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Korupcja naruszeniem konstytucyjnych wartości i praw obywateli
Corruption as a violation of constitutional values and citizens’ rights
Walczak, Waldemar
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
constitutional values
citizens’ rights
internal security
the rule of law
The article presents multifaceted considerations and results of analyses concerning the necessity to perceive the phenomenon of corruption through the prism of a gross violation of constitutional values, the principles of the rule of law and social justice. The main focus is on discussing civic rights that are effectively eradicated by corruption, at the same time emphasizing a holistic and systemic approach to understanding and interpreting specific processes and decisions confirmed in practice. At the beginning, it is explained why a broad research perspective should be adopted to understand the essence of corruption. An important argument supporting the correctness of the adopted approach are statements contained in the Government Program for Counteracting Corruption 2018–2020. Next, the most important constitutional values and civil rights are indicated, which are not respected and remain only in the declarative sphere as a result of corrupt practices. In order to prove the illusory nature and facade of certain provisions of the Polish Constitution, important statements contained in the judgments of the Constitutional Tribunal are quoted, and then these interpretations are analyzed in relation to real situations occurring in everyday reality. These problem issues are presented from the perspective of the constitutional principle of equality before the law, social justice and non discrimination. It is also noted in this regard that corruption activities are precisely the main factor leading to the division of citizens into two separate categories according to the way they are treated. Finally, it is mentioned that in the European Union ever greater emphasis is currently being placed on compliance with the rule of law. This problem is closely related to the need to understand the negative consequences of corruption as an element that undermines trust in the state, constitutional order and the rule of law.
Studia Prawa Publicznego; 2020, 4, 32; 109-150
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawa Publicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czy europejska inicjatywa obywatelska może służyć zmniejszeniu deficytu demokratycznego w Unii Europejskiej? Uwagi na podstawie wniosku Minority SafePack
Can the European Citizens Initiative reduce the democratic deficit in the European Union? Comments based on the Minority SafePack proposal
Kielin-Maziarz, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
democratic deficit
citizens’ initiative
deficyt demokratyczny
inicjatywa obywatelska
tworzenie prawa
Przedmiotem artykułu jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie o rolę, jaką w zmniejszeniu deficytu demokratycznego Unii odgrywa europejska inicjatywa obywatelska (EIO). Efektywność tej instytucji została poddana analizie na przykładzie wniosku dotyczącego przyjęcia zmian, które miałby służyć zapewnieniu szerszej ochrony praw mniejszości narodowych i językowych oraz wzmocnieniu różnorodności kulturowej i językowej w UE – Minority SafePack. W tekście dokonana została analiza przyczyn, które skłoniły Komisję do zajęcia negatywnego stanowiska. Z jednej strony należy do nich sama tematyka wniosku. Unia Europejska w uzasadnieniu odmowy jego przyjęcia podaje, że w stosunku do wielu z zawartych w nim propozycji nie ma kompetencji. Ponadto zauważalna jest także ogólna niechęć UE do zajmowania się problemami mniejszości, wynikająca przede wszystkim z faktu, że dotykają one kwestii o newralgicznym charakterze dla państw członkowskich, jak np. tożsamość narodowa, różnorodność językowa. Z drugiej zaś – odrzucenie wniosku stanowi wyraz ogólnej tendencji. Komisja jest bardzo sceptyczna wobec wniosków składanych w ramach EIO, odmawiając im w przewarzającej mierze rejestracji. Taki stan rzeczy z pewnością nie pozwala na mówienie o efektywności EIO jako narzędzia przyczyniającego się do zmniejszenia deficytu demokratycznego w UE.
The article attempts to answer the question about the role that the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) plays in reducing the democratic deficit of the Union. The effectiveness of this institution has been analysed using the example of the Minority SafePack – a proposal to adopt amendments that would serve to ensure greater protection of the rights of national and linguistic minorities and to strengthen cultural and linguistic diversity in the EU. The text analyses the reasons why the Commission took a negative stance. On the one hand, the subject matter of the proposal itself is one of them. The European Union, in its justification, states that it has no competence in relation to many of the proposals contained the initiative. In addition, there is also a general reluctance of the EU to deal with minority problems, mainly due to the fact that they involve issues that are sensitive to the Member States, such as national identity and linguistic diversity. On the other hand, the rejection of the proposal is an expression of a general tendency. The Commission is very sceptical about applications submitted under the ECI, refusing to register them to a prohibitive extent. This state of affairs certainly does not allow the ECI to be described as an effective tool that contributes to the reduction of the democratic deficit in the EU.
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny; 2022, 84, 4; 37-53
Pojawia się w:
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
W sprawie obywatelskiego projektu ustawy „W obronie chrześcijan”
On the citizen’s bill “In Defence of Christians”
Pańczyk, Filip
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
citizen’s project of amending the Criminal Code
“In protection of Christians”
criminal law protection of freedom of religion and belief
interference with religious acts
insult of religious feelings
Crimes against freedom of religion or belief, codified in Chapter XXIV of the Criminal Code, have not been amended for a quarter of a century. This situation may be changed by a citizen’s bill to amend the Criminal Code, affirmed by politicians associated with the Suwerenna (formerly: Solidarna) Polska party and the Ministry of Justice. Considering that the legislative project (Parliamentary Paper No. 2756 of the 9th term of the Sejm) proposes significant changes to criminal law protection of freedom of religion and belief, it demands extensive study.This article is the most detailed analysis of the project so far. It discusses the most important assumptions of the draft bill, such as introducing a new “justification”, removing the element of malice from Article 195 of the CC, relinquishing the necessity of confirming an insult to religious feelings for the existence of a crime under current Article 196 of the CC, and introducing a new criminal offence, unknown in the current Code, of lionising or ridiculing a religious association along with a regulated legal situation, its dogmas or rites. The motives guiding the project’s proponent and justifying, in his opinion, the necessity of proposed amendments are also analyzed. What distinguishes this article from previous analyses of the draft is also that it considers of changes that were made to it at the parliamentary stage.The analysis carried out unequivocally indicates that it is questionable whether the draft complies with constitutional principles of the state’s relations with churches and religious associations. The project’s provisions lead to the entanglement of state bodies in ideological disputes, also undermining the mutual independence of the state and religious associations. Moreover, the project’s entry into force may cause a freezing effect, endangering the implementation of the constitutionally guaranteed freedom of speech. Finally, the draft is legislatively controversial and some of its provisions do not comply with the principle of definiteness of criminal law.
Studia Prawa Publicznego; 2023, 3 (43); 125-151
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawa Publicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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