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Joi jako źródło niepokoju we wspólnotach emocjonalnych trubadurów i trobairitz
Joi as the Origin of Disquiet in Troubadours’ and Trobairitz’ Emotional Communities
Joi aux origines de l’intranquillité dans les communautés émotionnelles des troubadours et trobairitz
Sawczuk-Szadkowski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
communautés émotionnelles
amour courtois
littérature médiévale
littérature occitane
emotional communities
courtly love
medieval literature
Occitan literature
Cet article vise à analyser l’amour courtois des troubadours en mettant l’accent sur la relation entre le joi et la peur ou l’intranquillité. Sur la base des concepts précédents, le modèle de la fin’amor en tant que communauté émotionnelle avec ses caractéristiques de base est présenté. Sur l’exemple de textes choisis de la littérature courtoise, une « carte des émotions » du monde des troubadours, dans laquelle le joi joue un rôle central, est construite. Joi est défini comme « la joie agissante » ou « un état d’harmonie, d’extase et de perfection intérieure ». L’étymologie de ce concept est considérée comme une combinaison des mots gaudium (joie) et joculum (jeu). L’analyse indique que la poursuite du joi est à la fois la raison de la construction de la communauté émotionnelle de la fin’amor et l’objectif des acteurs impliquées. L’obtention du joi repose sur un système élaboré de jeux littéraires. Dans la communauté émotionnelle, le joi déclenche d’autres émotions, notamment la peur et l’intranquillité. En ce sens, le joi n’est pas un état d’harmonie intérieure mais une entité ambivalente, qui affecte aussi bien le bien-être des acteurs de la fin’amor que son absence.
This paper aims to analyse the courtly love of the troubadours with a particular focus on the relationship between joi and fear or disquiet. With the background of previous concepts, the model of fin’amor as an emotional community with its basic characteristics is presented. On the example of selected texts from the courtly literature, a “map of emotions” of the troubadour world, in which joi plays a central role, is constructed. Joi is defined as “joy acting” or “a state of harmony, ecstasy and inner perfection”. As the etymology of this concept, it is taken as a combination of the words gaudium (joy) and joculum (play). The analysis indicates that the pursuit of joi is both the reason for building the emotional community of fin’amor and the goal of its actors involved. The achievement of joi is based on an elaborate system of literary games. In the emotional community, joi triggers other emotions, including fear and disquiet. Thus, joi is not a state of inner harmony but an ambivalent entity, affecting both the well-being of the individual fin’amor actors and the lack thereof.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica; 2022, 17, 2; 23-35
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wilhelm Marshal – „najlepszy rycerz jaki kiedykolwiek żył”
Niewiński, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Wilhelm Marshal
etos rycerski
turnieje rycerskie
literatura średniowieczna
William Marshal
Middle Ages
chivarlic ethos
knights’ tournaments
Medieval literature
Artykuł ukazuje idealnego rycerza swoich czasów Wilhelma Marshala (druga połowa XII – początek XIII stulecia), traktującego własne życie jako powołanie i służbę, na pierwszym miejscu stawiającego honor, dzielność i odwagę. Wszystkie czyny rycerza podporządkowane są nadrzędnej zasadzie honorowego postępowania. Największą chwałę przynoszą mu czyny zbrojne, zwycięstwa turniejowe, bohaterstwo na polu walki oraz lojalność. Z biegiem czasu Wilhelm Marshal dał się poznać jako wytrawny dyplomata, administrator, ale również strateg i dowódca.
The article shows the ideal of a knight at the times of William Marshal (the 2nd half of the 12th century – the beginning of the 13th century) treating one’s life as a calling and service and putting honour, bravery and courage at the first place. All the deeds of a knight are subordinate to the overriding principle of honourable behaviour. The greatest glory comes from the military deed, tournament victories, heroism at the battlefield and loyalty. With the course of time, William Marshal became known as an expert diplomat, administrator but also an able strategist and commander.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica; 2019, 104; 21-45
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Diabeł straszniejszy niż go malują. Lęk przed diabłem w XIII-wiecznym zbiorze Vie des peres
Fear of Devil in 13th Century’s Collection of Vie des peres
La peur du diable dans Vie des peres (XIIIe siècle)
Gorecka-Kalita, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
littérature médiévale
contes pieux
Vie des peres
medieval literature
pious tales
L’article analyse la vision du diable dans les contes choisis de la Vie des peres, recueil de contes pieux du XIIIe siècle, librement inspiré de la littérature patristique et des exempla médiévaux. La période de la rédaction du recueil, le treizième siècle, marque la transition entre le haut et le bas Moyen Âge : c’est une époque où la perception du diable évolue et où celui-ci devient de plus en plus redouté. L’analyse se focalise surtout sur quatre récits dans lesquels le diable est au centre de l’histoire, et où son image même est source de peur et élément clé du récit : « Gueule du diable », « Vision de diables » et deux versions d’« Image du diable ». La vision du diable dans ces histoires coïncide avec la vision tératologique qui domine dans l’iconographie, à laquelle les histoires citées font d’ailleurs directement allusion. Le message de ces histoires est généralement positif : les protagonistes parviennent presque toujours à surmonter leurs peurs et à se libérer du pouvoir du diable. Les auteurs évitent ainsi le piège du manichéisme : le diable, malgré sa ruse et sa sophistication, n’est finalement qu’une caricature d’ange, incapable de s’opposer efficacement à Dieu. La peur du diable apparaît à plusieurs reprises sur les pages de la Vie des peres, mais c’est le message d’espoir qui domine.
The article analyses the vision of the devil in the selected tales of the Vie des peres, a collection of pious tales from the thirteenth century, freely inspired by patristic literature and medieval exempla. The period in which the collection was written, the thirteenth century, bridges the gap between the early and late Middle Ages: it is a time when the perception of the devil is changing, and he is becoming increasingly feared. The analysis focuses mainly on four stories in which the devil is at the centre of the story, and in which his very image is a source of fear and a key element of the story: ‘Devil’s Mouth’, ‘Devils Vision’ and two versions of ‘Devil’s Image’. The vision of the devil in these stories coincides with the teratological vision that is dominant in the iconography, to which the stories directly allude. The message of these stories is generally positive: the protagonists almost always manage to overcome their fears and free themselves from the power of the devil. In this way, the authors avoid the trap of Manichaeism: the devil, despite his cunning and sophistication, is in the end only a caricature of an angel, unable to oppose God effectively. The fear of the devil appears several times on the pages of Vie des peres, but it is the message of hope that dominates.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica; 2022, 17, 2; 63-77
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Сведения о дуалистических ересях и языческих верованиях в "Шестодневе" Иоанна Экзарха
Information on dualist heresies and pagan beliefs in John Exarch’s "Hexameron" ("Šestodnev")
Минчев, Георги
Сковронек, Малгожата
Петров, Иван Н.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Medieval dualist heresies
Old Slavonic Literature
Bulgarian medieval heretics
The article aims to present and analyze those passages of the Hexameron (Šestodnev) in which ‘heretics’, ‘Manichaeans’, ‘pagans’ or ‘pagan Slavs’ are mentioned. The fragments are compared with their Greek counterparts (as long as these exist); the Old Bulgarian texts (especially those that can be considered original additions or loose compilations) are utilized for interpreting certain elements of heterodox doctrines common to Manichaeism, Paulicianism, Massalianism and Bogomilism. The Old Bulgarian translation/compilation by John Exarch supplies important information on the cosmology, theological doctrine and liturgical life of the Neo-Manichaeans within the Byzantine- Slavic world. The original additions and passages that can be seen as loose translations or compilations testify to the relevance of anti-dualist polemics even in the later periods of the Byzantine-Slavic religious community. The old Gnostic and Manichaean concepts, adapted by later dualist heresies (as e.g. Massalianism and Paulicianism), coupled with Trinitarian and Christological deviations from the official dogma, infiltrate the 1st Bulgarian Empire and provide a hospitable environment for the appearance of Bogomilism. In this sense, the Old Bulgarian Hexameron turns out to be an important source of information on the predecessors of the ‘Bulgarian heresy’. The original additions and loose translations/compilations of certain passages uncover some ‘common areas’ characteristic of all medieval Neo-Manichaean doctrines: the dualist creation myth, the belief in Satan as God’s ‘first-born son’ and the related Trinitarian and Christological departures from the prescribed dogma. Especially noteworthy is the passage referring to the Trisagion (Trisvetoe). The rejection of particular elements of the Liturgy of the Faithful attests to the dualists’ more diversified attitude towards the official ritual – not an indiscriminate renunciation, but the exclusion of those elements that were considered to praise the Old Testament God and to be irreconcilable with the Neo-Manichaean beliefs concerning creation and forgiveness. The mentioning of a Slavic pagan sun cult should be analyzed not only in connection with the charges against Manichaeans and Slavs concerning idolatry, but also in a wider context of the refutation of antique astrological beliefs and soothsaying practices. The comparison of particular lexemes, phrases and larger textual units in John Exarch’s Hexameron on the one hand and the Sermon Against the Heretics on the other makes it possible to conjecture that Cosmas the Priest was familiar with his predecessor’s work and made use of it when composing his own anti-heretic text.
Studia Ceranea; 2014, 4; 95-123
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ceranea
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rycerskie ideały codziennego życia według "Księgi o rycerstwie" Godfryda de Charny
The knightly ideals of everyday life according to The Book of Chivalry of Geoffroi de Charny
Niewiński, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Godfryd de Charny
etos rycerski
twórczość i literatura średniowieczna
XIV wiek
Geoffroi de Charny
Middle Ages
chivalric ethos
medieval creativity and literature
14th centuries
„The Book of Chivalry” written by Geoffroi de Charny, who was considered the quintessential knight of his age, gives a valuable insight into chivalric culture of knighthood. Unlike many medieval writers on chivalry, de Charny actively participated in tournaments and fought with distinction in numerous engagements during the Hundred Years War, including the battle of Poitiers (1356) where he was killed defending the Oriflamme. His „Book”, primarily intended as a manual for the members of the royal Order of the Star, was implicated in the broader reform programme of King John the Good. De Charny describes the knightly way of life and its requisite virtues as opposed to numerous shortcomings of real life men-at-arms, the chief knightly quality being the „prowess”. Knight is also a men of honour, worth and notable piety who undergoes perilous journeys constantly seeking the opportunity to fight and undertakes incessant hardships in order to bring glory to his name and to secure salvation.
"Księga o rycerstwie", napisana przez Godfryda de Charny, uważana za syntetyczny opis sztuki rycerskiej w XIV w., daje cenny wgląd w kulturę rycerskości. Podobnie jak wielu średniowiecznych pisarzy podejmujących temat rycerstwa, de Charny aktywnie uczestniczył w turniejach, walczył z powodzeniem w licznych kampaniach podczas wojny stuletniej, a także w bitwie pod Poitiers (1356), gdzie zginął w obronie Oriflamme. Jego "Księga", pierwotnie przeznaczona jako podręcznik dla członków Królewskiego Zakonu Gwiazdy, została włączona do szerszego programu reform króla Jana Dobrego. De Charny opisuje rycerski styl życia i niezbędne rycerskie cnoty, przeciwstawiające się licznym wyzwaniom prawdziwego życia zbrojnego. Główną rycerską cechą jest męstwo, rycerz jest również człowiekiem honoru, pełnym pobożności, który poddaje się nieustannym podróżom, szukając okazji do walki i podejmując trudy, wysiłek, by przynieść chwałę swojemu imieniu i zapewnić sobie zbawienie.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica; 2018, 101; 11-28
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Parables of Un-freedom: Novels about the Spanish Inquisition in post-1956 People’s Poland
Bates, John
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
the Thaw
independent publishing
historical novel
Polish literature
The article examines three post-1956 novels ostensibly about the Spanish Inquisition’s activities in Spain at the end of the fifteenth century: Jerzy Andrzejewski’s Ciemności kryją ziemię (The Inquisitors, 1957), Julian Stryjkowski’s Przybysz z Narbony (1978), and Jozef Cepik’s Torquemada (1986). These works are placed in a number of broader contexts: the uses of the historical novel in Poland; post-war Polish censorship discourse about the use of historical analogy to address current social and political problems, a practice which the political authorities sought to restrict; the contemporary critical reception where reviews of each novel are seen as articulating the novels’ fundamental concerns albeit subject to the same censorship restrictions; and ultimately the longestablished tradition of Aesopian writing within Polish literature. The analysis demonstrates the expansion of the space for critical public expression particularly in the Thaw years of 1956-57, and its contraction over time up to the mid-1970s. The rise of an independent publishing network at that point paradoxically both facilitates a more open discussion of the potential meanings of literary texts but equally has to observe censorship proprieties to avoid exposing officially published authors to political sanctions. With the growth of underground publishing, the Spanish Inquisition theme gradually declines in relevance, reflected by the critical marginalisation of Cepik’s novel. Ultimately, the article positions the trend within Macherey’s theory of significant silences within literary works, which permits a refinement of the historically contingent screen and marker that have typically defined Aesopian works. The article presents, with their English translations, hitherto unpublished documents from the Polish Party and Censorship archives, including examples of work confiscated by the censors.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica; 2017, 45, 7
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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