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The “Cordiality” of the Brazilian People Towards the Migration of Venezuelans in Roraima: A Discussion on Xenofobia
TENÓRIO LIMA, José Rodolfo
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Um dos principais reflexos da chegada de milhares de venezuelanos em Roraima é a emergência das ações xenófobas por parte dos brasileiros que aí residem. Tal contexto tem colocado em che-que, uma vez mais, a ideia de cordialidade do povo brasileiro. Recorrendo às falas de alguns ato-res brasileiros divulgadas em portais de notícias vinculados a Roraima, às publicações dos sujei-tos em perfis específicos do Facebook e ainda utilizando como alicerce metodológico a teoria simmeliana acerca da forma e conteúdo, buscamos extrair os pressupostos que estão envoltos na materialização da xenofobia frente aos venezuelanos. O objetivo foi tentar entender o que está se passando em Roraima, categorizando as ações xenófobas entre o “menos extremo” e o “mais ex-tremo”, e identificando os pressupostos (a priori) que estão balizando a construção da xenofobia enquanto configuração social. Notamos que a xenofobia tem se apresentado como fruto de um conjunto de pressupostos específicos manifestados por alguns brasileiros, que passam a culpabi-lizar os venezuelanos pelo aumento da violência, criminalidade, etc. Percebemos também que a xenofobia materializa-se em dimensões que vão desde a violência simbólica (xingamentos, por exemplo) até ações mais extremas, isto é, a violência física contra os imigrantes (atentados e homicídios).
One of the main reflections on the arrival of thousands of Venezuelans in Roraima is the emergence of xenophobic actions by the Brazilians who live there. This context has once again chal-lenged the idea of Brazilian people’s cordiality. Using speeches by some Brazilian actors publis-hed in news outlets linked to Roraima, posts on specific Facebook profiles on the subject and utilizing Simmelian theory about form and content as a methodological foundation, we seek to ex-pose the assumptions that are involved in the materialization of xenophobia against Venezue-lans. The objective was to try to understand what is happening in Roraima, categorize xenopho-bic actions as "less extreme" and "more extreme", and identify the (a priori) assumptions that are marking the construction of xenophobia as a social configuration. We note that xenophobia has come as a result of a set of specific assumptions manifested by some Brazilians, who are blaming Venezuelans for the increase in violence, crime, etc. We also realize that xenophobia materiali-zes in dimensions that range from symbolic violence (e.g. name-calling) to more extreme ac-tions, that is, physical violence against immigrants (attacks and homicides).
Revista del CESLA. International Latin American Studies Review; 2018, 22; 327-346
Pojawia się w:
Revista del CESLA. International Latin American Studies Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Поміж циганами й ромами: стереотипи й дискримінація в українських інтернет-ЗМІ
Kostowska, Alla
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
hate speech
Romami people
online newspapers
The purpose of this article is to defi ne the features of discrimination against the Romani people in Ukrainian online newspapers on the example of one newsbreak. The necessity of such work was entailed by a frequent use of hate speech and discrimination of the Romani community in Ukraine. Special attention is paid to methods of the media manipulation and their implementation. Some representative feedback under the articles has also been considered. Consideration of the online newspapers in terms of hate speech and ethnic stereotypes functioning can be an eff ective way to formulate linguistic expertise criteria and implementation of language of tolerance.
Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia; 2018, 6; 153-162
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Immigration, Xenophobia and Nation: the Case of Dominican Republic
Inmigración, xenofobia y nación: el caso dominicano
LILÓN, Domingo
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
política migratoria
República Dominicana
migration policy
Dominican Republic
The essay analyzes the Dominican immigration policy during the dictatorship of Rafael Leónidas Trujillo Molina in the Dominican Republic (1930-1961), a policy whose origins are related to the massacre of Haitians in October 1937 and whose purpose was to rebuild his tarnished image before the international public opinion. The European events of the era such as the Spanish Civil War, the persecution of the Jews would contribute to this policy. But despite the “humanitarian” immigration policy of the Dominican dictator and his desire to promote agricultural and industrial development of the Dominican Republic, his policy was pronouncedly racist and xenophobic.
El ensayo analiza la política migratoria dominicana durante la dic-tadura (1930-1961) de Rafael Leónidas Trujillo Molina en la República Dominicana, política cuyos orígenes se relacionan con la masacre de haitianos en octubre de 1937 y cuya finalidad era la de recomponer su mala imagen ante la opinión pública interna-cional. Los acontecimientos europeos de la época, la Guerra Civil española, las perse-cuciones contra los judíos, contribuirían a esta política. A pesar del carácter “humani-tario” de esa política migratoria del dictador dominicano, del deseo de promover el desarrollo agropecuario e industrial de la República Dominicana, la misma revestía un acentuado carácter racista y xenófobo.
Revista del CESLA. International Latin American Studies Review; 2010, 1, 13; 287-300
Pojawia się w:
Revista del CESLA. International Latin American Studies Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Percepción de los estudiantes suramericanos hacia ciudadanos extranjeros: Un estudio vinculante sobre inmigración y educación
Perception of South American students towards foreign citizens: A binding study on immigration and xenophobia
Briceño Núñez, Chess Emmanuel
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
estudiante extranjero
estudiante de secundaria
foreign student
high school student
South America
Este documento contiene una investigación que presenta resultados asociados con las actitudes de los estudiantes suramericanos hacia compañeros extranjeros, presentando datos informativos en relación a xenofobia, inmigración y educación. La población estuvo compuesta por estudiantes activos de educación secundaria de 6 ciudades representativas de países suramericanos (Buenos Aires Argentina, São Paulo Brasil, Santiago de Chile, Bogotá Colombia, Guayaquil Ecuador y Lima Perú) y una muestra de 1440 estudiantes (240 por país) con edades comprendidas entre los 12 y 17 años de edad. Se aplicó de manera asincrónica un instrumento llamado “Test de Percepción Sociocultural” contentivo de 20 ítems presentados en una escala Likert agrupados en ítems de valoración positiva y valoración negativa. Los datos se procesaron con el Paquete Estadístico para las ciencias sociales (SPSS). Los resultados demuestran que en la mayoría de los países suramericanos existen entre la población escolar joven actitudes xenófobas hacia los inmigrantes suramericanos. Los resultados demuestran que en la mayoría de los países suramericanos participantes hay un grado de percepción positiva hacia los inmigrantes por parte de la población escolar joven, sin embargo hay casos puntales en los que se observa un grado de rechazo hacia los extranjeros.
This document contains an investigation that presents results associated with the attitudes of South American students towards foreign colleagues, presenting informative data in relation to xenophobia, immigration and education. The population was structured by active high school students from 6 representative cities of South American countries (Buenos Aires Argentina, São Paulo Brazil, Santiago de Chile, Bogotá Colombia, Guayaquil Ecuador and Lima Peru) and a sample of 1440 students (240 per country) with ages between 12 and 17 years of age. An instrument called "Sociocultural Perception Test" was applied asynchronously, containing 20 items presented on a Likert scale grouped into positive and negative assessment items. The data were processed with the Statistical Package for the social sciences (SPSS). The results show that in most of the participating South American countries, there is a degree of positive acceptance of immigrants by the young school population; however, there are key cases in which a degree of rejection of foreigners is observed.
Revista del CESLA. International Latin American Studies Review; 2021, 28; 311-334
Pojawia się w:
Revista del CESLA. International Latin American Studies Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Measuring the far-right in Europe: comparative analysis of the xenophobic and anti-immigrant sentiment in Germany, Poland and Russia
Ocena skrajnej prawicy w Europie: analiza porównawcza nastrojów ksenofobicznych i anty-imigranckich w Niemczech, Polsce i Rosji
Kinyakin, Andrey A
Kotov, Dmitry A
Stepanov, Sergey A
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
right-wing parties
anti-immigrant sentiments
cross-country analysis
comparative analysis
methodology SML (social media listening)
Rosnące znaczenie skrajnej prawicy jako aktorów politycznych jest jednym z najbardziej zauważalnych trendów politycznych ostatnich dziesięcioleci w Europie. Powoduje to aktywną działalność badawczą, której celem jest analiza charakteru poparcia społecznego sił prawicowych. Jednak badacze zajmujący się zagadnieniami oceny poparcia społecznego skrajnej prawicy w różnych krajach europejskich często borykają się z problemem braku odpowiednich narzędzi badawczych, a także skutecznej metodologii rzetelnej analizy przekrojowej. Wynika to nie tylko z odmiennego „tła politycznego” i „środowiska politycznego”, związanego z tradycjami i kulturą polityczną, ale także z natury poparcia społecznego skrajnej prawicy, mającego nie tylko „jawny”, ale i „ukryty” komponent. Podczas gdy „jawny” jest na powierzchni i dobrze mierzalny (głównie za pomocą konwencjonalnych narzędzi, takich jak sondaże), „ukryty”, obejmujący głębokie nastroje społeczne, jest trudno mierzalny. Tworzy to poważne problemy w ocenie rzeczywistego poparcia publicznego sił skrajnie prawicowych, biorąc pod uwagę fakt, że „ukryty” komponent ma być kluczowy dla osiągnięcia tego celu. Aby rozwiązać powyższy problem, w październiku 2020 r. miedzynarodowa grupa badaczy zainicjowała projekt, którego celem jest opracowanie specyficznej metodologii badawczej dotyczącej połączenia tradycyjnych i „cyfrowych” metod, takich jak analiza porównawcza, wywiady z ekspertami i monitoring mediów społecznościowych (metoda SML) dla właściwej analizy nastrojów ksenofobicznych i anty-imigranckich w trzech społeczeństwach europejskich – w Niemczech, Polsce i Rosji – jako komponentu „ukrytego”. Oczekuje się, że realizacja tego projektu badawczego nie tylko dostarczy wglądu w specyfikę powszechnego poparcia skrajnej prawicy w różnych państwach europejskich poprzez ocenę „ukrytego” komponentu, ale także pomoże ocenić jego rzeczywistą skalę, wyodrębnić czynniki wpływające na poparcie społeczne skrajnej prawicy, kładąc nacisk na toczące się procesy polityczne i społeczne. Co ważniejsze, przygotowany projekt badawczy ma dostarczyć informacji potrzebnych do opracowania wskaźników do ważnej, przekrojowej analizy skrajnie prawicowej polityki w różnych państwach. Pozwoli to przezwyciężyć problemy w niektórych „słabych punktach” badań – począwszy od ogromnych różnic politycznych aż po niewystarczalne odpowiednie dane. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie i poddanie dyskusji wypracowanego podejścia metodologicznego.
The rising significance of the far-right as political actors is one of the most noticeable political trends in Europe within the recent decades. It causes constant research activity aimed at the analysis of the nature of public support of right-wing forces. However, the researchers, dealing with the issues of assessing the public support of the far-right in different European countries frequently have confront the problem of lack of relevant measurement tools, as well as efficient methodology for valid cross-country analysis. This stems not only from different “political background” and “political environment”, connected with political traditions and political practices, but also from the nature of public support of the far-right, having not only “overt”, but also “covert” component. Whereas “overt” component is on the surface and is good measurable (mainly by conventional tools such as polling), the “covert” one, encompassing the in-depth social sentiments, is hardly measurable. This pose real problem for assessing the genuine amount of public support far-right forces taking into account the fact, that “covert” component is to be crucial in achieving that goal. In October 2020 to tackle this problem by the international group of researchers there was initiated the research project, aiming at the development of the specific research methodology on the combination of traditional and “digital” research methods such as comparative analysis, expert interviews and “social media listening” (SML) for analysing the xenophobic and anti-immigrant sentiments in three European societies – in Germany, Poland and Russia - as a “covert” component. The accomplishment of the research project is expected to provide not only the insights into specifics of the public support of the far-right in different European countries by assessing the “covert” component, but also help to assess its genuine (gross) scale as well as to single out the factors influencing the public support of the far-right by putting emphasis on the ongoing political, economic and social processes. The research project is expected to deliver the information for elaboration of the gauges (indicators) for valid cross-country analysis of the far-right politics in different countries allowing to overcome some research “weak points” – ranging from huge differences in political traditions to scarcity of relevant data.
Przegląd Europejski; 2021, 1; 29-42
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Europejski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Eutambemsouimigrante: discursos de uma campanha entre o mito do Brasil hospitaleiro e a realidade de atos xenófobos
Eutambemsouimigrante: Between the Hospitable Brazil Myth and the Xenophobic Reality
Riegel, Viviane
Pássario, Matheus
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
análise crítica do discurso
Ministério da Justiça do Brasil
discourse critical analysis
Ministry of Justice of Brazil.
A imagem do Brasil como um país de braços abertos a todos migrantes contrasta, na prática, com as diversas ocasiões de preconceitos e atos xenófobos sofridos pelos que escolheram o país como seu destino. Diante do crescimento desses atos , o governo brasileiro lançou campanhas relacio-nadas à questão da migração, dentre elas a campanha #Eutambemsouimigrante, que teve como proposta a reconstituição da origem migratória de sujeitos, a partir de diferentes grupos de mi-grantes que chegaram ao país ao longo da história. O objetivo do artigo é refletir sobre o contex-to dos discursos relacionados à formação dessa campanha, os textos que foram produzidos em sua divulgação, assim como algumas das reações que a retiraram de veiculação. Para essa análi-se, desenvolvemos um debate em torno dos movimentos migratórios e o direito à mobilidade, apresentando o cenário mundial em números gerais, o histórico e o contexto contemporâneo des-ses fenômenos no Brasil. Os textos das principais peças da campanha #Eutambemsouimigrante são analisados pela análise crítica do discurso (Fairclough, 2001). Os resultados indicam que a produção da campanha mantém determinados estereótipos positivos e negativos sobre os migran-tes, nacionalmente e internacionalmente reproduzidos, não buscando dar visibilidade aos ele-mentos críticos da questão migratória no Brasil.
The image of Brazil as a country with open arms for all migrants, in practice, contrasts with va-rious occasions of prejudice and xenophobic acts, suffered by those who choose the country as their destination. Faced with an increase in these acts in the country, the Brazilian government has developed communication campaigns to address the issue of migration, amongst them the campaign #Eutambemsouimigrante, which was aimed at showcasing the migratory origin of in-dividuals, from different groups of migrants who arrived in the country throughout history. The objective of the article is to reflect on the context of discourses related to the campaign's crea-tion, the texts that were produced as part of the campaign, as well as some of the reactions that led to the withdrawal of its communication. For this analysis, we develop a discussion about mi-gratory movements and the right to mobility, presenting a global dataset, and the historical and contemporary contexts of these phenomena in Brazil. The main texts of the #Eutambemsouimi-grante campaign are analyzed through the lens of discourse critical analysis (Fairclough, 2001). The results indicate that the production of the campaign maintains certain positive and negative stereotypes concerning migrants, nationally and internationally reproduced, not seeking to give visibility to the critical elements of the migratory issue in Brazil.
Revista del CESLA. International Latin American Studies Review; 2018, 22; 297-326
Pojawia się w:
Revista del CESLA. International Latin American Studies Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-6 z 6

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