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Dependent Territories and Unrecognized States as Participants in Contemporary International Relations
Terytoria zależne i państwa nieuznawane jako uczestnicy współczesnych stosunków międzynarodowych
Piękoś, Karol
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
dependent territory
unrecognized state
international relations
international community
terytorium zależne
państwo nieuznawane
stosunki międzynarodowe społeczność międzynarodowa
Due to contemporary political conditions, there is a number of geopolitical entities outside the states that are not internationally recognized as states, due to a number of sociological, legal, historical and political factors. The world’s changes may contribute to the changes of the status of non-state geopolitical units. Authorities from unrecognized states have been making efforts for many years to recognize members of the international community as full, but this is a difficult task. Also, in the societies of dependent territories, the need for change is more and more often considered to be crucial, because it is very important for their future. There is no doubt that contemporary international relations constitute an interesting research field, if only due to the problems of recognition and lack of recognition of the states undertaken in the following considerations.
Współczesne uwarunkowania polityczne powodują, że poza państwami istnieje wiele jednostek geopolitycznych, które nie są uznawane na arenie międzynarodowej za państwa. Przyczyną takiego stanu rzeczy jest szereg czynników socjologicznych, prawnych, historycznych a także natury politycznej. Następujące na świecie przemiany mogą przyczynić się do przekształcenia statusu jednostek geopolitycznych niebędących państwami. Władze nieuznawanych państw prowadzą zwykle działania na rzecz uznania za pełnoprawnych członków społeczności międzynarodowej, jednak jest to zadanie trudne. Również w społeczeństwach terytoriów zależnych coraz częściej mówi się o konieczności zmian, które są bardzo ważne dla ich przyszłości. Nie ulega wątpliwości, że współczesne stosunki międzynarodowe stanowią interesujące pole badawcze, chociażby ze względu na podjętą w poniższych rozważaniach problematykę uznawania oraz nieuznawania państw.
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego; 2019, 6 (52); 267-279
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kwestia polska na łamach „Dziennika Mińskiego” w latach 1917-191
Korzeniowski, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
sprawa polska
„Dziennik Miński”
państwa centralne
the Polish cause
“Dziennik Miński” daily
Central powers
Polish territory
The goal of the article is to present the attitude of the editors of “Dziennik Miński” towards the Polish cause; the daily was published in 1917-1918, after toppling the tsar in Russia. This was an extremely significant time because the newspaper (one of important places where Poles exchanged opinions in the Russian empire) presented issues of reconstructing the Polish state and its future political system.
Historia Slavorum Occidentis; 2020, 3 (26); 87-102
Pojawia się w:
Historia Slavorum Occidentis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Formation of a Favorable Leadership Environment as a Tool of Combining People to Resolve Socially Significant Issues in Representative Authorities
Veremeichyk, Victor
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
public administration leadership
representative authorities
formation of a favorable leadership environment
united territorial community
professional training of officials
territory development.
Many years of experience in trying to reform the representative authorities in Ukraine indicate that the lack of change means stagnation and prevents development. Change is an inevitable element of our lives, but it often causes fear in people. The ability to adapt to and enjoy change shapes our health, happiness and personal dignity much more than anything else. Each of us is given two options to choose from, influence others and as a result, manage change or is allow to other impact on us. It is for this reason that representative bodies in Ukraine need to be created conditions for the arrival of representatives of the new, ie professional public, management. It must be based on leadership, because it is not so much about younger people, but about new professionals who are able to adapt to change and function effectively in changing conditions and situations. At the same time, they must have a clear understanding of the axiom that the success of their activities lies in teamwork and continuous self-development and self-improvement. It is obvious that a modern representative of public authorities in general and local governments in particular must be a person who seeks to create a favorable leadership environment in order to unite all communities interested in addressing socially significant issues. And such a representative who understands that he will not succeed if he will thoughtlessly, automatically, copy someone’s style and thoughtlessly imitate anyone. The article analyzes the experience of forming a favorable leadership environment in the stand. The main tools of uniting people for solving socially significant issues in representative authorities are substantiated. The priority directions of formation of a favorable leadership environment in the stand are identified.
Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie; 2021, 3(31); 148-159
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
La comprensione della lingua seconda. L’italiano quale materia opzionale nelle scuole croate dell’istroquarnerino
Second-Language Comprehension: Italian as an Optional Language Course in Croatian Schools in Istria and Kvarner
Scotti Jurić, Rita
Lazarić, Lorena
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
italiano materia opzionale
territorio istroquarnerino
Italian as elective language course
Istrian and Kvarner territory
language comprehension
Dal punto di vista cognitivo insegnare a comprendere significa insegnare ad attivare nella maniera più efficace la expectancy grammar, per giungere alla capacità di cogliere e collegare il filo logico che lega il discorso. La ricerca valuta il livello A1 (QCE) delle abilità ricettive in tre tappe di studio dell’italiano come materia opzionale, e precisamente in quinta elementare, terza media inferiore (che nel sistema scolastico croato corrisponde all’ottava elementare) e terza media superiore. La scelta di analizzare lo stesso livello di competenza linguistica è stata dettata dall’ipotesi che la lingua italiana nella verticale scolastica della scuola croata tende ad arginarsi alle competenze di base. Il fatto potrebbe rispecchiare i cambiamenti nella struttura demografica della popolazione istroquarnerina, interessata da una fluttuazione costante in controtendenza rispetto alla tradizione italofona. Si prenderanno in esame i dati comparati di un corpus complessivo di 1051 soggetti, scaturiti dall’analisi della lettura e dell’ascolto in base al grado di studio e al sesso.
From a cognitive point of view, teaching to understand means teaching to activate in the most efficient way the “expectancy grammar” in order to achieve the capacity to grasp and link the logical thread that links up speech. This article evaluates level A1 of the receptive abilities in three stages of learning Italian as an optional language. The choice to analyse the same level of linguistic competence was dictated by the hypothesis that the Italian language teaching in Croatian educational tends to contain only the basic competencies. This fact could be influenced by the changes in the demographic structure of the population in the area of Istria and Kvarner, which, due to the constant flux of the population, have a negative impact on the indigenous Italian population. In the article, we will analyse a complex corpus of the comparative data (that includes 1 051 participants) which resulted from the analysis of reading and listening and is based on the level of study and the sex of the interviewees.
Italica Wratislaviensia; 2018, 9.1; 231-245
Pojawia się w:
Italica Wratislaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Borders of the Central Asian countries under the international law
Pietkiewicz, Michal
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Central Asia
state border
international legal status
state territory
Центральная Азия государственная граница международно-правовой статус государственная территория делимитация
In the article the international legal status of the territory, and the territory of the state was ascertained, and the features of the legal status of a state border were identified. The main problem of the thesis is to show the causes of conflicts in determining the borders of the Central Asian states from the perspective of Russian scholars. The main issues of regulating international relations in the sphere of the delimitation of state borders under the international law in Central Asia are outlined.
В статье рассмотрены международно-правовой статус территории, установ- ление территории государства, и определены особенности правового ста- туса государственной границы. Основная проблема статьи – показать при- чины конфликтов в определении границ Центрально-азиатских государств с точки зрения российских ученых. Изложены основные вопросы регули- рования международных отношений в сфере делимитации государственной границы в рамках международного права в Центральной Азии.
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia; 2017, 4(15); 30-42
Pojawia się w:
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Reflections over the Legal and Constitutional Status of Transnistria
Rozważania nad prawno-ustrojowym statusem Naddniestrza
Serzhanova, Viktoriya
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
unrecognized states
Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic definition of a state
public power
the right of nations to self-determination
państwa nieuznawane Naddniestrzańska Republika Mołdawska
definicja państwa
władza publiczna
prawo narodów do samostanowienia
The present legal status of Transnistria neither seems to be obvious, nor distinctly determined. Its estimation in the context of the region’s statehood has been a subject of disputes of, and divides at the same time, the theorists of state, international lawyers, as well as experts in international relations and political sciences. The hereby paper is an attempt of making the analysis of the selected issues determining Transdniester’s status, first and foremost from the perspective of the theory of state and constitutional law, but also taking into account the international law point of view. It aims at finding an answer to the question on its legal and constitutional status as it is seen by both the unrecognized Transnistria’s state and Moldavia. The subject of the work contains the analysis of the elements of a state’s definition in the context of Transnistria. Moreover, it comprises considerations over the right of nations to self-determination and the problem of sovereignty as regards to the region. It also concentrates on the analysis of Transnistria’s status based on the Moldavian legislation, as well as different possibilities and opportunities/chances to solve the conflict lasting for almost thirty years.
Obecny status prawny Naddniestrza nie jest jednoznaczny, a jego ocena w kontekście posiadania odrębnej państwowości stanowi przedmiot sporów i dzieli badaczy zajmujących się problematyką teorii państwa, prawa międzynarodowego, stosunków międzynarodowych i nauk politycznych. Niniejsze opracowanie stanowi próbę analizy wybranych zagadnień determinujących status Naddniestrza przede wszystkim z punktu widzenia teorii państwa i prawa konstytucyjnego, ale również z uwzględnieniem perspektywy prawa międzynarodowego oraz ma na celu znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytanie na temat jego statusu prawno-ustrojowego zarówno z perspektywy nieuznawanego państwa naddniestrzańskiego, jak i Mołdawii. Przedmiot opracowania stanowi analiza elementów definicji państwa w kontekście Naddniestrza, a nadto obejmuje on rozważania na temat prawa narodów do samostanowienia oraz problemu suwerenności w odniesieniu do tego regionu. Uwzględnia również analizę statusu regionu w oparciu o ustawodawstwo mołdawskie, a także różne możliwości i szansy rozwiązania trwającego od prawie trzydziestu lat konfliktu w regionie.
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego; 2017, 6 (40); 71-86
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ rewolucji październikowej na przemiany rewolucyjne na ziemiach polskich w latach 1917–1920
The influence of the October Revolution on the revolutionary changes in Poland at 1917–1920
Bлияние Октябрьской революции на революционные перемены на польских землях в годы 1917–1920
Wiktor, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
October Revolution
labor movement in Poland
class struggle
Polish independence
revolutionary situation
Polish-Soviet war
Temporary Revolutionary Committee of Poland
Октябрьская революция
рабочее движение в Польше
классовая борьба
независимость Польши
революционная обстановка
польско-советская война
Временный революционный комитет Польши или Польревком
The main thesis of article is the influence of the Oktober Revolution on the revolutionary changes in Poland at 1917–1920. It’s described causes and results of war world 1 and the fall of 2.I nternationale. In next time were organizing the revolutionary parties of Socialdemocracy and established communist parties, which 1919 united and established in the 3th Internationale – Communist The great ideological-political role in this process played revolutionary part od Russian Socialdemocracy – bolsheviki with W.I.Lenin as leader. The polish state was fall at the end 18th century and on the war world one since 1915 the territory was occupied by Germany and Austria. There at 19th century developed capitalizm and were estblishing worker parties especialy Great Proletariat, Polish Socialist Party (PPS), Socialdemocracy of Polish Kingsdom and Litauen (SDKPi), in next time from PPS was established PPS-Left. Workers were also under ideological influence of Polish katholic church, of national and solidarity movements. At 1917–1920 were many strikes and demonstrations, the class struggle developed in cities and in the country. There were also the struggle for the independent polish state in form of 2 main class forces: 1. bourgeoisie and landlords and 2. socialist proletariat. The workers (also partialy peasants) were organizing in the councils of worker delegates (like in Russia), there were about 100 councils in main industrial centres of Poland, but they were to weak in victorious struggle against capitalist forces at 1918–1920, especialy when the Poland-Soviet Russia war breake out. In Juli 1920 in Białystok was established The Contemporary Revolutionary Committee of Poland as a Revolutionary Government of Polish Soviet Republic, but it was collapsed together with Polish revolutionists and Soviet Red Army in battle by Warsaw August 1920. In result Polish revolution defeated and won the Polish bourgeoisie and landlords with the support of international capital. There is established the liberal-democratic state, which persisted to 1926, to coup d’ etat of Marshall J. Piłsudski.
Главный тезис статьи зааключается во влиянии Октябрьской револю- ции на революционные перемены на польских землях в годы 1917–1920. В статье были назвны главные причины начала 1. мировой войны и падения 2. Интернационала. Со временем возникли фракции социалдемократических партий, которые организовались в комунистические партии и в 1919 году учредили новый 3. ИнтернационалКомунистический. Большую идейно-теоретическую и организаторскую роль сыграли революционные русские социалдемократы – большевики во главе с В.И. Лениным. Польские земли находились под разделом и были территорией борьбы чужих армий. Капитализм быстрее всех развивался под русским раздлом. Действовали многие рабочие партии, в том числе революционная СДКПиЛ, ППС-Левая и оппортунистско-реформистская ППС. Большое влияние на рабочих оказывал тоже Костёл католический, националистические группировки и группировки солидарности. В годы 1917–1920 проходили многие забастовки и рабочие демонстрации, тоже бедных крестьян и деревенского пролетариата. В 1918 году развилась борьба за создание возраждённого, нового независимого польского государства. Сталкивались две концепции: буржуазно-помещичья и пролетарско-социалистическая. Рабочие, крестьяне создавали советы делегатов рабочих, которых было около 100, однако были они слишком слабые, чтобы стать ведущим субъектом борьбы за власть. Важную роль в росте революционного влияния сыграла польско-советская война в годы 1919–1920 и создание Временного Революционного Комитета Польши в Белостоке. Окончательно в ходе классовой борьбы, многих восстаний, воен, а особенно польско-советской, сформировалось буржуазно-помещичье государство в форме демократической парламентарно-кабинетной республики. Оно существовало до мая 1926 года, когда наступил военный переворот маршала Й. Пилсудского, который ввёл авторитарную форму правления.
Studia Orientalne; 2019, 1(15); 93-107
Pojawia się w:
Studia Orientalne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-7 z 7

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