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Biurokratyczne załatwianie spraw
Bureaucratic Disposal of Matters
Świderski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
letter of dissatisfaction
red tape
administrative proceedings
The article presents the issue of a bureaucratic disposal of matters by public administration authorities. The letter of dissatisfaction was introduced into Polish law as early as 1950. It was an expression of a negative attitude towards red tape. The prohibition of a bureaucratic disposal of matters is a guideline for the entire public sector. Bureaucracy is the negative behavior of officials: learned helplessness, routine, prejudices against applicants, assurance, conformism, and excessive formalism. The legislator’s pejorative assessment does not refer to bureaucracy itself, but to red tape as a dysfunction of bureaucracy. Red tape is the result of organizational culture. The article presents the model of Weberian bureaucracy and a critique of it. The provisions obliging officials to act in an fair, impartial, reasonable and proper manner are discussed, and the example is given of proper, open, efficient and independent European Union administration. The tool that determines bureaucracy is the document. The creation of excessive amounts of documents, as a manifestation of bureaucracy (red tape), is closely related to the development of office techniques. However, the development of information technology and the dissemination of electronic communication channels have changed the face of bureaucracy. The direct contact between an official with an applicant is changing into screen-level bureaucracy, with the claimant’s application being handled by the IT system. The official’s discretionary power has Hus been significantly reduced. The development of e-administration eliminates inappropriate actions of officials. However, a new type of bureaucracy is emerging by IT experts. Art. 227 of the Code of Administrative Proceedings can become a protective measure against theformalism of e-government.
Studia Prawa Publicznego; 2021, 1, 33; 35-53
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawa Publicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polecenie w administracji publicznej. Wybrane problemy
Instructions in public administration. Selected problems
Świderski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
official instruction
public administration
The article presents selected problems concerning instructions in public administration. First, attention is paid to the official instruction. It is issued in service relationships, which differ from employment relationships. By issuing an official direction, the service superior obliges a subordinate employee to perform a specific official activity, including to submit a declaration of knowledge on public issues. An official direction is an individual administrative act.These official instructions are issued when it is necessary to correct the performance of public tasks by a subordinate employee. The obligation to comply with an official instruction is not absolute. The addressee of the instruction may raise objections and even refuse to execute an unlawful official instruction.Instructions issued by a superior authority to a subordinate authority constitute a separate group. Such an instruction is an internal act. It may concern the method of performing tasks or taking specific actions within the scope of operation of a subordinate authority. Instructions issued between public administration authorities are aimed at adapting activities to the directions of public policy and correcting the manner of performing public tasks. There is no appeal against an instruction issued by a superior authority. These are binding.The last category concerns intervention orders. The intervention order does not result from organizational superiority or official subordination. This is a request addressed to the public administration authority to take action to abolish the danger in emergency situations. Intervention orders are issued in particular in matters of protection of life, public health, property, protection of civil rights, maintenance of public policy.
Studia Prawa Publicznego; 2023, 2 (42); 41-75
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawa Publicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ustanowienie świętego patrona miast, gmin, powiatów i województw
Establishing the patron saint of cities, municipalities, districts and provinces
Świderski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
The subject of this article is the procedure for selecting a saint of the Roman Catholic Church patron saint for the city, municipality or wider territory. The establishment of a patron saint is within the competence of the confessional authority, in particular, the bishop and the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sac-raments. The procedure consists of three stages: the election, acknowledgement and affirmation of the patron saint. The church’s current regulations regarding the election of patron saints are contained in two documents of the Holy See. The municipal council, the poviat council and the assembly of the province pass a res-olution on the patron at the stage of his election by the society and the clergy. The above-mentioned authorities do not take part in the next two stages. Entities of territorial self-government only have a supporting vote. They cannot independently establish a patron saint, regardless of the decisions of the ecclesiastical authorities. The position of administrative courts that the resolutions of the constitutive au-thorities of entities of territorial self-government belong to the category of public administration matters is unjustified. The decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments is addressed to a given diocese and not to local self-government authorities. The patron saint is established for a city, mu-nicipality, poviat, or for an area that does not have administrative borders. Entities of territorial self-government must respect the autonomy of the church authorities, and public authorities should be impartial in religious matters. Therefore, entities of territorial self-government do not have the competence to establish a patron saint for the promotion of a municipality, district or self-government of the voivodship. However, they can refer to saint persons at the symbolic level, for example, in the coat of arms or the names of streets and squares. This also applies to schools and hospitals run by local self-government authorities.
Studia Prawa Publicznego; 2022, 1 (37); 29-60
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawa Publicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawna ochrona ukształtowania terenu w procesie jego zagospodarowania – zagadnienia wybrane
Legal protection of landscape in the process of land development. Selected issues
Il paesaggio e la sua tutela nel processo di riassetto. Alcune questioni scelte
Świderski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
superficie terrestre
processo di riassetto
rimodellamenti migliorativi
earth’s surface
land development
land protection
ukształtowanie terenu
powierzchnia ziemi
zagospodarowanie terenu
ochrona gruntów
Ukształtowanie terenu jest elementem powierzchni ziemi. Celem rozważań jest odpowiedź na pytanie, czy i w jakim zakresie ustawodawca poddaje ochronie ukształtowanie terenu w procesie jego zagospodarowania, czy ochrona obejmuje tylko naturalne ukształtowanie terenu, czy także możliwość jego ulepszenia. W konkluzji artykułu stwierdzono, że ukształtowanie terenu wpływa na walory użytkowe i przyrodnicze powierzchni ziemi. Ustawodawca nie zabrania zmian ukształtowania terenu odpowiednich do jego przeznaczenia, z zachowaniem zasad prawidłowej gospodarki. Zamiarem ustawodawcy nie jest bezwarunkowe zachowanie naturalnego ukształtowania terenu. Liczą się także jego walory użytkowe. Dlatego ustawodawca zezwala na przekształcenie form terenowych, jeśli jest to korzystne i podnosi walory użytkowe terenu oraz nie wpływa negatywnie na grunty sąsiednie i środowisko.
Il paesaggio è un elemento della superficie terrestre. L’articolo si propone di rispondere alla domanda se e in quale misura il legislatore riesca a tutelarlo nel processo di riassetto, e se la tutela offerta riguardi solo il profilo naturale del terreno oppure anche la possibilità di sottoporlo a rimodellamenti migliorativi. Nella parte conclusiva, l’autore afferma, tra l’altro, che il paesaggio influisce sui valori utilitaristici e aspetti naturalistici della superficie terrestre. Il legislatore non vieta trasformazioni del paesaggio, se esse sono in linea con la destinazione d’uso e se i principi di corretta gestione vengono garantiti. Non è intenzione del legislatore preservare il paesaggio in modo incondizionato. Contano anche i suoi valori utilitaristici. Pertanto, il legislatore consente trasformazioni territoriali, se esse sono vantaggiose, aumentano i valori utilitaristici del terreno e non hanno un impatto negativo sul terreno limitrofo e sull’ambiente.
Landscape is an element of the earth’s surface. The aim of the considerations is to answer the question if and to what extent the legislator subjects landscape to protection in the process of land development, whether this protection covers only the natural shape of the terrain or whether it also includes the possibility of its improvement. In conclusion, the author states, among other things, that the formation of the land affects the usable and natural values of the earth’s surface. However, changes to the shape of the terrain made appropriately to its intended use are not forbidden, provided that the principles of sound land management are observed. It is not the legislator’s intention to preserve the natural landform unconditionally. What matters is also its foreseen utility and values. Therefore, transformation of landforms may be permitted on condition that it is beneficial, increases the utility of the land and does not adversely affect any of the adjacent land or the environment.
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego; 2021, 2(29); 477-793
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nabywanie działek gruntu wchodzących w skład gospodarstwa rolnego przekazanego państwu na podstawie przepisów emerytalno-rentowych
Purchase of plots of land included in an agricultural holding transferred to the state under the retirement and disability pension regulations
Acquisto di appezzamenti di terreno facenti parte dell’azienda agricola ceduta allo Stato secondo la normativa pensionistica e di invalidità
Świderski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
azienda agricola
acquisto terreni
agricultural holding
retirement pension
land purchase
gospodarstwo rolne
nabycie gruntu
Celem artykułu jest rozstrzygnięcie problemów związanych z dochodzeniem roszczeń o nabycie gruntu pod budynkami, wchodzącymi niegdyś w skład gospodarstwa rolnego. Przyjęte przez ustawodawcę rozwiązania nie harmonizują z regulacjami dotyczącymi nabywania nieruchomości przez inne grupy społeczne. Wadliwym rozwiązaniem jest dochodzenie roszczeń w trybie administracyjnym i brak ograniczeń czasowych do zgłaszania roszczeń. Właściwym rozwiązaniem byłoby przyznanie rolnikom i ich następcom ustawowego pierwszeństwa w nabyciu gruntu z budynkami. Pierwszeństwo takie powinno być realizowane w toku procedury sprzedaży.
L’articolo si propone di discutere le problematiche in materia di rivendicazioni legate all’acquisto di terreni su cui si trovano i fabbricati che un tempo facevano parte di un’azienda agricola, poi ceduta allo Stato in cambio di prestazioni pensionistiche e di invalidità. Le soluzioni adottate dal legislatore non risultano essere in armonia con la normativa in materia di acquisto di immobili da parte di altri gruppi sociali. Ad essere difettosa è la soluzione di perseguire le rivendicazioni in modalità amministrativa, nonché la mancanza di scadenze per la presentazione delle stesse. Una soluzione adeguata sarebbe quella di concedere agli agricoltori e ai loro successori la priorità, stabilita dalla legge, nell'acquisire terreni con i fabbricati. Tale priorità dovrebbe essere esercitata durante la procedura di vendita.
The purpose of this article was to resolve problems related to the claims concerning the purchase of land on which the buildings which were once part of an agricultural holding transferred to the State for pension benefits. The solutions adopted by the legislator do not harmonise with the regulations governing the acquisition of land by other social groups. An administrative claim procedure and the absence of time limits for the filing of claims are a shortcoming. The right solution would be to giving farmers and their successors statutory priority in the acquisition of land with buildings. Such priority should be implemented during the sale procedure.
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego; 2020, 2(27); 227-245
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-5 z 5

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