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Wyszukujesz frazę "results of education" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

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Consequences of National Testing of Primary School Pupils Through the Eyes of Teachers
Brozmanová, Monika
Kosová, Beata
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
large-scale testing
national testing
results of education
The study deals with the consequences of national testing at the primary school level on the processes of education, teachers’ work in the classroom and the teaching profession. It is based on the international discourse about the consequences of large-scale testing and investigates Slovak teachers’ opinions and measures they have implemented under the influence of testing in their own instruction and school. The research, carried out by the questionnaire method on a sample of 786 (2017) and 940 (2020) respondents, confirms that teachers perceive national testing as too far from instruction and inconsistent with educational standards. They do not believe it can fulfil the set goals, but, on the other hand, because of it, they narrow down instruction to prepare for tests and take measures that do not change the quality of pupil learning.
The New Educational Review; 2022, 70; 71-81
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Edukacja międzykulturowa – od lokalnych sukcesów ku globalnym przesłaniom i oddziaływaniom
Intercultural education – from local successes to global messages and influences
Lewowicki, Tadeusz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
edukacja wielokulturowa
edukacja międzykulturowa
skutki różnych odmian edukacji
upowszechnianie dobrych doświadczeń
strategie przekazu idei i doświadczeń
multicultural education
intercultural education
results of different types of education
popularization of good experiences
strategies of transmission of ideas and experiences
Doświadczenia edukacji wielokulturowej świadczą o niejednoznacznych skutkach tej edukacji. Z jednej strony umożliwia ona trwanie kultur i podtrzymywanie tożsamości różnych grup mniejszościowych (mniejszości narodowych, etnicznych, kulturowych). Z drugiej strony często utrudnia integrację społeczną, przyczynia się do stygmatyzacji czy autostygmatyzacji. Dlatego zdecydowanie lepszym rozwiązaniem wydaje się edukacja międzykulturowa – dająca szanse chronienia i rozwoju poszczególnych kultur, a jednocześnie sprzyjająca wzajemnemu poznaniu i zbliżeniu różnych grup (społeczności) i ich kultur. Przekonują o tym już stosunkowo liczne doświadczenia edukacji międzykulturowej w Polsce i niektórych państwach ościennych. Idee i praktyki edukacji międzykulturowej są jednak wciąż słabo znane i rozumiane zarówno w naszym społeczeństwie, jak i w wielu innych społeczeństwach – szczególnie tych, które targane są konfliktami i nierzadko mają problemy z uznawaniem i respektowaniem odmienności narodowej, etnicznej, kulturowej, wyznaniowej czy nawet rasowej. Skłania to do starań o rozpowszechnienie założeń i dobrych przykładów edukacji międzykulturowej, o określenie swoistych strategii przekazu – uwzględniających uwarunkowania losów ludzi żyjących w różnych regionach świata. Misją edukacji jest sprzyjanie pokojowemu i szczęśliwemu życiu w wielokulturowym świecie.
The experiences of multicultural education evince its ambiguous effects. On one hand, it enables lasting of cultures and maintaining the identity of different minority groups (national, ethnic, cultural minorities). On the other hand, such education often hinders social integration and enhances stigmatization or self-stigmatization. Therefore, what seems to be a much better solution is intercultural education, which both provides chances for preservation and development of particular cultures and facilitates mutual familiarization and closer contacts between different groups (communities) and their cultures. This is confirmed by relatively numerous experiences of intercultural education in Poland and some neighbouring countries.However, the ideas and practices of intercultural education are still poorly known and understood by the Polish and many other societies. This occurs particularly in the communities disturbed by conflicts and experiencing problems with the recognition and respect for national, ethnic, cultural, religious or even racial unlikeness. Such situation encourages promoting the assumptions and good examples of intercultural education as well as specifying characteristic strategies of transmission which would take into account the determinants of life stories of people living in various regions of the world. The mission of education is, among other things, enhancing the peaceful and happy life in the multicultural world.
Edukacja Międzykulturowa; 2014, 3; 19-38
Pojawia się w:
Edukacja Międzykulturowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Criteria and Indicators of University Education Quality: The Results of Expert Interview
Bezpalko, Olga V.
Klishevych, Nataliia A.
Liakh, Tetiana L.
Pavliuk, Roman O.
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
quality of education
criteria and indicators of education quality
measuring of education quality
methodology of measuring/monitoring of education quality
The article is devoted to evaluation of criteria and indicators of the measuring of university education quality. On the basis of an expert interview of the teaching/academic staff of the Institute of Human Sciences of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, three main criteria were identified (resourses of educational activities, organization of educational activities, the results of specialist training) and their indicators (the level of teaching/academic staff, students as subjects of education, material base, information and methodological support, technologies of training and education, presentation of educational achievements, competitiveness of graduates at the job market, professional achievements of graduates). The proposed criteria and indicators of the quality of education measuring made it possible to evaluate a methodology of measuring/monitoring of university education quality, which is the innovation of our research. A wheel model, whose rung is a criterion indicator, was included in the basis of the methodology of measuring/monitoring of the quality of education. Each rung is also a separate indicator measuring scale and it is divided into ten conditional labels.
The New Educational Review; 2016, 46; 61-71
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Challenges of Ukrainian Refugee Educators Abroad: Survey Results Based on the Example of Poland
Lukianova, Larysa
Ovcharuk, Oksana
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
refugee educators
adult education
Abstract The study presents the results of the online case study of Ukrainian refugee educators who were forced to move to Poland. The study aimed to investigate problems encountered by refugee educators and find possible options for supporting them and their professional activities per the interests expressed during the survey in the context of lifelong learning. The conceptual background of the research problem was based on the theory of adult education and the recent international strategies. The research sample consisted of 124 refugee educators aged 35–55+ years who have the potential to work by the obtained speciality. Data were collected using a Google Forms questionnaire; qualitative research methods were used. The results allowed for formulating conclusions and perspectives on the educators’ professional development and support.
The New Educational Review; 2023, 73; 134-146
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Actor and Sapper in the Classroom: A Method of Evaluation and Students’ Results
Skop, Karolina
Polewczyk, Irena
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
early education
examination methods
oral exam
written test
In the presented study, researchers consider if the evaluation method impacts early education students’ results and their beliefs about themselves. The results prove significant relation between the method of evaluation and students’ results (with the same questions). The reliability of evaluation depends on the type of diagnosed skills (language or mathematical skills). In an oral examination in the presence of the class, children achieve better results in the linguistic test. Higher scores on mathematical tests were noted in the case of written exams. Research conclusions could be used as a hint for early education teachers and an interesting area for other studies and consideration.
The New Educational Review; 2022, 68; 186-198
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Daily routine of Polish school from the perspective of students with the migrant background. “Hearing their voice” research results
Młynarczuk-Sokołowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
participatory research
everyday routine of Polish school
students with a migrant background
The aim of the article is to present selected results of research on the experience of everyday routine in Polish schools by students with a migrant background (from Ukraine (including from Crimea), Belarus, Chechnya, Georgia) and optimization of its operation. The theoretical field for research was Alfred Schütz’s concept of everyday life (2008), Geert Hofstede’s theory of cultural dimensions (2010) and some analyses of school everyday life (Krzychała, 2010, Cierzniewska, 2014, etc.). The research was participatory. It consisted of two stages (educational workshops and narrative interviews). Twenty people aged 10 to 14 years old attending four public elementary schools took part in it. The research results indicate that students with the migrant backgrounds positively perceive Polish schools (peers, teachers, their space, etc.). Despite the fact that in the initial period of education they experienced language and educational difficulties, discrimination from their peers, they spent time mainly in the company of their own group, etc. The research participants revealed a huge personality potential. However, their narratives shown that optimizing the education and integration processes of children and youth with a migrant backgrounds requires help from the teaching staff (e.g. teachers, intercultural assistants) and peers. Some learners felt the lack of adequate support.
Edukacja Międzykulturowa; 2023, 23, 4; 105-118
Pojawia się w:
Edukacja Międzykulturowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konsekwentna realizacja założeń humanistyczno- -antropologicznych w edukacji międzykulturowej nadzieją na bardziej efektywną praktykę społeczną i złagodzenie konfliktów w świecie wielokulturowym (refleksje na marginesie podstaw teoretycznych i efektów działalności Zespołu Pedagogiki Kultury i Edukacji Międzykulturowej przy Komitecie Nauk Pedagogicznych PAN)
Consistent implementation of humanistic and anthropological assumptions in intercultural education as a hope for more effective social practice and for the alleviation of conflicts in the multicultural world (some reflections upon the theoretical foundations and activity results of the Team for Pedagogy of Culture and Intercultural Education at the Committee of Pedagogical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences)
Gajda, Janusz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
humanistyczno-antropologiczna pedagogika kultury
edukacja wielo- i międzykulturowa
humanistic-anthropological cultural pedagogy
multi – and intercultural education
Główna teza, podobnie jak charakter artykułu, wynika z jego tytułu i wstępu do niego. Skoncentrowana jest na trzech tematach: − założenie Zespołu Pedagogiki Kultury i Edukacji Międzykulturowej, jego teoretyczne podstawy, warunki współpracy i ważne osiągnięcia w obu dziedzinach w czasie 12 lat jego istnienia, − formy współistnienia różnych wspólnot w wielokulturowym świecie, szczególnie skonfliktowanych grup etnicznych i religijnych, w których ekstremalny fanatyzm prowadzi do ludobójstwa, ataków terrorystycznych, powodując masową migrację. Utrzymanie pokoju na świecie jest wyzwaniem dla edukacji wielo- i międzykulturowej, która nie zawsze funkcjonuje dobrze, − ruch w kierunku realistycznego programu edukacyjnego, łączącego teorię z praktyką. Taki podstawowy i integracyjny program powinien przygotowywać ludzi do życia w dynamicznie zmieniającym się świecie, do budowania ich proaktywnego podejścia do spełniania potrzeb społecznych, duchowych i życiowych, do podnoszenia ich świadomości odpowiedzialności obywatelskiej oraz do uczenia się, jak radzić sobie w trudnych sytuacjach.
The main thesis and character of this article comes out of its title and introduction. It focuses on three topics: −− establishment of the Team for Cultural Pedagogy and Intercultural Education Team, it’s theoretical grounds, terms of cooperation and significant accomplishments in both fields during 12 years of existence; −− forms of coexistence of different communities in the multicultural world, especially of conflicted ethnic and religious groups, where extreme fanaticism leads to genocide, terrorist attacks and internal conflicts causing mass migration. Retaining peace in the world is a challenge for intercultural and multicultural education which does not always work well; −− movement for realistic educational program, which combines theory with practice. Such elementary and integrated program should prepare people to live in the dynamically changing world, build their proactive attitude in satisfying social, spiritual and material needs, raise awareness of being a responsible citizen and teach how to deal with difficult situations.
Edukacja Międzykulturowa; 2019, 11, 2; 57-77
Pojawia się w:
Edukacja Międzykulturowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Teachers’ Attitudes to Education Transformation in Czech Schools
Šimíčková, Helena
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
teachers’ attitudes
risky factors for adoption of the Czech schools transformation
reflection of the teacher’ s work
research problems
questions and hypotheses
research aims
interpretation of research results
conclusions for pedagogical practice
The text deals with teachers’ attitudes and opinions of the transformation of the Czech schools. It answers the following question: Which are the risky factors for current teachers to be able to adopt the concept of the integrated teaching process and to be able to get rid of residue of the encyclopaedic approach to the teaching process in Czech schools. Teachers’ attitudes and their connection with reflection of their work and their self-reflection are defined briefly. The author describes research problems, questions, hypotheses and aims of the research realised in 20 schools in the city of Ostrava and its neighbourhood within the Research Project of our organisation named New Opportunities in Education of Teachers, Educators and Pupils for the Learning Society of the 21st Century (VZO CEZ: JOB/98: 174500001) during the years 2000– 2003. She interprets results of this research and conclusions following from it for the pedagogical practice.
The New Educational Review; 2005, 5; 117-127
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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