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Glaciomarginal deposition in the Otmuchów Depression, SW Poland, and its palaeogeographical implications
Sedymentacja glacimarginalna na obszarze obniżenia otmuchowskiego (SW Polska) i wynikające z niej implikacje paleogeograficzne
Salamon, T.
Badura, J.
Przybylski, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
glaciomarginal zone
Otmuchów Depression
SW Poland
This paper focuses on the problem of depositional environments and the development of glaciomarginal zone in the Otmuchów Depression, SW Poland, during the Odranian (Drenthe) glaciation. The research was conducted at the Wójcice site, which is situated on the southern border of a hill train, the so-called Otmuchów- Nysa Hills, rising on the northern side of the Nysa Kłodzka River valley. The sediments under study were deposited in the distal zone of glaciomarginal fans prograding into a bay of a large lake formed in the dammed valley of the Nysa Kłodzka River. Sedimentation was characterised by frequent oscillations of water level in the lake, which caused fan dissection and lateral migration of depositional subenvironments. These phenomena are recorded by abundant erosion surfaces and vertical succession of alternating lithofacies associations of the deposits, which are typical of different parts of the distal fans. Sedimentological analysis has also enabled palaeogeographical reconstruction of the glaciomarginal zone. It is found that the ice-sheet lobe advanced into the Nysa Kłodzka River valley from the NE.
Rozwój strefy glacimarginalnej na obszarze przedgórskiego odcinka doliny Nysy Kłodzkiej, zajmującego Obniżenie Otmuchowskie (Fig. 1), od dziesięcioleci stanowi przedmiot dyskusji. We wszystkich dotychczasowych rozważaniach geomorfologiczno- geologicznych i paleogeograficznych najwięcej uwagi poświęcano wyraźnie zaznaczonym w rzeźbie Wzgórzom Otmuchowsko- Nyskim (Figs. 1, 2). W pracy analizie poddano osady deponowane na południowym obrzeżeniu wzgórz. Badania prowadzono w stanowisku Wójcice, kilka kilometrów na zachód od Nysy. Szczegółowa analiza sedymentologiczna osadów umożliwi liwiła rekonstrukcję środowisk sedymentacji w rejonie SE obrzeżenia Wzgórz Otmuchowsko-Nyskich oraz wnioskowanie na temat paleogeografii strefy glacimarginalnej na obszarze Obniżenia Otmuchowskiego. W odsłonięciu Wójcice wyróżniono dwa kompleksy osadów. Kompleks 1, o miąższości ok. 10–12 m, zbudowany jest głównie z piasków drobnoziarnistych. W jego obrębie wyróżniono kilka tabularnych zespołów litofacji o nieznacznie odmiennym wykształceniu: Sh, (Sl); Sh (Sl, Sp); Sh, (Sl, Sm); Sh, Src; Src, SFw, (Sr) (Figs. 3, 4). W środkowej części kompleksu obserwowano również bardziej gruboziarnisty zespół SGm, Sm (Fig. 3). Cechą charakterystyczną kompleksu 1 jest obecność powierzchni erozyjnych oraz naprzemianległe występowanie zespołów litofacji o nieznacznie różnym poziomie energetycznym. Kompleks 2 obejmuje osady o miąższości ok. 4 m i charakteryzuje się grubszym uziarnieniem (Figs. 3, 5). W dolnej części przeważają średnio i gruboziarniste piaski lub piaski żwirowe (litofacje Sh, St, SGt). Wyżej obserwowano drobnoziarniste żwiry i żwiry piaszczyste (GSp, Gm) (Fig. 5a). W kompleksie 2 obserwowano ponadto niewielkie soczewy diamiktonu z materiałem skandynawskim (Fig. 5b). Pomiary azymutów upadu warstwowań przekątnych w obu kompleksach wykazały paleoprzepływy w kierunku NNW–NNE (Fig. 3). Analiza składu petrograficznego żwirów wykazała duży udział kwarcu, a także skał sudeckich oraz bardzo małą zawartooeć materiału północnego (Tab. 1). Osady kompleksu dolnego deponowane były w dystalnej strefie stożka progradującego do zbiornika wodnego. Depozycja odbywała się głównie z niskoenergetycznych zalewów warstwowych. Specyficzną cechą sedymentacji były częste wahania poziomu wody w zbiorniku powodujące rozcinanie stożków i oboczne przemieszczanie się stref depozycyjnych. Zapisem tego są nietypowe dla stożków zdominowanych zalewami warstwowymi powierzchnie erozyjne oraz powtarzające się w sukcesji pionowej zespoły litofacji osadów właoeciwych dla różnych części dystalnych stref stożków. Górny kompleks osadów związany był ze znacznie wyżej energetycznymi przepływami. Osady te były deponowane bliżej czoła lądolodu, co wraz z mułkami podścielającymi całą serię osadów piaszczystych wskazuje na transgresywny charakter całej sukcesji. Strefa marginalna lądolodu na obszarze Obniżenia Otmuchowskiego kształtowała się w inny sposób niż przyjmowano do tej pory (Fig. 6). W północnej jej części lądolód stacjonował w rejonie Wzgórz Otmuchowsko-Nyskich, natomiast w dolinę Nysy Kłodzkiej wsunął się z kierunku NE od strony doliny Odry w postaci niewielkiego lobu okalającego wschodnią część Wzgórz Otmuchowsko-Nyskich od południa. U czoła lądolodu w podpartej dolinie powstało rozległe zastoisko. U północnej krawędzi lobu osady były deponowane w postaci glacimarginalnych stożków progradujących do wąskiej zatoki zastoiska, która przypuszczalnie przez pewien okres była odizolowana od głównego zbiornika.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2007, 77, No 2; 207-216
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evolution of the Late Neogene and Eopleistocene fluvial system in the foreland of the Sudetes Mountains, SW Poland
Badura, J.
Przybylski, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
fluvial sediments
Lower Silesia
SW Poland
The oldest Cainozoic fluvial deposits in Lower Silesia date from the Oligocene. During the Middle and Late Miocene times, the fluvial system of this region was only slightly modified, especially in the foreland of the West and Middle Sudetes Mts. River lengths changed, following the migration of the North Sea shorelines. A rapid rebuilding of the fluvial system took place in the foreland of the East Sudetes Mts. either in the Late or Middle Miocene. Till that time, the main river valley of this region - the Nysa Kłodzka River, related to the Paczków and Kędzierzyn Grabens - used to flow towards the East, to a bay of the Paratethys sea. The new main river, pre-Odra, started to flow towards the North not before the Grodków Graben cut meridionally the Meta-Carpathian Swell. We are of the opinion that deposits of the Poznań Formation originated in an fluvial environment because no marine and/or limnic deposits have hitherto been discovered in the area of Lower Silesia above the uppermost of the Middle-Polish lignite seams (Henryk). The pre-Odra River drained the eastern part of Lower Silesia, and flowed towards the North, at least to the Poznań region. This main river captured such smaller rivers, as: the pre-Vistula, pre-Olza, pre-Ostravica, pre-Opava, pre-Nysa Kłodzka, and pre-Bystrzyca. Rivers draining the West Sudetes Mts. flowed first towards the North, to the region of the present-day Middle Odra River, and there turned to the West. It is conceivable that these rivers curved westwards just along the line of the present-day Wrocław - Magdeburg marginal stream valley ("Pradolina"). Since the Pliocene, the Sudetic rivers have started to transport coarser, sandy, and even gravelly material to a more distant foreland. Alluvial deposits of this phase occur exclusively on uplands. Coarse-grained sediments recognized in the bottom of deep erosional incisions were redeposited under subglacial conditions during the Mesopleistocene glaciations. The presented new interpretation of origin of the Poznań Formation basin and detailed recognition of Pliocene and Eopleistocene river system should initiate a new line of research into the Late Neogene and Eopleistocene sediments.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2004, 74, No 1; 43-61
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Palaeoenvironmental interpretation of the Late Cretaceous Idzików Conglomerate Member (SW Poland, Sudetes, Idzików Quarry) based on analysis of trace fossils
Chrząstek, Alina
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
SW Poland
Upper Nysa Kłodzka Graben
Upper Cretaceous
In the sandstones and conglomerates of the Idzików Conglomerate Member (Coniacian), exposed in the Idzików Quarry (SW Poland, Upper Nysa Kłodzka Graben), a moderately diverse assemblage of trace fossils has been recognized. The trace fossils include Arenicolites isp., Asterosoma isp., ?Bergaueria isp., Cylindrichnus isp., Conichnus conicus, Curvolithus simplex, Dactyloidites ottoi, Diplocraterion parallelum, ?Diplocraterion isp., Gyrochorte isp., Gyrophyllites aff. kwassizensis, Macaronichnus segregatis, Ophiomorpha nodosa, Ophiomorpha isp., ?Palaeophycus isp., ?Rhizocorallium isp., Rosselia isp., ?Scolicia isp., Teichichnus isp. and Thalassinoides isp. Escape traces (fugichnia) and some unidentified trace fossils also were found. The following ichnoassociations are distinguished: (IA1) Ophiomorpha-Cylindrichnus, (IA2) Asterosoma-Conichnus and (IA3) Ophiomorpha- Arenicolites. IA1 probably represents a mixture of the impoverished proximal Cruziana ichnofacies and the distal Skolithos ichnofacies, which points to the lower, weakly storm-affected shoreface. IA2 is interpreted as the archetypal Skolithos ichnofacies (opportunistic colonization of tempestite beds) with some elements of the Cruziana ichnofacies (bioturbated, fair-weather background deposits) in the middle, moderately storm-affected shoreface. IA3 is assigned to the archetypal Skolithos ichnofacies, which indicates the upper shoreface-foreshore settings. The trace-fossil evidence implies that the Upper Cretaceous succession was deposited in a shallow, open basin with good oxygenation of the sea floor and normal salinity, under low- to moderately high-energy hydrodynamic conditions. On the basis of ichnological and sedimentological analyses, the deposits studied originated in a system of fan-delta and shallow-shelf settings with common transitional-proximal tempestites. They were deposited in the eastern part of the Upper Nysa Kłodzka Graben during the Coniacian regression.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2020, 90, 2; 149-194
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Isotopic mass balance of metamorphic fluids in the Gogołów–Jordanów serpentinite massif, Lower Silesia, SW Poland
Mydłowski, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
stable isotope
numerical modelling
Gogołów-Joradanów Massif
SW Poland
This work aims at estimation of the amount of metamorphic fluids which led to the present-day variability of isotopic compositions, ?D and ?18O, in serpentinites from the Gogołów–Jordanów Massif. This goal was achieved by means of a numerical model reproducing selected features of geological environment and a computer application supporting this model. The Gogołów–Jordanów Massif consists of peridotites transformed to a different degree into serpentinites and subject to brittle deformation that produced a complex fracture system. The potential tectonic control on the pattern of the fluid migration paths was investigated using palaeostress analysis based on slickenside measurements. Isotopic analyses were carried out for hydrogen and oxygen from serpentine, oxygen from magnetite, and hydrogen and oxygen from carbonates. The variability of ?D and ?18O in the serpentinites along the modelled migration paths demonstrates that serpentinization of peridotites was caused by fluids derived from at least three sources revealing different isotopic characteristics. Fluids produced during the magmatic-hydrothermal stage played a major role in serpetinization, since they represent approximately 95% of all fluids interacting with the rock. In contrast, oceanic water represents only 1% of fluids involved in serpenti- nization. The calculated mean amount of fluid required for serpentinization of 1 m3 of peridotite is equal to 98 × 104 kg.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2009, 79, No 2; 147-158
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Middle and Upper Weichselian Pleniglacial fluvial erosion and sedimenta- tion phases in Southwestern Poland, and their relationship to Scandinavian ice sheet build-up and retreat
Fazy sedymentacyjne i erozyjne środkowego i górnego plenivistulianu oraz ich związek z transgresją i regresją lądolodu skandynawskiego w południowo-zachodniej Polsce
Krzyszkowski, D.
Kuszell, T.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
fluvial erosion and sedimention
pollen analysis
14C dating
SW Poland
The sequence of Weichselian sediments and processes in SW Poland is almost identical to that of central Poland. Generally, three fluvial units occur, comprising silts and sands coarsening upwards to silts, sands and gravels, with aeolian deposits on top. This suggests very uniform processes throughout the palaeogeographic zone. To the south of this zone, there was extensive loess deposition and glacial deposition to the north. Climatic conditions during the Middle and Upper Weichselian Pleniglacial in SW Poland were similar to those in central Poland and northwestern Europe, though the period of 47-43 kyrs BP was slightly milder in SW Poland (shrub tundra, forest-tundra). Climatic conditions during the periods 38-27 kyrs BP and 23-18 kyrs BP were very uniform throughout central Europe, including SW Poland, though there may have been a strong north-south climatic gradient during the former period, as data from the loessic zone indicate at least patches of boreal forest or forest-tundra conditions in SW Poland at that time. It is also possible that there was a Middle Weichselian Pleniglacial interstadial with a lower age boundary at 25,900 ą 700 years BP, characterised by Pinus-Picea forest with no heliophytes. This interstadial represents the last mild period before the advance of the late Weichselian ice sheet into SW Poland. The Weichselian fluvial deposition of SW and central Poland may have been punctuated by at least three major erosional phases, characterised by similar incision depths during the cold stages. Erosion took place, with certainty, at around 75-60 kyrs BP (Lower Pleniglacial) and 27 kyrs BP, very probably at around 23/22 kyrs and possibly at around 40 kyrs BP, and valley aggradation occurred during the milder stages. The Upper Pleniglacial was characterised by valley aggradation, associated with southward ice sheet advance and restricted fluvial outflow. However, the frequent Middle Pleniglacial Weichselian climatic oscillations did not initiate sedimentation and erosion, they controlled only river discharge and type of fluvial sedimentation and aeolian activity. The occurrence of the erosional and aggradational phases were controlled by the changes in ice volume in Scandinavia, ice sheet build-up and retreat, respectively.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2007, 77, No 1; 17-38
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
1-D modelling of the hydrocarbon generation history of the Jurassic source rocks in the Tarnogród–Stryi area (SE Poland – western Ukraine)
Kosakowski, P.
Wróbel, M.
Koltun, Y. V.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
source rocks
1-D modelling
hydrocarbon generation
hydrocarbon expulsion
SW Poland
Western Ukraine
Reconstruction of burial and thermal history was modelled for the Mesozoic strata in the basement of the Polish and Ukrainian parts of the Carpathian Foredeep and in the marginal part of the Outer Carpathians. The 1-D modelling was carried out in profiles of the wells located in the area between Tarnogród and Stryi towns. In the Polish part, the modelling were performed in the profiles of the Księżpol 15, Lubliniec 9, Markowice 2 and Opaka 1 wells, and in the Ukrainian part in the profiles of the Chornokuntsi 1, Korolyn 6, Mosty 2, Podiltsi 1 and Voloshcha 1 wells. The geochemical characteristics of the Mesozoic stratigraphical horizons revealed that the best features of source rocks were present in the Middle Jurassic strata in the Polish part of the study area and in the Middle and Upper Jurassic strata in the Ukrainian part. Within these strata, the horizons of source rocks were distinguished and their quantitative evaluations were characterized. For these horizons, reconstruction of processes for hydrocarbon generation and expulsion were performed. The source rocks in the Polish part reached maturity only in the initial phase of “oil window”. However, the maturity achieved towards the end of the Upper Jurassic was insufficient to exceed the 10% threshold of the transformation degree for hydrocarbon generation. Therefore, the amount of generated hydrocarbons was minimal. Slightly higher maturity of organic matter in the Ukrainian part resulted in exceeding the thresholds of kerogen transformation and the initiation of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion processes. The process began after the deposition of thicker Miocene formations and developed even up to the main phase of the "oil window". The amount of the generated hydrocarbons reached ca. 150 mg/g TOC with an insignificant volume of expulsion.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2011, 81, No 3; 473-485
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Late Saalian (Wartanian) glacial palaeogeography and formation of end moraines at the northern slope of Silesian Rampart, Southwestern Poland
Paleogeografia zlodowacenia Warty i powstanie moren czołowych na północnych stokach wału śląskiego, południowo-zachodnia Polska
Krzyszkowski, D.
Łabno, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
proglacial environment
end moraines
ice-marginal sediments and processes
landscape evolution
late Saalian
SW Poland
There is evidence, hitherto often denied, for the ice marginal features, including the end moraine hills along the Silesian Rampart, SW Poland. These end moraines are attributed to the regional advance of the Wartanian ice sheet into its maximum position, which is also marked by subglacial till bed. The end moraine hills are located on the northern slopes of the Silesian Rampart and they are very rare, partly due to subsequent erosion, but mainly due to conditions not favourable for a remarkable proglacial accumulation. The Wartanian end moraines of southwestern Poland possess several features that suggest that they are end moraines with dominant waterlain, stratified sediments. They are interpreted as alluvial fans, where the ice margin is represented by a 'scarp'. They have semi-conical form, often plano-convex geometry and an average distal slope of 2-25°. These fans are equivalent to sheetflow-dominated or 'humid' alluvial fans in non-glacial environments. Sedimentary sequences of the end moraines consist mainly of coarse-grained material, with boulders up to 1.8 m in diameter, with typical sediments of 'proximal fan' with a highly pulsatory water discharge. The formation of the end moraine followed the formation of a proglacial lake and strong erosion after its drainage. The end moraine was formed during oscillation of the ice margin that resulted in local glaciotectonic deformation of the end moraine fan sediments (push) and a set of parallel hills, with successive younger alluvial fans (retreat).
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2002, 72, No 1; 67-87
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Application of seismic methods to identify potential gas concentration zones at the Zechstein Limestone Level in the "Rudna" mining area, SW Poland
Dec, J.
Pietsch, K.
Marzec, P.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
3D seismics
seismic modelling
gas accumulation zones
Zechstein Limestone
"Rudna" copper mine
SW Poland
A block development operation at the "Rudna" copper mine (KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.) encountered a "compressed gas trap" that caused the ejection of fragmented rock material into a drift. Faced with a new threat of gas ejection the mine needed to find methods to identify potential gas concentration zones prior to any further exploration work. Surface seismic surveying was chosen as a widely-accepted standard method of investigating rockmass structure and tectonics and pinpointing natural gas deposits. An area of one square kilometre was selected directly above the ejection site, a 3D seismic survey, known as Duża Wólka 3D, was performed and a survey well S-421A was drilled. The objective was to investigate the overall rock structure, especially the structure of Zechstein and top Rotliegendes formations, as well as to attempt identifying anomalous zones, which could be linked with the gas saturation of Ca1 dolomites, on the 3D seismic image at the P1 level (Zechstein/ Rotliegendes boundary). An interpretation of multi-scenario seismic modelling of the recorded data helped to: – recognize the structure and tectonics of the area, including minor faults cutting through the top-level Rotliegendes formations and floor-level Zechstein formations. Such faults could constitute migration channels for Carboniferous-period gases, – locate zones with nearly zero-reflection amplitude at the surface of the top-level Rotliegendes (P1 seismic boundary), which would suggest a reduction of elastic parameters of the Ca1 dolomite. This reduction could be linked to an increased porosity and fracturing of the dolomite and its saturation with gas (a reduction of the seismic wavelet propagation velocity). Credibility of this interpretation is already partly corroborated by data from wells drilled in the Zechstein limestone by the mine. The paper presents the first in the world attempt to use the surface seismic survey for location of zones with small gas concentration in porous rocks at the Zechstein/Rotliegendes boundary. Such zones should not be identified with gas pools that occur in the Zechstein Limestone (Ca1) in the area of the Fore-Sudetic Monocline.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2011, 81, No 1; 63-78
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Microbial gas system and prospectives of hydrocarbon exploration in Miocene strata of the Polish and Ukrainian Carpathian Foredeep
Kotarba, M. J.
Peryt, T. M.
Koltun, Y. V.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
microbial gas
thermogenic gas
source rocks
hydrocarbon potential
organic geochemistry
prospectives of hydrocarbon exploration
autochthonous Miocene strata
Bilche-Volytsia Unit
Carpathian Foredeep
SW Poland
Western Ukraine
Molecular composition of natural gases accumulated in autochthonous Miocene strata of the Polish and Ukrainian Carpathian Foredeep is dominated by methane, which usually constitutes over 98 vol%. Methane was generated by the carbon dioxide reduction pathway of microbial processes. Ethane was generated both during microbial and thermogenic processes ("oil window") and propane at the initial stage of the low-temperature thermogenic processes, and also by the microbial processes. The rhythmic and cyclic deposition of Miocene clays and sands as well as the vigorous generation of microbial methane caused that the gas produced in claystone beds was accumulated in the overlaying sandstones, and capped, in turn, by the succeeding claystones. Such generation and accumulation system of microbial gases gave rise to the formation of multi-horizontal gas fields. Analysis of the distribution of immature humic dispersed organic matter in the Upper Badenian and Lower Sarmatian sequences indicates that it is practically homogeneous. A migration range of microbial gases was insignificant and locations of their accumulations would depend only on the existence of proper type of traps (compactional anticlines situated above basement uplifts, sealed by the Carpathian Overthrust and/or by faults; stratigraphic pinching out and stratigraphic traps related to unconformities). Another situation is encountered in the south, beneath the Carpathian Overthrust. The thickness of the autochthonous Miocene strata in this area is more than 1,500 metres. Geochemical studies reveal that from a depth of 2,500 metres starts the process of low-temperature thermogenic hydrocarbon generation (“oil window”). At greater depths, more than 7,500 metres, within the autochthonous Lower Miocene basin only the high-temperature methane ("gas window") could be produced and accumulated.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2011, 81, No 3; 523-548
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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