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Experiences in the integration of children and young people of Polish descent in Germany. Empirical contributions
Kalkowska, Magda
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Polish immigrants
children and youth
The accommodation of children and young people of foreign descent to new life conditions and educational challenges abroad is a process that takes place primarily in the context of social interactions. The aim of the article below is to present selected experiences in terms of integrating schoolchildren of Polish origin in Germany. The author considers the presentation of school space as an integration microcosm of its own to be of particular importance. It is worth noting that the German educational system in the present form often discriminates againsts choolchildren of foreign descent and limits the opportunities for further education. The author’s own empirical verifications served as the research illustration in the text. The verifications, though carried out on a small sample, indicate some timeless trends among young Polish immigrants.
Kultura-Społeczeństwo-Edukacja; 2017, 11, 1; 185-209
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
W splocie z przeszłością. Historiografia w literaturze dla dzieci i młodzieży w XXI wieku w perspektywie nowej humanistyki
Entangled with the past. Historiography in literature for children and youth in the twenty-first century in the perspective of the new humanities
Wądolny-Tatar, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
new humanities
literature for children and youth
Literature for children and youth is reinterpreted under the influence of the new humanities. For example, prose from the 20th century is subjected to postcolonial read-outs (In Desert and Wilderness [W pustyni i w puszczy] by Henryk Sienkiewicz, the novel cycle by Alfred Szklarski), an eco-critical reading of the works of Tove Jansson, Hugh Lofting and the Polish writers Ludwik Jerzy Kern and Dorota Terakowska is proposed. On the other hand, works based on historical issues create a thematically focused series of publications, genealogical and geanological cycles, which are also fictionalized biographies, separate works referring to the lineage of the Polish state and dynastic linagees, post-memory narratives of a so-called “second generation” about the experience of the Second World War, and works on migration issues. The examples of literary historiography for adolescents mentioned and described in the article, captured in several areas of the formal issues, can be read through the prism of many analytical and interpretative practices, overlapping and incompletemethodologies. Retentional direction of reading, with the horizon of the past inscribed in it, does not exclude a protentional-oriented towards the future and environmental change, motivated by postcolonial revisions of old works, important issues of the 21st century (migration, post-memory), and a non-anthropocentric perception of reality. Their analysis should take into account the “poetics of history”, tropology of the narrative and narrative strategies (which Hayden White wrote about). Moreover, entangling the past with the present of the child-reader (and in fact with their future), seems to be a necessary condition for its interiorization, for recognizing it as one’s own, for admitting it. It always has a multitemporal, multigenerational and multicultural character.
Przestrzenie Teorii; 2020, 34; 267-289
Pojawia się w:
Przestrzenie Teorii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tutoring, mentoring i coaching w edukacji osób z trudnościami w uczeniu się
Tutoring, Mentoring and Coaching in the Education of People with Learning Difficulties
Wawrzyniak, Sonia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
learning difficulties
children and youth
The article presents the possibilities it creates using pedagogical innovations such as tutoring, mentoringand coaching supporting the traditional model of education at work with students with school difficulties. Problems withfinding your own path for children and youth, coping skills in a dynamically changing reality,in consumer times with many difficult situations is often undertaken on the basis of school practice and and scientific research. Young people are expected to have knowledge and skills flexible, mobility in various spheres of life because the change is inscribed in the surrounding reality. Important task of modern school and educational institutions is making young people aware of challenges, that stand before them and prepare them to the right life, educational and professional choices in accordance with their capabilities andrequirements of the labor market.
Studia Edukacyjne; 2020, 56; 221-234
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Studia Edukacyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Działalność doktora Henryka Jordana na rzecz dzieci i młodzieży. W poszukiwaniu współczesnych odniesień
Doctor Henryk Jordan’s activity for the benefit of children and adolescents. In search of contemporary references
Rutkowski, Jarosław
Semrau, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
physical education
motor games for children and youth
Doctor Henryk Jordan’s city park
development environment
The activity of Dr. Henryk Jordan played an important role in the development of health education in Galicia, Eastern Europe, in the late 19th and the early 20th centuries. This article revolves around Jordan’s concept of the development of the physical condition of Poles and the physical education system for children and adolescents. Henryk Jordan’s actions have been re-interpreted in the context of building various educational establishments. His efforts, focused on organizing free time for students, were aimed at ensuring their sustainable development. In this respect, the creation of the City Park was Henryk Jordan’s great achievements, serving the physical education of children and adolescents and promotion of mass sport. This organization of public space can be a valuable guideline for architects and educators who create friendly spaces for children and young people. At the same time, the article pinpoints that the target audience and the users are members of local communities whose voices should always be heard and considered. When this happens, they form a relationship with friendly space which takes them into an existential dimension.
Biuletyn Historii Wychowania; 2021, 44; 59-79
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Historii Wychowania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nauczanie religii w polskich szkołach – sukces czy porażka?
Religious Education in Polish schools – a success or a failure?
Jedynak, Witold
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
religious education
children and youth
nauczanie religii
dzieci i młodzież
Religious Education was reintroduced to state Polish schools in September 1990. The par- ticipation is not obligatory and it depends on parents and pupils. Sociological studies show that Religious Education has far more supporters than opponents which, undoubtedly, is the pastoral success of the Catholic Church. Despite the fact that in the last few years the attendance at RE was dropping, the vast majority of pupils still participate in it. Young people assess the quality of RE in a positive way. Some of them think that RE is interesting and they participate in it willingly. Others are of the opinion that RE is no di erent from other subjects. For the Catholic Church Religious Education is an important pastoral task. Therefore, it under- takes activities in order to provide quali ed RE teachers. The drawback of this e ort is, undoubtedly, the fact that the catechization at school is done by laypeople with the simultaneous pullback of priests. Both pupils and parents are of the opinion that such actions not only impair the quality of RE teaching and lead to poor participation but also damage the relation between young people and parishes. In times when the level of religiosity and morality is falling, the Church should intensify its e ort to stop the process of secularization of young generation and strengthen or even rebuild the relation between young people with local Church communities by providing e ective RE teaching.
Religious Education was reintroduced to state Polish schools in September 1990. The par- ticipation is not obligatory and it depends on parents and pupils. Sociological studies show that Religious Education has far more supporters than opponents which, undoubtedly, is the pastoral success of the Catholic Church. Despite the fact that in the last few years the attendance at RE was dropping, the vast majority of pupils still participate in it. Young people assess the quality of RE in a positive way. Some of them think that RE is interesting and they participate in it willingly. Others are of the opinion that RE is no di erent from other subjects. For the Catholic Church Religious Education is an important pastoral task. Therefore, it under- takes activities in order to provide quali ed RE teachers. The drawback of this e ort is, undoubte- dly, the fact that the catechization at school is done by laypeople with the simultaneous pullback of priests. Both pupils and parents are of the opinion that such actions not only impair the quality of RE teaching and lead to poor participation but also damage the relation between young people and parishes. In times when the level of religiosity and morality is falling, the Church should intensify its e ort to stop the process of secularization of young generation and strengthen or even rebuild the relation between young people with local Church communities by providing e ective RE teaching.
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne; 2018, 32; 207-228
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Szkoła uważności i działania. Relacje między światem dziecka a środowiskiem przyrodniczym w czasopismach dziecięcych wydawanych w Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej na przykładzie „Płomyka” i „Płomyczka”
The School of Attention and Action: The Relation Between the World of the Child and the Natural Environment in Children’s Magazines Published in the Second Polish Republic on the Example of Płomyk and Płomyczek
Gromadzka, Beata Maria
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
ethic of care
magazines for children and youth
the Second Polish Republic
the natural environment
environmental education
etyka troski
czasopisma dla dzieci i młodzieży Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej
środowisko przyrodnicze
edukacja ekologiczna
Duże znaczenie dla upowszechniania idei ochrony przyrody w okresie dwudziestolecia międzywojennego miały czasopisma „Naszej Księgarni” – „Płomyk” i „Płomyczek”. Przyroda stanowiła ważny temat utworów literackich, artykułów popularnonaukowych, wierszy, felietonów, porad oraz korespondencji z czytelnikami. Kolejne numery odpowiadały rytmowi roku szkolnego i kalendarza natury. Idea wychowania ekologicznego „Płomyka” i „Płomyczka” była realizowana przez koncepcję współistnienia dzieci, roślin i zwierząt w jednorodnym środowisku. Refleksja nad obecnością świata roślinno-zwierzęcego w przestrzeni miasta i w wiejskim krajobrazie służyła uwrażliwieniu na jego wartości i uczyła uważności w obserwacji nie-ludzkich mieszkańców podwórek, parków, ogrodów, lasów i pól. Widoczna jest dbałość o stworzenie przestrzeni porozumienia i współrozumienia świata natury. Ukazanie koncepcji edukacji ekologicznej jest rekonstrukcją modelu etycznego, w którym dzieci, zwierzęta i rośliny stają się równoprawnymi podmiotami moralnymi, kształtowane są praktyki relacyjne wobec środowiska oraz poczucie sprawstwa w otaczającym świecie.
The magazines published by Nasza Księgarnia, Płomyk and Płomyczek, were of great importance for the dissemination of the idea of environmental protection during the interwar period. Nature was an important topic of literary works, popular science articles, poems, advice columns, and readers’ letters. The subsequent issues corresponded to the rhythm of the school year and nature’s calendar. The idea of ecological education of Płomyka and Płomyczka was implemented through the concept of coexistence of children, plants, animals in a homogeneous environment. Reflecting on the presence of both plant and animal worlds in the city space and in the rural landscape sensitized the readers to the values and taught them to observe non-human inhabitants of courtyards, parks, gardens, forests and fields. There is a noticeable effort to create a space for communication and understanding of the natural world. The presentation of the concept of ecological education is a reconstruction of the ethical model where children, animals and plants become equal moral subjects, and where relational practices towards the environment and a sense of doing in the surrounding world are shaped.
Porównania; 2022, 31, 1; 193-216
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czytelnicy zaangażowani na lekcji języka polskiego
Engaged readers in Polish language lessons
Zasacka, Zofia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
reading engagement
reader’s response in the classroom
Polish didactics
Polish language curriculum
research on children’s and youth reading habits and attitudes
zaangażowanie czytelnicze
szkolny odbiór literatury
dydaktyka polonistyczna
program nauczania języka polskiego
badania czytelnictwa dzieci i młodzieży
Artykuł, wychodząc od wyników badań empirycznych śledzących motywacje czytelnicze uczniów w relacji do osiągnięć edukacyjnych, analizuje właściwości zaangażowania czytelniczego. Rozpatrywane są okoliczności sprzyjające zaangażowaniu czytelniczemu jako postawie niwelującej nierówności edukacyjne. Poddane zostały dyskusji możliwe działania dydaktyczne, które pozwoliłyby na rozwijanie motywacji czytelniczych uczniów. Wśród najistotniejszych przesłanek wskazujących na okoliczności budujące taką postawę jest ciekawość, zainteresowanie czytanym tekstem oraz umiejętność czerpania satysfakcji z recepcji złożonych narracji, także fikcjonalnych. Synergia między lekturami szkolnymi i pozaszkolnymi może stanowić taką szansę. Dyskusja na lekcji języka polskiego to najlepszy sposób uruchomienia społecznego wymiaru motywacji czytelniczych – relacje rówieśnicze mogą zostać wykorzystane do budowania zaangażowania czytelniczego.
Starting from the results of empirical research on students’ reading motivations in relation to educational achievements, this article analyzes the properties of reading engagement. The circumstances conducive to reading engagement are considered as an attitude that eliminates educational inequalities. Possible didactic activities that would allow to develop students’ reading motivations were discussed. Among the most important premises indicating the circumstances building such an attitude is curiosity, interest in the text being read and the ability to derive satisfaction from the reception of complex narratives, including fictional ones. Synergy between school and beyond school duties reading can be such an opportunity. Discussion in a Polish language lesson is the best way to activate the social dimension of reading motivations – peer relationships can be used to build reading engagement.
Polonistyka. Innowacje; 2022, 15; 103-116
Pojawia się w:
Polonistyka. Innowacje
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-7 z 7

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