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The Need for Popularity and Facebook Usage Among Czech and Polish Young Adults
Brosch, Anna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
activity on Facebook
Czech students
Polish students
The goal of this study was to determine the preferences concerning Facebook usage by university students in Poland and the Czech Republic regarding their gender and nationality. This study aimed also to discover the relation between the need to be popular on Facebook and three key factors: the number of Facebook friends, activity on Facebook and perceived enjoyment during this activity. To get necessary data, multiple research tools were developed – a questionnaire consisting of four sections and a 12-item questionnaire measuring the level of the need for popularity. Results show that there is no significant differences in the background of Facebook usage between Polish and Czech students. However, there is a statistically significant correlation between the need for popularity and two factors: the number of friends (r = .501) and the level of perceived enjoyment in using Facebook (r = .401). The results suggest that participants feel pleasure while undertaking different actions on Facebook and treat Facebook as a way to increase their perceived popularity.
The New Educational Review; 2017, 50; 109-119
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
COVID Anxiety and Social Support from the Perspective of Polish Students in Online Study Time
Bartoszek, Adam
Kopczyński, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
remote education
social support
Polish students
This study aimed to evaluate the COVID-19 pandemic anxiety experienced by students in Poland and its impact on their: social support, satisfaction with studying online and expectations of success in life. The data was obtained from a survey of Polish public and private university students. The research presented here examined the environmental and psychosocial effects of social withdrawal during the first period of the pandemic on the well-being and confidence in their chances for success in academic study. Recognising the individual and social condition of adolescents standing at the threshold of social maturity is essential to understanding the pedagogical and motivational consequences of institutional anti-pandemic regulation.
The New Educational Review; 2022, 69; 27-38
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lokacyjne uwarunkowania dystansu społecznego wobec „obcych” polskich i ukraińskich studentów
Korczyński, Mariusz
Stefanek, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
dystans  społeczny
miejsce  zamieszkania
studenci  Polscy
studenci ukraińscy
Social  distance
place  of  residence
Polish  students
Ukrainian Students
The aim of the research was to establish the relationship between Polish and Ukrainian students’ social distance towards „others” and their place of residence. Social distance is defined according to the conception of E. Bogardus, as the level of liking and closeness of relations, or aversion and avoiding contacts with certain people or social groups. „Other” is understood as a person of different nationality. The author employs diagnostic poll as the method and the social distance scale as the tool of research. 480 students from Poland and 491 from Ukraine were included in the study. The analyses proved the existence of directly proportional relationship between the investigated factors. The subjects coming from large cities show more positive attitude towards „others” than the ones who live in towns and villages. Large cities are becoming more and more culturally diversified in terms of material, spiritual and symbolic spheres. The strangers who arrive at big agglomerations bring different cultural patterns, axiological and normative systems as well as languages.. They come in order to seek employment or as tourists. The situation leads to more intense contacts and multidimensional interactions, which, in turn, result in getting to know each other, increased understanding of individuality, tolerance and acceptance of values. The phenomenon in not usually found in towns and villages.
Celem badań była próba ustalenia zależności między dystansem społecznym wobec „Obcych” polskich i ukraińskich studentów a ich miejscem zamieszkania. Dystans społeczny przyjęto według koncepcji Emory’ego Bogardusa, jako stopień sympatii i zbliżenia bądź niechęci i unikania związków z określonymi osobami lub grupami społecznymi. Natomiast „Obcy” rozumiany jest jako osoba innej narodowości. W badaniach zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego z narzędziem w postaci skali dystansu społecznego. Badaniami objęto 480 studentów z Polski oraz 491 z Ukrainy. Badania wykazały występowanie zależności wprost proporcjonalnej. Badani zamieszkujący większe miasta wykazują bardziej pozytywne postawy wobec „Obcych” niż badani zamieszkujący wieś i małe miasta. Duże miasta stają się coraz bardziej zróżnicowane kulturowo zarówno w sferze materialnej, duchowej, jak i symbolicznej. „Obcy”, najczęściej przybywając do dużych aglomeracji miejskich, przynoszą ze sobą odmienne wzory kulturowe, systemy aksjologiczne i normatywne oraz język. Ich pobyt najczęściej związany jest z poszukiwaniem pracy lub turystyką. Doprowadza to do zintensyfikowania wzajemnych kontaktów, różnowymiarowych interakcji. Dzięki czemu dochodzi do wzajemnego poznawanie się, zrozumienia inności, wzrostu tolerancji i poszanowania wartości. Zjawisko to w zasadzie nie dotyka wsi i małych miast.
Kultura i Edukacja; 2021, 1(131); 65-95
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
War in Ukraine from the Perspective of Polish and Slovak University Students
Wojna w ukrainie z perspektywy polskich i słowackich studentów uczelni wyższych
Kapsa, Izabela
Lubik-Reczek, Natasza
Ušiak, Jaroslav
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Polish students
Slovak students
war in Ukraine
słowaccy studenci
wojna w Ukrainie
In the aftermath of the Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the outburst of conflict in the eastern part of Ukraine in 2014, thousands of Ukrainian migrants came to Poland. Many of them settled down and found jobs. On the onset of war in 2022, Ukrainian students were the most populous group among foreigners at Polish universities. The war in their home country had an impact on their families and friends. Young Poles, who made friends with Ukrainian students, take the war personally. Due to its unique nature, the perception of the conflict among young people has attracted the authors’ research interest. Additionally, it seems to be an added value when we compare attitudes of Polish students with those of Slovakian ones, as the latter do not share the same experience. The main goal of this article is to analyse opinions about the war in Ukraine among students studying in Poland and Slovakia, and their attitudes and behaviours towards refugees expressed online and offline. Results presented in the article have been taken from a questionnaire survey involving a group of 459 students. The survey took place in Spring 2022. The quantitative analysis of data is designed to provide answers to the following research questions: What sources of information about the war do young people use? What do young people think about the war in Ukraine, its causes and consequences? What forms of refugee-oriented activity do young people resort to? Have students encountered any form of resentment towards particular nationality groups in connection with the outbreak of the war?
Na skutek rosyjskiej aneksji Krymu i wybuchu konfliktu na wschodzie Ukrainy w 2014 roku do Polski przybyły tysiące migrantów ukraińskich, z których wielu podjęło tu pracę i rozpoczęło życie. W dniu wybuchu wojny w Ukrainie w 2022 roku studenci narodowości ukraińskiej stanowili najliczniejszą grupę cudzoziemców kształcących się na polskich uczelniach. Wojna w ich ojczystym kraju miała także realny wpływ na życie ich rodzin oraz znajomych. Polska młodzież, ze względu na łączące ich więzi z koleżankami i kolegami z Ukrainy, traktuje to jako bardzo osobiste przeżycie. Percepcję tych wydarzeń przez ludzi młodych cechuje odrębna charakterystyka, którą autorzy niniejszego artykułu postanowili zbadać. Ponadto wydaje się, że wartością dodaną badania jest porównanie postaw polskich studentów ze słowackimi, ponieważ obie grupy mają różne doświadczenie w badanym zakresie. Głównym celem artykułu jest analiza opinii na temat wojny w Ukrainie studentów studiujących w Polsce i w Słowacji oraz ich postaw i zachowań względem uchodźców wyrażanych zarówno w świecie wirtualnym, jak i realnym. Wyniki zaprezentowane w artykule pochodzą z badania kwestionariuszem ankiety przeprowadzonego wiosną 2022 roku w grupie 459 studentów. Analiza ilościowa zgromadzonych danych ma na celu uzyskanie odpowiedzi na następujące pytania badawcze: Z jakich źródeł informacji na temat wojny korzystają młodzi ludzie? Co myślą o wojnie w Ukrainie, jej przyczynach i skutkach? Jakie formy aktywności podejmują młodzi względem uchodźców? Czy studenci zetknęli się z jakąkolwiek formą niechęci wobec poszczególnych grup narodowościowych w związku z wybuchem wojny?
Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne; 2022, 75; 270-287
Pojawia się w:
Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Awareness of K-Culture Among Polish University Students and Preferred Teaching Methods
Moon, Hyoung-Jin
Nam, Jong-ho
Juszczyk-Frelkiewicz, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Polish university students
audio-visual teaching method (ATM)
language and culture teaching method (LCTM)
This study explores the most preferred and effective teaching methods for Korean language and culture for university students. Statistical analysis of awareness of the Korean language, history, and culture was conducted. It tested differences in students’ knowledge about Korea dependently on a teaching method and sociodemographic variables. The study investigated is there a dependency between favourite teaching methods of K-culture and analogical methods using K-pop, K-drama, and K-food. The main research tool was the survey conducted among 70 students studying Korean language and culture at the University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland. The study’s statistical analyses employed the IBM SPSS Statistics 29.0 package, used for analysing basic descriptive statistics, r Pearson and rho Spearman correlation analyses, and t Student test for independent variables. The analysis proves that the students do not differ in terms of knowledge about Korea in relation to a preferred and effective teaching method.
The New Educational Review; 2023, 73; 95-108
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evaluation of and Prospects for Students’ Academic Performance in Polish History Education
Kim, Yong-Deog
Lee, Jong-Oh
Kim, Jong-Suck
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Polish history
Korean students
Department of Polish
For this study, an evaluation tool focusing on the Polish history was developed to measure the academic performance of college students who major in the Polish language in Korea. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the tool on students’ academic performance after applying it in a classroom setting. The tool consisted of three types of questions, which were administered before and after the application of the tool to 108 students taking a Polish history course. The results of the study serve as a foundation for revitalizing research on Poland and Polish language education, as well as for improving students’ academic performance.
The New Educational Review; 2012, 28; 61-72
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Borderland as a space fostering the contracting of mixed marriages – the truth and myths
Szafrańska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Polish-Czech borderland
mixed marriages
Globalization phenomena not only enhance cultural cognition but also foster establishing close relationships, which might be also legally confirmed. Today, many borders - like the Polish-Czech one - are “dematerialized” and exist more in the memory and awareness of people than in the physical sense. For the needs of the analyses, the category of borderland in its territorial sense was applied. Living in the borderland provides chances for establishing close interpersonal relations. What enhances the establishing of such relations in the case of the Polish-Czech borderland are the similarity of languages, common history and cultural closeness. This also fosters contracting mixed marriages. However, do close neighbourhood and similar social environments really make people seek contacts with neighbours? Does this enhance shaping a positive attitude to cultural diversity. The conducted analyses were aimed at familiarizing with the declarations of the examined university students from Poland and the Czech Republic concerning the way in which mixed marriages are perceived in their environment.
Edukacja Międzykulturowa; 2021, 14, 1; 167-177
Pojawia się w:
Edukacja Międzykulturowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Daily routine of Polish school from the perspective of students with the migrant background. “Hearing their voice” research results
Młynarczuk-Sokołowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
participatory research
everyday routine of Polish school
students with a migrant background
The aim of the article is to present selected results of research on the experience of everyday routine in Polish schools by students with a migrant background (from Ukraine (including from Crimea), Belarus, Chechnya, Georgia) and optimization of its operation. The theoretical field for research was Alfred Schütz’s concept of everyday life (2008), Geert Hofstede’s theory of cultural dimensions (2010) and some analyses of school everyday life (Krzychała, 2010, Cierzniewska, 2014, etc.). The research was participatory. It consisted of two stages (educational workshops and narrative interviews). Twenty people aged 10 to 14 years old attending four public elementary schools took part in it. The research results indicate that students with the migrant backgrounds positively perceive Polish schools (peers, teachers, their space, etc.). Despite the fact that in the initial period of education they experienced language and educational difficulties, discrimination from their peers, they spent time mainly in the company of their own group, etc. The research participants revealed a huge personality potential. However, their narratives shown that optimizing the education and integration processes of children and youth with a migrant backgrounds requires help from the teaching staff (e.g. teachers, intercultural assistants) and peers. Some learners felt the lack of adequate support.
Edukacja Międzykulturowa; 2023, 23, 4; 105-118
Pojawia się w:
Edukacja Międzykulturowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“Patavium virum me fecit” – Padova come luogo di formazione delle antiche élite polacche
“Patavium virum me fecit”: the university of Padua as a teaching centre for polish-lithuanian elite
Tygielski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
social elites
Confederazione polacco-lituana
élite sociali
Using the Atti della Nazione Polacca at the University of Padua as a main source, the author describes the role that this university played in the education of students from the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth from the 16th to 18th centuries. According to the author’s research, this role was crucial in the 16th century, when a significant part of Polish elites included a stay at this university in their curriculum. In the 17th century, the number of students from Poland-Lithuania studying in Padua decreased slowly but continuously, and in the 18th century, the number was marginal. In the period under discussion, the social structure of this group significantly changed: students looking to acquire knowledge that was necessary for their future professional career were gradually replaced by young men of aristocratic and noble families, for whom a visit in Padua, be it long or short, was only a stage in their educational European Grand Tour. According to the author, this can be explained by intellectual changes in Polish-Lithuanian society: a general and rather superficial education was gradually preferred to university-based and professionally-provided knowledge. A study of selected travel diaries supplemented and confirmed the results of the presented statistical analysis. All Polish travellers visiting Padua in the 16th and 17th centuries described the University and considered it as the most important institution of the city; meetings with compatriot students were also often mentioned. Later on, the University was no longer the obvious subject of the descriptions and 18th-century travellers often did not even mention it at all. Nevertheless, there is still available evidence that the Polish presence in Padua, although reduced, was visible and important for the city.
Analizzando i registri di immatricolazione della nazione polacca (Metryka nacji polskiej) dell’Università di Padova, pubblicati mezzo secolo fa da Henryk Barycz e Karolina Targosz, l’autore riflette sul ruolo di Padova nel sistema educativo dei giovani polacchi giuntivi a studiare. Sottolineando l’eccellente reputazione dell’università e l’alta qualità del personale docente, mette in luce l’importanza fondamentale del centro di Padova nel processo di educazione delle élite intellettuali polacco-lituane nel XVI secolo. Documenta poi la presenza dei nuovi arrivati dalla Rzeczpospolita, la quale diminuì gradualmente nel corso del XVII secolo e venne quasi a sparire nel XVIII secolo, interrogandosi sulle ragioni del declino del ruolo dell’Università di Padova nel sistema educativo della Polonia antica. L’autore nota inoltre il mutamento della struttura sociale della comunità di studenti, nella quale diminuisce il numero di persone interessate ad acquisire conoscenze e competenze specifiche, che in futuro sarebbero state alla base della loro attività professionale, mentre cresce la rappresentanza di famiglie magnatizie e nobili, per le quali la permanenza a Padova era solo una tappa del Grand Tour, giro di carattere generale, e non strettamente educativo, dei più importanti centri europei. Questa osservazione sembra confermare il graduale cambiamento del modello educativo dei giovani nella Confederazione polacco-lituana e delle aspettative educative nel paese. Le osservazioni, avanzate sulla base di analisi statistiche, vengono confermate dalla lettura dei diari di viaggio, alla luce dei quali l’università, in essi un primo tempo presente, pian piano cessa di essere un punto di riferimento ricorrente ed oggetto di descrizione da parte dei viaggiatori. Allo stesso tempo, però, la costante presenza polacca a Padova viene confermata dalle pagine dei diari, il che sembra indicare che i rapporti tra la Repubblica di Polonia, Padova e l’Università di Padova siano stati mantenuti, anche se probabilmente su una scala minore. Le conseguenze della formazione all’estero delle élite polaccolituano-rutene rimangono un argomento aperto ed è proprio il caso di Padova che ci invita in modo particolare a riprenderlo e ad approfondirlo.
Italica Wratislaviensia; 2021, 12.1; 21-46
Pojawia się w:
Italica Wratislaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Identyfikacje narodowe młodzieży akademickiej jako efekt kategoryzowania społecznego na pograniczu polsko-czeskim
National identifications of university students as an effect of social categorization in the Polish-Czech borderland
Ogrodzka-Mazur, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
tożsamość kulturowa
identyfikacje narodowe
kategoryzowanie społeczne
młodzież akademicka
pogranicze polsko-czeskie
studium porównawcze
cultural identity
national identifications
social categorization
university students
Polish-Czech borderland
comparative study
Podjęte rozważania koncentrują się na kwestiach dotyczących przejawianych przez młodzież akademicką identyfikacji narodowych. W pedagogicznej analizie podjętej problematyki przyjęto konceptualizacje teoretyczno-metodologiczne, nawiązujące do: Pawła Boskiego teorii tożsamości kulturowej opartej na wartościach i praktykach w warunkach dwu- i wielokulturowej socjalizacji, Tadeusza Lewowickiego teorii zachowań tożsamościowych oraz teorii kontaktu międzygrupowego i wzajemnego różnicowania międzygrupowego, wywodzących się z hipotezy kontaktu. Podstawą do nakreślenia zachodzących procesów identyfikacyjnych w okresie aktualnych zmian społecznych stały się badania porównawcze przeprowadzone w latach 2018-2019 na pograniczu polsko-czeskim. Analiza oraz interpretacja zgromadzonego materiału empirycznego wskazują na zachodzące zmiany w obszarze kryterialnych oraz korelatywnych atrybutów tożsamościowych polskich i czeskich studentów. Są one warunkowane innymi czynnikami niż kulturyzacją i socjalizacją rodzinną, jak również zachodzącymi w różnym stopniu i zakresie zarówno w przeszłości, jak i współcześnie procesami asymilacyjnymi na polsko-czeskim pograniczu.
The undertaken discussion addresses the issues of national identifications manifested by university students. In the pedagogical analysis of this subject matter, some theoretical and methodological conceptualizations have been applied, which refer to: Paweł Boski’s theory of the cultural identity based on values and practices in the conditions of bi - and multicultural socialization, Tadeusz Lewowicki’s theory of identity behaviours, and the theory of intergroup contact and mutual intergroup differentiation, which originate from the hypothesis of contact. What has become the basis for outlining the identification processes taking place in the times of current social changes are the comparative studies conducted in 2018-2019 in the Polish-Czech borderland. The analysis and interpretation of the collected empirical material indicate the occurring changes in the field of criterial and correlative identity attributes of Polish and Czech students. They are determined by other factors than family culturalization and socialization, as well as by the assimilation processes that have taken place (in various extents and scopes) in the Polish-Czech borderland.
Edukacja Międzykulturowa; 2021, 15, 2; 221-237
Pojawia się w:
Edukacja Międzykulturowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-10 z 10

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