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A Perspective of Moral Theology on the Problem of Tissue Donation and Organ Transplantation
Olejnik, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
The main objective of the present article was to show what is the crux of themoral problem of transplanting human organs and how it should be resolvedfrom the point of view of Christian morality. e issue posed by contemporarymedicine reveals several aspects, therefore it cannot be resolved too hastily. eformulation of the general position on the fairness of transplantation requiredconsideration of several specific issues implied by the general view of the phenomenonunder discussion. Considering the situation of the donor, from whomthe organ to be transplanted to someone else is taken, leads to the conclusionthat retrieving the organ from the body of a deceased person cannot be regardedas impious or immoral.Similarly donation of one’s organ, whose transplantation is not necessaryto maintain someone else’s life, should also be considered as morally correct.In the case of the donation of an organ necessary for maintaining the life of thedonor, one should regard the act as morally condemnable, mainly because of thecooperation of the recipient with doctors, which aims at inflicting death onan innocent person. In certain specific situations, the donation of one healthyorgans (from a pair), which is necessary to maintain the life of another personmay turn out to be an obligation dictated by family love or the love of the fatherland.e greatest number of reservations and difficulties in the field of organtransplantation concern the issue of the recognition of death, especiallyin connection with the successes of resuscitation. One should bear in mindthe ambiguity of death criteria in the ongoing discussions, from tests of deathin a biological sense, through clinical death, ending with the recognition of thedeath of the brain. Despite the existing discrepancies in opinions, it is possibleto declare the death of someone with full responsibility at a time when thereis still the possibility of harvesting an organ from that person and transferringit to someone else. A judgement of this type is not and cannot be issued withabsolute certainty.For the goals set in a given situation, it is completely sufficient and canfully justify undertaking transplantation activities. Conscientious considerationof the discussed case allowed the author of present article to concludethat the possible admission of the possibility of death in a given case cannot beidentified with the deliberate act of taking someone’s life. e final conclusionof this key part of the investigation turned out to favor organ transplantationin the sense that it does not have to involve the accelerating the death of thedonor. Practical difficulties with regard to organ transplantation, connectedin particular with the need to establish specific preferences as to the selection of organ recipients on both a macro and micro ethical scale, are not sufficientarguments which could make us firmly reject their implementation. ey canbe, however, overcome under certain conditions. ey are not, in any case,a decisive argument in favor of rejection of organ transplants in general. Also,possible abuses cannot be regarded as such an argument. It must be admittedthat their occurrence is possible, and may pose a serious threat in this regard.Nevertheless, cases of abuse can accompany and indeed they do accompanyall human activities, even the most noble in moral terms. In the face of thepossibility of abuse, in the discussed area of medical activities, associated witha special kind of risk, it is necessary to appeal to doctors that they should maintaina great sense of responsibility and a noble moral attitude.
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia; 2019; 389-426
Pojawia się w:
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Global Or Universal Morality? The Importance Of Hermeneutics In The Era Of Transformations
Sobkowiak, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia; 2019; 453-469
Pojawia się w:
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Concept of the Person as “Subject” and “Place” of Morality According to Paul Ricoeur
Sobkowiak, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
The concept of the subjectivity of a person presented in this article has shownthat man as a subject appears in constant references and relations in which hisexistence is embedded. On the one hand, it escapes the determinism of nature,on the other hand, it reveals a certain crack between its nature and action. isleads to the conclusion that even if a person is characterised by individuality, itis not a separate existence. It seems justified to return to the question of whatmakes a person, in spite of both external and internal variability; they remain thesame or otherwise what builds and what destroys the subjectivity of the person?e question thus posed reveals the first threat to human subjectivity whichis the fact of the existence of evil. For it is not only something external to manbut also something that makes man both the “place” of the appearance of evil and responsible for evilB8. While staying in Ricoeur’s philosophy characterisedby a dialectical movement one can already see in the language discussing evila threat to certain “deposits of hope” present in his thoughtB<. For the religiouslanguage to which Ricoeur ultimately reduces the problem of evil is the languageof hope and eschatology. Freedom also takes on a new meaning in this context.It is no longer just something that has been enslaved but above all somethingthat is a “desire for the possible.” A possible freedom is the Resurrection. In thisperspective, even evil and suffering can find their ultimate meaning, and thesubjective character of morality does not threaten to fall into subjectivism.Moreover, it is in the name of such subjectivism that morality demands for thesubject this “otherness,” the hope that comes from the Resurrection.
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia; 2019; 427-451
Pojawia się w:
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sin, Penance And Confession From A Protestant Perspective
Nowosad, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Although the reality of evil and moral weakness belongs to the most commonhuman experience, only rational analysis does not allow for the rightful understandingof these aspects of the human condition. Christianity comes to man’said here when it sheds supernatural light on its essence and Divine origin, and atthe same time on weakness and the need of grace. In view of the entire Christiantradition, Protestantism appears as an important and serious tradition, howeverevaluated sometimes as unilateral or extremely pessimistic. "e Reformationalassumptions and multi-century subsequent history of theological thought andsacramental-pastoral practice, particularly in Lutheran, Calvinist and Anglicantradition, demand careful studies and analyses, so that this aspect of humanfate and supernatural destiny should be comprehensively understood.
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia; 2019; 485-507
Pojawia się w:
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O próbach wykorzystania konstruktu alienacji do konceptualizacji procesu demoralizacji
About trials of using term of alienation for conceptualisation of moral corruption process
Biegasiewicz, Monika
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
moral corruption
This article is a trial of understanding the process of moral eorruption of young people in the context of their feeling of social alienation. It is underlined that the term of moral eorruption is a legal term with a pejorative tinge that has no psychological designatum. This article presents a conception of M. Seeman alienation with an emphasis on five categories distinguished by the author: self estrangement, powerlessness, social isolation, meaninglessness and formlessness. On the base of Seemana’s theory, K. Kmiecik-Baran has constructed the Scale of Feeling and Integration which she has enriched Seemans categories with their opposing dimensions: self-estrangement authonomy, powerlessness self reliance, social isolation social integration, meaninglessness sense, normlessness social order. This article gets closer the theoretical foundations of scale and it contains a description of causes and consequences of alienation from the developmental perspective. The destructive ways of managing the alienation described in the article such as drinking alcohol, taking intoxicant, rebellion against the social norms, creating or belonging to groups of destructive nature are behaviours, which according to law, (the Act of juvenile processes) are the evidence of moral corruption. This is the recommendation to use the model of Alienation and Integration to describe and understand the process of moral corruption
Studia Psychologica; 2011, 1, 11; 113-123
Pojawia się w:
Studia Psychologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Theological Implications of the Council’s Liturgical Constitution: Changes in the Concept of the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
Różycki, Ignacy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia; 2019; 511-525
Pojawia się w:
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Main Proposals for the Content of Moral Theology in the Light of the Documents of the Council’s Renewal
Perz, Zygmunt
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
In the analyses to date only the conciliar guidelines concerning the basic issuesof moral theology have been considered. %is does not mean at all that in thedocuments of the Council’s renewal there are no indications on many issuesthat are simply discussed in the detailed part of moral theology. Such a subjectis the issue of religious freedom, which is linked to the treaty on faith. %eCouncil’s postulate is also to discuss the problem of the priesthood of the faithfulin connection with the treatise on the honour of God (de religione). Moralissues of dialogue and ecumenism, including the participation of Catholicsin the religious life of other faiths (communicatio in sacris), are awaiting elaboration.%e Council’s guidelines for the moralistic theologian also refer to theissue of contemporary social life, which has become the subject of the secondpart of the Gaudium et spes Constitution and were developed by Paul VI in theencyclical Populorum progressio.It seems superfluous to give a complete list of conciliar indications in thearea of moral theology which relate to detailed topics of this theological discipline.In the Council’s renewal of theology, it is not a question of seeking newcontent, but of showing the “old” truths and principles in a living relationshipwith the revealed word of God, taking into account the needs of the humanrace of our time.
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia; 2019; 527-539
Pojawia się w:
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Freedom of Conscience as a Subject of Contemporary Controversies
Machinek, Marian
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
freedom of conscience
moral integrity
religious obedience
moral law
conscientious objection
One of the important reasons why the issue of freedom of conscience is one of the most controversial problems of modern times is the ongoing dispute over its definition. In the context of the contemporary emphasis on the moral autonomy of the person, the recent definitions of conscience as the “voice of God” sound at least ambiguous. It is therefore important to point out the various dimensions of conscience. The first and basic one is the individual dimension: conscience is defined as moral self-consciousness in its deepest, personal dimension. It can therefore, following E. Fromm, be described as the “guardian of moral integrity.” However, in addition to this, conscience also points out to “what is common” (J. Ratzinger), to the fundamental values that make social life possible. It is therefore also a carrier of moral truth. Finally, conscience touches upon the relationship with God and this is where its important religious dimension is expressed. It is only when each of these three dimensions of conscience is taken into account that the question of its freedom can be adequately considered. It concerns, above all, the relationship of an individual conscience to an external authority, both in social and ecclesiastical context.
Collectanea Theologica; 2020, 90, 5; 585-606
Pojawia się w:
Collectanea Theologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pewność moralna jako klucz do lektury norm procesowych
La certezza morale come chiave di lettura delle norme processuali
Grocholewski, Zenon
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
pewność moralna
moral certainty
Dopo alcune osservazioni circa l’imperfetta formulazione del can. 1608 § 1 e il suo significato alla luce della storia, nonchè circa il § 4 del modesimo canone in riferimento alle cause matrimoniali, l'A. sottolinea fortemente l’originalità del concetto canonico-processuale della certezza morale (sia in confronto agli ordinamenti statali, sia in confronto con il concetto della certezza morale adoperato dai filosofi, sia infine in confronto con la certezza richiesta seconde i principi della teologia morale) e delinea l’elaborazione storica di questo concetto nonchè la sua conferme da parte di Giovanni Paolo II. In seguito vengono trattati: a) il concetto della certezza morale canonica che esclude la „probabilità”; non invece la „possibilità” del contario, ossia si pone fra la certeza assoluta e la probabilità b) l’oggettività di tale certezza, in quanto essa si deve basare su motivi oggettivi addotti e discussi nel processo; c) l’oggetto della certezza morale canonica, che deve riguardare sia la legge materiale da applicare sia la realtà dei fatti da provare; d) la necessità e suffidenza della certezza morale: l'A. si sofferma soprattutto sull’asserzione di                 Pio XII, seconde cui la prodenza può consigliare al giudice di non accontentarsi dei minimo grado della certezza morale; ma di ricercare un grado maggiore e al riguardo nota una certa relativite del „dubbio prudente” che dipende sia dalla natura dell’oggetto da provare e dalla sua attitudine di essere provato sia dalla gravita della materia; e) la strada per arrivare alla certezza, morale, ossia: la qualità personali del giudice e la sua preparazione, l’impegno nell’osservare la legge processuale, lo sforzo nel valutare le prove secondo la cosdenza, e infine la collaborazione di tutti i partecipanti al processo in ordine al conseguimento, da parte del giudice, della certezza morale; f) due questioni particolari concernenti rispettivamente:                  la certezza morale che risulta da una quantità di prove che prese singolannente non sono in grado di fondarla, e i conflitti tra il formalismo giuridico e il libero apprezzamento delle prove. Nella conclusione viene rilevato il valore del concetto della certezza morale: „È il criterio realistico, in quanto rispetta i limiti dell'intelletto umano, e altresi generosamente rispettoso, ansi esigente, verso la verità. È un criterio che rispecchia prudenza e ragionevolezza”. Inoltre l'A. indica in questo concetto fondamentale del processo canonico anche „una importante ed appropriata chiave di lettura e di interpretazione delle norme processuali: esse devono essere interpretate in modo che realmente servano a rendere si cura la ricerca della verità oggettiva, ossia a conseguire la certezza morale autentica, cioè oggettivamente fondata”.
Ius Matrimoniale; 1998, 9, 3; 9-43
Pojawia się w:
Ius Matrimoniale
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
In defence of the rationality of ethics. "Veritatis Splendor" and a robust conception of moral agency
Cebula, Adam
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
moral agency
moral act
Christian ethics
moral rationality
działanie moralne
akt moralny
etyka chrześcijańska
racjonalność moralna
The central metaethical contention of "Veritatis Splendor" is that an indispensable element of any plausible conception of moral agency must always be a specific notion of a moral act – an act executed by a moral agent. In my paper I focus on the way in which the interpretation of a moral act as a specific enterprise fully identifiable and determined by its clearly outlined aim (the object of an act) informs the concept of moral agency – human faculty of deliberating upon and performing moral acts. In view of the pledge made by the encyclical’s author not to “impose upon the faithful any particular theological system, still less a philosophical one” I try to demonstrate that the dependence (or perhaps interdependence) in question is of the most basic nature and can thus be construed as a key condition for a genuinely rational character of any ethical theory.
Studia Philosophiae Christianae; 2015, 51, 2; 115-126
Pojawia się w:
Studia Philosophiae Christianae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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