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Wpływ religii rzymskiej na kształtowanie się prawa spadkowego wczesnej republiki
The Influence of Roman Religion on the Development of the Law of Succession during the Early Roman Republic
Chyłka, Karol
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Roman law,
law of succession,
early Republic,
domestic worship
The normative system originating at the beginnings of the Roman monarchy bound the sacral realm and the realm of law together in ways that made it impossible to distinguish between those two orders. It was not until the 5th century BCE, when the rising autonomy of law prompted the question of the impact of Roman beliefs on the formation of legal institutions, especially the law of succession, highly reflective of religious convictions of the Romans in the early Republic. The law at that time, being formed by the college of pontiffs, or priests (pontifical jurisprudence), remained under a strong influence of faith professed by society, at the core of which was domestic worship (sacra privata) practiced in order to provide families and gentes with prosperity. The regulations regarding succession were aimed to maintain its continuity by introducing a universal successor (heres), linking an obligation to continue domestic worship with the patrimony (patrimonium), controlling a universal succession by way of pontiffs on the strength of the calatis comitiis will, and also by enabling the acquisition of an inheritance through usucapion (usucapio pro herede), and, finally, by broadening the scope of people responsible for religious rites to co-heirs (coheredes) and members of the gens (gentiles).
Das zu Beginn des Römischen Reiches entstandene Normensystem sollte sakrale und rechtliche Sphäre zusammenschweißen, damit die beiden Ordnungen voneinander nicht mehr unterscheidbar sein durften. Erst die vom 5. Jahrhundert v.Ch. erfolgenden Prozesse der Rechtsautonomisierung lassen nach dem Einfluss der römischen Religion auf Gestaltung der Rechtsinstitutionen, insbesondere der religiösen Gesinnung der Römer in der frühen Republik in hohem Grad widerspiegelten Erbrechtes fragen. Das damals vom Pontifikalkollegium geschaffene Recht blieb unter starkem Einfluss des Glaubens, der auf den zum Wohle der Familien getriebenen Privatkult (sacra privata) konzentriert war. Die das Erbrecht betreffenden Gesetze sollten die Kontinuität der Vererbung sichern, und das durch: Einführung der Institution eines universellen Erben (heres), die Pflicht, den betriebenen Kult mit dem zu vererbten Vermögen (matrimonium) zu verknüpfen, die kraft des Testaments calatis comitiis ausgeübte pontifikale Kontrolle über universelle Sukzession, die Möglichkeit, das Erbe durch Ersitzung (usucapio pro herede) zu erwerben und schließlich den Kreis der für religiöse Rituale Verantwortlichen um Miterben (coheredes) und Familienmitglieder (gentiles) zu erweitern.
Z Dziejów Prawa; 2018, 11, 2; 13-27
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Z Dziejów Prawa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawo spadkowe w nieznanym projekcie kodeksu cywilnego
Moszyńska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
law of succession
the Codification Comittee
the Ministry of Justice
the Polish People’s Republic
the Legal Comittee
In literature on the codification of the civil law in Poland after the WWII, the years 1950—1954 are a research gap. The preparation of the draft of the Civil Code in 1951 remains almost an unknown fact. The aim of this article is to present the work on the last book of this draft and solutions adopted herein. It is worth paying a closer attention to them, as they formed a clear example of progressive stalinization and compulsory transplantation of the Soviet patterns. The circle of statutory heirs was significantly narrowed, the freedom of testation was heavily restricted. Testate succession became almost completely meaningless. Under the former name of “legitime”, a reserve system (a forced share) was introduced. Testator could dispose of only a half of his assets, the rest had to be preserved for the benefit of the forced heirs. The responsibility for debts had been limited in a way which caused a high risk for creditors. The hastily prepared draft contained many gaps and errors. However, the political climate was not conducive to taking into account the remarks made to the draft.
Z Dziejów Prawa; 2017, 10; 163-180
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Z Dziejów Prawa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Application of the Succession Regulation by German courts — Selected Issues
Kohler, Christian
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
private international law
EU Succession Regulation
law of German courts
European Certificate of Succession
The article discusses the impact of the EU Succession Regulation on the German system of private international law. The change came with some important differences introduced in the text of the Regulation as in comparison to previous German solutions (especially the use of the habitual residence as the main connecting factor instead of nationality), and, as a result of the number of decisions of the CJEU on the Regulation (in particular the Kubicka case).The paper presents the most important, up-to-date German case-law relating to the EU Succession Regulation. It starts with the general remarks in that regard and continues to discuss judgments covering issues of jurisdiction, applicable law, and the European Certificate of Succession. Three conclusions are drawn therefrom. First, the cases show a general willingness of the courts to cope with the fundamental changes introduced by the Regulation. In particular, the concept of “habitual residence” is applied on the basis of an autonomous interpretation by reference to the case-law of the CJEU on Regulation Brussels IIa. Second, a number of decisions make apparent that the courts are sometimes slow to accept the consequences which flow from the changes brought about by the Regulation, and which oblige to re-consider the German practice in matters of international successions. That applies in particular to the issuing of the European Certificate of Succession. Third, German courts are generally ready to initiate cooperation with the CJEU by formulating preliminary questions (three questions posed by the end of 2019).
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego; 2020, 26; 27-43
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Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ przepisów wymuszających swoje zastosowanie na rozstrzyganie spraw spadkowych pod rządami rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) Nr 650/2012
The influence of the overriding mandatory rules on decision making in succession matters under the EU Regulation 650/2012
Żarnowiec, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Succession Regulation
succession matters
choice of law
connecting factor
applicable law
overriding mandatory provisions
Since August 17, 2015 the courts of the Member States of the European Union apply the conflict-of-laws rules adopted in the EU Succession Regulation (EU) in succession matters. From the Polish point of view, this constitutes not only the change of the rules applied for the purposes of determining jurisdiction and the applicable law, but also a new approach to the overriding mandatory provisions. Contrary to other European instruments of private international law, the Succession Regulation neither uses the term “overriding mandatory provisions”, nor defines its meaning. Nevertheless, in Article 30 the Regulation provides for application - irrespective of the law applicable to the succession under its conflict rules - of the special rules of the State, where certain immovable property, enterprises or other special categories of assets are located, and which - for economic, family or social considerations - impose restrictions concerning or affecting the succession in respect of those assets, in so far as, under the law of that State, they are applicable irrespective of the law applicable to the succession. The interpretation of this provision cause difficulties. It is not clear whether the concept of the special provisions embodied in Article 30 refers to the concept of overriding mandatory rules, well known in the European private international law, or whether it constitutes an original solution. Another controversial issue discussed in the paper is the relevance of the mandatory rules of the forum or the third State other than those mentioned in Article 30.
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego; 2019, 25; 43-65
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Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stan obecny i perspektywy przyjęcia przez Serbię nowego prawa prywatnego międzynarodowego
The Present Situation and Perspectives for a New Serbian Private International Law
Kochowska, Ewelina
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
former Yugoslavia
private international law
change of law
succession of international agreements
The Yugoslav Act of 1982 on resolving conflict of laws with regulations of other countries is still in force in the Republic of Serbia. The law drafted over 40 years ago was considered as innovative at the time of its adoption. At present, the Serbian academic community signals the need to update the current provisions of private international law, both in the spirit of approximation with the law of the European Union and in the need to better embed this law in the present legal order of the Republic of Serbia. The draft of a new act on private international law, prepared in 2014, was not adopted yet, although it was not formally rejected as such in Serbian legislative procedures (as of April 13, 2023) either. Though not formally binding, the draft law has been cited in recent years in the Serbian law journals, being an important point of reference for considerations on questions related to private international law in Serbia. It must be admitted that the progressive Serbian academic community turned out to be an active inspirer, creator and is now also a tireless advocate of changes in the field of private international law in Serbia.Serbia, which has been an EU candidate since 2013, has no particular obligation to introduce specific solutions in the field of private international law into its national law neither before nor after accession. EU law in the field of private international law is contained in regulations that will be automatically and directly applicable in Serbia when it becomes a member of the European Union. This is a dilemma whether to adopt the provisions which, in principle, will have to be repealed after the accession. At the same time, there are several benefits of approximating the law before the accession, including accustoming legal practitioners in Serbia to apply solutions similar to those in the EU, and increasing legal certainty by applying similar solutions of private international law in transactions between entities from Serbia and the European Union (regardless of the accession prospects).The author describes and summarizes the current state of regulations in Serbian private international law and analyses the main changes proposed in the draft law of 2014. The article also presents agreements binding Serbia in the field of private international law, including the still binding 1960 Polish-Serbian agreement.
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego; 2023, 32; 95-122
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Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Heredamiento – umowa dziedziczenia czy hybryda umowy prawa spadkowego i rodzinnego
Heredamiento — An Agreement as to Succession or a Hybrid of Succession and Family law Agreement
Lubaś, Natalia
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
agreements as to succession
dispositions upon death
Spanish law
Catalan law
internal conflicts of laws
This article addresses the issues related to heredamiento - an agreement as to succession, characteristic of the Catalan legal system (Spain), the centuries-long functioning of which may be an inspiration for other legislators. The paper first attempts to locate this institution in the context of history and terminology. Further, it explains and describes the functioning of heredamiento in the provisions of Catalan law currently in force. The article then discusses the centuries-old location of this institution at the junction of succession law and family law. The paper also presents issues relating to the conflict of laws rules of private international law and the conflict of law rules of interregional law that are characteristic of the Spanish legal system. Therefore, introducing the reader to the institution of heredamiento, the author suggests that the Polish legislator should not cease looking for legal instruments adjusted and adapted to social realities, which would adequately protect the interests of both future decedents and heirs.
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego; 2022, 30; 115-137
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Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Capacity and the Quality of Heir. Possible Interaction with Preliminary Questions
Bariatti, Stefania
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
private international law
EU Succession Regulation
capacity of heir
legal capacity
preliminary questions
personal status
family relationships
The article contains an overview of the rules relating to the scope of application of the EU private international law regulations. It addresses the treatment of the relevant preliminary questions, with special reference to the Succession Regulation. The issues are discussed in three steps. The first is connected with the way of interpreting the notions and concepts, such as marriage, adoption, legal capacity etc., where such matters as personal status, legal capacity or family relationship may come to the foreground as a preliminary question. The second is dealing with the law applicable to the preliminary question. The author compares pros and cons of the “independent reference” (lex fori) and the “dependent reference” (lex causae) solutions, considering the latter as less effective, producing more negative consequences. The third step embraces questions relating to the jurisdiction with respect to preliminary question.
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego; 2020, 26; 57-70
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Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Spadek po Emilii: studium przypadku z zakresu międzynarodowego prawa spadkowego i przepływu dokumentów w Unii Europejskiej
Emilia’s Succession Estate: A Case Study on International Succession and the Free Movement of Documents in the European Union
Zachariasiewicz, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
international succession law
regulation 650/2012
regulation 2016/1191
free movement of documents
same-sex marriages and partnerships
The presented case study builds upon a fictious factual scenario involving transnational succession. It tells a story of Emilia — a national of a Member State who emigrates to another Member State, establishes a successful business and marries a national of that other State — also a women. She dies during COVID-19 pandemic and leaves an estate comprising immovables and other assets located in a number of states. The case study touches upon various legal questions arising under Regulation 650/2012, Regulation 2016/1191, and the Hague Apostille Convention. It invites the trainers and students to consider concepts such as the place of habitual residence of the deceased, the European Succession Certificate and the national instruments certifying the inheritance, as well as the will and the donatio mortis causa. It asks questions relating to the formalities that are necessarily to complete a transnational succession. Notably, it lays out a problem whether a succession in a same-sex marriage — concluded validly in one Member State — should be accepted in another Member State that does not know such a concept in its domestic law.
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego; 2022, 30; 173-202
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Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O rozgraniczaniu statutów i wsysaniu regulacji prawnej (na przykładzie prawa stosowanego do oceny różnych aspektów powołania i funkcjonowania wykonawcy testamentu i zarządcy sukcesyjnego przedsiębiorstwem)
On delineating the scope of applicable laws (using the example of the law relevant for the executor of the will and the succession administrator of the enterprise)
Pazdan, Maksymilian
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
executor of the will
succession administrator of the estate
lex successionis
the law applicable to the administration of the estate
absorbing rules into legis successionis
partial issue
preliminary issue
The position of the executor of the will is governed by the law applicable to succession (Article 23(2)(f) of the EU Regulation 650/2012), while the position of the succession administrator of the estate of a business of a physical person located in Poland is subject to the Law of 5 July 2018 on the succession administration of the business of a physical person (the legal basis for such solution is in Article 30 of the EU Regulation 650/2012). However, if the court needs to determine the law applicable to certain aspects of appointing or functioning of these institutions, which have a nature of partial or preliminary questions, these laws will apply, as determined in line with the methods elaborated to deal with partial and preliminary questions in private international law. The rules devoted to the executors of wills are usually not self-standing. In such situations, the legislators most often call for supportive application of the rules designed for other matters existing in the same legal system (here — of the legis successionis). This is referred to as the absorption of the legal rules.
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego; 2020, 27; 159-177
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Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sprawy spadkowe w umowie polsko-ukraińskiej z 1993 r.
Matters of succession in the Agreement of 1993 between Poland and Ukraine
Pazdan, Maksymilian
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
umowa polsko-ukraińska z 1993
statut spadkowy
spadek bezdziedziczny
konwencyjna klauzula zgodności
wybór prawa
jurysdykcja w sprawach spadkowych
zasada równego traktowania
agreement of 1993 between Poland and Ukraine
law applicable to succession
estate without a claimant
general compatibility clause provided for in international agreement
choice of applicable law
jurisdiction in matters of succession, principle of equal treatment
The article is dedicated to the matters of succession in the Agreement of 1993 on Legal Aid concluded between Poland and Ukraine. The author touches upon a number of issues. First, he discusses the role of the “general compatibility clause” provided for in Article 97 of the 1993 Agreement. He concludes that the clause does not produce effects with regard to the Regulation (EU) No 650/2012. Under the “general compatibility clause”, in all situations where the 1993 Agreement does not provide for a rule being the equivalent of the rules laid down in the Hague Convention of 1961 determining the law applicable to the form of a testamentary disposition, in Poland, in relations between Poland and Ukraine, the law applicable to the form of a testament is to be determined pursuant to the provisions of the Hague Convention of 1961.Second, the author discusses the conflict-of-laws rules set out in the Agreement which designate, as the applicable law, either Polish or Ukrainian law. He contends that where the deceased is a Polish and Ukrainian national, in order to determine which of those nationalities have to be taken into account for the purposes of Article 37 (1) of the 1993 Agreement, the criterion of the most effective (more closely connected) nationality should be relied on. However, the situations that involve a deceased of Polish or Ukrainian nationality, who is also a third-State national, do not fall within the scope of the 1993 Agreement. The application of the 1993 Agreement is, on the other hand, not barred by the fact that an immovable property in a third State forms part of the estate. Jurisdiction and the law applicable to the succession of such immovable property must be determined, both in Poland and in Ukraine, pursuant to their general conflict-of-laws regulations on matters of succession. The author explains also that the drafters of the 1993 Agreement (in Articles 37 (1) and (2)) ruled out the principle of unity of succession in favour of the principle of scission, employing the connecting factors of nationality and of location of the immovable property. This results in numerous complications in the determination of the applicable law and in its application. However, the law applicable to succession determined on the basis of Article 37 (1) and (2) of the 1993 Agreement of 1993 governs the succession as a whole, with the exception of issues covered by other rules provided for in that agreement (for example, Article 39) and of the issues that do not fall within its scope of the 1993 Agreement. Although Article 39 (1) of the 1993 Agreement expressly mentions only consequences of defective consent, there is no doubt that the said rule also covers the legal requirements for effective declaration of consent.Third, the author addresses the function of Article 38 of the 1993 Agreement, which is a substantive law provision on the estate without a claimant. This provision enjoys priority over Article 33 of the Regulation No 650/2012. Article 38 solely determines the State (Poland or Ukraine) acquiring the estate without a claimant. The concerned State enjoys the competence to designate the entity that will become the subject of rights and obligations forming part of the estate without a claimant.Finally, the author comments on the pending case resulting from the preliminary question posed by the Opole District Court (Sąd Okręgowy, case no II Czz. 438/21). The Opole Court requested from the European Court a ruling on whether a Ukrainian national residing in Poland may, under Article 22 of the Regulation No 650/2012, choose Ukrainian law. The author suggests, that — although not without a doubt — it is tempting to answer this question in the affirmative. The argument here is that the freedom to choose the applicable law in matters of succession falls entirely outside the ambit of the 1993 Agreement and so the Agreement does not preclude the choice.
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego; 2022, 31; 133-161
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Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-10 z 10

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