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Can macrofungal biodiversity predict forest status and dynamics? A view from South European Mediterranean forests (Italy)
Ambrosio, Elia
Feest, Alan
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
forest stand
forest dynamics
terrestrial ecosystem
environmental impact
Mediterranean forest
Fungi are among the most important organisms on earth, and they are essential components of terrestrial ecosystems. Their reproductive structures are strictly dependent and affected by environmental conditions, and community dynamics over time and space may be indirect indicators of the health status of forests. We combined macrofungal biodiversity indices in eight Mediterranean forests in Italy and surveyed 160 plots by standardized surveys, to evaluate the role of macrofungi as early predictors of change in the forest structure. The results show that indices of fungal diversity are influenced by geographic and floristic conditions, and inter- and intra-annual temperature and rainfall fluctuations affect the formation of fungal fruiting bodies. These findings suggest that environmental changes could be reflected by macrofungi, and conservation initiatives should consider the pivotal role that fungi play in biodiversity monitoring.
Acta Mycologica; 2021, 56, 1; 567
Pojawia się w:
Acta Mycologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Variability in morphology of Microsphaera alphitoides Griffon et Maubl. in Poland
Ufnalski, K
Przybyl, K.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
powdery mildew
young tree
forest stand
nursery seedling
Microsphaera alphitoides
Quercus robur
Quercus petraea
The aim of this study was to verify descriptions of the morphology of the fungus responsible for powdery mildew on oak leaves of nursery seedlings and of young trees in forest stands. Infected, fully developed leaves from apical parts of stems of Quercus robur or Q. petraea were collected in two national parks and in six forest districts in Poland. The taxonomic characteres of all specimens were generally consistent with those given in keys for Microsphaera alphitoides. However, the limoniform shape of conidia, characteristic of two sites (nurseries), has not been found in available synopses. Limoniform conidia were significantly longer and wider than others. Agreat variety of forms of mycelium on leaves were observed. The mycelium appeared in three forms: (1) floccose or felted oval patches (always with yellow or brown discoloration), (2) faveolate oval patches (often with yellow or brown discoloration), and (3) felted or mealy mycelium along veins (rarely with discoloration). Mycelium without limoniform conidia appeared in all forms, while mycelium with limoniform conidia appeared only in the form of patches, always causing leaf discoloration.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2004, 73, 3
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Links between root carbohydrates and seasonal pattern of soil microbial activity of diverse European populations of Pinus sylvestris grown in a provenance plantation
Kieliszewska-Rokicka, B
Oleksyn, J.
Zytkowiak, R.
Reich, P.B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
Scotch pine
soil dehydrogenase
microbial activity
forest stand
European population
soluble carbohydrate
soil microorganism
mineral soil
seasonal pattern
Pinus sylvestris
dehydrogenase activity
aboveground biomass
Activity of soil dehydrogenase (DHA) was measured in the mineral soil in a forest stand of 15 to 16-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) from geographically diverse populations, as an indicator of biological activity of soil microorganisms, in a provenance experiment in Poland. The pine populations originated from six European countries (Sweden, Russia, Latvia, Poland, Germany, France) and differed widely in aboveground biomass and productivity. Soil DHA during two growing seasons showed pronounced seasonal variability, which was significantly related to the fine root concentration of nonstructural carbohydrates. Higher DHA was found in soil under canopies of the central and southern European populations than in those from more northern parts of the Scots pine range. Significant positive correlation between soil DHA and aboveground tree biomass suggest that these patterns most likely resulted from differences in carbon dynamics and productivity among populations.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2003, 72, 2
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Soil acid phosphomonoesterase activity and phosphorus forms in ancient and post-agricultural black alder [Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.] woodlands
Orczewska, A.
Piotrowska, A.
Lemanowicz, J
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
acid phosphomonoesterase
acid phosphatase activity
phosphorus form
ancient forest plant species
tree stand
forest soil
black alder
Alnus glutinosa
post-agricultural soil
Black alder, an N-fixing tree is considered to accelerate the availability of phosphorus in soils due to the increased production of phosphatase enzymes, which are responsible for the P release from the litter. Acid phosphatase activity plays a pivotal role in organic P mineralization in forest soils and in making P available to plants. In order to check whether Alnus glutinosa stimulates acid phosphomonoesterase (PHACID) activity, we compared enzyme activities, total P concentration (PTOT), plant-available P (PAVAIL), organic P (PORG) and inorganic P (PINORG), and organic matter content in 27 ancient and 27 post-agricultural alder woods (the latter ones representing different age classes: 11-20, 21-40 and 41-60 years) of soil samples taken from the litter and the mineral layers. Phosphomonoesterase activity, organic matter, PTOT, PINORG and PORG concentrations were significantly higher in ancient alder woods than in the soils of post-agricultural forests. Significant differences in the acid phosphatase activity, organic matter and PAVAIL concentration were noted between the litter and mineral layers within the same forest type. In recent stands the amount of organic matter and phosphatase activity increased significantly with the age of alder stands, although only in the mineral layer of their soils. Phosphomonoesterase activity, organic matter and PAVAIL content were higher in a litter layer and decreased significantly at a mineral depth of the soil. The acid phosphatase activity was significantly correlated with organic matter content in both ancient and recent stands. There was no significant relationship between PHACID activity and any P forms.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2012, 81, 2
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Disease symptoms and their frequency of occurrence in sycamores [Acer pseudoplatanus L.] in the Rymanow Forest Unit stands
Symptomy chorobowe i nasilenie ich wystepowania u jaworow [Acer pseudoplatanus L.] w drzewostanach Nadlesnictwa Rymanow
Kowalski, T
Materniak, P
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
plant disease
Acer pseudoplatanus
disease symptom
symptom frequency
Rymanow Forest Unit
fungal disease
Field studies were conducted in the years 2003 - 2005 in the Rymanów Forest Unit in 13 stands aged between 40 to 100 years, which had 10% - 60% of the sycamore in their species composition. They grew on a mountain forest site (12 stands) and mountain riparian forest (1 stand). In each of them 100 trees were examined, growing next to each other in the central part of the stands. The disease symptoms, on trunks and in the crown area of each tree, and their intensity were determined according to the predefined symptomatic - developmental code. More than 80 fragments of wood and bark were collected from trunks of living and dead trees with local cankers and bark peeling off exposing wood. From the samples, 798 isolations were made on 2% malt - agar medium. The examined sycamores in the Rymanów Forest Unit showed a large variation in the disease symptoms and their occurrence frequency. Among 1300 analyzed trees, only 13.7% did not show external, macroscopic disease symptoms. There was a relatively large share of dead trees (15.0%), which in individual stands ranged 4.0 - 32.0%. The most frequent symptoms in crowns were as follows: top dying (6.3% trees), entire branch dying (16.2%) or only their tops (9.6%), crown thinning (19.4%), leaf atrophy (10.8%) and leaf discoloration (11.6%). On sycamores trunks, the following symptoms were found: plate-like and strip-like necrosis of bark that was breaking, falling off and exposing wood (8.6% trees), local bark cankers (14.7%), among which healed ones dominated (10.3%), bark cracks (14.3%) and tree cancer symptoms (3.8%). Bark necrosis and wood exposure formed 1.5 times more frequently on the northern and western side than on the southern and eastern side, bark cracks appeared most frequently on the southern trunk side. On the cross sections of sycamore trunks, the following symptoms were found predominantly: T-shaped discolorations which appeared in the place of local healed cankers, dead wood regions in the places of local unhealed cankers and widespread bark cankers, sometimes taking the form of a sector reaching the part near the pith, and greyish - green or greenish - brown wood discolorations in the form of numerous stains, especially in the trunk periphery part. On the trunks of 184 (14.2%) sycamores, perithecia of Nectria coccinea were present. They formed in the area of cankers on bark and exposed wood alike. Fruiting bodies of Nectria cinnabarina, Eutypa acharii, Melanomma pulvis-pyrius, conidiomata of Cytospora ambiens, Aposphaeria cf. pulviscula and conidiomata of Stegonsporium pyriforme occurred sporadically. From wood, the following were isolated predominantly: Basidiomycetes sp. 1, Chalara sp. 1, Cadophora fastigiata, Nectria cinnabarina and Cytospora ambiens. Chalara sp.1, with its morphological features, best matched the anamorph of Ceratocystis coerulescens sensu lato.
Badania terenowe prowadzono w latach 2003 - 2005 w Nadl. Rymanów w 13 drzewostanach w wieku 40 do 100 lat, w których udział jaworu w składzie gatunkowym wynosił od 10 do 60%. Rosły one na siedlisku lasu górskiego (12 drzewostanów) i na lesie łęgowym górskim (1 drzewostan). W każdym z nich poddano analizie 100 rosnących obok siebie drzew w środkowej części drzewostanu. Określono objawy chorobowe na pniu i w obrębie korony każdego drzewa oraz ich nasilenie według uprzednio przygotowanego kodu symptomologiczno-rozwojowego. Pobrano ponad 80 fragmentów kory i drewna z pni martwych drzew oraz drzew żywych wykazujących objawy lokalnych nekroz oraz złuszczania kory odsłaniającego drewno, z których wykonano 798 izolacji na 2% pożywkę agarowo-maltozową. Badane jawory w Nadleśnictwie Rymanów wykazywały duże zróżnicowanie symptomów chorobowych i nasilenia ich występowania. Spośród poddanych analizie 1300 drzew tylko 13,7% nie wykazywało zewnętrznych makroskopowych objawów chorobowych. Stosunkowo duży był udział drzew obumarłych (15,0%), który wynosił w poszczególnych drzewostanach od 4,0 do 32,0%. Do najczęstszych symptomów w koronach drzew należały: zamieranie wierzchołka (6,3% drzew), zamieranie całych gałęzi (16,2%) lub ich szczytów (9,6%), przerzedzenie korony (19,4%), atrofia liści (10,8%) i przebarwienie liści (11,6%). Na pniach jaworów stwierdzano: placowatą lub pasmową martwicę kory, która pękała, wykruszała się i odsłaniała drewno (8,6% drzew), lokalne nekrozy kory (14,7%), wśród których dominowały nekrozy zabliźnione (10,3%), podłużne spękania kory (14,3%) oraz objawy raka drzewnego (3,8%). Do martwicy kory i odsłaniania drewna ok. 1,5 razy częściej dochodziło od strony północnej i zachodniej niż południowej i wschodniej, spękania kory występowały najczęściej od strony południowej pni. Na przekrojach poprzecznych pni jaworów najczęściej występowały: przebarwienia w kształcie litery „T”, występujące w miejscu lokalnych zabliźnionych nekroz, obumarłe strefy drewna w miejscu lokalnych niezabliźnionych nekroz i rozległych martwic kory, przyjmujące niekiedy formę sektora sięgającego części przyrdzeniowej, i szarozielone lub zielonobrunatne przebarwienia drewna w postaci licznych plam, zwłaszcza w części przyobwodowej pnia. Na pniach 184 (14,2%) jaworów obecne były peritecja Nectria coccinea. Wykształcały się one w obrębie nekroz, zarówno na korze jak i na odsłoniętym drewnie. Sporadycznie występowały owocniki Nectria cinnabarina, Eutypa acharii, Melanoma pulvis-pyrius oraz conidiomata Cytospora ambiens, Aposphaeria cf. pulviscula i Stegonsporium pyriforme. Z drewna najliczniej izolowano: Nectria coccinea, Basidiomycetes sp. 1, Chalara sp.l, Mollisia sp., Cadophora fastigiata, Nectria cinnabarina i Cytospora ambiens. Chalara sp.l swymi cechami morfologicznymi najbardziej odpowiadała anamorfie Ceratocystis coerulescens sensu lato.
Acta Agrobotanica; 2007, 60, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrobotanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Badania nad zamieraniem jesionu [Fraxinus excelsior L.] w drzewostanach Nadlesnictwa Wloszczowa
The studies on ash dying [Fraxinus excelsior L.] in the Wloszczowa Forest Unit stands
Kowalski, T
Lukomska, A
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
Nadlesnictwo Wloszczowa
sklad gatunkowy
zamieranie wierzcholkow pedow
drzewa lisciaste
jesion wyniosly
plamistosc pedow
objawy chorobowe
zamieranie lisci
czynniki chorobotworcze
Fraxinus excelsior
przebarwienia lisci
zamieranie drzew
zamieranie pedow
grzyby chorobotworcze
Wloszczowa Forest Inspectorate
species composition
shoot apex
plant decline
deciduous tree
European ash
plant disease
pathogenic symptom
leaf decline
pathogenic factor
tree stand
leaf discolouration
tree decline
shoot decline
pathogenic fungi
The studies were carried out in the Włoszczowa Forest Unit, in 9 ash stands differing in respect of age, origin (natural, artificial), site and in the nursery on 3 quarters differing due to a silvicultural method (transplanted and not transplanted) and seedlings age. In each stand an analysis of disease symptoms was carried out on 100 trees (2 - 20 years old stands) or 50 trees (21 - 80 years old stands) growing side by side in central part of the stand, while in the nursery in each block 200 seedlings were analyzed (4 sectors with 50 seedlings each). From the infected seedlings and trees 120 fragments of dead branches, living branches with cankers, and dead roots were taken. Identification of fungi was made on the basis of fructification and over 300 isolations of fungi on malt agar medium. The most frequent disease symptoms in ash stands were: the dead top (34.7% trees), the dying of whole branches (83.5%), the dying of the top of branches (20.1%), the occurrence of healed (36.0%) and unhealed cankers (18.9%) and the slime flux (23.7%) on the trunk, also the chlorosis of leaves (7.5%) and their atrophy (11.2%). Most of the types of disease symptoms appeared irrespectively of the tree age, origin and site, sometimes showing only a difference in the frequency of occurrence. On the seedlings in the nursery the shoot discolouration, healed and unhealed cankers on shoots and necrosis of a part of leaves were recorded most frequently. Disease symptoms occurred more frequently on 4-year-old seedlings in comparison with 3-year-old. In respect of transplanted seedlings the leaves dying was more frequent. Within cankers and on dead tops of shoots the most frequent were: Alternaria alternata, Chalara sp., Cytospora ambiens, Diplodia mutila, Fusarium lateritium, Gloeosporidiella turgida, Phomopsis controversa and Phomopsis scobina. In sparsely found dead roots of living trees appeared mostly: Cryptosporiopsis radicicola, Cylindrocarpon destructans and Phialocephala sp.
Badania prowadzono w Nadl. Włoszczowa w 9 drzewostanach jesionowych różniących się wiekiem, pochodzeniem (naturalne, sztuczne) i siedliskiem oraz w szkółce leśnej na 3 kwaterach różniących się sposobem hodowli (sadzonki szkółkowane, nie szkółkowane) i wiekiem sadzonek. W każdym drzewostanie dokonano analizy symptomów chorobowych u 100 (2 do 20-letnie drzewostany) lub 50 drzew (21 do 80-letnie drzewostany) rosnących obok siebie w części środkowej drzewostanu, zaś w szkółce leśnej na każdej kwaterze zbadano 200 sadzonek (4 sektory po 50 sadzonek). Z chorych sadzonek i drzew pobrano 120 fragmentów zamarłych gałęzi, żywych gałęzi z nekrozami oraz zamarłych korzeni. Identyfikacji grzybów dokonano na podstawie owocników oraz ponad 300 izolacji na pożywkę agarowo-maltozową. Do najczęstszych objawów chorobowych w drzewostanach jesionowych należały: zamieranie wierzchołków (34,7% drzew), zamieranie całych gałęzi (83,5%), zamieranie szczytów gałęzi (20,1%), obecność na pniu zabliźnionych (36,0%) i nie zabliźnionych nekroz (18,9%) oraz wycieków brunatnej substancji (23,7%), a także przebarwienie liści (7,5%) i ich atrofia (11,2%). Większość rodzajów objawów chorobowych występowała niezależnie od wieku drzew, pochodzenia i siedliska, wykazując jedynie niekiedy różnice w częstości występowania. Na sadzonkach w szkółce najczęściej stwierdzano plamistości na pędach, nekrozy zabliźnione i nie zabliźnione na pędach oraz nekrozę części liści. Objawy chorobowe częściej występowały u sadzonek 4-letnich w porównaniu z 3-letnimi. U sadzonek szkółkowanych częściej dochodziło do obumierania liści. W obrębie nekroz i na obumarłych szczytach pędów najczęściej stwierdzano grzyby: Alternaria alternatei, Chalara sp., Cytospora ambiens, Diplodia mutila, Fusarium lateritium, Gloeosporidiella turgida, Phomopsis controversa i Phomopsis scobina. W nielicznie stwierdzanych obumarłych korzeniach żywych drzew występowały głównie: Cryptosporiopsis radicicola, Cylindrocarpon destructans i Phialocephala sp.
Acta Agrobotanica; 2005, 58, 2; 429-439
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrobotanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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