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Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu w latach 1929–1939
The Society of the Friends of the University Library in Poznań in the years 1929–1939
Jazdon, Artur
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Poznań University
Poznań University Library
acquisition policy
promotion of books and readership
Uniwersytet Poznański
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu
polityka gromadzenia zbiorów
promocja książki i czytelnictwa
Jednym z podstawowych zadań Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej powołanej na podstawie zbiorów Kaiser-Wilhelm-Bibliothek było dążenie do ich polonizacji i dostosowywania do potrzeb rozwijającego się uniwersytetu. Przeznaczane na ten cel środki finansowe były niewystarczające, co więcej, w związku z kryzysem finansów państwa były systematycznie zmniejszane. Dokładano więc wielu starań, by pozyskiwać wpływy beznakładowe – egzemplarze obowiązkowe i dary. Od roku 1923 rozpoczęto starania o powołanie Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej, które ostatecznie powstało w 1929 roku. Jego celem było skupienie osób z różnych grup społecznych, zainteresowanych książką i chcących działać na rzecz wspierania Biblioteki. Zamiarem Towarzystwa było zbieranie środków finansowych i kupowanie za nie niezbędnych materiałów bibliotecznych. Realizowano je aż do wybuchu II wojny światowej, choć w stopniu mniejszym niż zapewne oczekiwano. Natomiast Towarzystwo, zrzeszające może niezbyt szerokie, ale elitarne grono członków, położyło duże zasługi w zakresie lobbowania na rzecz Biblioteki, czego efektem stało się nagłaśnianie jej problemów, docieranie do różnych kręgów decyzyjnych i osób prywatnych. Dzięki temu zbiory Biblioteki w latach 1929–1939 nasycone zostały dużą liczbą cennych darów, co służyło realizacji wspomnianych podstawowych zadań w zakresie kształtowania zasobów.
One of the key objectives of the University Library established based on the collection of the former Kaiser-Wilhelm-Bibliothek was to Polonise its collections and streamline them to support the newly established Polish University. However, the financial resources allocated for this particular purpose were not sufficient enough to fit the purpose and, what is more, due to the emerging crisis in the country’s financial situation and the time of national stringency, were systematically decreased by the authorities. To make up for the situation an attempt was made to support the Library by obtaining acquisitions beyond current expenditure, i.e. by gifts, endowments, and bequests and, first of all, by the introduced deposit copy scheme. Moreover, since 1923 first attempt were made to set up the Society of Friends of the University Library that eventually was established in 1929. Its goal was to provide a platform for all those who were ready to support the library financially or otherwise. The Society included people from all walks of life and all social strata. The Society continued to lend financial and moral support to the library and was instrumental in organising the money for necessary library materials until the outbreak of WWII though on a lesser scale that it had been expected. Though the membership of the Society was not large, its members succeeded in lobbying for the library and thus in making the general public more aware of its problems, reaching decision-makers and private people. All this resulted in substantial donations to the library in the years 1929–1939, which contributed significantly to help cover the basic assignments required in the collection shaping process.
Biblioteka; 2016, 20(29); 97-122
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przykłady karier akademickich kobiet na Uniwersytecie Poznańskim w okresie międzywojennym
Examples of Women’s Academic Careers at Poznań University in the Interwar Period
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
academic careers
Poznań University
interwar eriod
Uniwersytet Poznański
okres międzywojenny
The long-lasting endeavors of the citizens of Wielkopolska to establish a Polish university in Poznañ eventually succeeded in January 1919. The Philosophical Faculty constituted the beginnings of Poznañ University (PU). The Legal and Economic Faculty, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry and Medical Faculty followed soon after. In 1925, the Philosophical Faculty gave rise to two new ones, that of Humanities and the Faculty of Mathematics and Nature. In the first years of PU women were a definite minority of students in all faculties. The situation changed only in the last years preceding the outbreak of the Second World War. The number of female students in the Faculty of Humanities exceeded that of male students in 1936/37 and 1937/38 (427:345 and 387:324 respectively); the proportion of female students was also increasing in the Medical Faculty (233:747 and 228:688) and in the faculty of Mathematics and Nature the number of female students was approaching that of males (265:388 and 238:333), while there were only slightly over 200 females in the Legal and Economic Faculty (in comparison to 1505 and 1347 males). A few women were awarded doctoral degrees. In the time period between the academic years of 1920/21 and 1936/37 (inclusive) 1 woman out of 52 candidates defended a doctoral dissertation in the Legal and Economic Faculty, as did 35 women out of 147 individuals in the Faculty of Humanities, and 1 woman out of 57 candidates in the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. While the awarding of a doctoral degree to a woman was relatively common, receiving a postdoctoral degree (habilitacja) used to be a rare achievement. Granting the status of an independent academic, it was most frequent in female faculty members at the Medical Faculty of PU, where it was achieved by Helena Gajewska, Michalina Stefanowska, Anna Gruszecka, Eugenia Sto³yhwowa and Eugenia Piasecka-Zeylandowa. The status of an independent academic was also awarded to Ludwika Dobrzyñska-Rybicka (Philosophical Faculty) and Mieczys³awa Ruxerówna, Helena Polaczkówna and Bo¿ena Stelmachowska (Faculty of Humanities). Jadwiga Marszewska-Ziemiêcka obtained a postdoctoral degree in the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. Only three of the above obtained their professorships before the outbreak of the Second World War: Helena Gajewska (Full Professor), Ludwika Dobrzyñska-Rybicka and Michalina Stefanowska (Titular Professor). Four of the above women were married: Zeylandowa, Sto³yhwowa, Marszewska-Ziemiêcka and Dobrzyñska-Rybicka, who became a widow early on. The absence of family and household chores was likely to make a commitment to academic work easier; this could also be a price for achieving the status that went beyond the position of a housewife which was commonly assigned to women at the time.
Przegląd Politologiczny; 2011, 2; 197-206
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Przegląd Politologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problematyka naukowo-badawcza i dorobek naukowy pracowników Katedry Pedagogiki i Dydaktyki Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego 1919–1939 w stulecie powstania Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu (1919–2019)
Nowak-Kluczyński, Konrad
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Department of Pedagogy and Teaching
Wszechnica Piastowska
Poznań University
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Antoni Danysz
Bogdan Nawroczyński
Ludwik Jaxa-Bykowski
Interwar Period
Research issues and academic achievements of the faculty of the Department of Pedagogy and Teaching at Poznań University in 1919–1939 on the centennial of the establishment of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (1919–2019). In its early days, Poznań University attracted a large number of researchers representing many disciplines of science but prevailing humanities. Poznań was a centre of very dynamic research into pedagogy and psychology. Initially, the Department of Pedagogy and Teaching at Poznań University focused on just a few research fields and areas. In the lead were issues related to the theory of upbringing, educating adults and the history of upbringing. In the local Department of Pedagogy and Teaching, a number of contributions was made to teaching and the methodology of some teaching subjects. In the Interwar Period, the following research areas were pursued by the pedagogy teachers at Poznań University: Antoni Danysz’ progressive-national trend referring to the ideological traditions of the Revolutions of 1848; Ludwik Jaxa-Bykowski’s nationalist-anthropological trend resulting from nationalist conflicts and efforts to reinforce the nation with special emphasis placed on the first decade of Poland’s independence; Marian Wachowski’s nationalist-imperialistic trend based on German philosophical pedagogy.
Biuletyn Historii Wychowania; 2019, 41; 145-165
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Historii Wychowania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Historia dyscypliny pedagogiki na Uniwersytecie Poznańskim oraz Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu w stulecie istnienia – próba rekonstrukcji
The Centennial History of the Discipline of Pedagogy at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań – a Reconstruction Attempt
Nowak-Kluczyński, Konrad
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
University of Poznań
Adam Mickiewicz University
The article is an attempt to chronologically reconstruct the history of pedagogy at Academia in Poznań, present it according to themes and considering the changes in organization structure and the historical context. It recognizes Poznań academic pedagogy as a scientific discipline on the basis of an administrative and institutional framework, both areas influencing each other directly. The changes in the structure of particular organizational units have been conditioned by the development of pedagogy as a science, and vice versa.
Studia Edukacyjne; 2020, 58; 191-212
Pojawia się w:
Studia Edukacyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Andrzej Karpowicz – twórca Pracowni Zbiorów Masońskich Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu
Andrzej Karpowicz – the originator of the Masonic Collection Study Room at Poznań University Library
Kurzawa, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Poznań University Library
Masonic Collection Study Room
Andrzej Karpowicz
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu
Pracownia Zbiorów Masońskich
Artykuł omawia działalność naukową i zasługi w zakresie pracy bibliotecznej twórcy Pracowni Zbiorów Masońskich Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej – mgra Andrzeja Karpowicza. Portret Andrzeja Karpowicza przedstawiony został na szerokim tle piśmiennictwa i źródeł do dziejów wolnomularstwa oraz sylwetek autorów zajmujących się wskazaną problematyką.
This article is a tribute to Andrzej Karpowicz, the creator of the Masonic Collection Study Room at the library and discusses his research activities and achievements in library work. The profile of Andrzej Karpowicz is set against a broad background of professional literature and source materials on the history of Freemasonry and profiles of other authors in the field.
Biblioteka; 2011, 15(25); 293-306
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lektury lekarza – książka Leonarda Botalla w Bibliotece Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu
The assigned reading of the physician – Leonardo Botallo’s book in the collection of Poznań University Library
Wilgosiewicz – Skutecka, Renata
Szulc, Alicja
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Medycyna XVI wieku
Stare druki
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka – Poznań
Leonardo Botallo
16th century medicine galenism
Old prints
Poznań University Library
Wśród druków francuskich Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu znajduje się interesujący zbiór (klocek) szesnastowiecznych traktatów medycznych, wydany w Lyonie przez Guillaume’a Rouillé oraz Paula Miraillet, zawierający dwa dzieła Galena: De naturalibus facultatibus libri tres (1548) i De bono et malo succo, liber unus (1547) oraz traktat Donato Antonio Altomare De alteratione, concoctione, digestione, praeparatione, ac purgatione: ex Hippocratis et Galeni sententia methodus (1548). Wolumin ten należał do Leonarda Botalla (1519-1587), włoskiego anatoma i chirurga, medyka królów francuskich, i nosi ślady jego lektury – liczne marginalia, podkreślenia i komentarze w języku łacińskim. Pobieżna analiza tego materiału rękopiśmiennego, zwłaszcza wielu krytycznych uwag Botalla wobec poglądów Galena, pozwala widzieć w tych zapiskach świadectwo przemian zachodzących w medycynie w XVI wieku, która dopiero w tym okresie stała się nauką w pełni nowożytną. Przedstawiona w niniejszym artykule ogólna charakterystyka woluminu jest jedynie wprowadzeniem do szczegółowej analizy zapisków Leonarda Botalla, która pozwoliłaby historykom medycyny dokładniej zrekonstruować poglądy lekarza z Asti, będące świadectwem recepcji dzieł Galena w XVI wieku i toczącej się wokół nich dyskusji.
The French section of the old and rare books department of Poznań University Library includes an interesting collection (bound volume) of the sixteenth century medical treatises published by Guillaume Rouillé and Paul Miraillet in Lyon that consists of two works by Galen: De naturalibus facultatibus libri tres (1548) and De bono et malo succo, liber unus (1547) as well as a treatise written by Donato Antonio Altomare: De alteratione, concoctione, digestione, praeparatione, ac purgatione: ex Hippocratis et Galeni sententia methodus (1548). The bound volume once belonged to Leonardo Botallo (1519-1587), an Italian anatomist and surgeon, court doctor to French kings. The text bears signs of his reading – there are numerous glosses on margins, underlined lines and hand-written comments in Latin. Even a cursory analysis of the notes (glosses), of Botallo’s critical remarks on Galen’s part in particular, allows us to examine the manifestation of the changes going on in medicine of the sixteenth century, i.e. the time when it reached a phase of being a fully-fledged modern branch of science. The presented general characteristics of the volume only makes an introduction to a more detailed study on the notes by Leonardo Botallo. Further studies would allow historians in medicine to reconstruct the views and opinions of the doctor from Asti in Piedmont that can testify to the attitude towards and approach to Galen’s work in the sixteenth century and to the contemporary debate surrounding their reception.
Biblioteka; 2009, 13(22); 181-191
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kolekcja muzykaliów z księgozbioru rodziny Maltzanów z Milicza w zbiorach Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu
The collection of musical documents from the book collection of the Maltzan family from Milicz at Poznań University Library
Wronkowska, Sonia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
music documents
the Maltzan family
Poznań University Library
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu
Celem artykułu jest prezentacja nieznanej dotychczas kolekcji muzykaliów pochodzącej z biblioteki rodziny Maltzanów z Milicza (Militsch) na Śląsku. Księgozbiór pałacowy w 1945 roku został zabezpieczony i przewieziony do Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu, gdzie przechowywany jest do dziś. Należąca do niego kolekcja źródeł muzycznych dokumentuje patronat muzyczny członków rodziny Maltzanów, szczególnie czasy panowania hr. Joachima Carla Maltzana (1786–1817) oraz hr. Joachima Alexandra Kasimira Maltzana (1817–1850). W księgozbiorze Maltzanów zachowały się muzykalia pochodzące z XVIII i XIX wieku: dwa duże zbiory utworów, 11 pojedynczych rękopisów oraz dwa druki zawierające łącznie 110 utworów. Analiza źródłowa i repertuarowa pozwala na wskazanie cech wyróżniających muzykę na dworze Maltzanów. Było to charakterystyczne instrumentarium: solowo wykorzystywana viola da gamba, waltornia i viola d’amore.
The article aims at presenting the unknown collection of musical documents from the book collection that formerly belonged to the Maltzan family of Milicz (German: Militsch) in Silesia. In 1945, the palace book collection was seized by the new Polish authorities and then transported to the Library of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, where it still remains in the library’s hoildings. The collection of music documents, sources and memorabilia, part of the larger Maltzan book collection, documents the musical patronage of the members of the family, in particular that of the times of Count Joachim Carl Maltzan (1786–1817) and Count Joachim Alexander Kasimir Maltzan (1817–1850). The Maltzan book collection includes music documents from the 18th and the 19th centuries: two large collections of scores, eleven single manuscripts and two prints containing collectively a hundred and ten works. A source and repertory analysis of the documents allow us to indicate distinctive features of the music played at the Maltzans court. They involved their choice of a particular selection of instruments: the viola da gamba as a solo recital instrument, the French horn and the viola d’amore.
Biblioteka; 2014, 18(27); 33-48
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
  • odwiedzone
Instytucjonalizacja pedagogiki w okresie Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej na przykładzie Katedry Pedagogiki i Dydaktyki Wszechnicy Piastowskiej
Institutionalisation of teaching at the time of the Second Polish Republic: the example of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Didactics at Wszechnica Piastowska
Nowak-Kluczyński, Konrad
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
teacher training
Faculty of Pedagogy and Didactics
Wszechnica Piastowska
Poznań University
Antoni Danysz
Ludwik Jaxa-Bykowski
Underground University of the Western Territories
Interwar Period
The Second Polish Republic was a time of institutionalising and imposing stricter discipline in teaching in Poland. In the Interwar Period, institutions were established for teacher training, accompanied by new bodies in Polish universities tasked with teacher training and developing teaching methodology. A case in point was the establishment of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Didactics in Wszechnica Piastowska (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań). The first Faculty heads: Antoni Danysz, Bogdan Nawroczyński and Ludwik Jax-Bykowski, made considerable efforts for teacher training to play an important role in the structure of the Poznań University and to assume academic form. While the Faculty was closed down in 1933, Poznań University continued its cooperation with the Faculty of Psychology, thus providing an opportunity for educating future teachers.
Biuletyn Historii Wychowania; 2019, 40; 45-70
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Historii Wychowania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
André Motte (1936–2021). Belgijski przyjaciel poznańskich filologów i filozofów antycznych
André Motte [1936–2021] the Belgian friend of ancient philologists and philosophers from Poznań
Lewandowski, Ignacy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
André Motte
the history of Poznań–Liège inter-university cooperation
The author briefly presents the life and work of André Motte (who died 28 November 2021), who was a professor of ancient philology and philosophy at the University of Liège, and details his longtime cooperation with the ancient philologists and philosophers of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.
Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae; 2022, 32, 1; 167-173
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Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Akademia Lubrańskiego w Poznaniu. Próba wskrzeszenia (1937)
The Lubrański Academy in Poznań. An attempt at reactivation (1937)
Szczepaniak, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Lubranski Academy
Poznan University
Faculty of Theology
Pius XI
card. A. Hlond
the Congregation for Catholic Education
seminary in Poznan
teaching theology in Poland
In the period of the Second Republic of Poland two attempts – unfortunately unsuccessful – were undertaken to organize the teaching of theology at university level in Poznań. Endeavors to create a Theological Faculty at Poznań University in the years 1919-1921 did not bring the expected effects. In 1937 Cardinal August Hlond addressed a plea to the Apostolic See to reinstate the Lubrański Academy in Poznań. The Primate’s vision included the construction of a modern building of the academy which he saw as his personal gift to the archdiocese and a “remembrance” of his primateship.The article takes up the above mentioned issue in the light of the Vatican’s archival materials. They allow us to grasp some essential historical facts and provide access to the drafts of the statutes of the intended reactivated Academy. Their publication herein seems to be an interesting contribution to the outlining of a complete history of the Faculty of Theology in Poznań.
Ecclesia. Studia z Dziejów Wielkopolski; 2016, 11; 229-262
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Ecclesia. Studia z Dziejów Wielkopolski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wydział Teologiczny w Poznaniu (1919-1922) w świetle archiwaliów watykańskich
The Faculty of Theology in Poznań (1919-1922) in the Light of Vatican Archives
Szczepaniak, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Poznan University
Faculty of Technology
card E. Dalbor
nuncio A. Ratti
card. G. Bisleti
the Congregation for Catholic Education
seminary in Poznan
teaching theology in Poland
In 1919, in a Poland reborn after years of partitions, Poznań University was established and according to the intention of its founders one of the faculties was to be the Faculty of Theology, created by the University Senate and approved by the Apostolic See. However, this faculty was not launched.The author of the article, on the basis of Vatican archives shows the active role of Archbishop Dalbor, who in his abundant correspondence and personal conversations with Nuncio A. Ratti and Cardinal G. Bisleti tried to convince the Apostolic See to the project of the Poznań academic circles. Another important conclusion from the study of the archives is a positive assessment of the role of the Apostolic Nuncio in Warsaw. Finally, the author formulates the hypothesis that the main reason why the Faculty of Theology did not undertake its activity was the decision of the Congregation for Seminaries and Universities (later the Congregation for Catholic Education) which in the initial phase of the project precluded the possibility of seminarists taking up theological studies at the Faculty. It appears that the Apostolic See overlooked the historical moment which created an opportunity for the realization of the aspirations of the Poznań academic  milieu.
Ecclesia. Studia z Dziejów Wielkopolski; 2014, 9; 223-236
Pojawia się w:
Ecclesia. Studia z Dziejów Wielkopolski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Nowe porządki” z socjalizmem w tle. Szkic do powojennych dziejów Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu (1945–1956)
“New order” Communist-style. A contribution to the post-war history of the University Library in Poznań (1945–1956)
Mania, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Poznań University Library
history of research librarianship
twentieth century
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu
historia bibliotekarstwa naukowego
XX wiek
Powojenna historia Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu zapisała się wieloma rozdziałami. Pierwszym był trudny okres usuwania zniszczeń. Drugim – organizowanie i rozwój działalności oddziałów bibliotecznych. Ważnym zadaniem bibliotekarzy było także zabezpieczanie księgozbiorów porzuconych i opuszczonych z terenów Wielkopolski, Ziem Odzyskanych i Śląska. Tymczasem, jeszcze zanim usunięto ślady obecności Universitätsbibliothek zorganizowanej w murach poznańskiej Biblioteki w czasie okupacji, ówczesna sytuacja polityczna narzuciła nowe – sowieckie wzorce. Odtąd powinnością bibliotekarza, oprócz gromadzenia, opracowywania i udostępniania zbiorów, była walka o postawę ideologiczną czytelnika. Wpływowe władze partyjno-państwowe wprowadziły zatem szereg zarządzeń, by czuwać nad całokształtem działalności bibliotekarstwa polskiego. Praktyki te przybierały różne formy, kreśląc kolejne karty bibliotecznych dziejów. Im poświęcony będzie niniejszy artykuł.
The imminent post-war history of the University Library in Poznań was written in a number of chapters. The first chapter covers the time of measuring the war damages and rebuilding the existing infrastructure. The second chapter is marked by organization and development of the library’s departments. One of the major tasks to be performed by the librarians was to accommodate abandoned book collections from the Wielkopolska region, the so-called Recovered Territories and from Silesia. Things as they were, even before the last traits of the German “Universitätsbibliothek”, established during the occupation in Poznań, had been removed, the contemporary political situation dictated and imposed new Soviet-style patterns. It was from then on that the duties of a librarian included, alongside book acquisition, processing and circulation of the collection, an obligation to struggle for ideological stance of the library’s user and reader. Appropriately, the omnipresent and omnipotent Communist party and Communist state authorities introduced a number of regulations that were to secure the “proper” and adequate totality of circumstances in the activity of Polish librarianship. These notorious practices took on different forms thus shaping the successive chapters in the history of libraries in Poland and are described and discussed in the present article.
Biblioteka; 2017, 21(30); 123-153
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Z Wielkopolski na Helikon. Rozważania o życiu i twórczości Bonawentury Czesława Graszyńskiego (1859–1922) w stulecie śmierci polsko-greckiego poety
From Greater Poland to Mount Helicon. Reflections on the life and works of Bonawentura Czesław Graszyński [1859– 1922], Polish-Greek poet, on the centenary of his death
Witczak, Krzysztof Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Bonawentura Graszyński
honorary doctorate
Polish-Greek poetry
University of Poznań
The aim of my paper is to present the life and poetical works of Bonawentura Czesław Graszyński (1859–1922), a Polish classical philologist, who wrote a number of tragedies and lyrical poems in Ancient Greek. He was born in Murowana Goślina (Greater Poland). After graduating from the high school in Leszno (Greater Poland), he studied medicine and classical philology from 1879 to 1887 at the University of Greifswald. In 1908 he received awards from the Academy of Athens, as well as George I of Greece. It can be said that Graszyński conquered Mount Helicon as a symbol of poetical mastery in Polish-Greek literature.
Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae; 2022, 32, 1; 151-165
Pojawia się w:
Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kariera akademicka, kobiety i Uniwersytet Poznański. Konteksty historyczno-teoretyczne
Academic Career, Women and University of Poznan. Historical and Theoretical Contexts
Gromkowska-Melosik, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
academic career
University of Poznan
women’s inequality theory
The history of women`s acces to an academic career is an excellent exemplification of all theories and concepts of gender inequality. It can be said that it was within the Academy that the concepts of „glass ceiling” or „sticky floor” found their very radical realizations. It is also here that gender inqualities overlapped with racial, class and ethnic inqualities. In genear, all authors emphasize – both in relation to the past and the present – „the lack of adequate representation of women in the professoriate” and in the exercise of academic authority. There are many theories trying to explain this imblance. In addition to strongly coservative claims that different career paths result from biological „developmental” differences of both sexes, there are also those that emphasize socio-cultural factos. The purpose of my text is not to analyse the field of academic careers for men and women, nor to reconstruct the theory in this area, but to attempt to present selected historical contexts, mainly in the context of the University of Poznań in a slightly broader analytical context.
Studia Edukacyjne; 2019, 55; 7-26
Pojawia się w:
Studia Edukacyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Profesor Aleksander Birkenmajer jako dyrektor Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu w latach 1939–1947
Prof. Aleksander Birkenmajer as a director of the University Library in Poznań in the years 1939–1947
Głowacka-Helak, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Aleksander Birkenmajer
University Library in Poznań
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu
Artykuł przedstawia profesora Aleksandra Birkenmajera, przedwojennego dyrektora Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu. Okazją do jego przypomnienia jest przypadająca w 2017 roku 50. rocznica śmierci. Kierownictwo Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej rozpoczął w marcu 1939 roku, tuż przed wybuchem II wojny światowej. Podczas okupacji na kilka lat rozstał się ze współpracownikami. Do Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu powrócił w marcu 1945 roku, aby uczestniczyć w niezwykle trudnej odbudowie życia bibliotecznego w latach 1945–1947. Do napisania artykułu zostały wykorzystane materiały archiwalne zachowane w Archiwum Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu.
This article presents the pre-war director of the University Library in Poznań, Prof. Aleksander Birkenmajer, to commemorate this year’s 50th anniversary of Birkenmajer’s death. Prof. Birkenmajer took the reins of the University Library in March 1939, shortly before the outbreak of WW II. During the occupation, Birkenmajer was released of his duties and did not see his co-workers for a number of years. He came back to the Library in March 1945 to re-establish and commence regular duties of the institution between 1945–1947. The present article is based on the archival materials currently kept in the Archives of the University Library in Poznań.
Biblioteka; 2017, 21(30); 87-100
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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