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Impact of AMF Claroideoglomus etunicatum on the structure of fungal communities in the tomato rhizosphere
Jamiołkowska, A.
Thanoon, A.H.
Patkowska, A.
Grządziel, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
fungal community composition
Lycopersicon esculentum
soil-borne pathogen
Mycorrhizal fungi influence the development and activity of communities of soil microorganisms. The purpose of this study was to estimate the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Claroideoglomus etunicatum (W. N. Becker & Gerd.) C. Walker & Schüβler on the population structure of fungal colonies in the rhizosphere of tomatoes grown in a plastic tunnel. The field experiment was conducted from 2015 to 2017 at an ecological farm in Grądy, central eastern Poland. The object of study were the three tomato cultivars: ‘Antalya F 1 ’, ‘Esmira F 1 ’, and ‘Pelikan F 1 ’. Tomato seedlings were inoculated with C. etunicatum; spores were introduced about 5 cm deep in the rhizosphere of the studied plants (25–30 spores of C. etunicatum for each plant). Each year, mycological analysis of the tomato rhizosphere was conducted using Warcup’s method; structure of fungal communities of the tomato rhizosphere varied depending on the AMF applied. Saprotrophic fungi such as Trichoderma ssp., Mucor spp., and Penicillium spp. were often more isolated from the rhizosphere of plants inoculated with C. etunicatum than that of the control samples. It can be concluded that AMF directly impacted the development of fungal biodiversity in the tomato rhizosphere, particularly regarding the number of saprotrophs in the soil.
Acta Mycologica; 2019, 54, 1; 1120
Pojawia się w:
Acta Mycologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stubble field plant communities of the Mazowiecki Landscape Park
Zbiorowiska roślinne ściernisk Mazowieckiego Parku Krajobrazowego
Skrajna, T.
Lugowska, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
stubble field
plant community
Mazowiecki Landscape Park
weed community
plant association
plant community list
species composition
The characteristics of communities found in unploughed stubble fields of the Mazowiecki Landscape Park and its agricultural buffer zone are presented in the paper. The association Echinochloo-Setarietum divided into a typical variant, the variant with Galinsoga parviflora, and the variant with Bidens tripartite, was the most frequently noted and floristically differentiated association. Patches of Digitarietum ischaemi were also frequently observed in stubble fields on the poorest habitats. Rarely, on fertile soils, small patches of floristically rich communities with Veronica agrestis were recorded. Periodically, excessively wet habitats were seldom occupied by the speciesrichest phytocoenoses of Centunculo-Anthoceretum punctati. Single patches of the community with Setaria pumila, the form with Aphanes arvensis, were observed only in the south-eastern part of the Park.
Acta Agrobotanica; 2010, 63, 2
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrobotanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Plant communities of cultivated fields of the Podlaski Przelom Bugu mesoregion. Part 5. Root crop communities of light soils
Zbiorowiska roslinne pol uprawnych Podlaskiego Przelomu Bugu. Cz.V. Zbiorowiska upraw okopowych gleb lekkich
Rzymowska, Z
Skrzyczynska, J
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
species number
Podlaski Przelom Bugu mesoregion
Panico-Setarion community
floristic composition
light soil
plant community
natural condition
root crop community
cultivated field
Echinichloo-Setarietum association
Setaria pumila-Setaria viridis community
This present paper, focused on root crop communities of light soils, is a part of the wide range characteristics of segetal communities of the Podlaski Przełom Bugu (Podlasie Bug River Gorge) mesoregion. On the basis of 160 phytosociological relevés made according to the Braun-Blanquet method, phytocenoses representing the Panico-Setarion alliance were distinguished. Most often, patches of the association Echinochloo-Setarietum were recorded in the study area. Heterogeneous habitat conditions affect its floristic diversity. Two subassociations of the phytocenosis, divided according to the species composition into 9 lower syntaxa, were identified on light soils. The following subassociations were distinguished: Echinochloo-Setarietum setarietosum glaucae in a typical variant and a variant with Juncus bufonius, both with subvariants with Digitaria ischaemum, as well as a typical variant of Echinochloo-Setarietum typicum, a variant with Juncus bufonius and a subvariant with Oxalis stricta in the typical and wet variant. Another association found in root crops on light soils of the Podlaski Przełom Bugu mesoregion is Digitarietum ischaemi. Its patches were observed in cultivations on light, acidic, poor soils. The characteristic feature of this community is the occurrence of numerous acidophilous species. In habitat conditions typical for the Podlaski Przełom Bugu mesoregion, Digitarietum ischaemi is differentiated into the typical and wet variant. Quite frequent patches of the Setaria pumila-Setaria viridis community were noted in intermediate habitat conditions, between those characteristic for Digitarietum ischaemi and Echinochloo-Setarietum.
Przedstawione w niniejszej pracy zbiorowiska roślin okopowych uprawianych na glebach lekkich są częścią charakterystyki zbiorowisk segetalnych Podlaskiego Przełomu Bugu. Na podstawie 160 zdjęć fitosocjologicznych wykonanych metodą Braun-Blanqueta wyróżniono fitocenozy reprezentujące związek Panico-Setarion. Najczęściej na badanym terenie notowano płaty Echinochloo-Setarietum. Zróżnicowanie florystyczne fitocenoz tego zespołu warunkują różnorodne warunki siedliskowe. Na siedliskach zaliczanych do gleb lekkich wyróżniono dwie subassocjacje tego zespołu, które skład florystyczny różnicuje na 9 niższych rangą syntaksonów. Wyróżnione zostały podzespoły Echinochloo-Setarietum setarietosum glaucae z wariantami typowym i z Juncus bufonius oraz podwariantami z Digitaria ischaemum, a także Echinochloo-Setarietum typicum wariant typowy oraz wariant z Juncus bufonius i podwariant z Oxalis stricta w wariancie typowym i wilgotnym. Zespół ten jest najbardziej rozpowszechniony i zróżnicowany florystycznie. Drugim zespołem gleb lekkich wykształcającym się w uprawach okopowych Podlaskiego Przełomu Bugu jest Digitarietum ischaemi. Jego płaty zachwaszczają przede wszystkim uprawy na glebach lekkich, kwaśnych i mało żyznych. Cechą tych zbiorowisk jest liczne występowanie wielu gatunków acidofilnych. W warunkach siedlisk Podlaskiego Przełomu Bugu Digitarietum ischaemi różnicuje się na wariant typowy i wilgotny. Dość częstymi fitocenozami, zajmującymi siedliska pośrednie między Digitarietum ischaemi a Echinochloo-Setarietum są płaty zbiorowiska Setaria pumila-Setaria viridis.
Acta Agrobotanica; 2007, 60, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrobotanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Species diversity and composition of fungal communities in a Scots pine forest affected by the great cormorant colony
Kutorga, E.
Irsenaite, R.
Iznova, T.
Kasparavicius, J.
Markovskaja, S.
Motiejunaite, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
species diversity
species composition
fungi community
Scotch pine
Pinus sylvestris
pine forest
Great Cormorant
Phalacrocorax carbo
animal colony
A Scots pine forest, affected by the great cormorant colony, was studied by plot-based fungal survey method during the years 2010-2012 in Lithuania. Diversity and composition of fungal communities were investigated at five zones that had been influenced by different stages of breeding colony establishment: starting-point and almost abandoned cormorant colony part (zones A and B), active part (zones C and D), and the edge of the colony (zone E). The control zone G in undamaged by cormorants pine stand was assessed too. A total of 257 fungal species of ascomycetes including anamorphic fungi, basidiomycetes and zygomycetes were recorded. Seven species were registered for the first time in Lithuania. Species richness in the examined zones varied, lowest being in zones B (51 species), C (46) and D (73) and almost twice as high in the zones A and E (129 and 120, respectively). The comparison of fungal species compositions of different zones showed that their similarity was rather low (SS: 0.22–0.59). The most obvious changes in the trophic structure of fungal communities in the territory occupied by the bird colony were a strong decrease of mycorrhizal species, the presence of coprophilous fungi on forest litter, and the appearance of host-specialized fungi on alien and non-forest plants that have established in the disturbed forest.
Acta Mycologica; 2013, 48, 2
Pojawia się w:
Acta Mycologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The effects of different types of woodstand disturbance on the persistence of soil seed banks
Kwiatkowska-Falinska, A.
Panufnik-Medrzycka, D.
Wodkiewicz, M.
Sondej, I.
Jaroszewicz, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
different type
seed bank
longevity index
soil seed bank
Bialowieza Forest
Potentillo albae-Quercetum community
species composition
The research was conducted on four patches of thermophilous oak wood in Białowieża Primeval Forest: A – with a woodstand: oak + approx. 30-year-old hornbeam + hornbeam brushwood; B – with a hornbeam stand formed by natural seed fall after logging (ca. 1920) oaks; C – after logging oaks and replanted (ca. 1965) with pine and oak; D – with a natural low-density oak stand. Species composition and seed bank density were estimated using the seedling emergence method. Seedling emergence was observed over two vegetation seasons. Research demonstrated that: 1) the species abundance of the seed banks depends on canopy cover (A, B approx. 50 species; C, D approx. 70 species); 2) the floristical similarity (Sørensen’s index) of the seed bank and ground vegetation is higher in the undisturbed patch D (0.50) than in disturbed patches (0.30-0.35); 3) species diversity in plots A, B, C, D (H’=12.5; 13.4; 15.5; 16.9) and seed bank density per m2 (432.5; 958.0; 1486.5; 2268.0) are negatively correlated with the degree of patch shading; 4) the average weight of diaspores in the seed banks of shady plots is lower (A, B approx. 0.003 g) than that of sunny plots (C, D approx. 0.08 g); 5) the share of long-lived diaspores increases in patches after logging.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2011, 80, 2
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bioroznorodnosc gatunkowa grzybow mikroskopowych trzciny pospolitej [Phragmites australis [Cav.] Trin.ex Steud.] w zbiorowiskach szuwarowych Jeziora Glinno
Species biodiversity of microscopic fungi of common reed [Phragmites australis [Cav.] Trin. ex Steud.] in the rush communities of Lake Glinno
Mazurkiewicz-Zapalowicz, K
Janowicz, K
Wolska, M
Slodownik, A
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
zbiorowiska roslinne
sklad gatunkowy
zbiorowiska szuwarowe
jezioro Glinno
Phragmites australis
trzcina pospolita
roznorodnosc biologiczna
grzyby mikroskopowe
fungi colonizing reed
plant community
species composition
rush community
Lake Glinno
West Pomeranian voivodship
common reed
microscopic fungi
The studies were carried out on common reed (Phragmites australis) growing on the shores of Lake Glinno and forming rush communities of the alliance Phragmition. 10 plants with disease symptoms were gathered from each of five sites. The isolation and marking of pathogens were performed twice from fragments of leaf and blade tissues with disease symptoms. First, directly after collecting the plants incubated in sterile humid chambers and microorganism cultures on CDA and PDA medium, and then phytopathogen and saprotroph species occurring on dried green material were identified for 2-A months. The occurrence of 31 species of microscopic fungi overall was observed on the leaves, blades and inflorescences of P. australis, including 2 mycelia of Mycelia sterilia. The most frequently occurring species, present at all sites of Phragmites australis are: Alternaria alternata, Cladosporium cladosporioides, C. herbarum, Doratomyces stemonitis and Puccinia phragmitis, P. magnussiana and two mycelia of Mycelia sterilia. The most common species occurring on blades and inside them are: Acremoniella atra, Acremonium alternatum and Fusarium sambucinum. Sporadically, Ustilago grandis was also observed inside blades. Tiny necrotic stains on leaves and blades were caused by the presence of three species of the genus Leptoshaeria: L. culmifraga, L. eustoma and L. fuckelli. The occurrence of the sclerote of Claviceps microcephala was found in inflorescences.
Badania prowadzono na trzcinie pospolitej (Phragmites australis) porastającej brzegi wokół jeziora Glinno (woj. zachodniopomorskie) i tworzącej zbiorowiska szuwarowe ze związku Phragmition. Z pięciu stanowisk zbierano po 10 roślin z objawami chorobowymi. Izolację i oznaczanie patogenów wykonano dwukrotnie z fragmentów tkanek liści i źdźbeł z symptomami chorobowymi. Najpierw bezpośrednio po zbiorze roślin inkubowanych w sterylnych wilgotnych kamerach i hodowli mikroorganizmów na podłożach CDA i PDA, a następnie przez 2-4 miesiące identyfikowano gatunki fitopatogenów i saprotrofów pojawiające się na ususzonym materiale zielnikowym. Na liściach, źdźbłach i kwiatostanach P. australis stwierdzono łącznie występowanie 31. gatunków grzybów mikroskopowych, w tym dwóch grzybni Agonomycetes (Mycelia sterilia). Najczęściej występującymi gatunkami, obecnymi na wszystkich stanowiskach P. australis są: Alternaria alternata, Cladosporium cladosporioides, C. herbarum, Doratomyces stemonitis oraz Puccinia phragmitis, P. magnussiana i dwie grzybnie Mycelia sterilia. Na źdźbłach oraz w ich wnętrzu najpowszechniej występującymi gatunkami są: Acremoniella atra, Acremonium alternatum i Fusarium sambucinum. Sporadycznie zanotowano także obecność Ustilago grandis we wnętrzu źdźbeł. Drobne nekrotyczne plamistości na liściach i źdźbłach spowodowała obecność trzech gatunków rodzaju Leptoshaeria: L. culmifraga, L. eustoma oraz L. fuckelli. W kwiatostanach stwierdzono obecność sklerocjów Claviceps microcephala.
Acta Agrobotanica; 2005, 58, 2; 359-367
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrobotanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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