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Turystyka i rekreacja w lasach na obszarach Natura 2000 – aspekty prawne, finansowe i ideowe
Tourism and recreation in forests within the Natura 2000 areas - legal, financial and ideological aspects
Referowska-Chodak, E.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
obszary chronione
Europejska Siec Ekologiczna Natura 2000
aspekty prawne
aspekty ekonomiczne
natura 2000
Tourism and recreation within Natura 2000 areas are supposed to be an important branch of social activity and source of income for local inhabitants, organisations and self−governments. Because of natural value of forests within Natura 2000 areas, they should be made accessible with care, also especially because they are protected by national protection forms. Both EU and Polish law regulates principles of Natura 2000 areas accessibility. Model of safe tourism (ecotourism) should be promoted to reduce conflicts that arise at the edge of nature protection and utilisation. EU funds will be very helpful to realise that as on one hand they enable to prepare sufficient infrastructure and on the other – they help with promotion of the region.
Sylwan; 2010, 154, 02; 117-123
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Biblioteka Nauki
Turystyka i rekreacja w lasach na obszarach Natura 2000 – aspekty przyrodnicze
Tourism and recreation in forests within the Natura 2000 areas - natural aspects
Referowska-Chodak, E.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
ochrona przyrody
Europejska Siec Ekologiczna Natura 2000
obszary chronione
natura 2000
tourism and recreation
habitat and species sensitivity
Paper presents analysis of resistance of forest habitat and species that are subjects of protection within Natura 2000 to pressure related to development of tourism and recreation. Types of negative impacts as well as affected habitats and species were presented. Objects of potential protection that have no defined further vulnerability to tourism and recreation were listed too. There are many possibilities of solving the conflicts arising on the contact between Natura 2000 forest habitats and species protection as well as tourism and recreation. They include legal, organisation, infrastructure and education solutions.
Sylwan; 2010, 154, 12; 828-836
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Biblioteka Nauki
Warunki środowiska wpływające na stan zachowania obuwika pospolitego Cypripedium calceolus L. w lasach gospodarczych
Environment conditions influence on protection status of ladys slipper orchid Cypripedium calceolus L. in managed forests
Czerepko, J.
Gawryś, R.
Cieśla, A.
Sokołowski, K.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
rosliny chronione
gatunki zagrozone
obuwik pospolity
Cypripedium calceolus
stan zachowania
warunki srodowiska
lasy gospodarcze
endangered species
natura 2000
plant ecology
The paper concerns forest populations of lady's slipper orchid (Cypripedium calceolus L.). The study sites were located in localities with the most numerous populations of Cypripedium calceolus L. in managed forests in Poland. The field studies were conducted in 2012 according to Natura 2000 sites protocols. The aim of studies was the determination of population structure of lady's slipper orchid, especially in indexes reflected number of flowering and fruit plants. The relations between above factors and environmental conditions expressed by ecological indicator values, cover of vegetation layers, species richness, stand age, and intensity of thinning were studies. The obtained results confirmed negative influence of understorey layer and positive influence of density of tree layer on the development of studied orchid populations. The increase in thinning intensity has not significant influence on protection status of Cypripedium calceolus.
Sylwan; 2014, 158, 11; 867-874
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Biblioteka Nauki
Tradycyjna gospodarka odroślowa w Europie Środkowej i jej wpływ na różnorodność biologiczną
The traditional coppice management system in Central Europe and its impact on biological diversity
Szymura, T.H.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
gospodarka lesna
gospodarstwa odroslowe
uzytkowanie lasu
ochrona bioroznorodnosci
Europa Srodkowa
coppice stands
natura 2000
nature protection
quercus petraea
sorbus torminalis
Coppice management system uses the ability of trees to produce shoots from felled stumps. A modification of this type of management is the system of so called coppice with standards where low−forest individuals grow along with single, high−forest trees originated from seeds. Both types of silvicultural systems have been used in Central Europe since Middle Ages supplying small assortments of wood and tanbark. The economic changes that took place in the 1700s initiated conversion of coppice forests into high−forest ones. A brief renaissance of coppice system occurred in 1850−1900 as a result of rapid growth in the demand for oak tanbark, which overtime was gradually replaced by synthetic materials. Today there is a return to coppice management, this however being the result of increased nature protection efforts. Withdrawal from coppice cuts causes increased shading of the forest floor and, in consequence, a decline in biological diversity following disappearance of thermophilous and heliophilous animal and herb species. Restoration of coppicing or similar forms of management restrains their extinction. In Poland, coppice management is practically unknown, however in the Pogórze Kaczawskie (Sudety Mountains) there have preserved oak coppice stands – the remains of the former German management. Such stands abandon with rare and protected species of forest floor vegetation and a relatively numerous population of wild service. The experiences of other countries indicate that preservation of such species−rich and very specific plant communities will probably require very active treatments.
Sylwan; 2010, 154, 08; 545-551
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Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena możliwości włączenia Lasów Sobiborskich do sieci obszarów Important Birds Areas oraz obszarów specjalnej ochrony ptaków
Possibility of inclusion of the Sobibór Forests into Importand Birds Areas and Special Protection Areas networks
Kanclerska, K.
Karpińska, O.
Woźniak, B.
Grzębkowski, M.
Aftyka, S.
Belcik, M.
Bożycki, L.
Celej, M.
Chodkiewicz, T.
Kuszner, M.
Litwiniak, K.
Pawelec, M.
Pietrasz, K.
Rożycki, A.L.
Sikora, D.
Smith, L.
Stasiak, K.
Szewczuk, W.
Sliwiński, S.
Tylkowski, S.
Woźniak, M.
Woźniak, P.
Wójciak, J.
Żołądek, K.
Keller, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
ochrona przyrody
Lasy Sobiborskie
walory przyrodnicze
ochrona zwierzat
Europejska Siec Ekologiczna Natura 2000
obszary specjalnej ochrony ptakow
bird protection areas
nature 2000 network
One of the greatest challenges of nature conservation is to identify and locate networks of protected areas, which will preserve the biodiversity. The paper aims to show the ornithological value of the Sobibór Forests (E Poland) and to emphasize the fact that the network of Important Bird Areas (IBA) and Special Protection Areas within Natura 2000 (SPA) may require additions. The study was conducted in the period of 2008−2016, mainly on forested areas occupying 256 km2. The Sobibór Forests are characterized by a large diversity of habitats, but are mainly covered by Scots pine Pinus sylvestris. High diversity of wetlands and marshlands make the Sobibór Forest unique within the country. Three methodologies were used to estimate population size of chosen species: sampling, census and random observations. 31 species from Annex I of the Birds Directive plus 25 species of SPEC or non−SPECE category were observed which allows to consider this area as one of the most valuable for avifauna in Poland. Six breeding species classify the Sobibór Forests as the IBA and SPA. These species include Black Stork Ciconia nigra (8−13 breeding pairs), Common Crane Grus grus (80−120 breeding pairs), Grey Great Owl Strix nebulosa (0−7 breeding pairs i.e. 50−100% of Polish breeding population), Eagle Owl Bubo bubo (6 breeding pairs), White−backed Woodpecker Dendrocopos leucotos (40−70 breeding pairs) and Grey−headed Woodpecker Picus canus (20−40 breeding pairs). Six other species show potential for qualification, but not enough data has been collected yet. The list of this specie includes: Short−toed Snake Eagle Circaetus gallicus, Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago, Stock Dove Columba oenas, European Nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus, Collared Flycatcher Ficedula albicollis and Bluethroat Luscinia svecica. The Sobibór Forests occupy a small area compared to other IBA forests. However, the number of breeding species classifies the surveyed area as 7th among other IBAs. Moreover all eligible species may be considered as a bioindicators of the natural state of the forest. This is proof of the high natural value of this area.
Sylwan; 2018, 162, 02; 146-154
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Biblioteka Nauki
Modelowanie trwałości boru chrobotkowego Cladonio-Pinetum Juraszek 1927 na terenie Parku Narodowego "Bory Tucholskie" z wykorzystaniem metody powtórzonej chronosekwencji
Modelling the stability of Cladonia-Scots pine forest (Cladonio-Pinetum Juraszek 1927) within Bory Tucholskie National Park using the repeated chronosequence method
Zaniewski, P.T.
Potoczny, B.
Matuszkiewicz, J.M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
parki narodowe
Park Narodowy Bory Tucholskie
bor chrobotkowy
trwalosc zbiorowisk
metody badan
metoda powtorzonej chronosekwencji
zespol Cladonio-Pinetum
91t0 natura 2000 habitat
detrended correspondence analysis
Cladonio−Pinetum Juraszek 1927 forest is protected in Europe as the Natura 2000 habitat. Nowadays its naturalness is often considered to be doubtful. In spite of the many research, the knowledge about ecology and dynamics of this community is still insufficient. The aim of the research is to define the stability of the community within ‘Bory Tucholskie' National Park. The site is located in the area of the best developed patches of the habitat, in north−western Poland. Two datasets of relevés were used. The first comes from published data and includes 123 relevés made in year 2000. The other comes from own fieldworks performed in 2014. Due to the high homogeneity of geology and soils of the study site, repeated chronosequence method could be used to compare both datasets. The information about herb and moss layers of all relevés was compared using DCA method. The change in community was measured as a shift in the position within the main gradient of DCA over 14−year period. It was calculated for 122 pairs of relevés. Than the model of the speed of community change was computed for the main gradient. We used two methods of calculation of duration of the lichen−rich pine forests. The first was based on the calculated ranges of distinguished associations and the other used the model of cover of species connected to Cladonio−Pinetum forest. As the speed of community change in the gradient and the distance between distinguished communities were known, the time of community duration could be computed. According to obtained results, Cladonia−Scots pine forest (Cladonio−Pinetum) and lichen rich fresh pine forest (Leucobryo−Pinetum with Cladonia) of ‘Bory Tucholskie' National Park will last for 64−109 years. This result shows, that the considered Natura 2000 habitat is unstable. It is the possible development stage within managed forest stands and active conservation is necessary where its preservation is needed.
Sylwan; 2016, 160, 05; 397-406
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Biblioteka Nauki
Problem masowego zamierania drzewostanów świerkowych w Leśnym Kompleksie Promocyjnym "Puszcza Białowieska"
Problem of a massive dying-off of Norway spruce stands in the 'Bialowieza Forest' Forest Promotional Complex
Brzeziecki, B.
Hilszczański, J.
Kowalski, T.
Łakomy, P.
Małek, S.
Miścicki, S.
Modrzyński, J.
Sowa, J.
Starzyk, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
lesne kompleksy promocyjne
Lesny Kompleks Promocyjny Puszcza Bialowieska
drzewostany swierkowe
stan sanitarny
zagrozenia drzewostanow
szkodniki roslin
kornik drukarz
Ips typographus
dynamika populacji
drewno martwe
grzyby patogeniczne
zagrozenie pozarowe
zamieranie lasow
norway spruce bark beetle infestation
białowieża forest
ecosystem stability
multifunctional forestry
natura 2000 plc200004
natural values
world heritage site
The Białowieża Forest (BF) is in many respects an exceptional object, of a great importance for nature protection and forest management, at the international scale. The BF plays also a key role from the point of view of regional development and welfare of local community. In the last period, a big threat for multiple values of the BF has arisen, as a result of enormous bark beetle infestation, which started in 2012 and has killed 1.4 million m3 of spruce trees. In the paper, first, a brief overview of the general history of the BF and an account of long−term human impacts on its functioning and structure is provided. Next, the history of bark beetle infestations in the BF is analysed. It is shown that, in the period 1992−2007, the average volume of spruces killed by bark beetle amounted on average to 20,000 m3 of wood annually. During that period practically all dead trees were removed from the forest by means of salvation cuttings. Starting from 2008, more and more trees infested by European spruce bark beetle were left in the forest, in a result of a pressure exerted by environmental groups. In 2012, Minister of Environment decided to reduce the allowable cut, determined in forest management plans elaborated for the managed part of the BF, from 107,000 to 48,500 m3/year. This decision, along with several other regulations and restrictions, made in practice impossible to stop the development of a current bark beetle infestation, which started in 2011 and intensified during the next 6 years (solely in 2016 bark beetles killed 480,000 m3 of spruce trees). In the paper, the most important implications and consequences of the current situation are briefly summarized and discussed. A special attention is given to the problems concerning: 1) protection of Natura 2000 species and sites (endangered by bark beetle outbreak), 2) a negative influence of large amounts of spruce deadwood on forest soils, 3) threats caused by pathogenic fungi, 4) question of public safety, 5) fire hazard, and 6) economical dimension. The legal and socio−economical foundations of the functioning of Hajnówka, Browsk and Białowieża forest districts comprising the managed part of the BF, as well as their most important environmental and social consequences are discussed too. Among others, it is indicated that, under current conditions of the BF, human intervention plays a key role in maintaining stable and compositionally diverse woodland communities. Finally, several suggestions and recommendations are provided, aimed at, in the short term, breaking off the current bark beetle outbreak, and, in the long term, at maintaining a multifunctional character of the BF and its ability to provide all important ecosystem services on a sustainable basis.
Sylwan; 2018, 162, 05; 373-386
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Biblioteka Nauki
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