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Wyszukujesz frazę "“the other”" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

Obowiązek Innego. Trzeci
The Obligation of the Other. The Third
Kalaga, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
"The Obligation of the Other. The Third" Any identity (an individual, a community, a nation) exists with an inherent debt towards the Other, since as an identity - it constructs itself to a large extent through the difference from and of the Other. This ontological predicament inevitably involves an ethical question - the question of reciprocity: one's obligation is to repay the debt. That ethical question is frequently annulled through an essentialist construal of the concept of identity. if we reject or want to avoid essentialism, however, we have to recognize the obligation and find ways of fulfilling it: through obliterating clear-cut boundaries and construing identities as nebular densities rather than as reified objectivities and, consequently, through internalizing the difference and through accommodating the Other into the space of one's own identity. Yet, since reciprocity is of itself a symmetrical concept and must work both ways, the question of obligation must also be reversed: what are the obligations of the Other? Can the obligation to reciprocate be waived from the Other in certain circumstances? Or will it rather be an incapacitation of the Other through deprivation of responsibility? The problem becomes particularly acute in the circumstances of displacement: exile, emigration, or even hospitality. All these circumstances involve a misbalance of power, an interpenetration and a conflict of values, legitimisation of individual and communal expectations. In such a context, while keeping in mind the ethical aspect of obligation, one must also be aware of its political and axiological implications, especially when the problem of reciprocity is approached in terms of racial, ethnic and cultural difference. The objective of the essay is to explore those multifaceted aspects of the obligation of reciprocity and to place them in the context of post-Cartesian notions of subjectivity on the one hand, and of multiculturalism, on the other hand.
"The Obligation of the Other. The Third" Any identity (an individual, a community, a nation) exists with an inherent debt towards the Other, since as an identity - it constructs itself to a large extent through the difference from and of the Other. This ontological predicament inevitably involves an ethical question - the question of reciprocity: one's obligation is to repay the debt. That ethical question is frequently annulled through an essentialist construal of the concept of identity. if we reject or want to avoid essentialism, however, we have to recognize the obligation and find ways of fulfilling it: through obliterating clear-cut boundaries and construing identities as nebular densities rather than as reified objectivities and, consequently, through internalizing the difference and through accommodating the Other into the space of one's own identity. Yet, since reciprocity is of itself a symmetrical concept and must work both ways, the question of obligation must also be reversed: what are the obligations of the Other? Can the obligation to reciprocate be waived from the Other in certain circumstances? Or will it rather be an incapacitation of the Other through deprivation of responsibility? The problem becomes particularly acute in the circumstances of displacement: exile, emigration, or even hospitality. All these circumstances involve a misbalance of power, an interpenetration and a conflict of values, legitimisation of individual and communal expectations. In such a context, while keeping in mind the ethical aspect of obligation, one must also be aware of its political and axiological implications, especially when the problem of reciprocity is approached in terms of racial, ethnic and cultural difference. The objective of the essay is to explore those multifaceted aspects of the obligation of reciprocity and to place them in the context of post-Cartesian notions of subjectivity on the one hand, and of multiculturalism, on the other hand.
ER(R)GO: Teoria – Literatura – Kultura; 2003, 6
Pojawia się w:
ER(R)GO: Teoria – Literatura – Kultura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pedagogika społeczna wobec Innego. Solidarność z Innym w kontekście globalizacji
Social Pedagogy towards the Other. Solidarity with the Other in the Context of Globalisation
Bielska, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
the Other
The subject of the analyses undertaken in this article is solidarity with the Other in global society. The first part of the article focuses on the status of the Other (the outline is based on the characteristics presented by Claude Lévi-Strauss, George Simmel, Zygmunt Bauman, Bernhard Waldenfels and Emmanuel Lévinas). The subject of the second part is the category of solidarity – its analysis has been made by referring to the sociological and axiological perspective. In the third part, which is a kind of summary, the ambivalence of the status of the Other in the context of globalization is presented.
Chowanna; 2019; 313-326
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Inny i Tekst. Tajemnica
The Other and The text. A Mystery
Ryziński, Remigiusz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Remigiusz Ryziński The Other and The text. A Mystery The problem of the Other has fascinated philosophers since the beginnings of culture and has manifested itself in a number of human creative and artistic activities. Transgressing Cartesian cogito we head towards the Other. Merleau-Ponty points to the coincidence of the I-Other relation and tries to initiate a particular way of thinking of the Other. Still, there appears the problem of intransgressability, the soi barrier, freedom and Levinas's separation between the Other and me. In accordance with contemporary approach to the notion of the text as a process (Barthes, Bachelard) we begin to notice the ontological similarity between the text and the Other. Desiring for the infinite text and involved in the passion of reading as well as longing for the Other we turn to signifiant in an attempt to solve the Other's mystery and win his/her acceptance. The relationships between the Other and the text, the Other and me and the text and me turn into a research field whose aim is to expose the mystery of being from the perspective of the aesthetic ontology.
ER(R)GO: Teoria – Literatura – Kultura; 2005, 10
Pojawia się w:
ER(R)GO: Teoria – Literatura – Kultura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Edukacja/Migracja, czyli zamierzony rym
Education/migration intentionally form a rhyme
Wójcik-Dudek, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
intercultural education
the other
canon of reading
The article aims at presenting a critical review of the book Edukacja. Migracja. Edukacja międzykulturowa w kontekście kryzysu migracyjnego z perspektywy krajów V4 [Education. Migration. Intercultural education in a context of migration crisis regarded from V4 countries perspective] edited by Emilia Kledzik and Małgorzata Parczyk and devoted to the issue of intercultural education. The review author tries to define the source of such reflection. She argues that John Dewey’s concept of education presented in his work Democracy and Education is essential for creating a contemporary model of intercultural education. The concept of the American pedagogue remains valid because it is based on viewing education as being a result of combining heritage with personal experience. It emphasises respect for otherness and the belief in universalizing different experiences, which must lead to communication. In the article author’s opinion, the reviewed book consists of texts constituting a contemporary commentary to John Dewey’s ideas.
Postscriptum Polonistyczne; 2018, 2 (22) Glottodydaktyka wśród dzieci i młodzieży wobec wyzwań wielo-, transkulturowości i ruchów migracyjnych; 255-264
Pojawia się w:
Postscriptum Polonistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
U siebie. Literacki obraz Górnego Śląska jako swojskiej, ale nieoswojonej przestrzeni pogranicza
At Home – Literary Image of Upper Silesia as Homely, but Untamed Borderlands Area
Pospiszil, Karolina
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Upper Silesia
the Other
20th century
Experience of living in borderlands is the most important Upper Silesian experience. Com-plicated geopolitical situation affects on Silesian history, local inhabitants’ identity, specific character of this place (periphery complex, pressure of ideological and cultural centres versus everyday relations with the Other, who often is homely and who is different from stereo-types disseminated by ideological centres are experienced here). Upper Silesia had to – and still has to – struggle with typical borderlands’ problems such as: borders’ inconstancy, feel-ing of homeliness, everyday relations with the Others, extreme ideologization, danger, fear, multiculturalism, other culture’s remains even after a resettlements and emigrations. All these problems are a great theme in literature about Upper Silesia, which is trying to describe and understand inconstancy and tragedy of the borderland.
Postscriptum Polonistyczne; 2012, 1(9); 215-234
Pojawia się w:
Postscriptum Polonistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawość Ojca. Aleksandra Wata zmagania z testamentem
The Righteousness of the Father Aleksander Wat’s Struggle with the Will
Baron-Milian, Marta
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Aleksander Wat
the Father
the Other
the Lack
The article constitutes an attempt at analysing the role of the image of a real and a symbolic father in Aleksander Wat’s work. The point of the departure is a reflection upon the issue of avant-garde gesture of breaking off with the past and identity through a change of a family name from Chwat to Wat. The problem of misunderstanding resulting from the use of different languages forms the basis of the relationship between Wat and his father and serves as the background for the proposed interpretation, whose figure becomes the Tower of Babel. The image which emerges from the analyses of the poems composed by the author of Buchalteria, and especially from the fragments of his journal, is one of the “voice of the Father,” tormenting the writer, which has a close connection with the return of the suppressed Jewish identity.
Śląskie Studia Polonistyczne; 2015, 7, 2; 59-76
Pojawia się w:
Śląskie Studia Polonistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Etykiety: Kobieta, Żyd – Inny w przestrzeni szkolnej
The Labels Woman and Jew: The Other in the School
Kuraś, Sylwia
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Artykuł podejmuje problem Inności w literaturze oraz stygmatyzacji i wykluczenia z przestrzeni publicznej tego, co odmienne, a przez to rozumiane jako zagrażające wszystkiemu, co swojskie i bliskie. Na podstawie dwóch powieści Isaaca Bashevisa Singera: Dwór i Spuścizna autorka wskazuje na uniwersalny mechanizm budowania obrazu Innego, definiowanego jako wroga. Stosunki polsko-żydowskie, kultura żydowska, a w niej zaakcentowana rola kobiet, stają się punktem wyjścia do rozmowy o współczesnych procesach społecznych. Kwestią priorytetową w kontekście kształcenia postaw otwartości, szacunku i akceptacji w kontakcie z Innym jest edukacja – zawężona tutaj do lekcji języka polskiego. Szkoła, w swoim instytucjonalnym i obligatoryjnym wymiarze, oraz świadomy swej roli nauczyciel mają moc inicjowania zmian w świadomości, przyzwyczajeniach i poglądach uczniów. Podczas lekcji z powieściami Singera autorka proponuje wykorzystać nauczanie bazujące na „utożsamianiu się”, szukaniu uniwersalnego wymiaru w działaniach i emocjach ludzi w określonych sytuacjach życiowych bez względu na przynależność kulturową czy płeć. Priorytetem tak rozumianej edukacji jest wyjście poza przestrzeń narracji i politycznego dyskursu wykluczenia. Celem zaś jest otwarty na odmienność, krytyczny wobec kultury własnej, ale i świadomy jej wartości obywatel.
In this article, Sylwia Kuraś addresses the problem of Otherness in literature and of the stigmatization and exclusion from the public space of what is different, and thus understood as a threat to everything that is familiar and local. Based on two novels by Isaac Bashevis Singer, The Manor and The Estate, Kuraś points to the universal mechanism of building the image of the Other as the enemy. Polish-Jewish relations, Jewish culture, and in it the accentuated role of women, become a starting point for a conversation about contemporary social processes. A priority issue in the context of instilling attitudes of openness, respect and acceptance in contact with the Other is education, which is limited here to lessons of Polish. The school, in its institutional and obligatory dimension, and the teacher who is aware of their role in this respect – these have the power to initiate changes in students’ awareness, habits, and views. During the lesson about Singer’s novels, Kuraś suggests the use of teaching based on “identification”, i.e., looking for a universal dimension in the actions and emotions of people in specific life situations, regardless of their cultural affiliation and gender. The priority in education understood in this way is to go beyond the space of narrative and political discourse of exclusion. The goal is a citizen who is open to difference, critical of their own culture, but also aware of its value.
Postscriptum Polonistyczne; 2022, 29, 1; 1-20
Pojawia się w:
Postscriptum Polonistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Amerykańska percepcja twórczości Tadeusza Konwickiego
On American Perception of Konwicki’s Novels
Sabo, Roman
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
American perception
Philip Roth
John Updike
he series “Writers from the Other Europe”
Due to dedicated efforts of the eminent American novelist Philip Roth, several novels from behind the Iron Curtain were published in the USA in the series “Writers from the Other Europe”. Starting in 1974, during the following 15 years, the novels of Andrzejewski, Borowski, Gombrowicz, Schulz and Konwicki were published by Penguin. This article concentrates on the American reception of Konwicki’s novels.
Śląskie Studia Polonistyczne; 2020, 15, 1
Pojawia się w:
Śląskie Studia Polonistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Teenage Identity in the Face of the Other in Nnedi Okorafor’s Organic Fantasy
L’identité adolescente face à l’Autre dans l’organic fantasy de Nnedi Okorafor
Drab, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
young adult
organic fantasy
juju fantasy
Nnedi Okorafor
the Self
the Other
The present paper aims at discussing What Sunny Saw in the Flames by Nnedi Okorafor as a fantasy novel for children and young adults focused upon the question of self-identification. In the framework of fiction for younger audiences, the fantasy mode becomes a tool which allows to examine the topics important to young readers, such as identity and their place within the society, by providing a confrontation with the Other. The example of Nnedi Okorafor’s book, known in the USA as Akata Witch, shows how the instrumentation of a fantasy novel enables an exposition of the process in which the protagonist grows on the intellectual, emotional and cultural levels. In other words, the fantasy mode aids in the exploration of Sunny’s American-Nigerian origin, her albinism, coming of age and the comprehension of her identity. Simultaneously, as additional topics emerge from the analysis, it becomes visible that the question of the Self cannot be separated from the concept of the Other, with the lesson of empathy and respect for what is different.
Romanica Silesiana; 2021, 19, 1; 129-139
Pojawia się w:
Romanica Silesiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O historykach i folklorystach z drugiej strony Olzy
On historians and folklorists from the other side of the Olza river
Morys-Twarowski, Michael
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Śląsk Cieszyński
Polski Związek Kulturalno -Oświatowy
„Biuletyn Ludoznawczy”
Cieszyn Silesia
the Polish Cultural-Educational Union
Biuletyn Ludoznawczy
Recenzowana książka dotyczy 50 -letniej działalności Sekcji Folklorystycznej (później przekształconej w Sekcję Ludoznawczą) i Sekcji Historii Regionu Polskiego Związku Kulturalno-Oświatowego. Pozycja jest skierowana głównie do osób zainteresowanych Zaolziem, ale niektóre teksty mogą zostać wykorzystane jako materiał uzupełniający przez badaczy podejmujących szersze zagadnienia, jak np. funkcjonowanie stowarzyszeń mniejszości narodowych w krajach komunistycznych czy „oddolne” wizje historii regionalnej.
The reviewed book details the fifty-year-long activity of the Folkloristic Section (Sekcja Folklorystyczna) (later transformed into the Ethnological Section [Sekcja Etnograficzna]) and the Regional History Section of the Polish Cultural-Educational Union (Polski Związek Kulturalno-Oświatowy). It is aimed mainly at persons interested in the region of Zaolzie, yet some of the texts may also be referred to as a supplementary material by researchers undertaking broader subjects, such as the operation of national minorities’ associations in communist states, or “from below” visions of regional history.
Wieki Stare i Nowe; 2020, 15, 20; 178-181
Pojawia się w:
Wieki Stare i Nowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wojaczek – Cwietajewa. Przeklęte pokrewieństwo
Wojaczek – Cwietajewa. Cursed propinquity
Воячек – Цветаева. Проклятое родство
Wojtyła, Konrad
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
интертекстуальные отношения
философия Другого (Левинас)
intertextual relationships
philosophy of the Other (Levinas)
The article describes previously unknown intertextual relationships and kinships between Marina Tsvetaeva and Rafał Wojaczek. The author reveals analogies in both the biographical and the textual spheres. The first one contains the existential and ideological problems as well as myth-forming aspects focusing on the fact of suicidal death (of both authors), the second one the thematization, organizing poetic statements and identical formal resolutions. The figures of “the Negro” and “the Jew” come to the fore as well as the issues centered around the anti-aesthetic categories: guilt and punishment, life and death, sacrum and profanum.
В статье описаны ранние неизвестные интертекстуальные отношения и родство между Мариной Цветаевой и Рафалом Воячеком. Автор указывает на аналогии как в биографической, так и в текстовой сферах. Первая из них охватывает экзистенциальные и мировоззренческие проблемы, а также мифотворческие аспекты с упором на факт самоубийственной смерти (обоих авторов). Вторая — тематизацию, организацию поэтического высказывания и формальные приемы. На первом плане стоят фигуры „негра” и „еврея”, а также вопросы касающиеся противоположных категорий: вина и наказание, жизнь и смерть, sacrum и profanum.
Iudaica Russica; 2020, 2(5); 83-97
Pojawia się w:
Iudaica Russica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Smutek tropików, czyli o radości spotkania z innym
Tristes Tropiques, about the joy of getting familiar with the other
Filipowicz, Patryk
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
filozofia spotkania
Claude Lévi-Strauss
Laboratorium Kultury
philosophy of dialogue
Analiza spotkania pojawia się przy okazji rozważań na gruncie filozofii dialogu i dotyczy zwykle relacji międzyosobowej: „człowiek – człowiek” lub „Bóg – człowiek”. Rzadziej i nie tak jednoznacznie w opisach i rozważaniach pojawia się również relacja „człowiek – świat”. Najważniejszy nurt tej refleksji bierze swój początek od takich myślicieli jak Martin Buber czy Franz Rosenzweig, a później Emmanuel Levinas. Ich namysł, skonfrontowany z treścią Smutku tropików i procedurami etnograficznymi Lévi-Straussa, tworzy niespodziewane konteksty. Ujawniają się podobieństwa, głównie w sferze etycznej, postawie podmiotu poznającego (badacz) oraz w elementach spotkania, w którym zachodzą różne związki pomiędzy jego podmiotami. Okazuje się, że odsłanianie struktury, odsłanianie mechanizmu, nie musi być z góry utożsamiane z zawłaszczaniem przedmiotu badania, z pojmowaniem. Mowa oraz wolna wola innego pozwala mu przemówić do mnie oraz zamilknąć.
Tristes Tropiques, about the joy of getting familiar with the other. An analysis of the meeting appears together with deliberations considering the dialog philosophy and usually regards interpersonal relations: “man – man” or “God – man”. The most important trend of this reflection have its root in thinkers like Martin Buber or Franz Rosenzweig and later in Emmanuel Levinas. Their contemplation, confronted with the content of Tristes Tropiques and ethnographic procedures of Lévi-Strauss, creates surprising contexts. Patryk Filipowicz/Smutek tropików czyli o rados´ci... Bibliografia: M. Buber, Problem człowieka, przeł. R. Reszke, Fundacja Aletheia – Wydawnictwo Spacja, Warszawa 1993. G. Charbonnier, Rozmowy z Claude Lévi-Straussem, przeł. J. Trznadel, Czytelnik, Warszawa 2000. Fenomen radości, pod red. A. Grzegorczyk, J. Grada, P. Szkudlarek, Wydawnictwo UAM, Poznań 2007. T. Hawkes, Strukturalizm i semiotyka, przeł. I. Sieradzki, PWN, Warszawa1988. M. Janion, Humanistyka: poznanie i terapia, PIW, Warszawa 1982. J. Kłoczkowski, Filozofia dialogu, Wydawnictwo Polskiej Prowincji Dominikanów „W drodze”, Poznań 2005. C. Lévi-Strauss , Smutek tropików, przeł. A. Steinsberg, PIW, Warszawa 1960. E. Levinas, Całość i nieskończoność. Esej o zewnętrzności, przeł. M. Kowalska, PWN, Warszawa 2002. Radość i cierpienie, pod red. H. Romanowskiej-Łakomy, Wydawnictwo UWM, Olsztyn 2000. F. Rosenzweig, Gwiazda Zbawienia, przeł. T. Gadacz, Wydawnictwo Znak, Kraków 1998. K. Skurjat, Znaczenie i wartość. Studia z polskiej filozofii kultury XX wieku, Wydawnictwo AR, Wrocław 2002. J. Tischner, Filozofia dramatu, Wydawnictwo Znak, Kraków 1998. 81 Laboratorium Kultury 1 (2012) Similarities emerge, mainly in the ethic field, in the attitude of the researcher and in some elements of meetings, where different relations between their entities appear. It turns out that unveiling the structure and the mechanism doesn’t have to be identified beforehand with taking away an object of the research, with insight. Speech and free will of the other let them speak to me and become silent.
Laboratorium Kultury; 2012, 1; 70-81
Pojawia się w:
Laboratorium Kultury
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nadzieja dla „Innego”. Kategoria „inności” w polskiej wielokulturowej literaturze dla młodych odbiorców
Hope for “the Other”: the category of “Otherness” in Polish multicultural litera‑ ture for young readers
Kostecka, Weronika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
cultural diversity
multicultural children’s and young adult literature
he research problem addressed in this article concerns the method of constructing images of “otherness” and of “the Other” by authors of Polish multicultural literature for young readers in the last two decades. Multicultural literature is defined as literature that challenges a social order that is based on discrimination against minority groups. Multicultural literature deconstructs cultural stereotypes and prejudices and promotes intercultural dialogue and inclusiveness. Weronika Kostecka assumes that due to the ethnic and national homogeneity of Polish society, a literary character that uses a language other than Polish, has a skin color other than white, or cultivates other traditions than those commonly identified as Polish, is perceived (in an intra-textual sense and probably also by many prospective young readers) as “the Other.” This leads her to consider — from a postcolonial perspective — the difference between the concepts of otherness and cultural diversity; she points out that the former concept is related to privileging only one — dominant and ego-centric — way of perceiving socio-cultural reality. Finally, Kostecka analyzes the construct of “the Other” on the basis of Polish children’s literature about refugees. She argues that the authors focus on the trauma experienced by the characters as a result of forced migration and solely on their identity as refugees. In conclusion, Kostecka points out that this way of creating refugee stories significantly limits characterization, although it probably serves to emphasize the ethical responsibility of target readers.
Paidia i Literatura; 2021, 3; 1-15
Pojawia się w:
Paidia i Literatura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Drugi v Drugem: književni citati v poljskem in italjanskem prevodu romana "Gimnazijka" Antona Ingoliča
Obcy w obcym: cytaty literackie w polskim i włoskim przekładzie powieści "Gimnazijka" Antona Ingoliča
The Other in the Other: literary citations in Polish and Italian translations of Anton Ingolič’s youth novel "Gimnazijka"
Grošelj, Robert
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
mladinski roman Gimnazijka
Anton Ingolič
književni citat
zvesti prevod
delni prevod
povzemalni prevod
powieść młodzieżowa Gimnazijka
cytat literacki
wierny przekład
przekład częściowy
przekład streszczający
youth novel Gimnazijka
literary citation
faithful translation
partial translation
summary translation
V prispevku je analizirano prevajanje književnih citatov v poljskem in italijanskem prevodu slovenskega mladinskega romana "Gimnazijka" Antona Ingoliča. S književnimi citati avtor sooblikuje svoje pripovedovanje (autoreferencialnost), bralca pa tudi informira — s konkretnimi besedilnimi zgledi — o kanonskih avtorjih svetovne (Shakepeare, Molière) in slovenske (Kette, Murn, Gradnik) književnosti (referencialnost). V analiziranih prevodih "Gimnazijke" prihaja pri citatih pogosto do poenostavljanja ciljnega besedila: poljska prevajalka se je za ohranitev citata odločila v treh, italijanski prevajalec pa le v dveh od petih primerov. V obeh prevodih je pogosto tudi poenostavljanje citatnega sobesedila, tudi če je citat ohranjen (poenostavljanje je večje v italijanskem prevodu). Na tak način sta se prevoda oddaljila od slogovne oblikovanosti in vsebinske kompleksnosti izhodiščnega besedila, hkrati pa se je z neupoštevanjem citatov zmanjšala njegova referencialnost (informativno-didaktična dimenzija).
The paper discusses the translation of literary citations in Polish and Italian translations of the Slovenian youth novel "Gimnazijka" by Anton Ingolič. With the help of literary citations the author shapes his narrative (autoreferentiality) and also informs the reader — by using concrete text examples — of the authors included in the canon of world (cf. Shakespeare, Molière) and Slovenian (cf. Kette, Murn, Gradnik) literature (referentiality). In the analyzed translations of "Gimnazijka", text fragments with citations are frequently simplified: Polish translator has opted for preserving three, the Italian only two citations out of five. In both translations the text fragments with citations have been frequently simplified, even if the citation itself is preserved (the summary translation has been used more widely by Italian translator). In such a way, the analyzed translations have not only reduced the stylistic qualities and the content complexity of the source text, but also diminished its referentiality (informative-didactic dimension) by disregarding some of the literary citations.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2014, 5, 1; 272-303
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Arystokraci nędzy”, czyli Kazimiery Alberti opowieść o odrzuconych
„The Aristocracy of the Poor”, or Kazimiera Alberti’s narrative about the Rejected
“Signori nella miseria” o il racconto di Kazimiera Alberti riguardo gli emarginati
Pospiszil, Karolina
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Kazimiera Alberti
Polish interwar literature
the Other
social issues
cultural hybrids
letteratura polacca tra le due guerre
problemi sociali
ibrido culturale
L’articolo si concentra sulla descrizione, presente in quasi tutte le opere di Kazimiera Alberti tra le due guerre, dell’analisi letteraria dei problemi sociali. Ciò che è evidente in questo lavoro è la “gerarchia” delle persone che soffrono per le disuguaglianze sociali, economiche, etniche o legate al sesso. Questa “gerarchia” può essere paragonata ai gironi dell’inferno, sebbene in questo caso il livello della sofferenza non dipende dai peccati commessi ma dal grado di rifiuto della società. L’ Alberti colloca gli ibridi culturali ed etnici nel più profondo cerchio dell’inferno – sono visti come stranieri (e spesso non come esseri umani) da entrambe (o più) culture / comunità da cui provengono.
The paper focuses on an undercurrent analysis of social problems present in almost all Kazimiera Alberti’s work written in an interwar period. A kind of “hierarchy” of people suffering from social, economic, ethnic and gender inequality is evident in Alberti’s works. This “hierarchy” could be considered as hell circles, although a gradation of pain and misery depends on a level of social rejection, not on committed sins. Alberti puts cultural and ethnic hybrids in the deepest circle of hell – those people are perceived as others/aliens (and often not as human beings) by both (or more) cultures/communities, they are “made” from.
Fabrica Litterarum Polono-Italica; 2019, 1; 71-95
Pojawia się w:
Fabrica Litterarum Polono-Italica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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