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Conservation status and trends in the transformation of Molinia meadows in the Laki w Komborni Natura 2000 site, SE Poland
Stan zachowania i kierunki przemian łąk trzęślicowych na obszarze Natura 2000 Łąki w Komborni (Polska południowo-wschodnia)
Ziaja, Maria
Wójcik, Tomasz
Wrzesień, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
meadow community
secondary succession
species diversity
Molinia meadows
The aim of this study was to provide a phytosociological and ecological characterization of meadow communities in the Łąki w Komborni Natura 2000 site (SE Poland), assess the trends in their transformation, and indicate the major threats impacting on their conservation. The study was conducted in 2015–2016. Three types of meadow communities were distinguished (alliances Molinion, Arrhenatherion, Filipendulion), due to the absence of the species characteristic for associations. The species richness noted per relevé differed significantly between the types of meadows (Kruskal–Wallis test: H = 21.65, p < 0.05). The highest floristic biodiversity (H' = 2.99) was noted for the meadow patches classified as in the Molinion alliance and the lowest (H' = 2.50) was found for the patches from the Filipendulion alliance. Mean values of the ecological indicators (F, R, N) differed between the meadow communities. The greatest disparity was noted for the mean values of the soil moisture indicator (from 6.42 to 7.45). Patches classified in the Filipendulion alliance were developed on the wettest soil substratum, whereas the patches classified in the Arrhenatherion alliance were predominant on a relatively dry substratum. The abandonment of traditional management practices (grazing, mowing) has contributed to transformation of the Molinia meadows, disappearance of characteristic species and succession of shrubs. The Molinia meadow habitat should be conserved by improvement of protection measures (appropriate mowing regime and removal of biomass) to conserve a high species richness and the rare and protected plant species.
Celem pracy była charakterystyka fitosocjologiczna i ekologiczna zbiorowisk łąkowych na obszarze Natura 2000 Łąki w Komborni (SE Polska) oraz ocena kierunków zmian wraz ze wskazaniem głównych zagrożeń. Badania przeprowadzono w latach 2015–2016. W kompleksie wyróżniono trzy typy zbiorowisk, które ze względu na brak gatunków charakterystycznych dla zespołów oraz znaczne przekształcenia fitocenoz podano w randze związku (Molinion, Arrhenatherion, Filipendulion). Zbiorowiska różniły się bogactwem gatunkowym (H = 21.65, p < 0.05). Najwyższą bioróżnorodność florystyczną (H' = 2.99) miały płaty ze związku Molinion, a najniższą (H' = 2.50) ze związku Filipendulion. Średnie wartości wskaźników ekologicznych (F, R, N) były różne dla wydzielonych zbiorowisk. Największe różnice zanotowano w średnich wartościach wskaźnika wilgotności gleby (od 6.42 do 7.45). Na podłożu najbardziej wilgotnym dominowo zbiorowisko z Filipendulion, a na stosunkowo suchym zbiorowisko z Arrhenaterion. Brak tradycyjnego użytkowania (wypas, koszenie) spowodowało przekształcanie łąk trzęślicowych, zanik gatunków charakterystycznych oraz postępujący proces sukcesji. Z uwagi na duże bogactwo gatunkowe, obecność rzadkich i chronionych taksonów istnieje potrzeba zachowania siedliska łąk trzęślicowych na badanym terenie wraz z koniecznością wprowadzenia zabiegów ochronnych (koszenie, usuwanie biomasy).
Acta Agrobotanica; 2017, 70, 3
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrobotanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Microspatial structure of the seed bank of xerothermic grassland - intracommunity differentiation
Czarnecka, J
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
microspatial structure
spatial structure
intracommunity differentiation
species diversity
seed bank
xerothermic grassland
The study analyses the quantity and spatial structure of the seed bank of the xerothermic grassland located in the Biała Góra near Tomaszów Lubelski (Central Roztocze Region). The seed stock of the bank was compared with the vegetation found in two different patches of the examined grassland. The number of seeds per square meter was estimated at 5328 and 5355, depending on the patch. The seed bank's spatial organisation is clustered. The most important factors determining this spatial distribution are: remaining of the seeds in close vicinity of parent plants, and the "group" dispersal of the seeds and fruits.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2004, 73, 2
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Vascular flora of drainage ditches in forest areas of the Polesie National Park
Flora naczyniowa rowów melioracyjnych na terenach leśnych Poleskiego Parku Narodowego
Banach, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
vascular flora
drainage ditch
forest area
Polesie National Park
species diversity
This paper presents the results of floristic studies conducted in the years 2003 – 2005 within the area of the Polesie National Park. The aim of the research was to compare the flora of initial succession stages in drainage ditches with the flora of neighbouring forest areas undergoing transformation as a result of drainage. Floristic lists were made in four designated study areas as well as in forest phytocoenoses. The results of field investigations were subjected to analysis with regard to the systematic affinity of the flora and proportions of plant life-forms as well as of historical-geographical groups and range groups. In the species composition of the studied drainage ditches hemicryptophytes were the dominant group of plant higher life-forms, whereas in the neighbouring communities the flora was represented by both hemicryptophytes and megaphanerophytes. In historical and geographical terms, the flora of drainage ditches and neighbouring communities represents definitely the group of spontaneophytes. Anthropogenic habitats, which developed within the drainage ditches, were colonised by native flora species characteristic for the Polesie National Park area.
Praca przedstawia wyniki badań florystycznych prowadzonych w latach 2003–2005 na terenie Poleskiego Parku Narodowego. Celem niniejszej pracy było porównanie flory inicjalnych stadiów sukcesyjnych w rowach melioracyjnych, z florą przekształcających się wskutek odwodnienia, sąsiadujących terenów leśnymi. Na czterech wyznaczonych powierzchniach badań, a także w fitocenozach leśnych sporządzono spisy florystyczne. Wyniki badań terenowych poddano analizie kameralnej pod kątem przynależności systematycznej flory, udziału form życiowych roślin, a także grup historyczno-geograficznych i grup zasięgowych. W składzie gatunkowym, badanych rowów melioracyjnych dominującą grupą form życiowych roślin wyższych są hemikryptofity, podczas gdy w zbiorowiskach sąsiadujących z nimi florę reprezentują zarówno hemikryptofity jak i megafanerofity. Pod względem historyczno-geograficznym flora rowów melioracyjnych, jak i zbiorowisk sąsiadujących, reprezentuje zdecydowanie grupę spontaneofitów. Antropogeniczne siedliska, jakie wykształciły się w obrębie rowów melioracyjnych zasiedlone zostały przez gatunki flory rodzimej charakterystyczne dla terenu Poleskiego Parku Narodowego.
Acta Agrobotanica; 2009, 62, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrobotanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Macrofungi of wooded patches in the agricultural landscape. I. Species diversity
Grzyby wielkoowocnikowe zadrzewien srodpolnych w krajobrazie rolniczym. I. Roznorodnosc gatunkowa
Kujawa, A
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
wooded patch
agricultural landscape
species diversity
nature conservation
fungi community
This article begins a four-part series, which presents the results of mycological research carried out in 2000-2007 in the agricultural landscape of the General Dezydery Chłapowski Landscape Park. This part includes description of the study area and field research methods, as well as a list and localities of 617 macrofungal taxa recorded in the Park. The next parts of this series will deal with: species that are rare, protected by law or recorded for the first time in Poland; the role of wooded patches for preservation of fungal diversity in the agricultural landscape; and changes in species diversity and structure of fungal communities in forest communities under strong human pressure.
Powyższy artykuł jest pierwszym z serii czterech artykułów prezentujących wyniki badań nad grzybami wielkoowocnikowymi przeprowadzonych w krajobrazie rolniczym Wielkopolski. W latach 2000-2007 badano różnorodność gatunkową grzybów wielkoowocnikowych zadrzewień śródpolnych, parków wiejskich i lasów gospodarczych w Parku Krajobrazowym im. gen. Dezyderego Chłapowskiego. Przez trzy lata badania prowadzono na 50 stałych powierzchniach. Przez cały okres badań zbierano też grzyby poza stałymi powierzchniami. Stwierdzono występowanie 569 taksonów macromycetes, a po uwzględnieniu nielicznych danych z literatury liczba znanych taksonów z tego terenu wynosi 615. W pierwszym artykule zawarto opis terenu badań oraz wykaz gatunków i ich lokalizację. Kolejne artykuły będą dotyczyły: gatunków chronionych, rzadkich oraz stwierdzonych w Polsce po raz pierwszy,• roli zbiorowisk drzewiastych w ochronie różnorodności gatunkowej grzybów wielkoowoc• nikowych w krajobrazie rolniczym, zmian w różnorodności gatunkowej i strukturze zbiorowisk grzybów w zbiorowiskach le• śnych będących pod wpływem silnej antropopresji.
Acta Mycologica; 2009, 44, 1; 49-75
Pojawia się w:
Acta Mycologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Species diversity of yeast-like fungi in some eutrophic lakes in Olsztyn
Różnorodność gatunkowa grzybów drożdżoidalnych w wybranych jeziorach eutroficznych Olsztyna
Biedunkiewicz, A.
Dynowska, M.
Ejdys, E.
Sucharzewska, E.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
species diversity
yeast-like fungi
eutrophic lake
Olsztyn Lakeland
aquatic ecosystem
The study is part of hydromycological investigations of man-affected water bodies in Olsztyn. Our results show that yeast-like fungi are permanent components in three selected lakes (lakes Tursko, Długie and Skanda). Their abundance and species composition depend on the trophic state of each lake.
Grzyby są stałym komponentem mikrobioty wód śródlądowych a każdy wzrost ich liczebności wiąże się najczęściej ze wzrastającą antropopresją i postępującym procesem eutrofizacji. Celem badań było określenie zróżnicowania taksonomicznego grzybów w trzech wybranych jeziorach Olsztyna, różniących się między sobą pod względem morfometrii, naturalnej odporności na degradację, stopniem zeutrofizowania i walorów przyrodniczych. Badania prowadzono w 2011 roku, od wczesnej wiosny do późnej jesieni. Do szczegółowych analiz zastosowano metodę filtrów membranowych oraz metody hodowli i identyfikacji zalecane w diagnostycznych laboratoriach mykologicznych. Pobrano 120 prób wody z 20 stanowisk. Uzyskano 124 izolaty grzybów drożdżoidalnych, wśród których zidentyfikowano 84 gatunki z 39 rodzajów. Stwierdzono ścisłą zależność między porami roku, trofią zbiornika a liczbą komórek grzybów w analizowanej warstwie wód powierzchniowych. Liczebność grzybów wzrastała od wiosny do jesieni w jeziorach umiarkowanie i silnie zeutrofizowanych. W jeziorze o niskiej trofii zaobserwowano odwrotną zależność.
Acta Mycologica; 2013, 48, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Mycologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Species diversity of segetal plant communities in the Early Neolithic settlement area of the Sleza Landscape Park
Aniol-Kwiatkowska, J
Kacki, Z.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
species diversity
segetal plant
plant community
Early Neolithic
settlement area
Slezanski Landscape Park
endangered species
The paper contains results of investigations carried out in crop fields within the protected area, which is an important refuge of species diversity in grounds dominated by large-area farms. The segetal vegetation is represented by 13 plant communities, the development of which is influenced by various tillage manipulations. As a result, the segetal flora of the Ślęża Landscape Park is heavily threatened and the structure and species richness of phytocoenoses are distinctly transformed. This is reflected in the frequency of weed occurrence in crops (i.e. there is a small group of common species and a very numerous group of species with 1 or 2 localities), as well as in values of biocoenotic indicators, e.g. the values of diversity indicator H vary between 1 and 3.5. An analysis of archaeophytes participation (frequency and numbers) in ATPOL squares indicates their significant connection with archaeological sites of the Neolithic settlement. Particular adherence to the early Neolithic settlement areas shows a group of species from the Caucalidion alliance. The richness and diversity of the Park vegetation, conditioned by many hundreds of years of agriculture, are now strongly transformed and have become impoverished. Establishing the Landscape Park, in order to preserve the natural-landscape character of the environment and its cultural and historical values, does not ensure the protection of both the species and the phytocoenotic diversity of this area.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2006, 75, 3; 257-262
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Species diversity and composition of fungal communities in a Scots pine forest affected by the great cormorant colony
Kutorga, E.
Irsenaite, R.
Iznova, T.
Kasparavicius, J.
Markovskaja, S.
Motiejunaite, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
species diversity
species composition
fungi community
Scotch pine
Pinus sylvestris
pine forest
Great Cormorant
Phalacrocorax carbo
animal colony
A Scots pine forest, affected by the great cormorant colony, was studied by plot-based fungal survey method during the years 2010-2012 in Lithuania. Diversity and composition of fungal communities were investigated at five zones that had been influenced by different stages of breeding colony establishment: starting-point and almost abandoned cormorant colony part (zones A and B), active part (zones C and D), and the edge of the colony (zone E). The control zone G in undamaged by cormorants pine stand was assessed too. A total of 257 fungal species of ascomycetes including anamorphic fungi, basidiomycetes and zygomycetes were recorded. Seven species were registered for the first time in Lithuania. Species richness in the examined zones varied, lowest being in zones B (51 species), C (46) and D (73) and almost twice as high in the zones A and E (129 and 120, respectively). The comparison of fungal species compositions of different zones showed that their similarity was rather low (SS: 0.22–0.59). The most obvious changes in the trophic structure of fungal communities in the territory occupied by the bird colony were a strong decrease of mycorrhizal species, the presence of coprophilous fungi on forest litter, and the appearance of host-specialized fungi on alien and non-forest plants that have established in the disturbed forest.
Acta Mycologica; 2013, 48, 2
Pojawia się w:
Acta Mycologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Changes in plant species composition in abandoned and restored limestone grasslands - the effects of tree and shrub cutting
Dzwonko, Z
Loster, S.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
secondary succession
species diversity
species composition
composition change
plant species
time series
permanent plot
Abandoned semi-natural limestone grasslands are often overgrown by shrubs and trees. Little is know if and to what extant xerothermic limestone grasslands can be restored by tree cutting. This was tested in a 12-year experiment after the clearing of a 35-year-old secondary pine wood developed on unmanaged grassland in the close proximity of not overgrown old grassland. After 12 years, there were no significant differences in the number of field layer species on the plots in the old and restored grasslands. But over this period the number of meadow species increased in all sites, while the number of xerothermic calcareous species increased significantly only in the old grassland plots. The developing shrub layer negatively influenced the number of nitrophilous and ruderal species in grasslands restored in the former close and open woods, and the number of all species, including the number of non-tufted perennials and perennials with vegetative spread, in the former open wood. The number of meadow species increased in years with higher precipitation in late spring and early summer. The obtained results suggest that in overgrowing grasslands shrubs and trees should be cut every few years, before their covers increase to about 30%. However, this treatment alone will not stop the changes to communities with dominance of tall and vegetatively spreading grasses and forbs. Cutting trees and shrubs in sites where most grassland species have already vanished, without additional managements supporting their dispersal, seedling recruitment and development, is not sufficient to restore limestone grasslands rich in xerothermic species.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2008, 77, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The preservation status of the lichen biota in the designed Special Area of Conservation NATURA 2000 "Middle Lyna River Valley - Smolajny"
Stan zachowania bioty porostów projektowanego Specjalnego Obszaru Ochrony Siedlisk NATURA 2000 "Dolina Środkowej Łyny - Smolajny"
Kubiak, D.
Czarnota, P.
Zdunczyk, A.
Dynowska, M.
Lesnianski, G.
Cyganska, A.
Olszewska, S.
Sadowska-Des, A.
Wojdal, P.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
lichenized fungi
species diversity
preservation state
Middle Lyna River Valley-Smolajny area
Natura 2000 area
The paper presents the list of 159 taxa, including 151 lichens and 8 saprotrophic or parasitic (lichenicolous) fungi, recorded in the designed Special Area of Conservation NATURA 2000 „Middle Łyna River Valley – Smolajny” (the Forest Division of Wichrowo). The analysed area (2953 ha) covers mostly forest communities, with natural character, associated with the valley of the Łyna river (hillside lime-oak-hornbeam forests, streamside alder-ash forest, riparian black alder forest).
Praca przedstawia wyniki badań lichenologicznych przeprowadzonych w dniach 6-8 września 2011 r. w ramach sesji terenowej towarzyszącej 25 Zjazdowi Lichenologów Polskich, który odbywał się w Medynach koło Lidzbarka Warmińskiego. Celem sesji było poznanie zasobów gatunkowych porostów położonych na terenie Lasów Wichrowskich (Nadleśnictwo Wichrowo), istniejących lub projektowanych, Specjalnych Obszarów Ochrony Siedlisk (SOOS) Natura 2000. W tej pracy przedstawiono wyniki inwentaryzacji przeprowadzonej na obszarze zaproponowanego do utworzenia SOOS „Dolina Środkowej Łyny – Smolajny”. Obszar o powierzchni 2953 ha obejmuje głównie zbiorowiska leśne, związane z przełomowym odcinkiem rzeki Łyny (grądy typowe, grądy zboczowe, łęgi, olsy). Na analizowanym terenie znaleziono 159 taksonów, w tym 151 gatunków porostów (grzybów zlichenizowanych) oraz 8 gatunków grzybów saprotroficznych lub pasożytniczych (naporostowych). Biota ta obejmuje 19 taksonów objętych w Polsce ochroną oraz 57 zagrożonych w skali kraju wymarciem. Ponadto, stwierdzono gatunki znane dotychczas w kraju z bardzo nielicznych stanowisk, do któ- rych można zaliczyć: Bacidia hemipolia f. pallida, Biatora chrysantha, B. pontica, Biatoridium monasteriense, Fellhaneropsis vezdae, Lecanora farinaria. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników można stwierdzić, że analizowany fragment Lasów Wichrowskich, na tle innych kompleksów leśnych Warmii i Mazur nie objętych dotychczas ochroną rezerwatową, wykazuje ponadprzeciętne wartości lichenologiczne, które zasługują na ochronę.
Acta Mycologica; 2014, 49, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Mycologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Macrofungi of raised and transitional bogs of Pomerania
Stasinska, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
plant community
plant species
species richness
species diversity
raised bog
transitional peat bog
Pomeranian region
environment condition
species list
The mycology of peatlands, with their specific plant communities and numerous rare plant species, has been underexplored and is poorly recognized. The main objectives of this study were to identify the species richness and diversity of macromycetes in raised and transitional bogs of Pomerania and to establish correlations between macroscopic fungi and peatland communities occurring in the area in view of environmental conditions. Investigations spanning a period of ten years were conducted at 134 sites (71 raised and 63 transitional bogs) in eight non-forest peatland communities (Caricetum lasiocarpae, Caricetum limosae, Caricetum rostratae, Eriophoro angustifolii-Sphagnetum recurvi, Rhynchosporetum albae, Erico-Sphagnetum medii, Sphagnetum magellanici, and the Eriophorum vaginatum-Sphagnum fallax community) and two forest communities (Vaccinio uliginosi-Pinetum and Vaccinio uliginosi-Betuletum pubescentis) in which 108 permanent observation plots were established for detailed examinations. A total of 191 macromycete species were recorded in the peatlands. The smallest number of species was recorded in Rhynchosporetum albae (12 species) and Caricetum rostratae (15 species). Phytocoenoses richest in fungi were Vaccinio uliginosi-Pinetum (102 species) and Vaccinio uliginosi-Betuletum pubescentis (121 species). The number of macromycete species recorded in individual peatland communities depends on the community type and is not conditioned by the number of observations and the number and the total area of permanent plots. Five mycosociologico-ecological groups of macroscopic fungi were distinguished based on numerical analyses. Four groups comprise species of fungi associated with a specific phytocoenosis or a group of phytocoenoses. One group consists of fungi with a broader ecological scale. The majority of environmental variables representing the substrate’s chemical properties, humidity and pH show a statistically significant influence on the diversity of macroscopic fungi species in the peatland communities. Cartogram maps of the distribution of 21 species of peatland fungi are included and geographico-ecological features of the species are briefly described.
Monographiae Botanicae; 2011, 101
Pojawia się w:
Monographiae Botanicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
How a river course influences the species richness and ecological requirements on two opposite riverbanks in a forest area
Czarnecka, B.
Rysiak, A.
Chabudzinski, L.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
river course
species richness
species diversity
riparian landscape
solar radiation
moisture index
ecological requirement
opposite river bank
river bank
forest area
multivariate analysis
The goal of the present research was to find correlations between the topographic attributes of a river valley and local ground-floor vegetation and its habitat requirements expressed by ecological indicator values (EIV), using the geographical information systems (GIS), digital elevation model (DEM), and multivariate statistical analysis. We paid special attention to the river course, which determines the differentiation in slope aspects and the amount of solar radiation reaching the ground surface. The model object was an almost latitudinal, ca. 4-km-long break section of the Sopot river, crossing the escarpment zone of the Central Roztocze Highlands, southeastern Poland. The main material comprised species lists (with estimated abundance) for each ca. 200-m-long section, according to the river valley course, separately for the left and right riverbanks, 40 sections altogether, ca. 15 000 vegetation records, and physical and chemical soil measurements. A 3-meter resolution DEM was derived from a 1:10 000 topographic map. We calculated the correlations between the topographic attributes of the valley, species richness, and the EIVs for all the species recognized in each section of the valley. We found 241 herb plant species in the ground-floor vegetation of the study area. We did not find significant differences between the two riversides (61 ±13 species per one section for the left and 63 ±17 for the right side). Thus, the parallel course of the river valley does not change the species richness on a more “sunny” and more “shiny” riverbank. However, this factor “cooperating” with other topographic attributes of the valley significantly differentiates the shape of species showing various requirements for basic habitat resources: light, moisture, soil trophy, reaction, dispersion, and organic-matter content.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2015, 84, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Seslerio uliginosae-Scorzoneretum purpureae (Festuco-Brometea class) in the Nida Basin (Malopolska Upland) after 90 years
Towpasz, K.
Stachurska-Swakon, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
Seslerio uliginosae-Scorzoneretum purpureae community
Festuco-Brometea class
Nida basin
Malopolska Upland
Sesleria uliginosa
gypsum grassland
xerothermic grassland
species diversity
steppe reserve
ecological indicator
Seslerio uliginosae-Scorzoneretum purpureae is the only xerothermic community of the Festuco-Brometea class, where a rare species known as Sesleria uliginosa occurs in Poland. A couple of sites hosting this association in the Nida Basin were described in the 1920s and 1950s. All these stands are now situated in the areas designated as xerothermic nature reserves. The study aimed at describing the present-day characteristics of this rare association, the most likely being endemic in Poland, as well as the changes that have occurred in it. The species diversity and the contribution of xerothermic plants have decreased significantly in terms of their number and cover coefficient. Some of the diagnostic species of the association have become extremely rare. Sesleria uliginosa is the only one without visible changes in their dominant position in the community. Mosses, that have played a significant role before, were among the vanished species. At the same time, an increase in number and cover of mesophilous meadows species was observed. Mesophilous grasses belong to the group of species growing in significance in the phytocoenoses. The observed changes in species composition were reflected in a statistically significant increase of nitrogen indicator value. The slow process of succession observed in the Seslerio-Scorzoneretum purpureae could be attributed to the lack of appropriate land use, e.g. mowing and grazing that have been ceased in the nature reserves.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2012, 81, 3
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Macromycetes of the Palace Park in Poznan-Radojewo (Wielkopolska Region, Poland)
Kujawa, Anna
Gierczyk, Błażej
Kudławiec, Barbara
Stokłosa, Natalia
Bujakiewicz, Anna
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
rare fungi
species diversity
Psathyrella larga
Psathyrella bipellis
Ischnoderma resinosum
Hericium coralloides
Geastrum fornicatum
Ascotremella faginea
palace park
Poznan-Radojewo Park
Wielkopolska region
This work aimed to present the diversity of fungal species in the Poznań- Radojewo park. It was characterized based on literature data, unpublished master’s theses, the authors’ data, as well as data collected during two mycological trips organized by the Mycological Section of the Polish Botanical Society. Between 1980 and 2017, as many as 333 species of macromycetes have been found within the park in Poznań-Radojewo (among them 19% are rare and endangered), including eight protected species (Mitrophora semilibera, Morchella esculenta (var. esculenta and var. umbrina), Geastrum corollinum, G. fornicatum, Hericium coralloides, and Myriostoma coliforme), as well as two species new to the Polish mycobiota: Psathyrella bipellis and P. larga. The park in Poznań-Radojewo is very important for maintaining a high species diversity of fungi within the city of Poznań. During revitalization works, it is of paramount importance to take the needs of rare, threatened, and protected species under consideration and to preserve the natural character of plant communities. It is also vital to ensure the presence of coarse woody debris at different decomposition phases, which serves as an important substratum type for rare fungi.
Acta Mycologica; 2020, 55, 1; 5513
Pojawia się w:
Acta Mycologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Leucocoprinus lilacinogranulosus (Henn.) Locq. in Poland
Leucocoprinus lilacinogranulosus (Henn.) Locq. w Polsce
Gierczyk, B.
Dubiel, G.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
alien species
Leucocoprinus lilacinogranulosus
The paper presents the first finding of Leucocoprinus lilacinogranulosus in Poland, the rare, exotic fungus, sporadically found in Europe. The species was found indoors, on soil in terrarium. A description based on the specimens from Poland as well as photographs and microcharacter drawings are presented.
W Polsce stwierdzono dotychczas występowanie pięciu gatunków z rodzaju czubnik (Leucocoprinus): L. badhamii, L. birnbaumii, L. caepistipes, L. straminellus i L. cygneus. Owocniki tych grzybów obserwowane były przeważnie w pomieszczeniach zamkniętych (szklarnie, mieszkania, centra handlowe), w donicach z roślinami ozdobnymi, jednakże część z nich pojawia się poza budynkami, na siedliskach antropogenicznych i półnaturalnych. Leucocoprinus lilacinogranulosus jest gatunkiem szeroko rozpowszechnionym w Europie. Jest uznawany za gatunek obcy dla bioty Europy, jednakże jego pochodzenie nie zostało ostatecznie ustalone. Nie był on dotychczas podawany z obszaru naszego kraju. W 2012 r. zebrano owocniki tego gatunku w miejscowości Bystra k. Bielska Białej. Wyrosły one w prywatnym mieszkaniu, w terrarium, na podłożu torfowym. W pracy przedstawiono opis cech makro- i mikroskopowych, opracowany na podstawie znalezionych owocników. Ponadto przedyskutowano zagadnienia taksonomiczne oraz rozmieszczenie L. lilacinogranulosus.
Acta Mycologica; 2014, 49, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Mycologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
18th Congress of European Mycologists Bioblitz 2019 – Naturalists Contribute to the Knowledge of Mycobiota and Lichenobiota of Białowieza Primeval Forest
Gorczak, Michał
Siedlecki, Igor
Błocka, Zuzanna
Cullen, Maria
Daniele, Inita
Fox, Howard
Harder, Christoffer
Kinnunen, Juha
Kochanowski, Michał
Krisai-Greilhuber, Irmgard
Majchrowska, Maria
Meiere, Diana
Oberhofer, Martina
Schigel, Dmitry
Senn-Irlet, Beatrice
Wiktorowicz, Dorota
Wrzosek, Marta
Pawłowska, Julia
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
fungal diversity
lichen diversity
endangered species
new species
Bryocentria brongniartii
Tremella coppinsii
Tremella hypocenomycis
Zevadia peroccidentalis
Bialowieza National Park
A total of 561 records of 233 species of fungi are reported from the Polish part of Białowieża Forest as a result of a short-term inventory that was conducted during the 18th Congress of European Mycologists (September 18–29, 2019). Four species new to Poland (Bryocentria brongniartii, Tremella coppinsii, T. hypocenomycis, and Zevadia peroccidentalis), and eight species new to Białowieża Primeval Forest (Hypomyces chrysostomus, Hypomyces rosellus, Lachnellula resinaria, Peniophora lycii, Phellinus viticola, Phlebia subochracea, Pronectria anisospora, and Typhula quisquiliaris) were recorded.
Acta Mycologica; 2020, 55, 2; 55211
Pojawia się w:
Acta Mycologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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