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Stable isotope composition of carbonates in loess at the Carpathian margin (SE Poland)
Łącka, Bożena
Łanczont, Maria
Komar, Maryna
Madeyska, Teresa
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
authigenic carbonates
carbon and oxygen stable isotopes
Sam ples for the study were col lected from, known from the lit era ture, out crop pro files in Zar zecze, Ra dymno, Dybawka, Tarnawce and Pikulice- Nehrybka, situ ated at the Car pa thian bor der, in the vi cin ity of the Prze myoel town, close to the San River val ley (SE Po land). They rep re sent the Vis tulian loess- palaeosol se quences. Car bon ates oc cur mainly in the lo esses rep re sent ing OIS 2 and 3. Pol len analy sis, car ried out for two pro files (Tarnawce, Ra dymno), throws light on pa laeoe co logi cal con di tions of loess cover for ma tion and trans for ma tion. Iso topic analy sis of authigenic car bon ates was car ried out on car bon ate ce mented bod ies dis persed through out the loess in forms of nod ule, rhi zolith and rhi zo cre tion and on bio clasts, mainly snail shells, os tra cod valves, and sparse glob ules (proba bly the in ter nal shells of the na ked snails). In the suc ces sions stud ied, the up per Vistulian loess de pos ited in en vi ron ment with poor veg e ta tion, con tains rhizoliths and rhizocretions mainly, while in the mid dle and lower Vistulian loess with well de vel oped soils, gley ho ri zons, and in ter ca la tions of sub aque ous sed i ments, re mains of snail shells and ostracod valves pre vail. The two main forms of car bon ates dif fer mark edly in iso to pic com po si tion from one an other. These dif fer ences seem to be more im por tant than those be tween sam ples of one form of car bon ates along par tic u lar sec tions. That is the re sult of nu mer ous fac tors af fect ing the frac tion ation of car bon and, in par tic u lar, ox y gen sta ble iso topes in the en vi ron ment of pre cip i ta tion of authigenic cal cite. The iso to pic com po si tion of car bon ates ce ment ing sed i ments is con trolled mainly by biomineralization of or ganic mat ter and lo cal cli ma tic pa ram e ters which were rather slightly dif fer en ti ated dur ing the for ma tion of the stud ied sed i ments. The d13C val ues for bioclasts vary in a broader range than for calcitic ce ments. Usu ally the snail shell car bon ate is more en riched with heavier car bon iso tope than that from ostracod valves, re sult ing from the iso to pic equi lib rium with pre cip i ta tion and with sur face wa ters, re spec tively. Bas ing on our study we can con clude that fluc tu a tions of iso tope com po si tion of authigenic car bon ates make it hard to ap ply as a paleoclimatic in di ca tor. How - ever, the gen eral trend of d18O vari a tion in ana lysed car bon ate frac tions from leoss-palaeosol se quences dis plays some con nec tions with cli ma tic fluc tu a tions.
Studia Quaternaria; 2008, 25; 3-21
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Carbonate minerals with magnesium in triassic terebratula limestone in the term of limestone with magnesium application as a sorbent in desulfurization of flue gases
Minerały węglanowe zawierające magnez w wapieniach triasowych warstw terebratulowych w aspekcie zastosowania wapieni z magnezem jako sorbentu w procesie odsiarczania spalin
Stanienda-Pilecki, K.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
carbonates with magnesium
fazy węglanowe z magnezem
This article presents the results of studies of Triassic (Muschelkalk) carbonate rock samples of the Terebratula Beds taken from the area of the Polish part of the Germanic Basin. It is the area of Opole Silesia. The rocks were studied in the term of possibility of limestone with magnesium application in desulfurization of flue gases executed in power plants. Characteristic features of especially carbonate phases including magnesium-low-Mg calcite, high-Mg calcite, dolomite and huntite were presented in the article. They were studied to show that the presence of carbonate phases with magnesium, especially high-Mg calcite makes the desulfurization process more effective. Selected rock samples were examined using a microscope with polarized, transmitted light, X-ray diffraction, microprobe measurements and FTIR spectroscopy. The results of studies show a domination of low magnesium calcite in the limestones of the Terebratula Beds. In some samples dolomite and lower amounts of high-Mg calcite occurred. Moreover, huntite was identified. The studies were very important, because carbonate phases like high-Mg calcite and huntite which occurred in rocks of the Triassic Terebratula Beds were not investigated in details by other scientists but they presence in limestone sorbent could influence the effectiveness of desulfurization process.
W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań wapieni triasowych (wapienia muszlowego) warstw terebratulowych. Próbki pobrano w obszarze Śląska Opolskiego (polska część zbiornika germańskiego). Próbki poddano badaniom w celu określenia możliwości zastosowania wapieni z magnezem w procesie odsiarczania gazów spalinowych, stosowanym w zakładach energetycznych. Charakterystyczne własności faz węglanowych, w szczególności tych zawierających magnez, takich jak kalcyt niskomagnezowy, kalcyt wysokomagnezowy, dolomit i huntyt, przedstawiono w niniejszym artykule. Badania wykonano w celu wykazania, że obecność faz węglanowych zawierających magnez, w szczególności wysokomagnezowy kalcyt, wpływają na zwiększenie efektywności procesu odsiarczania spalin. Próbki wapieni poddano badaniom, obejmującym analizę mikroskopową w świetle przechodzącym, dyfraktometrię rentgenowską, badania w mikroobszarach oraz spektroskopię w podczerwieni FTIR. Wyniki badań wskazują na dominację niskomagnezowego kalcytu w wapieniach warstw terebratulowych. W niektórych próbkach zidentyfikowano dolomit i mniejsze ilości kalcytu wysokomagnezowego. Ponadto oznaczono również huntyt. Przeprowadzenie badań było bardzo istotne, ponieważ fazy węglanowe takie jak kalcyt wysokomagnezowy i huntyt, które zidentyfikowano w wapieniach triasowych warstw terebratulowych nie były wcześniej, przez innych naukowców szczegółowo badane, a ich obecność w sorbencie węglanowym może wpływać na polepszenie efektywności procesu odsiarczania spalin.
Archives of Mining Sciences; 2017, 62, 3; 459-482
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Mining Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Investigations of carbon dioxide absorption into aqueous potassium carbonate solutions containing primary and secondary alkanolamines
Bińczak, G.
Moniuk, W.
Mordecka, Z.
Możeński, C.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
carbon dioxide absorption
potassium carbonates
laminar jet
pochłanianie dwutlenku węgla
węglan potasu
In the paper the results of measurements of CO2 absorption rate in aqueous potassium carbonate solutions containing cyclohexylamine, diethanolamine, 2-methylaminoethanol and triethylenetetramine as activators have been presented. Enhnancement mass transfer factors as well as reaction rate constants have been determined. Results show that among the tested activators triethylenetetramine and 2-methyl-aminoethanol may be used (instead of diethanolamine) as new promotors in a modified BENFLIELD process.
Chemical and Process Engineering; 2016, 37, 1; 83-95
Pojawia się w:
Chemical and Process Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Regressive-transgressive cyclothem with facies record of the re-flooding window in the Late Silurian carbonate succession (Podolia, Ukraine)
Łuczyński, P.
Kozłowski, W.
Skompski, S.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
re-flooding window
spectral gamma ray record
shallow water carbonates
late Silurian
wody płytkie
The term “re-flooding window” was recently proposed as a time-interval connected with the transgressive stage of present day peri-reefal development. In the analysis presented here, a fossil record of a re-flooding window has been recognized. Nine Late Silurian carbonate sections exposed on the banks of the Dnister River in Podolia (Ukraine) have been correlated base on bed-by-bed microfacies analysis and spectral gamma ray (SGR) measurements. Correlated were sections representing settings ranging from the inner part of a shallow-water carbonate platform to its slope, through an organic buildup. The reconstructed depositional scenario has been divided into six development stages, with the first three representing a regressive interval and the latter three a transgressive interval of the basin’s history. The re-flooding window has been identified at the beginning of a transgressive part of the succession. Surprisingly, it is characterized by an extremely fast growth of a shallow, tide-dominated platform and by deposition of calciturbiditic layers in a more basinal area. The interpreted succession is a small-scale model illustrating the reaction of carbonate depositional sub-environments to sea level changes and determining the facies position of the stromatoporoid buildups within the facies pattern on a Silurian shelf. The use of SGR analyses in shallow water, partly high-energy, carbonate facies, both for correlation purposes and for identifying depositional systems, is a relatively new method, and thus can serve as a reference for other studies of similar facies assortment.
Acta Geologica Polonica; 2015, 65, 3; 297-318
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Investigation of new potential amine activators for carbon dioxide absorption in carbonate solutions
Bińczak, G.
Pohorecki, R.
Moniuk, W.
Możeński, C
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
carbon dioxide
potassium carbonates
amine activators
laminar jet
dwutlenek węgla
węglan potasu
aktywator aminowy
strumień laminarny
Results of an extensive research program, aimed at finding new, more efficient activators of carbon dioxide absorption into aqueous carbonate/bicarbonate solutions are presented. Both single amines (2-ethyl-aminoethanol, 2-isopropyl aminoethanol, piperazine, tetraethylenepentamine, N-ethyl-piperazine and glicyne) and amine mixtures have been investigated. Absorption rate measurements were conducted in a laminar-jet absorber. Reaction rate constants for the particular activators were determined. Mixtures of aliphatic amines with cyclic amines, as well as mixtures of cyclic amines with cyclic amines were found to exhibit synergetic effect. Such amine mixtures might be used as new promoters for CO2 absorption in carbonate solutions in the modified Benfield process.
Chemical and Process Engineering; 2018, 39, 4; 353--365
Pojawia się w:
Chemical and Process Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Marine snow and epipelagic suspensoids in the Reda carbonates and a pronounced mid-Ludfordian (Silurian) CIE in the axis of the Baltic Basin (Poland)
Kozłowski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
pelagic carbonates
marine snow
algal blooms
eolian dust
carbonate supersaturation
Baltic basin
Reda Member
węglany pelagiczne
śnieg morski
zakwit glonów
osady eoliczne
basen bałtycki
The mid-Ludfordian pronounced, positive carbon isotope excursion (CIE), coincident with the Lau/kozlowskii extinction event, has been widely studied so far in shallow-water, carbonate successions, whereas its deep-water record remains insufficiently known. The aim of this research is to reconstruct the sedimentary environments and the palaeoredox conditions in the axial part of the Baltic-Podolian Basin during the event. For these purposes, the Pasłęk IG-1 core section has been examined using microfacies analysis, framboid pyrite diameter and carbon isotope measurements. The prelude to the event records an increased influx of detrital dolomite interpreted as eolian dust, coupled with a pronounced decrease in the diameter of the pyrite framboids, indicating persistent euxinic conditions across the event. The event climax is recorded as the Reda Member and consists of calcisiltites, composed of calcite microcrystals (‘sparoids’), which are interpreted as suspensoids induced by phytoplankton blooms in the hipersaturation conditions present in the epipelagic layer of the basin. Both the prelude and climax facies show lamination, interpreted as having resulted from periodical settling of marine snow, combined with hydraulic sorting within a ‘benthic flocculent layer’, which additionally may be responsible for a low organic matter preservation rate due to methanogenic decomposition. Contrary to the observed basinward CIE decline in the benthic carbonates in the basin, the Reda Member records an extremely positive CIE (up to 8.25‰). Given the pelagic origin of the sparoids, the CIE seems to record surface-water carbon isotope ratios. This points to a large carbon isotope gradient and kinetic fractionation between surface and bottom waters during the mid-Ludfordian event in a strongly stratified basin. The Reda facies-isotope anomaly is regarded as undoubtedly globally triggered, but amplified by the stratified and euxinic conditions in the partly isolated, Baltic-Podolian basin. Hence, the common interpretation of the basin record as representative for the global ocean needs to be treated with great caution.
Acta Geologica Polonica; 2020, 70, 4; 529-567
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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