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Konflikt młodzi – starzy w łonie drugiej emigracji niepodległościowej (na przykładzie środowiska londyńskiego w latach 1949–1966). Część I
Moczkodan, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
emigration 1939–1989
Polish students in England
transgenerational conflict
“Academic Life”
emigracja 1939–1989
studenci polscy w Anglii
konflikt międzypokoleniowy
„Życie Akademickie”
Transgenerational conflicts, complaints of the representatives of the older generation on the younger one, objections put forward by the latter to the former are phenomena equally common and, one may say, everlasting (even Plato complained about the Athens youth). War emigrants who found their places in the West of Europe right after they finished their active participation in fights, most frequently left their homeland as mature and well-shaped people. They were assumed as the “old” generation. They were accompanied by children and the youth who got their education in the foreign land, started employment, settled families and also took their first steps on the cultural ground. They were assumed as the “young” generation. Taking these names into quotation marks is justified by their large conventionality, their instability and changeability in time. As I will attempt to prove in this text, the line separating the “old” from the “young” did not only refer to their dates of birth and the age line of division did not definitely settle the whole matter. It was so the more that part of the “young” also took active part in fight and after its ending despite the “old’s” expectations did not share their views and convictions. This problem being connected with others such as the relation to the past and history, relations with the homeland, patriotism and relations to Polishness1 is wide and multithread enough that there is no way to present it in its entirety. Thus I am going to focus on its part which seems to me particularly important for understanding socio-mental relations and structures of the second independence emigration. The subject of my reflection will be texts and speeches showing this conflict which appeared in the circle of published in London students’ journals in years 1949-1966 around which the later poets’ group Continents was established. This outline presents the chronological order of the conflict, the evolution of the way of thinking of both sides, the most important points of ignition and most visible differences and divisions revealed in this conflict. Due to richness of materials and problems requiring discussion this text has been divided into two parts. The first part comprises years 1949-1954. At that time the conflict emerged and unusually dynamically it developed leading to a clear difference between emigration generations (as it will be shown in the second part of the outline four stages of the conflict can be distinguished in this period). The second part begins with presenting the events of 1955 when the definite division between the „old” and the „young” happened. It is mainly about the November events in Manchester which can be viewed as the climax of the conflict and which initiated its fall. Discussing it along with the division into two phases (the fifth and sixth) ends with a summary and conclusions concerning the course of the conflict.
Tematy i Konteksty; 2017, 12, 7; 258-282
Pojawia się w:
Tematy i Konteksty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konflikt młodzi – starzy w łonie drugiej emigracji niepodległościowej (na przykładzie środowiska londyńskiego w latach 1949–1966). Część II
Moczkodan, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
emigration 1939–1989
Polish students in England
transgenerational conflict
“Academic Life”
emigracja 1939–1989
studenci polscy w Anglii
konflikt międzypokoleniowy
„Życie Akademickie”
Transgenerational conflicts, complaints of the representatives of the older generation on the younger one, objections put forward by the latter to the former are phenomena equally common and, one may say, everlasting (even Plato complained about the Athens youth). War emigrants who found their places in the West of Europe right after they finished their active participation in fights, most frequently left their homeland as mature and well-shaped people. They were assumed as the „old” generation. They were accompanied by children and the youth who got their education in the foreign land, started employment, settled families and also took their first steps on the cultural ground. They were assumed as the „young” generation. Taking these names into quotation marks is justified by their large conventionality, their instability and changeability in time. As I will attempt to prove in this text, the line separating the „old” from the :young” did not only refer to their dates of birth and the age line of division did not definitely settle the whole matter. It was so the more that part of the „young” also took active part in fight and after its ending despite the “old’s” expectations did not share their views and convictions. This problem being connected with others such as the relation to the past and history, relations with the homeland, patriotism and relations to Polishness1 is wide and multithread enough that there is no way to present it in its entirety. Thus I am going to focus on its part which seems to me particularly important for understanding socio-mental relations and structures of the second independence emigration. The subject of my reflection will be texts and speeches showing this conflict which appeared in the circle of published in London students’ journals in years 1949-1966 around which the later poets’ group Continents was established. This outlinepresents the chronological order of the conflict, the evolution of the way of thinking of both sides, the most important points of ignition and most visible differences and divisions revealed in this conflict. Due to richness of materials and problems requiring discussion this text has been divided into two parts. The first part comprises years 1949-1954. At that time the conflict emerged and unusually dynamically it developed leading to a clear difference between emigration generations (as it will be shown in the second part of the outline four stages of the conflict can be distinguished in this period). The second part begins with presenting the events of 1955 when the definite division between the „old” and the „young” happened. It is mainly about the November events in Manchester which can be viewed as the climax of the conflict and which initiatedits fall. Discussing it along with the division into two phases (the fifth and sixth) endswith a summary and conclusions concerning the course of the conflict.
Tematy i Konteksty; 2018, 13, 8; 304-330
Pojawia się w:
Tematy i Konteksty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czytając Znanieckiego i Carnapa. Studenckie lata Stefana Żółkiewskiego
Reading Znaniecki and Carnap. Stefan Żółkiewski’s student years
Sidorowicz, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Stefan Żółkiewski
Polish Theoretical Literary Studeis
Literary Theory in XX century
Warsaw students' circle for Polish Studies
polskie literaturoznawstwo teoretyczne
literaturoznawstwo w XX wieku
Warszawskie Koło Polonistów
Artykuł jest próbą opisania pierwszych lat działalności naukowej Stefana Żółkiewskiego. Autor zaczyna od analizy obowiązków przyszłego badacza, szukajac jego pierwszych mistrzów. Analizuej również tezy zawarte w pracy magisterkiej Żókiewskiego aby zakończyc na opisie jego aktywności w Warszawskim Kole Polonistów. Autor arykułu próbuje wskazać na genezę cech Żółkiewskiego, które będą też charakterystyczne dla jego poźniejszej postawy: lewicowego światopogladu, zdolności organizacyjne, socjologicznego myślenia o literaturze i troski o stan humanistyki. 
The article is an attempt to describe the first years of Stefan Żółkiewski's scientific activity. The author begins by analyzing the student duties of a future researcher, looking for his first masters. He also considers the theses contained in Żółkiewski's thesis and concludes with a description of his activity in the students’ scientific circle known as “Warszawskie Koło Polonistów”. The author of the article tries to point out the genesis of Żółkiewski's qualities, which characterize his later attitude: a leftist worldview, organizational skills, sociological thinking about literature and concern for the general condition of the humanities.
Tematy i Konteksty; 2022, 17, 12; 349-362
Pojawia się w:
Tematy i Konteksty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Z zagadnień prawno-organizacyjnych opieki zdrowotnej nad uczniami w szkołach podstawowych w Polsce w latach 1945–1961 (w świetle Dzienników Urzędowych Ministerstwa Oświaty)
On the legal and organisational issues of health care for students in primary schools in Poland in the years 1945–1961 (in the light of the Official Journals of the Ministry of Education)
Juśko, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
warunki sanitarne
promocja zdrowia
szkolnictwo podstawowe
Polska Ludowa
opieka higieniczno-lekarska nad uczniami szkół podstawowych
sanitary conditions
health promotion
primary education
Polish People’s Republic
hygienic and medical care for primary school students
Artykuł przedstawia problematykę opieki zdrowotnej uczniów szkół podstawowych w kontekście zagadnień prawnych i organizacyjnych na podstawie Dzienników Urzędowych Ministerstwa Oświaty w latach 1945–1961. Na podstawie zarządzeń, instrukcji, okólników i komunikatów tego ministerstwa przedstawiony został model organizacyjny opieki higieniczno-lekarskiej, jaki ukształtował się na początku lat 50., doprowadzając po powstania szkolnej służby zdrowia. W 1952 r. została ona przejęta przez Ministerstwo Zdrowia. Ponadto pośredni wpływ na kwestię zdrowotności uczniów miało wiele innych czynników, takich jak: stan sanitarny szkół, wdrażanie zasad higieny u uczniów, promocja zdrowia i zmiana świadomości rodziców w sprawach związanych z higieną i zdrowiem. Wszystkie te problemy dostrzegało Ministerstwo Oświaty, odnosząc się do nich w swoich dziennikach urzędowych. Jednocześnie nie zabrakło w nich wymiaru propagandowego charakterystycznego dla polityczno-społecznej rzeczywistości Polskiej Rzeczypospolitej Ludowej. Przykładem tego była między innymi organizacja na terenie szkół ogólnopolskich wiosennych akcji sanitarno-porządkowych.
The article presents the issues of health care for primary school students in the context of legal and organisational issues based on the Official Journals of the Ministry of Education in 1945–1961. On the basis of the ordinances, instructions, circulars and communications of this ministry, the organisational model of hygienic and medical care was presented, which was shaped in the early 1950s, leading to the establishment of the school health service. In 1952, the Ministry of Health took over hygienic and medical care in schools. Moreover, a number of other factors indirectly influenced the issue of students’ health, such as: the sanitary condition of schools, the implementation of hygiene rules for students, health promotion and changing parents’ awareness of hygiene and health matters. All these problems were noticed by the Ministry of Education referring to them in its official journals. At the same time, they did not lack the propaganda dimension, characteristic of the political and social reality of the Polish People’s Republic. An example of this was, among others, the organisation of spring sanitary and cleaning actions in schools.
Kultura – Przemiany – Edukacja; 2021, Tom IX; 30-57
Pojawia się w:
Kultura – Przemiany – Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polacy, Żydzi i antysemityzm w publicystyce Ryszarda Ganszyńca
Chrostek, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Richard Ganszyniec
Jan Kazimierz University (University of John Casimir)
All-Polish Youth
numerus clausus
bench ghetto
Ryszard Ganszyniec
Uniwersytet Jana Kazimierza
Młodzież Wszechpolska
getto ławkowe
Ryszard Ganszyniec, an outstanding classicist, professor at the Jan Kazimierz University in the years 1920-1939 and, on and off, until 1946, as one of a few academic lecturers, openly opposed the growing wave of antisemitism among Polish students in interwar Lviv. His readings inspired by events at universities - the introduction of the so-called numerus clausus principle and of the bench ghetto in the thirties - were published in the form of two extensive brochures: The case of “numerus clausus” and its fundamental meaning. Academic antisemitism as a symptom of social antisemitism (1925) and Bench Ghetto (1937). The author did not only expose the low motives and methods of Polish nationalists. As a discerning humanist, he spoke on the principles of coexistence of two nations, Poles and Jews, in the new conditions of the resurgent Polish State after 123 years of political dependence. Despite the increasing acts of violence against Jewish youth, inspired mainly by the All-Polish Youth (beatings and even murders in the 1930s), and the passive, quiet consent of the majority of professors, Ganszyniec dealt with the phenomenon of numerus claususus on ethical, religious, economic and sociological levels. He reminded zealous Catholic nationalists of the Jewish origin of Christ. He juxtaposed the industriousness and austerity of Jews with the ineptitude of Poles, particularly visible in trade. He warned that attempts to transform the Polish nation into a politically and ethnically uniform formation would never succeed. He proved that privileging Polish students at universities leads them to laziness and strengthens their demanding attitudes. The bench ghetto, introduced by force during lectures, would begin to isolate Jewish shops, services, houses, and create places of retreat for this nation similar to the German concentration camps already existing at that time. Ganszyniec predicted that the Jews would be followed by communists, socialists, peasant activists and the entire opposition, until finally the single party system would take over, for which the Constitution would be only a “piece of paper”. The scholar saw the bench ghetto as a dangerous element in the nazification of society. One of the greatest weaknesses of Polish chauvinists, as he saw it, was the lack of any arguments for the alleged superiority of the “Polish race”. He easily proved the superiority of Jewish merits over those of Poles in building world cultural heritage. The postulates of the Lviv classicist, which made him many enemies, could not influence the situation at Polish universities on the eve of the Second World War, when two totalitarian systems were tightening around the Republic of Poland: Nazi and Stalinist.
Tematy i Konteksty; 2019, 14, 9; 348-371
Pojawia się w:
Tematy i Konteksty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-5 z 5

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