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In-Person vs Distance - Perceptions of Foreign Language Teaching in Slovenian Primary Schools
Brumen, Mihaela
Kovač Sanda, Špela
Bratina, Tomaž
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
remote teaching
foreign language
primary school
Global research studies on distance education in foreign language learning focus primarily on secondary schools or higher education. The paper examines primary school foreign language teachers’ (n=119) perceptions of distance teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to face-to-face education. The purpose of the study was to investigate the quality, achieved learning outcomes, advantages and obstacles faced by FL teachers in remote teaching. Based on the e-questionnaire, our study indicated that distance FL teaching was more challenging and stressful than classroom teaching because primary school students were not responsive to technology and needed parental guidance. Primary school students rely on cognitive and socio-emotional support from the FL teacher.
The New Educational Review; 2022, 67; 132-143
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Impact of COVID-19 on Adult Education: Insights from Slovenia
Radovan, Marko
Klemenčič, Sonja
Možina, Tanja
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
distance education
emergency remote teaching
adult education
non-formal education.
This paper presents the results of a study that explored the experiences of adult educators during the COVID-19 pandemic. This online survey was conducted in June 2020 and included directors and teachers in adult education from various institutions in Slovenia. Tutors at Slovenian Third-Age Universities and other associations that provided adult education were also included. The aim of our study was to examine how distance education was implemented during the pandemic, using the concept of ‘emergency remote teaching’ (Hodges, 2020). The study sample included 30 directors of adult education institutions and 124 teachers or tutors. The results showed that organisations providing adult education responded during the lockdown by providing adults with the opportunity to continue their education through distance learning. However, this was not the case for all of adult education programmes. Mostly language courses and formal education were offered. The results show that most adult educators quickly adapted to the new working conditions, but that teaching approaches were rather static and asynchronous teaching solutions. An analysis of the problems teachers faced and the support they needed has shown that action is needed to remove the obstacles to the future provision of adult education as much as possible.
Kultura i Edukacja; 2021, 4(134); 212-228
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dydaktyka zdalna w czasach pandemii COVID-19 – opinie studentów, wnioski, implikacje praktyczne. Raport z badań
Remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic – students’ opinions, conclusions, practical implications. Research report
Waligóra, Anna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
dydaktyka  zdalna
dydaktyka  akademicka
kształcenie  studentów  podczas pandemii
remote teaching
academic didactics
students’  teaching
education during the pandemic
remote learning
This article presents the results of own research carried out on a sample of 507 students of Polish universities who, due to the global pandemic situation, carried out their classes at their home university as part of education using remote education methods and techniques. The research was carried out at the turn of March and April 2021 to learn about the reflections of students who, as it can be assumed, have already got used to remote education. The objectives of the research were focused on learning about the methods of delivering lectures, practical, training, and laboratory classes at universities during the pandemic, as well as communication and technology tools that academic teachers used in the process of learning and communicating with students. The research was focused on identifying the level of students’ involvement and motivation in the education process during a pandemic, as well as on the diagnosis of factors that make it difficult for students to learn remotely. The aim of the research was also to find out about the competencies of students, which were developed during remote education, and additionally, the forms of learning preferred by students, enabling the achievement of the assumed didactic goals.
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań własnych przeprowadzonych na próbie 507 studentów polskich uczelni, którzy z uwagi na światową sytuację pandemiczną realizowali swoje zajęcia w macierzystej uczelni w ramach kształcenia wykorzystującego metody i techniki zdalnej edukacji. Badania przeprowadzone zostały na przełomie marca i kwietnia 2021 roku, celem poznania refleksji studentów, którzy, jak można przypuszczać, oswoili się już z kształceniem realizowanym w trybie zdalnym. W związku z powyższym z badań można wyprowadzić interesujące wnioski, obrazujące zmiany w zakresie realizacji akademickiej dydaktyki zdalnej od momentu, w którym pandemia wybuchła, a władze uczelni i kadra dydaktyczna, jak również sami studenci, nie byli przygotowani do zmian sposobu uczenia się i nauczania, do stanu aktualnego, dokładnie rok po wydarzeniach inicjujących konieczność implementacji nieplanowanych zmian w procesie kształcenia. Cele badań ukierunkowane były na poznanie sposobów realizowania wykładów, zajęć praktycznych, ćwiczeniowych i laboratoryjnych w uczelniach w okresie pandemii, a nadto narzędzi komunikacji i technologii, z których nauczyciele akademiccy korzystali w procesie uczenia i konsultacji ze studentami. Badania zorientowane były na poznanie poziomu zaangażowania i motywacji studentów w proces kształcenia w czasie pandemii, jak również diagnozę czynników utrudniających studentom uczenie się w formie zdalnej. Celem badań było także poznanie kompetencji studentów, które zostały rozwinięte podczas zdalnej edukacji, a dodatkowo preferowanych przez studentów form uczenia się, umożliwiających osiąganie założonych celów dydaktycznych. Zrealizowane badania posłużyły nadto opracowaniu planu ukierunkowanego na implementację koniecznych zmian w procesie realizowania akademickiej dydaktyki zdalnej, dzięki diagnozie istotnych czynników, które w opinii badanych zostały zakwalifikowane jako wymagające udoskonalenia zarówno z perspektywy działań możliwych do wdrożenia przez uczelnię, jak i jednostkowo - przez wykładowców.
Kultura i Edukacja; 2021, 3(133); 117-133
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Korzyści i zagrożenia zdalnego nauczania z perspektywy studentów oraz nauczycieli akademickich wybranych krakowskich uczelni
Benefits and risks of remote teaching from a students’ and academic teachers’ prespective of selected Cracow universities
Potera, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
zdalne  nauczanie
technologie  informatycznokomunikacyjne
uczelnie wyższe
distance  learning
information  and  communication  technologies
The epidemiological situation in Poland and in the world was a specific impulse to change education from stationary to remote education, for which it was necessary to use appropriate methods and tools. These circumstances have become a challenge not only for students, but also for academic teachers who try to provide future graduates with the knowledge, competences and skills needed by young people to work in the profession. This publication attempts to discuss the theoretical aspects of remote education based on the available literature. The research conducted and the results obtained on the basis of the respondents’ responses to the proprietary questionnaire, which was carried out using Google Forms from March 10 to April 13, 2021, are described. 115 academic teachers and 229 students participated in the study. The diagnostic survey was an anonymous form of obtaining answers to 12 questions. In the questionnaire, the questionnaire was asked about the tools used for online classes and used to contact the academic teacher - student, student - student relationship. Concentration in classes and communication problems were also investigated. The article also considers the benefits and risks of distance learning at selected Krakow universities from the perspective of academic teachers and students. It was found that the most effective acquisition of knowledge occurs through a combination of distance and stationary teaching. The hybrid mode reduces the level of threats related to e-learning and sums up the benefits of traditional and distance learning.
Sytuacja epidemiczna w Polsce i na świecie stanowiła swoisty impuls do zmiany edukacji z trybu stacjonarnego na zdalny, do którego konieczne było korzystanie z odpowiednich do tego celu metod i narzędzi. Okoliczności te stały się wyzwaniem nie tylko dla studentów, ale również dla nauczycieli akademickich, którzy w jak najlepszy sposób próbują przekazać przyszłym absolwentom wiedzę, kompetencje i umiejętności potrzebne młodym ludziom do pracy w zawodzie. W niniejszej publikacji podjęto próbę omówienia teoretycznych aspektów edukacji zdalnej w oparciu o dostępną literaturę. Opisano przeprowadzone badania oraz wyniki, jakie uzyskano na podstawie odpowiedzi respondentów na autorski kwestionariusz ankiety, który został przeprowadzony za pomocą Google Forms w dniach od 10 marca do 13 kwietnia 2021 roku. W badaniu wzięło udział 115 nauczycieli akademickich oraz 229 studentów. Sondaż diagnostyczny stanowił anonimową formę uzyskiwania odpowiedzi na 12 pytań. W kwestionariuszu ankiety zapytano o narzędzia wykorzystywane do zajęć online oraz stosowane w celu skontaktowania się w relacji nauczyciel akademicki-student, student-student. Badano również zagadnienie koncentracji na zajęciach oraz problemy z komunikacją. W artykule rozważano też korzyści i zagrożenia związane z nauką na odległość na wybranych krakowskich uczelniach wyższych z perspektywy nauczycieli akademickich oraz studentów. Stwierdzono, że najbardziej efektywne zdobywanie wiedzy następuje poprzez połączenie nauczania w formie zdalnej oraz stacjonarnej. Tryb hybrydowy obniża poziom zagrożeń związanych z e-learningiem oraz sumuje korzyści wynikające z nauczania tradycyjnego oraz na odległość.
Kultura i Edukacja; 2021, 3(133); 11-23
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
L’utilità del libro di testo nella didattica dell’italiano in presenza e a distanza
The Usefulness of the Textbook in the Teaching of Italian in In-Person and Remote Contexts
Kaliska, Marta
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Italian language teaching
remote teaching
in-person teaching
didattica della lingua italiana
insegnamento a distanza
insegnamento in presenza
libro di testo
The present article is aimed at observing the usefulness of the traditional paper textbook for Italian language teaching in two educational contexts: in in-person and remote teaching. Its main research question concerns possible differences and similarities in the use of the textbook in the traditional and virtual classroom. The focus is also put on the specifics of the textbook application, such as the selection of content, types of texts, and activities preferred by teachers. In the first part of the article, the theoretical basis is illustrated and the definition of language textbooks and the specifics of remote teaching during and after the Covid-19 pandemic are highlighted. In the second, analytical part, the data from the survey on the usefulness of the traditional textbook in in-person and remote teaching have been presented. The relevant questionnaire was distributed from March to July 2022 via Google Forms among Italian language teachers working in different European countries, where Italian is taught as a foreign language, and Italy, where Italian is taught as a second language. The survey was aimed at capturing similarities and differences regarding the use of textbooks in these two teaching contexts. The results showed that the textbook still represents an important teaching tool both in person and via the Internet, mostly in the context of teaching Italian as a foreign language—outside the Italian-speaking area.
Il presente articolo si propone di osservare l’utilità del tradizionale libro di testo dedicato all’insegnamento della lingua italiana in due contesti educativi: nell’insegnamento in presenza e a distanza. La domanda di ricerca più importante riguarda possibili differenze e somiglianze nell’uso del libro di testo nella classe tradizionale e in quella virtuale. L’attenzione è volta anche al carattere dell’applicazione del libro di testo, come la selezione dei contenuti, i tipi di testi e le attività preferite da parte degli insegnanti. Nella prima parte dell’articolo sono state illustrate alcune basi teoriche, con un particolare riguardo alla definizione dello stesso libro di testo e alle specificità dell’insegnamento a distanza durante e dopo la pandemia Covid-19. Nella seconda parte, analitica, sono stati presentati i dati di un’indagine sull’utilità del libro di testo tradizionale nell’insegnamento frontale e a distanza. Il relativo questionario è stato distribuito nel periodo tra marzo e luglio 2022 tramite il modulo Google tra gli insegnanti di lingua italiana che lavorano sia in diversi paesi europei, insegnando l’italiano come lingua straniera, che in Italia, dove l’italiano è insegnato come seconda lingua. L’indagine mirava a cogliere le analogie e le differenze relative all’uso dei libri di testo in questi due contesti didattici. I risultati hanno mostrato che il libro di testo rappresenta ancora un importante strumento didattico sia in presenza che via internet, soprattutto nel contesto dell’insegnamento dell’italiano come lingua straniera, ossia al di fuori dell’area italofona.
Italica Wratislaviensia; 2023, 14.2; 121-136
Pojawia się w:
Italica Wratislaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Teaching Social Studies Online. Insights from a Preliminary Quantitative Study in Poland in the COVID-19 Era
Górak-Sosnowska, Katarzyna
Markowska-Manista, Urszula
Tołczyk, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
remote learning
COVID-19 pandemic
teaching social sciences
social inquiry
teaching and learning
The COVID-19 situation has made higher education institutions face the unprecedented challenge of transition into distance learning. As a result, students had to acquire some skills and knowledge remotely, including the experience of learning social research. The article presents the results of research on students’ attitudes and perceptions regarding online teaching, learning, their digital skills, and the presence of subjects connected with social research in their diverse study programmes. The study was conducted to investigate how social research is taught at the university level. Using an online survey distributed in May and June 2021, data were collected from 103 students enrolled in bachelor (BA) and master (MA) studies at Polish higher education institutions. Findings from the study show a broad spectrum of students’ diverse experiences connected with their participation in online education.
Kultura i Edukacja; 2022, 2(136); 129-146
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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