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Przestępczość o charakterze terrorystycznym w Rosji-wprowadzenie do problematyki
Terrorist crime in Russia-introduction to the problem
Laskowska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
przestępczość zorganizowana
przestępczość w Rosji
crime in Russia
The publication depicts the phenomenon of terrorist crime in Russia, both in legal and criminological approach. It attempts to define the phenomenon and, subsequently, defines the scope of criminalised acts and the manner of penalisation thereof under Russian law. Consequently the phenomenon, aetiology and prevention are analysed. Such an approach allowed to present the tendencies and threats resulting from this category of crime. Analyses have been aiming at conclusion what are the needs and directions of preventing this phenomenon in Russia. Analyses allowed to establish that the following offences should be deemed terrorist ones: act of terror (article 205), support for terrorist activities (article 2051), public incitement of terrorist activity or public justification of terrorism (article 2052 ), taking a hostage (article 206), organisation of illegal armed unit or taking part in such (article 208), hijacking of an aircraft, a vessel, or a train (article 211), attempt of assassination of public servant or social activist (article 277), seizure of power using violence, or exercise of power with the use of violence (article 275), armed uprising (article 279) public incitement of extremist activity (article 280) organisation of an extremist union (article 282) assault on people, or institutions which are under international protection (article 360). The analysis indicates that abovementioned acts of terrorism are, above all, a threat to public safety, legal government, and the foundations of constitutional order and state security, as well as peace and security of humankind. They have a criminal, political, and international character. They exhibit associations to organised crime and extremist crime. The study found that the reasons of their occurrence in Russia are deeply rooted in social, economic, and political problems. The weakness of the state and its structures, and the inability to solve problems, built up over decades, resulted in the development of the phenomenon which peaked between 1997 and 2004. During this period most false notices of terrorist acts were recorded, while crimes of organizing illegal armed units, and crimes of terror (terrorist acts) were also recorded but to a much less extent. The phenomenon has been undergoing changes for years and requires an appropriate response from the state. Therefore, apart from an improvement of anti-terrorism laws, the authorities should aim to reduce causes and factors which support the development of such crimes, especially to constantly monitor social situation in Russia, including the sources of tension. The authorities should also counteract fundamentalism, ease social tensions on nationality and religion grounds, and additionally control weapon trafficking, ensure adequate preparation of antiterrorist forces in terms of material, technical, and psychological basis.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2010, XXXII; 379-402
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Charakterystyka członka zorganizowanej grupy przestępczej z punktu widzenia kryminologii humanistycznej
Characteristic of an organized crime group member in the light of humanistic criminology
Kotowska, Monika
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
przestępczość zorganizowana
polityka penitencjarna
organized crime group
humanistic criminology
The key thesis in humanistic criminology is based on the premise that criminal behaviour in individuals is always an effect of their sovereign decisions, even if – as this is the case in every the type of human behaviour – it is influenced by a variety of factors. The main problem is the origin of a crime, understood as an individual process leading to a crime, or in cases where minors are involved as perpetrators – to a punishable act. The origin of crime would then be concerned with a varied and mostly complex phenomena of the human psyche. The core notion here being the volitional process, which is pivotal when deciding if law has been broken. In humanistic criminology, empirical research is not only about diagnosing objective premises leading to a crime, but also about analysing the behavioural patterns displayed by a particular individual, with such person's specificity, realm of experience, the relevant psycho-logical components and their core element, i.e. the act of will. The aim of this paper is to present a criminal biography of a person sentenced for participation in an armed organised crime group and to attempt an interpretation of the biography from the humanistic criminology perspective, as proposed by L. Tyszkiewicz. The analysis employed the biographical method and a case study concerning a concrete perpetrator. The course of life of the researched individual and his involvement in the crime group was de-scribed on the basis of an interview. The accuracy of thus obtained data was verified against the body of evidence included in the files of the inmate. The research was conducted in the penal institution where the convict serves a life sentence. The detailed results of the research are included in the article.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2013, XXXV; 283-303
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zjawisko prania pieniędzy jako obszar badawczy w Polsce
The Phenomenon of Money Laundering as a Field of Research in Poland
Filipkowski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
pranie pieniędzy
przestępczość zorganizowana
money laundering
organized crime
Legalising proceeds of crime has been criminalised since 1995 in Poland when the Protection of Economic Turnover Act came in force. The trouble was that no one had an idea what it was. Few cases were investigated and most of tchem were dismissed by the court. The necessary studies became inevitable in order to measure the phenomenon. There have been two major fields of research concerning the money laundering issue: the methods of legalising proceeds of crime and building and organising anti-money laundering regime in Poland. The first issue refers to the problem of the phenomenology of money laundering. It covers studies of criminal cases in order to analyse methods used by the launderers. The experts are trying to answer several basic questions: how the proceeds of crime are being legalised, which financial and non-financial institutions are abused, how much money is being laundered. is there a method typical for Poland, etc. The second field of research covers the functioning of the anti-money laundering regime in Poland. The Polish financial intelligelce unit has been established scarcely in 2001. It is still under construction due to changes of international standards, as well as due to the improverment of existing regulations. There is some research concerning the following issues: how obliged institutions fulfil statutory obligations, how their employees are prepared to execute them, is the system efficient, etc. The author presents the results of the studies conducted so far referring to both areas. He shows a diagnosis of the Polish situation in that regard. He also suggests some new untouched areas. As the last point, the author included some case studies. They are examples of criminal cases concerning money laundering in Poland.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2006, XXVIII; 169-178
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena społecznej świadomości na temat zjawiska przestępczości zorganizowanej na przykładzie mieszkańców Białegostoku oraz pracowników Aresztu Śledczego i Zakładu Karnego w Białymstoku – analiza własnych badań empirycznych
Nasuta, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
przestępczość zorganizowana
polskie grupy przestępcze
organized crime
criminality in the 90s,
Polish criminal groups
Przestępczość zorganizowana jest problemem szeroko opisywanym w literaturze. Pomimo tego, fakt ciągłych zmian w strukturach grup przestępczych i charakterze popełniania przestępstw skłania do podejmowania dalszych rozważań. Jednym ze sposobów jest prowadzanie badań skupiających się na społecznych ocenach tego zjawiska. Celem artykułu jest opisanie wyników badań własnych Autora, których respondentami byli mieszkańcy Białegostoku oraz pracownicy Aresztu Śledczego i Zakładu Karnego w Białymstoku. Badania przeprowadzono w celu ukazania postrzegania problemu przez osoby niemające na co dzień styczności ze zjawiskiem lub posiadające jedynie informacje z doniesień medialnych oraz przez respondentów mających do czynienia ze sprawcami tego typu przestępstw w życiu zawodowym. Badania skupiły się również na porównaniu postrzegania przestępczości zorganizowanej z lat 2000-2016 z tą z lat 90. XX wieku. Kwestionariusze ankiety wypełnione przez respondentów zawierały zagadnienia dotyczące oceny skali zjawiska i najpoważniejszych formach tej przestępczości, wysokości kary pozbawienia wolności przewidzianej w art. 258 kodeksu karnego, instytucjach powołanych do zwalczania przestępczości zorganizowanej, płci sprawców i poziomu recydywy skazanych. Analiza odpowiedzi respondentów pozwoliła na ukazanie społecznej świadomości na temat zjawiska przestępczości zorganizowanej.
Organized crime is a problem widely described in literature. Despite this, the constant change in the structure of criminal groups and the nature of organized crime committed by organized crime, encourages to further considerations. One of the ways is to conduct research that focuses on socialassessments of this phenomenon. The aim of this article is to describe the author's own research results, which were respondents from Bialystok and the employees of the Custody and Penitentiary in Bialystok. The study was conducted to show the perception of the problem by people who do not have daily contact with the phenomenon or having only information from media reports, and by respondents who deal with perpetrators of this type of crimes in professional life. The study also focused on comparing the perception of organized crime from 2000-2016 with that of the 1990s. Questionnaires filled out by respondents included issues related to assessment of the scale of the phenomenon, the most serious forms of this crime, the amount of the imprisonment provided in Article 258 of the Polish Penal Code, institutions established to fight with organized crime, gender 124 of the perpetrators and the level of recidivism of convicts. Analysis of respondents' responses allowed to show social awareness about the phenomenon of organized crime.
Biuletyn Kryminologiczny; 2017, 24; 106-124
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Kryminologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„W Tepito masz dwie opcje: zginąć na ulicy lub trafić do więzienia”. Trajektoria kolektywna w badaniach przestępczości zorganizowanej w Meksyku
“In Tepito, you have two options: die in the street or go to jail.” Collective trajectory in the study of organized crime in Mexico
Chomczyński, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
kolektywna trajektoria
przestępczość zorganizowana
collective trajectory
organized crime
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba wypracowania alternatywnej wobec dotychczasowych podejść kryminologicznych koncepcji kolektywnej trajektorii (collective trajectory CT). Wyjaśnia ona proces rekrutacji młodych ludzi do meksykańskich karteli narkotykowych (drug trafficking organizations DTO) i zajmowania najbardziej ryzykownych pozycji (sygnaliści, dilerzy, porywacze i płatni zabójcy). W odróżnieniu od większości dedukcyjnych, statystycznie tworzonych i weryfikowanych teorii kryminologicznych, koncepcja kolektywnej trajektorii wypracowana została na gruncie indukcyjnie prowadzonych badań oraz danych jakościowych gromadzonych i analizowanych w odmiennym kulturowo Meksyku. Badania opierają się na podejściu etnograficznym obejmującym obserwację bezpośrednią jawną oraz dziewięćdziesięciu dwóch wywiadach swobodnych przeprowadzonych wśród osób bezpośrednio współpracujących z DTO, członkach wspólnot zagrożonych przestępczością zorganizowaną oraz osób posiadających wiedzę ekspercką.
The aim of this article is an attempt to develop an alternative to the previous approaches to criminality, the concept of collective trajectory (CT). It explains the process of recruiting young people into Mexican drug cartels (DTOs) and in the riskiest positions (halcones, dealers, kidnappers and hitmen). Unlike deductive corrections and statistically created and verified criminological theories, collective analysis of trajectories is derived from inductively research and qualitative data collected and analyzed in a culturally different Mexico. The research is based on an ethnographic approach involving direct observation and 92 free interviews conducted among people directly cooperating with the DTO, members of communities at risk of organized crime and people with expert knowledge.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2021, XLIII/2; 7-37
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ticket scalping w sporcie – współczesne zagrożenia oraz zasadność i perspektywy reakcji karnej
Ticket scalping in sport. Contemporary threats and the legitimacy of and perspectives on the criminal response
Leciak, Michał
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
handel biletami
impreza sportowa
przestępczość zorganizowana
reakcja karna
tickets trade
sport event
organized crime
criminal response
The term ticket scalping has become commonly used to define the behaviour of a perpetrator who purchases tickets and resells them at a profit. Among lawyers in Poland there is no need for a discussion on the legitimacy and manner of the criminal response to the trade of tickets to sporting events. This issue is completely outside the sphere of interest of the legislature; the only form of reaction in such matters is laid out in the provisions of Art. 133 § 1–2 of the Code of Petty Offences. At the same time, there is an increasing number of national laws in which the problem of ticket trading is covered by specific criminal regulations Moreover, the need for close cooperation between law enforcement agencies at the national and international levels or other state entities (such as fiscal control authorities) and sports federations or organisers of sporting events is increasingly recognised. It should be noted that ticket scalping today is closely related to gambling in sport and corruption in sport, being an area of great interest to organised crime groups around the world.
Termin ticket scalping oznacza zachowanie sprawcy, który kupuje bilety w celu odsprzedaży z zyskiem. W krajowym środowisku prawniczym nie dostrzega się potrzeby dyskusji na temat tego zjawiska. Polski ustawodawca traktuje związane z nim zachowania wyłącznie jako wykroczenia. Tymczasem rośnie liczba ustawodawstw krajowych, w których problem handlu biletami objęty jest szczególnymi przepisami karnymi (np. Wielka Brytania, USA). Dostrzega się zarazem potrzebę ścisłej współpracy na polu międzynarodowym.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2019, XLI/1; 439-463
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Świadek koronny jako instytucja dowodowa oraz źródło informacji o przestępczości zorganizowanej
Immunity Witness as an Evidence Institution and a Source of Information on Organised Crime
Rau, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
świadek koronny
przestępczość zorganizowana
prawo karne
zorganizowane grupy przestępcze
immunity witness
penal law
organised crime groups
organised crime
The author presents some practical aspects of the functioning of the immunity witness institution following the seven years of its existence in the Polish legal system. The paper contains an analysis of doctrinal as well as practical problems deriving directly from the utilisation of testimonies made by immunity witnesses. It is based on the results of research conducted using materials regarding the process of choosing candidates for immunity witnesses, as well as documents from criminal investigations and cases in courts where that institution was used. The author presents an analysis of police operational work during the process of choosing immunity witness candidates whose testimonies then shape the investigation as well as other evidence acquired during court hearings. It is compared with opinions expressed by judges, public prosecutors and police officers involved in the work with immunity witnesses at diffrrent stages of criminal procedure (e.g. receiving testimonies) and the immunity witness protection programme (e.g. physical protection of a witness). A consideration of these two aspects ensures a comprehensive diagnosis of that institution. There are two fundamental questions related to the subject matter: is the evidence effective in the Polish penal law? And is the evidence really necessary and useful in every respect?
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2006, XXVIII; 313-330
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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