска поезия
преводaчески стратегии
ресептивни модели
gender и превод
Bulgarian poetry
translation strategies
models of literary reception
women translators
gender and translation
В настоящата статия поетическият диалог между двете поетеси и прeводачки е представен като разговор за майката — майката на жената като извор на нейното творчество. От тази гледна точка преводаческата практика на Дора Габе е описана като „модел на палимпсеста”, защото дава възможност за разширение на родния език така, че той да помести чуждия, а замазването на полския поетически текст е съпътстван с неговото наси¬щане със собствени творчески сили. Тази преводна стратегия разбива стила на рецепция на полската поезия в България, налаган от Боян Пенев, превъзмогва нейните асиметрии, в които полската поетика винаги е виждана като доминираща. По-нататък преводите, направени от Блага Димитрова и Светла Гюрова са представени като продължение на па¬лимпсестовите преводни практики, предложение от Дора Габе.
In this article poetic dialogues between the women poets and translators are represented as a conversation about the mother who is an inspiration for their artistic creativity. From this point of view the translation practice of Dora Gabe is described as palimpsest, because it gives the op-portunity for the language to expand so there is place for another, foreign language in its boundaries. In the process of erasing of the Polish source-text, the Bulgarian target-text is being fulfilled with translators’ creative energies. This translation strategy disrupts the stereotypical reception model of Polish poetry in Bulgaria, popularized by Boian Penev. It overcomes its asymmetrical patterns. Svetla Gurova’s and Blaga Dimitrova’s translations are analyzed as continuation of the palimpsest translation model, introduces by Dora Gabe.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2012, 3, 1; 219-233
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tłumacz zdemaskowany. Wybrane teksty Dubravki Ugrešić w przekładzie Doroty Jovanki Ćirlić — spojrzenie krytyczne
Raskrinkavanje prevoditelja. Odabrani tekstovi Dubravke Ugrešić u prijevodu Dorote Jovanke Ćirlić — jedan kritički pogled
Unmasked translator Dubravka Ugrešić`s selected texts translated by Dorota Jovanka Ćirlić — a critical view
Jawoszek, Agata
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Dubravka Ugrešić
Dorota Jovanka Ćirlić
kompetencije prevoditelja
prevodilačka strategija
semantičke promjene
prijevod frazema
translator’s competence
strategy of translation
semantic change
translation of idioms
kompetencje tłumacza
strategia tłumaczenia
zmiany semantyczne
przekład związków frazeologicznych
Na primjeru izabranih tekstova Dubravke Ugrešić prevedenih na poljski od strane Dorote Jovanke Ćirlić, najpopularnije ali i najčešće kritizirane od strane domaćih slavista, suvremene poljske prevoditeljice balkanske književnosti, razmotriti ćemo pitanje prisutnosti (ili odsutnosti) prevoditelja u tekstu. Na temelju prijevoda romana Štefica Cvek u raljama života i zbirke eseja Nikog nema doma analizirat ćemo prevodilačke strategije i pojedinačna translatorska rješenja kao i njihovo značenje u kontekstu prevodilačke slobode i njezinog utjecaja na postupak izgradnje pozicije autorice i recepcije njezinih tekstova u drugom kulturnom i jezičnom kontekstu.
On the selected Dubravka Ugrešić’s texts translated into polish by Dorota Jovanka Ćirlić, on the one hand the most popular on the second hand the most criticized by the local Slavists, contemporary Polish translator of Balkan literature, we can analyze the question of a presence (or absence) of translators in the text. On the example of translation of the novel Stefica Cvek in the Jaws of Life and book of essay There is no one at home, we analyze the strategies of translation and individual translator’s solutions as well as their importance in the context of “freedom of translator” and its impact on the process of building author’s position and reception of texts in different cultural and linguistic context.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2015, 6, 1; 158-171
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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