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Toxic Elements in Mountain Soils (Little Beskids, Polish Carpathians)
Jaguś, Andrzej
Skrzypiec, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
toxic elements
mountain areas
soil contamination
soil acidity
The research consisted in the analyses pertaining to the occurrence of elements regarded as toxic (Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, As, Pb, Cd, Hg), the presence of which in the environment is mainly associated with economic-industrial activities in mountain soils. The research area of about 5 sq. km. included the hilltops and south-western slopes of the Magurka Wilkowicka massif. The massif is situated on the western edge of the Little Beskids near the area of Bielsko-Biała city. The concentrations of elements were measured in 50 soil samples taken from three zones: at the foothill of the massif (arable fields), on its slopes (forest areas) and on the hilltop (grassland). Additionally, the pH of the soil samples was determined. The research showed that zinc and, to a lesser degree, copper and nickel, occurred in the highest concentrations at the foot of the massif, near built-up areas, while the highest concentrations of arsenic and lead were detected in the hilltop part of the grassland. The concentrations of chromium, cadmium and mercury did not differ spatially. The analysed elements, especially zinc and lead, often occurred in the concentrations higher than those regarded as natural. It is a disturbing fact combined with serious acidity of the analysed soils (almost 60% of the samples were very acid soils), which may increase mobility of metals. The research shows that the soil environment of the Polish Carpathians may be contaminated with toxic elements not only in the neighbourhood of built-up areas, but also in the undeveloped land.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2019, 20, 1; 197-202
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Próba oceny zależności plonów pszenicy w latach 1975-2007 od jakości gleb, wapnowania i melioracji drenażowych
Attempt at estimating the relationship between wheat yields in the years 1975-2007 and soil quality and fertilizations well as proportion of drained land
Siuta, J.
Żukowski, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
jakości gleby
kwasowość gleby
wapnowanie gleby
osuszanie gruntów ornych
plony pszenicy
soil quality
soil acidity and liming
drained arable land
wheat yields
W publikacji porównano agroekologiczną jakość gleb, wyrażoną w punktach - opracowanych w instytucie naukowym dla całego kraju, zużycie wapna nawozowego (w przeliczeniu na CaO) procentowe udziały zdrenowanych gruntów ornych i plony pszenicy w 49 województwach byłego i 16 województwach obecnego podziału administracyjnego kraju. Wymienione dane dotyczą lat 1975-2007 i zostały pozyskane z roczników Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego. Zróżnicowanie jakości gleb w 49 byłych województwach waha się w przedziale 48,4 do 89,8 punktów, całkowite zużycie CaO (w latach 1975-1998) wyniosło 6,8 do 49,3 q/ha (średnia krajowa 23,6 q), grunty zdrenowane stanowiły 6,3 do 57,6 % w poszczególnych województwach. W licznych województwach stwierdzono wyraźny związek między zużyciem CaO i udziałem gruntów zdrenowanych a plonami pszenicy. Nie stwierdzono natomiast wyraźnej zależności plonów pszenicy od wskaźnika jakości gleby. W latach 1998-2007 poważnie zmniejszono zużycie CaO i NPK, ale najwyższe plony pszenicy uzyskano w województwach stosujących od dawna wysokie dawki wapna i mających 38,2-53,2 % gruntów zdrenowanych (np. Wielkopolska).
A comparison was made of i) agro-ecological quality of soils based on a point system developed by a research institute for the entire country, ii) consumption of fertilizer lime (recalculated to CaO), iii) percent proportions of drained arable land and iv) wheat yields in former 49 and present 16 voievodeships according to the administrative division of the country. The aforementioned data which cover the years 1975-2007 were derived from annals of the Central Statistical Office. The soil quality in 49 former voievodeships fluctuated within the range from 48.4 to 89.8 points while the total CaO consumption (in the years 1975-1998) attained 49.3 q/ha (the country average was 23.6 q), and the share of drained land constituted from 6.3 do 57.6% in respective voievodeships. Wheat yields in many voievodeships were found to be apparently related to the CaO consumption and the share of drained arable land. However, no distinct relationship was found between the wheat yield and the soil quality index. The consumption of CaO and NPK was significantly reduced in the years 1998-2007, but the highest wheat yields were obtained in the voievodeships where high doses of lime were applied for many years and shares of drained land were from 38.2 to 53.2% (e.g. in Wielkopolska Province).
Inżynieria Ekologiczna; 2009, 21; 15-24
Pojawia się w:
Inżynieria Ekologiczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Habitat Conditions of Canadian Goldenrod in a Selected Region of Eastern Poland
Bielecka, A.
Królak, E.
Biardzka, E.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
organic carbon
total nitrogen
total phosphorus
The Canadian goldenrod Solidago canadensis (L) is an invasive species in Poland. It occurs both in habitats only weakly impacted by anthropogenic factors as well as in habitats subjected to intensive transformations by humans. The aim of this study was to characterise the habitats of S. canadensis in Mińsk Mazowiecki and in out-of-town areas. It has been shown, based on an analysis of the principal soil properties, that the sites where S. canadensis was found had clayey-sandy soil and a C/N ratio indicative of medium and high soil degradation. Canadian goldenrod was found at sites with a diverse content of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium in soil, as well as a diverse soil pH, indicative of a strongly acidic, acidic and alkaline character of the soil.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2017, 18, 4; 76-81
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Effect of Different Doses of N Fertilization on the Parameters of Soil Organic Matter and Soil Sorption Complex
Šimanský, V.
Kováčik, P.
Jonczak, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
soil organic matter
hydrolytic acidity
cation exchange capacity
Mineral N fertilizer application may have an effect on soil organic matter and other soil parameters. Therefore, we studied the effects of different doses of N fertilization on soil organic matter and chemical properties of Haplic Luvisol in the locality of Dolná Malanta (Slovakia) during 2014–2016. Soil samples were collected from the plots exposed to the following treatments: 1. N0 – no N fertilization as control during 2014–2016, 2. N40 – N fertilizer at the rate of 40 kg N ha–1 in 2014 and 2016, 3. N80 – N fertilizer at the rate of 80 kg N ha–1 in 2014 and 2016, 4. N160 – N fertilizer at the rate of 160 kg N ha–1 in 2015, and 5. N240 – N fertilizer at the rate of 240 kg N ha–1 in 2015. The results showed that in N80 the soil organic carbon (SOC) content increased by 32% in comparison to N0. The addition of 80 kg ha-1 of N significantly decreased the humic substances (HS) content in the soil by 16% compared to N0. The higher doses of N fertilization 80 rather than 40 kg ha-1 as well as 240 rather than 160 kg ha-1 significantly decreased humus stability. The addition of N fertilization decreased the average values of soil pH. Values of hydrolytic acidity (Ha) increased by 41% and 46% in N40 and N80, respectively than N0, but on the other hand, this one decreased by 36% and 27% in N160 and N240, respectively in comparison to N0. Positive statistically significant correlations were determined between soil pH and SOC in N40 and N80 treatments. The increase of soil pH was connected with higher humus quality in N160 and N240. Negative correlations between humic acids (HA) and sum of basic cations (SBC) and cation exchange capacity (CEC) were observed in N80 < N160 < N240 treatments. Higher values of fulvic acids corresponded with lesser CEC in N80 and N160 treatments. In N160, with increased humus quality, CEC significantly decreased. The same effect was observed in N240. In addition, in N240, we also observed that with increased HA:FA ratio SBC and base saturation significantly decreased.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2017, 18, 3; 104-111
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zasoby i struktura użytkowania powierzchni ziemi i gleb w województwie podkarpackim
Resources and structure of use the earth’s surface and soils in the podkarpackie province
Kaniuczak, J
Stanek-Tarkowska, J
Knap, R
Alvarez, B
Pajączek, A
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
województwo podkarpackie
zasoby glebowe
struktura użytkowania
struktura zasiewów
przyswajalne makroelementy
pierwiastki śladowe
Podkarpackie Province
soil resources
structure of use
crop structure
available macronutrients
trace elements
Badano zasoby i strukturę użytkowania gleb w województwie podkarpackim w latach 1946-2005, z podziałem na trzy okresy czasowe, ze względu na zmiany administracyjne kraju i województwa (I: 1946-1970, II: 1975-1995, III: 2000-2005). W badanych trzech okresach czasowych zmniejszył się udział użytków rolnych i gruntów ornych w ogólnej powierzchni województwa. W latach 2000-2005 powiększył się znacząco udział powierzchni lasów i pozostałych gruntów, kosztem wyłączenia części gruntów ornych i użytków zielonych z produkcji rolniczej, które przekształciły się w ugory i odłogi. W gospodarstwach indywidualnych 32,7% powierzchni gruntów ornych została wyłączona z uprawy i przekształciła się w ugory i odłogi. W gospodarstwach sektora publicznego sytuacja była jeszcze bardziej niekorzystna, gdyż 86,1% gruntów ornych zostało objęte ugorowaniem i odłogowaniem. W badanym okresie struktura zasiewów poszczególnych roślin uprawnych uległa zasadniczym zmianom, uproszczeniom w kierunku monokultury zbożowej. Gleby Podkarpacia są zakwaszone i pilnie wymagają przeprowadzenia zabiegu wapnowania. Niezbyt korzystnie przedstawiała się zasobność gleb województwa podkarpackiego w przyswajalne formy makroelementów (P i K), a szczególnie w przyswajalny fosfor, co było skutkiem ograniczenia stosowania nawozów naturalnych i małego zużycia nawozów mineralnych. Ponad 90% gleb użytków rolnych województwa podkarpackiego wykazuje naturalną zawartość metali (Cd, Cu, Pb i Zn). Celem opracowania była analiza struktury użytkowania powierzchni Ziemi i gleb, z uwzględnieniem struktury zasiewów oraz niektórych elementów żyzności gleb i degradacji w kontekście spowolnienia niekorzystnych przemian.
Use the resources and structure of the soil has been studied in Podkarpackie province in the years 1946-2005, divided into three periods of time due to administrative changes in the country and the region (I: 1946-1970, II: 1975-1995, III: 2000-2005). The three time periods studied decreased share of agricultural land and arable land in the general area of the province. In the years 2000-2005 has increased significantly the share of forests and other lands, at the expense of the exclusion of the arable lands and grasslands in agricultural production, which turned into fallow and uncultivated land. The farms 32.7% of arable lands was excluded from the cultivation and has evolved into a fallow and uncultivated land. The holdings of the public sector, this situation was even more unfavorable as it was, and took 86.1% of arable lands for fallow and outfield. During the study period, the structure of individual crops sown undergone substantial changes in the direction of simplification cereal monoculture. The soils of Podkarpackie province are acidic and urgently require liming treatment. Unfavorably was presented a richness soils of available forms macronutrients (P and K) in Podkarpackie province, especially in available phosphorus, which was the result of limitations of organic fertilization and low consumption of mineral fertilizers. Over 90% of agricultural soils of Podkarpackie province exhibits natural content of metals (Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn). The aim of the study was to analyze the structure of the Earth's land use and soils, taking into account the structure of crops and some elements of soil fertility and degradation in the context of a slowdown adverse changes.
Inżynieria Ekologiczna; 2013, 34; 140-148
Pojawia się w:
Inżynieria Ekologiczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-5 z 5

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