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Social roles and competences of the teacher in a virtual classroom in Poland and Korea
Juszczyk, Stanisław
Kim, Yongdeog
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
education in a virtual classroom
roles and competences of a virtual classroom teacher
reconfiguration of behaviours and social role of the teacher
The paper analyses competences of the teacher in a virtual classroom. It describes the reconfiguration of social behaviours and the role of the teacher in the virtual class after taking into account the theory of dialectics of globalization by Anthony Giddens, developed by Norman Fairclough with respect to social discourse and interpersonal interactions. Taking into account the results of different authors’ empirical research on online teaching, social features of such a process and personality traits, social roles and professional competences of a virtual class teacher in Poland and the Republic of Korea are described.
The New Educational Review; 2015, 42; 153-164
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Feministyczna dekonstrukcja tradycyjnego obrazu kobiety w utworach Qiu Jin
Feminist deconstruction of the traditional image of women in Qiu Jin’s works
Koniuk, Michalina
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
feminizm chiński
prawa kobiet
rola społeczna
Chinese feminism
women’s rights
social role
Michalina Koniuk w artykule „Feministyczna dekonstrukcja tradycyjnego obrazu kobiety w utworach Qiu Jin” proponuje przeanalizowanie utworów Qiu Jin oraz przedstawienie, iż postaci wykreowane przez pisarkę sprzeciwiają się i niszczą istniejący w dawnych Chinach obraz posłusznej i niewykształconej kobiety. Najpierw została opisana rola społeczna narzucana kobietom w społeczeństwie chińskim, a mianowicie posłusznej córki, żony oraz synowej. Przedstawiono również wymogi i zasady, jakich oczekiwano od Chinek oraz jak bardzo normy konfucjańskie przyczyniły się do umniejszenia roli i pozycji kobiety w społeczeństwie chińskim. Ze względu na to, iż poetka inspiracje czerpała z własnych doświadczeń życiowych, następnie pokrótce zostało przedstawione życie Qiu Jin. Jej dzieciństwo, podczas którego można było zaobserwować pierwsze oznaki niezadowolenia do narzucanych dziewczynkom obowiązków i norm społecznych. Nieudane małżeństwo zmobilizowało feministkę do walki o prawa kobiet, do sprzeciwu względem doktryn Konfucjusza i opuszczeniu domu, a następnie wyjazdu za granicę. Był to wielki akt odwagi i zarazem walki o wolność oraz niezależność w życiu feministki. Następnie dokonano analizy utworów Qiu Jin, których bohaterki są przykładem tego, przeciw jakim normom i zachowaniom buntowała się Qiu Jin. Jednocześnie postaci te dekonstruują tradycyjny obraz kobiety i wprowadzają nowy — silnej oraz niezależnej jednostki. W niniejszym artykule wszystkie wiersze oraz cytaty zostały przetłumaczone przez autorkę pracy z języka chińskiego na język polski.
Women’s issues are a significant subject of study in the realm of Chinese literature. In many works, it can be seen to oppose stereotypes or norms imposed on the female gender and to take measures leading to the emancipation of the individual. Such literature is symptomatic of a desire for change in society, that is, the overthrow of the patriarchal system and the introduction of equal rights between the sexes. An example of such prose is the works of China’s first feminist, Qiu Jin, who decided to fight for women’s rights. She was sentenced to death for her revolutionary activities. However, her texts introduced a completely new image of women into the public sphere - different from the one that had been reproduced for hundreds of years in ancient China. The poet chose to endow her heroines with charisma, courage, intelligence and the will to fight for a better life. Her aim was to make women aware of their situation in life, their social role, and to encourage them to leave the male-dominated world. Michalina Koniuk, in the chapter “Feminist Deconstruction of the Traditional Image of Woman in Qiu Jin’s Works”, proposes to analyse Qiu Jin’s works and present that the characters created by the writer oppose and destroy the image of the obedient and uneducated woman that existed in ancient China. First, the social role imposed on women in Chinese society has been described, namely that of obedient daughter, wife and daughter-in-law. The requirements and rules expected of Chinese women have been presented, and how Confucian norms contributed to the belittling of women’s role and position in Chinese society. As the poet was inspired by her own life experiences, Qiu Jin’s life were briefly introduced. Her childhood, during which the first signs of dissatisfaction with the obligations and social norms imposed on girls could be observed. An unsuccessful marriage mobilised the feminist to fight for women’s rights, to oppose the doctrines of Confucius and to leave home and go abroad. This was a great act of courage and at the same time a struggle for freedom and independence in the life of a feminist. That part was followed by an analysis of Qiu Jin’s works, whose female characters exemplify the kind of norms and behaviours that Qiu Jin rebelled against. At the same time, these characters deconstruct the traditional image of a woman and introduce a new one of a strong and independent individual. In this chapter, all poems and quotations have been translated by the author from Chinese into Polish.
Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie; 2023, 1(37); 157-172
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Українське краєзнавство : від тернистого минулого до викликів сьогодення (Ukraїnske kraєznavstvo: vіd ternistogo minulogo do viklikіv sogodennja)
Ukrainian local history: from the thorny past to the challenges of our time
Украинское краеведение: от тернистого пришлого к вызовам современности
Гончаров (Goncharov), Олександр (Oleksandr)
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Ukrainian local history
local history movement
scientific components
social and cultural role
theoretical and methodological foundations
украинское краеведение
краеведческое движение
теоретико-методологические основы
социокультурная роль
научная составляющая
In the article the complex and controversial path of Ukrainian local history in the past centuries and nowadays is studied, achievements in the scientific field and significant social and cultural role in the society are shown. The problems faced by the local lore in the conditions of the intensive development of modern science, in particular, the need for further development of theoretical and methodological foundations, upgrade of categorical apparatus are shown. Author proposes ways of solving of these problems.
В статье рассматривается сложный и противоречивый путь развития украинского краеведения в прошлые столетия и сегодня, показаны достижения как в научной сфере, так и значительная социокультурная роль в жизни общества. Обращается внимание на задачи, которые стоят перед краеведением в условиях интенсивного развития современной науки, в частности, на необходимость дальнейшей разработки теоретико-методологических основ, категориального аппарата. Предлагаются пути решения этих задач.
Pomiędzy. Polonistyczno-Ukrainoznawcze Studia Naukowe; 2016, 2; 194-210
Pojawia się w:
Pomiędzy. Polonistyczno-Ukrainoznawcze Studia Naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Process Drama as a Medium of Creative Teaching and Learning in EFL Classroom
Gałązka, Alicja
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
EFL (English as a foreign language)
social context
Drama is an art form, a practical activity, and an intellectual discipline highly accessible to young people. In education, it is a mode of learning that challenges students to make meaning of their world. Through students’ active identification with imagined roles and situations in drama, they can learn to explore issues, events and relationships. In drama students draw on their knowledge and experience of the real world. Drama has the capacity to move and change both participants and audiences and to affirm and challenge values, cultures and identities Drama can develop students’ artistic and creative skills and humanize learning by providing lifelike learning contexts in a classroom setting that values active participation in a non-threatening, supportive environment. Drama empowers students to understand and influence their world through exploring roles and situations and develops students’ non-verbal and verbal, individual and group communication skills. It develops students’ intellectual, social, physical, emotional and moral domains through learning that engages their thoughts, feelings, bodies and actions. In the paper I will demonstrate process drama and how it may be used as a creative medium of teaching English as a foreign language.
The New Educational Review; 2006, 9; 93-108
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Współczesna kobieta na rynku pracy i jej rola w społeczeństwie
Modern woman in the labor market and her role in society
Klimek, Sabina
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
moden woman
labor market
Role in Society
Stereotype images
European Economic and Social Committee
Women are conquering the world, they have access to education and take advantage of this situation: there are more female students than male ones in the European Union, more and more women begin to obtain managerial positions, more and more of them is willing to be active in politics, culture and most of all they aim at being independent, sharing their time between professional carrier and taking care of their homes’ well-being. Stereotype images of both men and women that we find in every-day life, influence in a negative way our behavior, life aspirations and goals, as well as a picture of ourselves. Now, more women (65% of all) than men study at the universities and an average Polish man is less educated than an average Polish woman. In spite of that, the men earned in 2010 per person more by 15% than women. In 2012 only 12,2% management board members of the Polish stock exchange companies were women. In the world, only one out of ten top‑level managers was a woman. European Economic and Social Committee claims that the increase of women’s activity on the job market is not only a matter of equality but a condition of the welfare of society and job creation in the European Union as well as the essential factor of the sustainable growth.
Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie; 2013, 18; 299-313
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Drama Education in Pre-Service Education for Primary School Teachers
Cisovská, Hana
Karaffa, Jan
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
drama education
pre-service teacher education
personality-based and social competence
a dialogue
drama games (role playing) and improvisations
action research
The authors deal with the research focused on the verification of school drama education in the pre-service education for primary school teachers. The research project period covered the years 1998-2003, as part of the research project of the above organisation with the title “New Opportunities in Teacher, Educator and Pupil Education for the Learning Society of the 21st century” (msm174500001 – with Assistant Professor Hana Lukášová as the Head Project Researcher). The project results can be split into the following areas: a) Verification of the drama education methods in the study subject titled Basics in professional practice b) The development of dialogue skills in drama games (role playing) and improvisations of students studying the drama education subject.
The New Educational Review; 2005, 5; 225-240
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-6 z 6

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