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Zrównoważone użytkowanie różnorodności biologicznej współczesną formą ochrony przyrody
Grzywacz, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
rozwoj zrownowazony
roznorodnosc biologiczna
ochrona przyrody
biological diversity
polish forests
large−scale nature conservation
The author refers to the contemporary understanding of the terms: biological diversity, sustainable development, nature conservation. The most recent information about biological diversity of Polish forests was presented on the landscape, habitat, species and gene level. Differences were shown between sustainable use of biological diversity treated as the contemporary form of nature conservation and traditional conservation and biocoenotic methods. The author pointed out to difficulties in and lack of acceptance of the large−scale form of nature conservation in forests by some circles of professional nature conservationists.
Sylwan; 2005, 149, 05; 10-22
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Biblioteka Nauki
Finansowe aspekty ochrony rezerwatów przyrody w Lasach Państwowych
The financial aspects of protection of nature reserves in the State Forests
Referowska-Chodak, E.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
podatek gruntowy
rezerwaty przyrody
Panstwowe Gospodarstwo Lesne Lasy Panstwowe
ochrona przyrody
nature reserves
state forests
nature conservation costs
expenditures and revenues from nature reserves
The paper presents the 2001 questionnaire survey data concerning the financial aspects of protection of nature reserves located in the territory administered by the „State Forests” National Forest Holding. As shown in the specification of direct costs (i.a. treatment execution costs) and indirect costs (i.a. part of SF staff remunerations for their participation in decision−making, conservation and execution of protective tasks in reserve area) the financial contribution incurred by the State Forests for the maintenance and conducting of this form of nature protection proved to be substantial.
Sylwan; 2006, 150, 06; 65-72
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Biblioteka Nauki
Próba oceny zasadności stosowania ochrony biernej w rezerwatach utworzonych z drzewostanów zagospodarowanych na przykładzie rezerwatu "Sosny Taborskie"
An attempt to assess the usefulness of passive protection in reserves established in managed stands on the example of the "Sosna Taborska" Reserve
Dziekoński, H.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
przepisy prawne
rezerwaty przyrody
rezerwat Sosny Taborskie
odnowienia naturalne
urzadzanie lasu
ochrona przyrody
sukcesja naturalna
nature reserves
nature conservation
natural succession
legal regulations
The paper focuses on the issue of protection of nature reserves established from managed stands where−in the neglect of appropriate silvicultural and protective measures have led to unfavourable changes in forest ecosystems.
Sylwan; 2004, 148, 05; 60-68
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Biblioteka Nauki
Zamieranie limby w Tatrach – ocena skali zjawiska i roli owadów kambiofagicznych
Swiss stone pine dieback in the Tatra Mts. – assessment of intensity and impact of cambiophagous insects
Grodzki, W.
Zięba, A.
Zwijacz-Kozica, T.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
drzewa lesne
sosna limba
Pinus cembra
zamieranie drzew
szkodniki roslin
pinus cembra
high−mountain forests
nature conservation
The strictly protected Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra) is one of the most valuable elements of Polish dendroflora, naturally distributed only in the Tatra Mts. (S Poland/N Slovakia). In 2008−2009 intense P. cembra dieback was recorded in Slovak part of the mountains, especially in the localities adjacent to the Norway spruce stands affected by bark beetle Ips typographus outbreak. The mortality of individual P. cembra trees was observed in 2012 also in the Polish part, next to the area of the bark beetle outbreak on spruce. In the winter 2017/2018 the survey was carried out in order to assess the intensity of P. cembra dieback and the impact of the bark and wood boring insects on this process. In Suchej Wody Valley, where all P. cembra trees were precisely mapped in 2004−2008, health status of all previously living trees were checked again. In the summer 2018 bark samples from 50 dying or dead standing trees attacked by those insects and distributed over the whole Tatra National Park area were collected in order to define their species composition based on the gallery systems and (if possible) beetles or their fragments. Only 4 out of 439 checked trees (<1%) were recorded as dead. The bark samples were collected mostly from dead trees (88%), and in some cases from dying ones. The presence of insects belonging to 10 taxa (Curculionidae, Scolytinae – 6, Molytinae – 1; Cerambycidae – 2) was detected. Most of them is known as infesting Norway spruce. The most frequently (on the entire tree level) occurring were Cerambycids Tetropium sp. (56%) and Rhagium sp. (36%), as well as I. typographus (52%), contrarily to the species known as living on or preferring P. cembra (I. amitinus, Pissodes pini, Polygraphus sp.). The dieback of Swiss stone pine seems to be a slow process, in which the bark and wood boring insects (I. typographus, I. amitinus, Tetropium sp., Pityogenes chalcographus, Polygraphus sp.) are involved, but rather as secondary factor affecting weakened trees. However, the possible impact of the bark beetle outbreak in neighbouring spruce stands, expressed by high I. typographus frequency, should be also taken in consideration.
Sylwan; 2019, 163, 10; 795-801
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Biblioteka Nauki
Dynamika roślinności rezerwatów Doliska i Zimna Woda (Nadleśnictwo Rogów) na przestrzeni 50 lat
Vegetation dynamics in Doliska and Zimna Woda nature reserves (Rogow Forest District) over 50 years
Ratajczyk, N.
Wolańska-Kamińska, A.
Zając, I.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Nadlesnictwo Rogow
rezerwaty przyrody
rezerwat Doliska
rezerwat Zimna Woda
dynamika roslinnosci
zbiorowiska roslinne
oak−lime−hornbeam forest
nature conservation
invasive species
The paper presents the changes in vascular plants vegetation of Doliska and Zimna Woda nature reserves (central Poland). In 1960s Pino−Quercetum forest was noted at both reserves. Nowadays, it evolved into an oak−lime−hornbeam forest Tilio−Carpinetum betuli. The gradual replacement of Scots pine and other coniferous species into broad−leaved species is observed. Additionally, flora synanthropization and encroachment of invasive alien species (e.g. Impatiens parviflora) into the reserves was found.
Sylwan; 2014, 158, 06; 473-480
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Biblioteka Nauki
Zmiany w runie żyznej buczyny niżowej Galio odorati-Fagetum w rezerwacie Wronie w latach 1967-2005
Changes in herb layer vegetation in Pomeranian fertile beech forest Galio odorati-Fagetum in Wronie nature reserve in 1967-2005
Puchałka, R.
Cyzman, W.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
rezerwaty przyrody
rezerwat Wronie
drzewostany bukowe
zbiorowiska roslinne
zyzna buczyna nizowa
zespol Galio odorati-Fagetum
runo lesne
roznorodnosc gatunkowa
nature conservation
beech forest
ellenberg's values
northern poland
The Wronie nature reserve was established in 1978 for conservation of Pomeranian fertile beech forest Galio odorati−Fagetum (=Melico−Fagetum) outside of the natural range of European beech Fagus sylvatica. Reserve is located in Golub−Dobrzyń Forest District (53°18'39.52"N; 18°54'3.89"E; N Poland). The aim of our study was to determine the influence of passive protection for beech forest herb layer biodiversity. For our research, we used four series of phytosociological relevés made in 1967, 1984, 1995 and 2005. To investigate changes in habitat conditions we used Ellenberg indicator values. Differences between years were analysed with ANOVA and Tukey test. In subsequent years, the frequency and cover of non−forest species, mainly from Epilobietea, Artemisietea, Trifolio−Geranietea and Molinio−Arrhenatheretea classes increased. This is caused by the increase in light availability, as result of disturbances in the tree stands (windthrow, oak decline, insect gradation). Light is the only Ellenberg coefficient that has significantly changed during 38 years (fig., tab. 2). Increase of light availability had no effect on biodiversity of forest herb species from Querco−Fagetea class. In comparison, with other studies in similar forest communities, our results suggests that passive protection might give different effects on biodiversity in similar forest communities, depending on tree stand dynamics.
Sylwan; 2015, 159, 06; 443-451
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Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ postępowania ochronnego na występowanie kornika drukarza Ips typographus (L.) w Dolinie Kościeliskiej w Tatrzańskim Parku Narodowym
Effect of forest protection strategy on the occurrence of the spruce bark beetle Ips typographus (L.) in the Koscieliska Valley in the Tatra National Park
Grodzki, W.
Gąsienica Fronek, W.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Tatrzanski Park Narodowy
Dolina Koscieliska
obszary ochrony scislej
drzewostany swierkowe
drzewostany uszkodzone
szkodniki roslin
kornik drukarz
Ips typographus
bark beetles
norway spruce
wind damage
nature conservation
In the end of 2013 the Norway spruce stands in the Kościelska Valley in the Tatra National Park (S Poland) were severely damaged by the wind. In the next year about 22,000 m3 of timber from broken and fallen trees was processed and removed from the active protection zone, whilst in the strict protection zone those trees were left. In 2014, when the presented survey started, the infestation of lying and surrounding standing trees was very low, but starting from 2015 an intensive bark beetle Ips typographus outbreak affected the survived stands. No−intervention strategy was implemented by the national park in both zones, regardless their formal status at that time as well. In 2015 a set of 10 observation plots (200 trees in total) was established in both active and passive (strict) protection zones (5 plots in each zone). In 2017 a new set of 12 plots (240 trees in total) was installed (6 plots in each zone). On each plot the breast height diameter of all trees was measured and the relative mortality of trees (share of attacked spruces) was recorded each year. The infestation density and sex ratio were defined on the 25×25 cm bark samples taken from 138 trees in 2 trunk sections located 1.5−2.0 above the ground and in the midway between tree and crown bases. The bark beetle attack on living spruces in 2015 differed between the active and strict protection zones. The relative tree mortality was lower in active than in passive protection zone (20 and 39% respectively), but later it gradually came to be similar in both parts of the area (73.3 and 77.5%, respectively in 2017). In the initial outbreak phase, thinner (weaker) trees were attacked, and in the following years – stronger ones, although in the active protection zone the opposite pattern occurred initially. The attack density decreased in subsequent years, being higher in active protection zone, with gradually decreasing difference between zones. Thicker trees were attacked with lower intensity. The share of females, higher in active protection zone (68.2 vs. 63.9%), gradually decreased to (57.9 vs. 51.2%). The initial decrease of bark beetle attack intensity in the active protection zone gradually disappeared after the no−intervention strategy was applied. The resulting extended bark beetle infestation and its increasing intensity in both parts of the area, demonstrate the appropriateness and effectiveness of active protection measures applied in 2014.
Sylwan; 2018, 162, 08; 628-637
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Biblioteka Nauki
Odnowienie naturalne drzew w Puszczy Białowieskiej
Natural regeneration of trees in the Bialowieza Forest
Brzeziecki, B.
Andrzejczyk, T.
Żybura, H.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Puszcza Bialowieska
odnowienia naturalne
drzewa lesne
topola osika
Populus tremula
brzoza brodawkowata
Betula pendula
brzoza omszona
Betula pubescens
olsza czarna
Alnus glutinosa
sosna zwyczajna
Pinus sylvestris
dab szypulkowy
Quercus robur
jesion wyniosly
Fraxinus excelsior
klon pospolity
Acer platanoides
wiaz gorski
Ulmus glabra
swierk pospolity
Picea abies
lipa drobnolistna
Tilia cordata
grab pospolity
proces dorastania
ekosystemy lesne
dynamika lasu
active approach
deer browsing
long−term study
multifunctional forest management
natural recruitment
nature conservation
silvicultural treatment
strict protection
tree competition
tree diversity
Since several years already, a massive infestation of bark beetle has taken place in the Białowieża Forest, decimating a local Norway spruce population. In consequence, many open areas appeared, practically deprived of trees and other forest vegetation. The existence of such areas has a very negative impact on multiple values of the Białowieża Forest: natural, social, economical and landscape−aesthetic values. The local forest administration prepared a strategy aimed at active restoration of diverse woodland communities typical for the Białowieża Forest in all places, where bark beetle infestation wiped up the spruce stands. Those plans were criticized by representatives of the environmental organizations who blamed the foresters for transforming the Białowieża Forest into ‘plantation’ and claiming that such measures are inconsistent with the existing forest management and protection plan. The postulate of environmentalists is that the recovery of woodland communities should proceed completely naturally. Taking into account the above mentioned controversies, in this paper we examine the issue of natural regeneration in the Białowieża Forest in detail. In particular, we try to determine to which extent this method of forest reproduction enables re−establishment of compositionally diverse woodland communities, distinguished by a high level of biological diversity and able to provide a wide range of commodities and benefits important for today’s society. Based on an extensive literature review we show that a combination of different (abiotic and biotic) factors, influencing establishment and subsequent growth of seedlings and saplings in the Białowieża Forest has long been strongly unfavorable for many tree species. In this regard, one should particularly emphasize the negative role of large herbivores, especially red deer, which is present in the Białowieża Forest since the end of 19th century, when it became a private hunting ground for Russian tzars. The devastating effect of deer browsing on natural regeneration is a well−documented phenomenon and widely recognized problem in the forestry practice. The fencing of young forest generation against game pressure is an indispensable measure, needed to secure the continuous existence of several tree species (first of all those palatable and vulnerable to browsing). Very strong arguments for an active approach to the described problem delivers also a long−term study on natural forest dynamics conducted since 1936. It shows that under conditions of strict protection the regeneration capacity of the Białowieża tree species is very variable. These differences lead to the compositional simplification and impoverishment of many tree stands, with numerous negative consequences for local biodiversity. We underline that an active management strategy is a basic prerequisite for maintaining a diverse character of the Białowieża stands and their ability to provide all important ecosystem services on a sustainable basis. Such a strategy should include, beside of the phase of establishment, also the subsequent developmental stages of new forest generations. The general goal of such a strategy should be to secure a possibly high diversity of tree composition and to enable the development of tree species representing a full range of life−history strategies and playing different successional roles: from typical pioneer species, through intermediate, to climax species.
Sylwan; 2018, 162, 11; 883-896
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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