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Authorities and Society vs. Financial Crime in the Gomułka Period in Poland
Jarosz, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
financial crime
meat scandal
penal policy in socialist Poland
Władysław Gomułka
The pivotal motive behind financial crime in the real socialist states was the chronic shortage of goods and services. In the case of Poland under the Gomułka administration (1956-1970), a factor which contributed to the prevalence of practices considered economically criminal was, ironically, the liberalization of the government in the period following Władysław Gomułka’s rise to power. The procedure of issuing new licenses to private and co-operative manufacturing businesses fostered illegal practices, because the new businesses needed supplies of deficit resources. Private trade businesses struggled with similar problems. The authorities tried to prevent financial crime by concentrating on publishing new laws which allowed heavy punishment for those behind the biggest economic scandals. In this field, the penal policy was shaped by the top authorities of the communist party, and their decisions were binding for the institutions of the justice system. Such decisions of the top authorities of the Polish United Workers’ Party (PUWP) were behind the death sentence for Stanisław Wawrzecki, who was charged with fraudulence in meat trade in Warsaw. Poles’ attitude towards financial crime was not clear-cut. One the one hand, in their letters to authorities, many Poles expressed their support for severe punishment for those responsible for the biggest fraud, while others objected towards capital punishment for Wawrzecki. The information we have on the dynamics of confirmed financial crimes does not provide a clear answer whether it was actually related to the severity of the punishments.
Studia Historiae Oeconomicae; 2016, 34; 63-84
Pojawia się w:
Studia Historiae Oeconomicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Terrorist offences under Polish law
Przestępstwa o charakterze terrorystycznym w polskim prawie
Rosicki, Remigiusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
counter terrorism security
terrorist offence
combating terrorism
penal policy
bezpieczeństwo antyterrorystyczne
przestępstwo o charakterze terrorystycznym
zwalczanie terroryzmu
polityka karna
Zakres przedmiotowy problemu badawczego prezentowanego w tekście obejmuje kwestie związane z istotą i sensem definicji legalnej przestępstwa o charakterze terrorystycznym w polskim prawie karnym. Polski ustawodawca zaimplementował definicję przestępstwa o charakterze terrorystycznym w ramach art. 115 § 20 Kodeksu karnego w 2014 roku, co wynikało z konieczności dostosowania polskiego prawa do regulacji Unii Europejskiej. Stosując metaforę uznać należy, że definicja ta stanowi swoisty rodzaj modyfikatora czynu zabronionego i zakresu odpowiedzialności karnej. Struktura definicji legalnej przestępstwa o charakterze terrorystycznym skalda się z dwóch elementów, będących zarazem przesłankami, które wypełnić ma sprawca. Pierwsza przesłanka ma charakter formalny, i dotyczy wysokości sankcji przypisanej głównemu czynowi sprawcy, z kolei druga przesłanka ma charakter motywacyjny, i dotyczy szczególnego rodzaju celu jaki przyświeca w działaniu sprawcy. Niewątpliwie instytucja przestępstwa o charakterze terrorystycznym w polskim prawie karnym pełni funkcje odstraszającą i represyjną w stosunku do sprawców tego typu przestępstw. W celu uszczegółowienia zakresu przedmiotowego podjętej analizy w tekście przedstawiono następujące pytania badawcze: (1) W jakim stopniu definicja legalna przestępstwa o charakterze terrorystycznym jest efektywna w polityce karnej w zakresie przeciwdziałania i zwalczania zjawiska terroryzmu?, (2) W jakim stopniu treść definicji legalnej przestępstwa o charakterze terrorystycznym może naruszać zasadę nullum crimen sine lege certa? Analiza zawarta w tekście ma głównie charakter poglądowy, w ramach, którego wykorzystano ujęcie instytucjonalno-prawne. W ramach tego ujęcia treść definicji legalnej przestępstwa o charakterze terrorystycznym poddano interpretacji tekstualnej, doktrynalnej i funkcjonalnej. W związku z rozbieżnościami wynikającymi z niejednoznaczności terminów użytych w tej definicji stosunkowo duży nacisk położono na interpretację językową.    
The material scope of the research problem in the text encompasses issues concerned with the essence and sense of the legal definition of a terrorist offence in the Polish criminal law. The Polish legislator implemented the definition of a terrorist offence under Art. 115 § 20 of the Criminal Code in 2014, which was caused by the necessity to align the Polish law with the EU regulations. Metaphorically, it needs to be recognized that the definition in a way modifies the prohibited act and the scope of criminal liability. The structure of the legal definition of a terrorist offence comprises two elements, which serve as conditions to be fulfilled by the perpetrator. The first condition is formal and is concerned with the severity of the sanction apportion to the perpetrator’s main act, while the second condition is motivational, and is concerned with a special goal actuating the perpetrator. Undoubtedly, the institution of the terrorist offence in the Polish criminal law serves a dissuasive and repressive purpose in relation to perpetrators of such offences. In order to elaborate the objective scope of the analysis, the following research questions have been presented in the text: (1) To what degree is the legal definition of a terrorist offence effective in the criminal policy with regard to prevention and combating of the phenomenon of terrorism?, (2) To what degree may the content of the legal definition of a terrorist offence infringe the principle of nullum crimen sine lege certa? The presented analysis is chiefly an overview, and has been performed while taking into account an institutional and legal approach. In this approach, textual, doctrinal and functional interpretations have been applied to the content of the legal definition of a terrorist offence. Given the discrepancies arising from the ambiguity of the terms used in the definition, relatively great emphasis has been laid on linguistic interpretation.  
Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne; 2023, 1; 5-25
Pojawia się w:
Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Reform of the criminal law in Poland
Die aktuellen Strafrechtsreformversuche in Polen. Eine Analyse
Byczyk, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
reform of the criminal law
criminal policy
penal populism
application of penalty
The author discusses the main ideas behind the proposed reform of the criminal law in light of the project conveyed to the Polish Sejm on the 15th of May 2014. The proposed changes, being the most significant ones since the recodification of the criminal law in 1997, are based on the correct presumption that the deficiencies in current Polish criminal policy lead to overly repressive criminal law. A detailed analysis of the project, however, shows that it is not free from failures, in terms of both the formulation of legal norms as well as the reforms to institutions of the criminal law with respect to the application of penalties. It also does not take into account the arguments formulated in recent years regarding the reform of the criminal law. This leads to the conclusion thatthe proposed changes, though rightly focused on improving the most fundamental tools of criminal policy, nonetheless have the character of an ad hoc reform, which even hadsome elements of penal populism, influencing in such a negative way the shape of the criminal law in recent years. Yet most of those controversial changes have been abandoned during the parliamentary works on this since 1.07.2015 binding law.
The author discusses the main ideas behind the proposed reform of the criminal law in light of the project conveyed to the Polish Sejm on the 15th of May 2014. The proposed changes, being the most significant ones since the recodification of the criminal law in 1997, are based on the correct presumption that the deficiencies in current Polish criminal policy lead to overly repressive criminal law. A detailed analysis of the project, however, shows that it is not free from failures, in terms of both the formulation of legal norms as well as the reforms to institutions of the criminal law with respect to the application of penalties. It also does not take into account the arguments formulated in recent years regarding the reform of the criminal law. This leads to the conclusion thatthe proposed changes, though rightly focused on improving the most fundamental tools of criminal policy, nonetheless have the character of an ad hoc reform, which even had some elements of penal populism, influencing in such a negative way the shape of the criminal law in recent years. Yet most of those controversial changes have been abandoned during the parliamentary works on this since 1.07.2015 binding law.
Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review; 2015, 5; 243-258
Pojawia się w:
Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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