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Franciszek Bossowski (1879–1940). Szkic do biografii
Szczygielski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Roman law
Franciszek Bossowski (1879–1940) was a professor of Roman law. He worked at Stefan Batory University in Vilnius from 1920 to 1939. In this period he was a Dean of Faculty of Law in academic years 1927/1928 and 1928/1929. Bossowski is an author of many valuable papers concerning history and institutions of Roman law, among other things: Znalezienie skarbu wedle prawa rzymskiego (Finding of treasure according to the Roman law); Ze studiów nad pierwotnym testamentem rzymskim (Studies on a primitive Roman testament), Actio ad exhibendum w prawie klasycznem i justyniańskiem (Actio ad exhibendum in classical and in Justinian’s law), Cura prodigi et luxuriosi and Ze studiów nad rei omanistsn. Problem legitymacji biernej (Studies on rei vindicatio. The problem of passive capacity to be a party in a lawsuit). He kept scientific contacts with famous Italian romanists – Salvatore Riccobono and Pietro Bonfante, who both have received doctorates honoris causa of the Vilnius University in 1929. Professor Bossowski was also interested in civil law and comparative law. He was a member of many international and domestic scientific societes. After the outbreak of World War II he was arrested by the Nazis and imprisoned in Sachsenhausen concentration camp. He died in Cracow in 1940, after returning from lager in mortal state.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2009, 7; 71-83
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Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Deductio in domum mariti and the conclusion of an iustum matrimonium
Benincasa, Zuzanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Mariage, Roman family law, Roman mariage rites, wedding
According to the communis opinio the classical Roman law did not know any formal procedure of concluding a marriage, since its conclusion required only the mutual consent of a man and a woman (affectio maritalis, consensus). Nonetheless, the Roman culture developed a number of ritual acts related to the conclusion of a marriage, most of them deeply rooted in Roman tradition and history and being of a great symbolic significance. The central moment of a wedding ceremony seems to be deductio in domum mariti i.e. a ritual introduction of the bride into her future husband’s household. The significance of such a ritual is reflected in the field of language, since the expression uxorem ducere (to lead a wife) is the most common expression used as a synonym of “to marry” and also in the field of law since, according to some jurists, when deductio in domum mariti had been accomplished, the couple was considered duly and legally married. The main function of the deductio was thus to give proof that the wedding had taken place and to manifest mutual affectio maritalis. Deductio in domum mariti played a special role in the case of the conclusion of a marriage inter absentes (although it seems that the only person permitted to be absent could be the groom and not the bride). In this case, the formal ceremony of deductio seems to be an indispensable act constituting the only way in which a mutual affectio maritalis could be expressed. Since the bride’s procession to her new husband’s house was considered to be the public declaration of a consensus necessary for concluding a legal marriage, in the case of a “groomless” wedding such a ceremony was necessary as a proof that mutual affectio maritalis had been expressed and thus a marriage had taken place. Nonetheless, the necessity of leading the bride to her husband’s home in the case of a matrimonium inter absentes could not be misunderstood with the constitutive character of deductio in domum mariti. A consensus still remained the only constitutive element and deductio in domum mariti constituted only the formal way in which, due to the particular circumstances, this consensus had to be expressed.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2012, 11; 13-26
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Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pretor urzędnikiem magistratury rzymskiej. Zarys problematyki
Praetor as a Magistrate in the Ancient Rome. A Few Remarks
Kołodko, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Pretorship, Roman public law, Roman law, magistrates of the Rome.
The main point of this text is an attempt to present a few duties of the praetor and try to stipulate the origins of them. First of all it should be noted that the term praetor was not consistently used to describe only the jurisdictional magistrate, and it was used in relation, for example, to the consuls. This was probably because the sound etymological sense of the word (praeire: “to go before, to precede, to lead the way”). The appointment of praetor urbanus in 367 BC under leges Licniae Sextiae was not associated with the need to carry out a jurisdictional competence. The origins of the magistrate were strictly military in its nature, which since the end of the third century BC gave way to the area of jurisdiction. Raised considerations apply also to the praetor for foreigners (praetor peregrinus), who has not resolved disputes between the Romans and foreigners (peregrini), and his role was to ensure the military security of Italy. The jurisdictional competence of the pretorship as the most “famous” begins to emerge in the late third century BC, which is likely to be linked not only with the increase in the number of praetors, but mainly obviates external threat from the Carthage. It seems to indicate that the jurisdictional competence (civil and criminal) was not assigned to pretorship at the beginning of this office. It appears at least at the end of the third century BC and starts to become predominant among others which were associated with this office in ancient Rome.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2013, 12; 31-55
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Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rzymskie regulacje prawne związane z ochroną dziecka poczętego
Niczyporuk, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Roman law, nasciturus, pregnancy
Legal problems connected with the defining of pregnancy and with the protection of the interests of the unborn child were at first regulated in Senatus consultum Plancianum de liberis agnoscendis, and next in the edict de inspiciendo ventre custodiendoque partu and in the rescriptum divi Fratres. Senatus consultum Plancianum regulated only the question of establishment of paternity in marriage. Edict de inspiciendo ventre custodiendoque partu regulated the procedure, which should have been undertaken after the husband’s death, when former wife claimed to be pregnant. The main reason for these regulations was to eliminate the growing number of illegal practice concerning establishment of paternity, when the child was born after the death of his father or after the divorce of his parents. The results of applying the edict de inspiciendo ventre custodiendoque partu could have the legal importance for the future position of the unborn child. The edict regulated the procedure, which should have been applied after the death of husband, when woman was claiming to be pregnant. Once the procedure was applied, the praetor could grant bonorum possessio (D. 25, 4, 1, 10 i D. 25, 4, 1, 15). According to edictum, you could apply: inspectio ventris, custodia ventris and custodia partus to a pregnant woman. These institutions were used to confirm the fact of pregnancy and to observe the pregnant woman and the delivery. The edict de inspiciendo ventre custodiendoque partu was in use in case of the death of a husband of a pregnant wife and the purpose of this edict was to protect from simulation of pregnancy. According to the edict, the widow had to inform everybody potentially interested (or legal representatives) about pregnancy in one month’s time. The most important group which had to be informed, comprised of heirs of the dead person. According to the Ulpianus’s commentary, both testimonial and ab intestato heirs should have been informed.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2009, 8; 27-40
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Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Abrogation of legal effects of usurpations in the late Roman Empire
Kondek, Jędrzej M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
usurper, Roman constitutional law, Constitutions, abrogation
Usurpations were not unusual situations in Ancient Rome. However, the term “tyrranus” was understood differently from its modern meaning. This word technically means “someone who came to power unlawfully”, but in fact a person defeated by a new ruler was called an usurper, regardless of a way he had come to power. In such a way, e.g. Licinius was declared “tyrranus” although he had come to power as a legal augustus. Constitutions against usurpers in the Theodosian Code do not constitute a homogenous group. We could divide them into acts regarding an usurper’s legislation, acts regarding civil law actions (e.g. slave emancipations), acts regarding public law actions (e.g. nominations of magistrates) and acts regarding the emperor’s sentences. It is meaningful that there is no usurper against whom all the above-mentioned types of constitutions were promulgated. Civil law acts and sentences were generally upheld. In most cases, legislation was abolished only to the extent in which it was contra ius. Only Constantinus against Licinius (CTh. XV, 14, 1) and Honorius and Theodosius II against Heraclianus (CTh. XV, 14, 13) decided to abrogate the entire the legal output of the usurpation. Valenitianus II, Theodosius II and Honorius were the only emperors (except CTh XV, 14, 13) who abrogated all sentences of the usurpers. In almost all cases, nominations made by the usurper were annulled. However, while all usurpations (except Licinius’s usurpation) had taken place only in its Western Part, it should be noticed that all the analyzed constitutions were promulgated by all simultaneous rulers of the Empire even after 395 AD. The question is why Theodosian compilers decided to include the analyzed constitutions into the Code. In my opinion, the most probable answer is that the Chapter De infirmandis... should have served for the legitimation of the rules of the current Emperor, as until the end of the Empire there were no rules of succession of power. In all analyzed constitutions, the legal emperor referred to an output of the illegal ruler. Theodosius, evoking those constitutions and demonstrating his continuity with their authors, presented himself as the legal ruler and put all his opponents in the position of usurpers.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2012, 11; 27-60
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Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Searching for the Roots. Vis vi depulsa in the Concept of Cicero
Tarwacka, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Self defence, force, Roman criminal law, Cicero
The jurist Cassius is believed to be the author of the brocard Vim vi repellere licet . However, in Cicero’s speeches the are many fragments concerning repelling force by force. It therefore seems that it might have been him who had first made the rule common, maybe as vim vi depellere licet. The context in which the orator placed it, implied restoring order in the state, in which violence ruled. Cicero claimed that – in order for the law to prevail – it was first necessary to fight force with force. Only later was the rule transferred by the jurist into private law.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2012, 11; 77-88
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gaius’ Concept of The Law of Nations ( Ius Gentium ) and Natural Law ( Ius Naturale )
Brtko, Róbert
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
rzysmkie prawo klasyczne
ius gentiu
ius naturale
ius civile
jursyta Gaius
Instytucje Gaiusa
jurusprudencja rzymska
classical Roman law
ius gentium
Roman jurist Gaius
Institutes of Gaius
Roman jurisprudence
The paper, after a brief presentation of the classical Roman jurist Gaius and his mostimportant and best known work, Gai Institutionum commentarii quattuor, presentsand analyzes his legal texts concerning mainly ius gentium and its relationship to iusnaturale. At the beginning of his textbook, this Roman jurist distinguishes only twotypes of law: civil law – ius civile and the law of nations – ius gentium (Gai Inst. 1, 1).Gaius mentions the law of nations (ius gentium) explicitly in the above mentionedfragment in a way that he relates it to “natural ratio” – natural order or natural reason.Gaius defined the concept of ius gentium two centuries after Cicero. Unlike Cicerowho was more a philosopher than a lawyer and perceived “ius gentium” mainly inan abstract sense, Gaius came up with the concrete concept of ius gentium, whichwas clearly separated from the concept of ius civile. Ius gentium is the law which iscommon for all nations. On the other hand ius civile is the law which concerns onlyRoman citizens. Ius gentium is the law which obliges both Romans and foreigners,because its basis is “naturalis ratio”.In addition, Gaius, in characterizing ius gentium, gives attention to two elements:a) any standards apply to all nations; b) or standards come out of natural reason(naturalis ratio). Gaius in this way presented two perspectives on one and the sameius gentium which are intrinsically and therefore necessarily linked. The first point ofview is concrete and the second one is abstract. In other words Gaius presented somelegal institutions which belong to the area of ius gentium from the concrete point ofview, the other ones from the abstract point of view, which is based on the so-called“naturalis ratio”.As far as the category of ius naturale is concerned, Gaius, in terms of content, identifiedit with ius gentium. So ius gentium differs from ius naturale only on the basis ofa point of view, which individual standards or legal institutions are expressed through.If legal standards are expressed from the concrete point of view (i.e. in standardsthere is an explicit mention that they apply to all nations), then they can be includedin the category of ius gentium. If they are formulated from the abstract point of view(i.e. in standards there is a mention of their origin from “naturalis ratio”), they can beincluded in the category of natural law.
W artykule, po krótkiej prezentacji sylwetki jurysty Gaiusa i jego najważniejszeji najbardziej znanej pracy, Gai Institutionum commentarii quattuor, autor skoncentrował się na jego spostrzeżeniach dotyczących głównie ius gentium i jego związkuz ius naturale. Na początku swojego podręcznika ten rzymski jurysta wyróżnił tylko dwa rodzaje prawa: prawo cywilne – ius civile i prawo narodów – ius gentium(Gai Inst. 1, 1). Gaius wyraźnie przywołał prawo narodów (ius gentium) we wspomnianym fragmencie w taki sposób, że odnosiło się do naturalis ratio – porządkunaturalnego. Zdefiniował pojęcie ius gentium dwa wieki po Cyceronie. W przeciwieństwie do niego, który był bardziej filozofem niż prawnikiem i postrzegał iusgentium głównie w sensie abstrakcyjnym, Gaius wymyślił konkretną koncepcję iusgentium, która była wyraźnie oddzielona od pojęcia ius civile. Ius gentium było prawem wspólnym dla wszystkich narodów. Z drugiej strony ius civile to prawo, któ-re dotyczyło tylko obywateli rzymskich. Ius gentium to prawo, które zobowiązujeRzymian i cudzoziemców, ponieważ jego podstawą jest naturalis ratio.Ponadto Gaius, charakteryzując ius gentium, zwracał uwagę na dwa elementy:a) wszelkie normy mają zastosowanie do wszystkich narodów; b) lub normy pochodzą z naturalnego rozumu (naturalis ratio). W ten sposób przedstawił dwie perspektywy na jedno i to samo ius gentium, które są wewnętrznie ze sobą powiązane.Pierwszy punkt widzenia jest konkretny, a drugi abstrakcyjny. Innymi słowy, Gaiusprzedstawił pewne instytucje prawne, które należą do obszaru ius gentium z konkretnego punktu widzenia, pozostałe z abstrakcyjnego punktu widzenia, który opierał sięna tak zwanym naturalis ratio. Jeśli chodzi o kategorię ius naturale, Gaius pod względem treści zidentyfikował ją zapomocą ius gentium. Więc ius gentium różni się od ius naturale tylko na podstawiepunktu widzenia, przez który wyrażane są poszczególne standardy lub instytucjeprawne. Jeśli normy prawne są wyrażone z konkretnego punktu widzenia (czyli w normach istnieje wyraźna wzmianka, że mają one zastosowanie do wszystkich narodów),wówczas mogą one zostać włączone do kategorii ius gentium. Jeśli są sformułowanez abstrakcyjnego punktu widzenia (czyli w normach jest wzmianka o ich pochodzeniuz naturalis ratio), mogą one zostać włączone do kategorii prawa naturalnego.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2018, 17, 2; 39-54
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Transformacja arystokracji rzymskiej na terenach galijskich w V wieku
Transformation of Roman aristocracy in the Gaul territory in the V century
Grabowska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Roman aristocracy
Sydoniusz Apolinaris
The article aims to present transformation of Roman aristocracy in the Gaul territory in the V century. Analyzing rich legacy of Sydoniusz Apollinaris, who represented Gaul-Roman elites, we can recreate the picture of Gaul of his days – shown against the background of transformations taking place in the Roman Empire. The V century seems to be critical in the history of Gaul, as it was then that various barbaric tribes, wading through the defense line on the Rhine, “flooded” the Gaul territory. Simultaneously numerous usurpations of imperial power occurred in the West, causing weakening of Roman influence in the dependent provinces. In this situation, Roman aristocracy, playing until that moment a key role in preservation of traditional Roman administration and of Church organizations – deeply rooted in the territories belonging to the Empire, and thus guaranteeing the continuity of the imperial authority – was bound to answer a difficult question: what to do, when the territorial dependency disappears together with the disappearance of the Western Empire? That is why in the West a certain transformation was to occur; a new order, based on three interconnected elements; Romanitas, Germanitas i Christianitas, was to be created.
Białostockie Teki Historyczne; 2015, 13
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Białostockie Teki Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rzymski proces cywilny i rzymski proces karny Rzymian w ujęciu ks. prof. Stanisława Płodzienia (uwagi na marginesie maszynopisu BU KUL 1443A)
Roman Civil Trial and Roman Criminal Trial as Seen by Rev. Prof. Stanisław Płodzień (Remarks on the Margin of the Typescript of BU KUL 1443A)
Jońca, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Stanisław Płodzień
rzymski proces karny
rzymski proces cywilny
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka KUL
Roman criminal trial
Roman civil trial
KUL University Library
Oddział Zbiorów Specjalnych Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej KUL przechowuje spuściznę po urodzonym na Podlasiu romaniście – ks. prof. Stanisławie Płodzieniu. Autor wykładał prawo rzymskie i kanoniczne na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim w latach 50. i na początku lat 60. XX w. Jego świetnie zapowiadającą się karierę przerwała jednak nagła śmierć w 1962 r. Wśród pozostawionych przez niego niepublikowanych materiałów znajduje się skrypt przygotowany dla studentów I roku prawa kanonicznego zatytułowany Rzymski proces cywilny. To znalezisko cenne, ponieważ w XIX i XX w. ogłoszono w języku polskim jedynie dwie monografie poświęcone procedurze cywilnej Rzymian. Analiza skryptu pokazuje, że jego autor w największym stopniu wzorował się na monografii Leopolda Wengera Institutionen des römischen Zivilprozessrechts. Od niego zaczerpnął ideę, by odrębny wywód poświęcić różnicom pomiędzy procesem cywilnym Rzymian a ich postępowaniem karnym i administracyjnym. W tekście znalazł się podpunkt zatytułowany Stosunek procesu cywilnego rzymskiego do procesu karnego i administracyjnego. Autor w rzeczowy sposób przedstawił specyfikę wszystkich trzech rodzajów procedur, a także podkreślił, że pewnymi kategoriami współczesnymi myśleli już Rzymianie. Na szczególną uwagę zasługuje odejście od koncepcji podziału prawa na publiczne i prywatne w oparciu o tzw. kryterium korzyści (utilitas). Ksiądz Płodzień podkreśla, że pojęcie interesu państwa w czasach rzymskich było równie nieostre, jak obecnie. W narracji subtelnie wykorzystano współczesną terminologię cywilistyczną.
The Special Collections Department of the University Library of the Catholic University of Lublin preserves the legacy of the Podlasie-born Romanist Rev. Prof. Stanisław Płodzień. The author taught Roman and Canon Law at the Catholic University of Lublin in the 1950s and early 1960s. However, his promising career was interrupted by his sudden death in 1962. Among the unpublished materials he left behind is a script prepared for first-year students of canon law, entitled „The Roman Civil Trial”. This is a valuable find, since in the 19th and 20th centuries only two monographs on the Roman civil procedure were published in Polish. An analysis of the script shows that its author drew mostly on Leopold Wenger’s monograph „Institutionen des romischen Zivilprozessrechts”. It is from him that he took the idea of devoting a separate discussion to the differences between Roman civil trials and their criminal and administrative proceedings. The text included a subsection entitled “The Relationship between the Roman Civil Trial and Criminal and Administrative proceedings”. The author presented the peculiarities of all three types of proceedings in a factual manner, emphasizing that certain contemporary categories had already been contemplated by the Romans. Particularly noteworthy is the departure from the concept of dividing law into public and private based on the so-called criterion of benefit (utilitas). Rev. Płodzień emphasizes that the concept of state interest in Roman times was as vague as it is today. The narrative makes subtle use of modern civilist terminology.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2023, 22, 1; 419-434
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Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zarys nauki o sakramentach w Kościele prawosławnym i rzymskokatolickim
Baczyński, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Roman Catholicism
rzymski katolicyzm
Zarówno Kościele prawosławnym jak i rzymskokatolickim za sakramenty uznawane są Chrzest, Bierzmowanie, Eucharystia, Spowiedź (Pokajanije), Kapłaństwo, Małżeństwo i Namaszczenie św. Olejem. Wszystkie zaś pozostałe poza tymi siedmioma uznawane są za obrzędy czy sakramentalia. Chociaż taki podział świętych działań i rytów występuje zarówno w katechizmach oraz podręcznikach teologii dogmatycznej, to historia i doświadczenie Kościoła pokazuje, że kwestia podziału i liczby sakramentów nigdy nie była oczywista. Jeżeli chrześcijański Zachód usiłował zdefiniować pojęcie sakramentu i jego działanie oraz określić ich liczbę,to „świętych Ojców chrześcijańskiego Wschodu nie interesowała liczba misteriów i nie stawiali sobie za zadanie ich policzenie”. Usiłowali oni odkryć ideę powszechnego, różnorodnego działania Ducha Świętego w Kościele, mającego uświęcać człowieka w różnoraki sposób i w różnych sytuacjach życiowych. Natomiast zwieńczeniem i kulminacją wszystkich sakramentów zawsze była Święta Eucharystia. W bogatej skarbnicy i zachwycającej świętości Eucharystii, która łączy nas z Bogiem swoje dopełnienie i zakończenie otrzymują sakramenty.Zapożyczona z łacińskiej scholastyki nauka o siedmiu sakramentach została ujęta w podręcznikach teologii prawosławnej. Ten scholastycznysystem siedmiu sakramentów został zaakceptowany w teologii prawosławnej, chociaż formalnie Kościół prawosławny nigdy nie uznał żadnej określonej liczby sakramentów. W konkluzji można stwierdzić, iż „w prawosławiu pomiędzy szerszym i węższym pojęciem „sakrament” (μυστήριον) nie ma ostrego podziału. Przede wszystkim całe życie Kościoła należy postrzegać jako jedność, jedno wielkie misterium, którego różne aspekty wyrażają się w wielkiej różnorodności działań, dokonywanych raz w życiu człowieka bądź wielokrotnie.
ELPIS; 2017, 19
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Biblioteka Nauki
Augustus nova officia excogitavit (Suet., Aug. 37). Oktawian August twórcą cura urbis?
Augustus nova officia excogitavit (Suet., Aug. 37) Octavian Augustus the Creator of the Cura Urbis?
Kamińska, Renata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Augustus, Suetonius, Roman public law, cura urbis, curatores urbi.
The curatores urbi, together with the prefects, are a part of the most characteristic Roman offices during the period of the principate. Thanks to the available source texts, particu- lary De aquaeductu urbis Romae, as well as thanks to the inscriptions, nowadays we have fairly precise information about the functions fulfilled by those officials. The doubts concern primarily the moment and the circumstances of the creation of the curatores urbi. According to Suetonius those officials, and especially curatores aquarum, curatores riparum et alvei Tiberis, curators aedium sacrarum et operum locorumque publicorum and curatores viarum were created by Augustus. However, that opinion raises doubts. The purpose of this very article is to determine to what extent the opinion of Suetonius is true and correct.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2013, 12; 13-29
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kilka spostrzeżeń o prawie rzymskim w Gimnazjum i Liceum w Krzemieńcu
Some remarks upon Roman law in Krzemieniec Middle and High School
Godek, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
prawo rzymskie, Krzemieniec, XIX w.
Roman Law, Krzemieniec, XIX century,
Krzmieniec Middle (est. 1805) and later on High School (est. 1819) in Volhynia wasfamous for its high educational standards and wide curriculum, whose importantpart constituted legal courses. The following subjects were lectured in Krzemieniec:natural law, political system, Polish as well as Russian border law, Polish-Lithuanianlaw (domestic law), and Roman law. The last two were lectured alternately bythe graduates of Vilnius University – Ignacy Oładkowski, Józef Jaroszewicz, andAleksander Mickiewicz. The teaching staff did not confine themselves solely todidactic activity, but they pursued ambitious scientific goals as well. Ołdakowski wasone of the first Poles to deal with the philosophy of law. He was also comparing Polishlaw with the Napoleonic Code. Jaroszewicz, who was following the newest scientifictrends, excitedly received the discovery and publication of the Institutes of Gaius.He was exploring the influence of Roman law on Old-Polish law. This very scientificproblem was also within Mickiewicz’s field of interest. Some preserved manuscriptsenable us to recreate the main outline of the lectures, as well as bibliography used bythe professors, or even the number of listeners attending the courses.
Założone w 1805 r. Gimnazjum w Krzemieńcu (przekształcone w 1819 r. w Liceum)słynęło z wysokiego poziomu nauczania i szerokiej oferty dydaktycznej, której istotną część stanowiły przedmioty prawnicze. W Krzemieńcu wykładano mianowicieprawo natury, polityczne, prawo graniczne (polskie i osobno rosyjskie), prawo krajowe (czyli polsko-litewskie) oraz rzymskie. Te dwa ostatnie przedmioty były wykładane naprzemiennie (rok po roku) przez absolwentów Uniwersytetu Wileńskiego,kolejno – Ignacego Ołdakowskiego, Józefa Jaroszewicza, Aleksandra Mickiewicza.Wymienieni profesorowie nie ograniczali się tylko do wykonywania obowiązkówdydaktycznych, ale stawiali sobie także ambitne cele naukowe. Ołdakowski był jednym z pierwszych Polaków, zajmujących się naukowo filozofią prawa. Ponadto, tenwykładowca prowadził badania porównawcze nad prawem krajowym (polsko-litewskim) i francuskim (Kodeksem Napoleona). Jaroszewicz śledził najnowsze trendyw romanistyce, a w szczególności z wielkim zainteresowaniem przyjął odkrycie i wydanie Instytucji Gaiusa. Badał też problem wpływu prawa rzymskiego na dawne prawo polskie. Tym ostatnim zagadnieniem naukowo zajmował się także Mickiewicz.Zachowane źródła rękopiśmienne pozwalają na odtworzenie, przynajmniej zarysu,problematyki wykładów z dziedziny prawa. Umożliwiają także identyfikację bibliografii wykorzystywanej do zajęć, a nawet ustalenie liczby uczniów, uczestniczącychw wykładach.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2018, 17, 2; 189-213
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Entre glosas y censuras. Recepción y circulación del Corpus Iuris Civilis en la Nueva España (siglos XVI y XVII)
Between comments and censorships. The reception and circulation of the Corpus Iuris Civilis in the New Spain (XVI and XVII centuries)
Hernández Santiago, Oscar
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Corpus Iuris Civilis
legal reception
New Spain
Roman law
The purpose of this article is to show the reception and circulation of the Corpus Iuris Civilis the New Spain (Mexico) during the XVI and XVII centuries. It analyzes the importance of the Roman law as a part of the phenomenon of legal reception in the Spanish America. It studies the readings, comments and censorships of the different editions of these books, which were introduced extensively since the first decades of the American conquest. In the recent years, the Latin American historiography has analyzed the reception of the ius commune in the Spanish colonies, but it appears to give more priority to other legal sources as laws and customs. As a result of this point of view, it has been forgotten the knowledge contained in the legal books. In this research, my main sources are the books preserved in the Mexican National Library. The choice of the materials is due to it preserves the prints of some of the major libraries during this period (university, seminars and religious colleges). In order to achieve this objective, I analyze my period according to the Robert Darnton’s communication circuit. This methodological model focuses on the role of authors, publishers, printers, distributors and readers in the process of production, distribution and consumption of the books.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2020, 19, 1; 395-420
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O roli prawa rzymskiego w kształceniu polskich prawników. Uwagi na marginesie książki Bożeny Anny Czech-Jezierskiej, Nauczanie prawa rzymskiego w Polsce w okresie międzywojennym (1918–1939), Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin 2011, 309 stron
The role of Roman law in the education of Polish lawyers
Szczygielski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Prawo rzymskie, system nauczania, prawnicy polscy
Roman law, teaching, Polish lawyers
The article concerns the role of Roman law in the education of Polish lawyers. The author compares the conditions and methods of teaching the law of ancient Romans at law faculties in Poland during the period between the two World Wars with those of today. In conclusion, the author states that Roman law is undoubtedly one of the most important components of ancient culture, which has exerted a specific influence on shaping the modern world. The study of Roman law offers a possibility of histori- cal perspective on law, enriches students’ knowledge on the theory and dogmatics of law and teaches the ways of legal thinking. It is impossible to comprehensively under- stand the evolution and functioning of many modern European legal systems, which stem from solutions formerly adopted already in the law of ancient Rome, without the competence derived from the study of Roman law.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2014, 13, 1; 305-325
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Leonard Piętak – wspomnienie w setną rocznicę śmierci
Szczygielski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Leonard Piętak, Roman law, commercial and exchange law, University of Lvov
Leonard Piętak (1841–1909) was a Polish professor of law. He worked at the University of Lvov. He was interested in both Roman law and actual legislation problems of Austrian commercial and exchange law. Piętak is an author of many valuable papers, particularly Prawo spadkowe rzymskie (Roman law of succession, vol. 1–2, 1882–1888). He was twice elected Rector of University of Lvov – in academic years 1881/1882 and 1888/1889. He was elected Dean of the Law Faculty as well – three times (in academic years 1878/1879, 1883/1884 and 1890/1891). Professor Piętak was a member of many international and domestic scientific societies. Besides of his research, Piętak was also engaged strongly in politics, holding an office of minister for Galicia to an imperial government in Vienna from 1900 to 1906.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2009, 8; 59-72
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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