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Evaluation of some Accessions of Bambara Groundnut (Vigna Subterranean L. Verdc) for Resistance to Bruchid Infestation, Based on Grain Source and Seed Coat Colour
Echezona, B.Ch.
Amuji, Ch.
Eze, S.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
The relative susceptibility of different accessions of Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranean L. Verdc) to Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) was assessed in a laboratory trial in Nigeria. Treatments were comprised factorial combinations of four grain sources from Nigeria (Enugu, Anambra, Benue and Kogi state) and three predominantly contrasting seed coat colours (black, brown, and milky-colour) laid out in a completely randomized design (CRD). There were four replications of each treatment. Egg depositions by adult C. maculatus were affected by grain sources such that ovipositions on those sourced from the state of Anambra were significantly (p < 0.05) higher than those from other sources. Similarly, black coloured grains harboured more insects and eggs compared to other seed coat colours. Accesssions collected from Benue and/or those with a milky-coloured seed coat showed some levels of oviposition deterrence. However, the interaction of grain source and seed coat colour was not significant based on oviposition, adult emergence, and mortality counts. Grain sources and seed coat colour were, therefore, important traits to be considered while selecting ideotypes for resistance to C. maculatus.
Journal of Plant Protection Research; 2013, 53, 3
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Plant Protection Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Trente ans d’étude des langages du politique (1980-2010): Mots. Les langages du politique (numéro spécial) (Anna Dutka-Mańkowska)
Bacot, P.
Coulomb-Gully, M.
Honoré, J.-P.
Le Bart, Ch.
Oger, C.
(coord.), Plantin Ch.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny; 2011, 1
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny
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Biblioteka Nauki
Investigation of the stator inductances of the expanded Park model and an approach on parameter identification using the evolution strategy
Schmuelling, Ch.
Kreischer, Ch.
Gołebiowski, M.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
evolution strategy
Park equations
Park theory
synchronous machines
Commonly, the Park model is used to calculate transients or steady-state operations of synchronous machines. The expanded Park theory derives the Park equations from the phase-domain model of the synchronous machine by the use of transformations. Thereby, several hypothesis are made, which are under investigation in this article in respect to the main inductances of two different types of synchronous machines. It is shown, that the derivation of the Park equations from the phase-domain model does not lead to constant inductances, as it is usually assumed for these equations. Nevertheless the Park model is the most common analytic model of synchronous machines. Therefore, in the second part of this article a method using the evolution strategy is shown to obtain the parameters of the Park model.
Archives of Electrical Engineering; 2016, 65, 3; 585-599
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Electrical Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Is adenomyosis a problem in reproduction and fertility?
Korzekwa, A.
Lupicka, M.
Socha, B.
Manelli, Ch.
Skarzynski, D.J.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Adenomyosis is defined as the presence of glandular foci beside the endometrium of uterus: in the myometrium and/or perimetrium depending on the progress of the disorder. So far, adenomyosis has been diagnosed in women and rodents, and studies conducted on cows have been rare. In this review we: (1) summarize the knowledge regarding adenomyosis, (2) compare the symptoms and aetiopathology between women and cows, (3) describe angiogenic uterine processes related to adenomyosis development and (4) outline the influence of adenomyosis on proper fertility processes in cattle (conception and fertility rates).
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences; 2014, 17, 1
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effect of Plant Oils on the Infestation of Rhyzopertha Dominica (Fab.) in Wheat, Triticum Aestivum Linn.
Kumawat, K.Ch.
Naga, B.L.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Six oil treatments, viz., Neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss), Castor (Ricinus communis), Karanj (Pongamia pinnata), mustard (Brassica juncea), Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus melanophloia) and Taramira (Eruca sativa) were evaluated at three dose levels (0.1, 0.5, and 1.0% v/w) against the lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica (Fab.) infesting wheat, Triticum aestivum Linn. An untreated check (the control) was maintained for comparison. The maximum protection was provided by Neem oil at 1.0 per cent (no adult emerged up to 270 days) followed by castor oil and Taramira oil at 1.0 per cent (no adult emerged up to 90 days of treatment). The maximum number of adults were recorded in the grain treated with Eucalyptus oil used at 0.1 per cent (9.3-22.0), Karanj oil at 0.1 per cent (6.0-20.7), and castor oil at 0.1 per cent (2.0-23.0). The maximum grain damage was recorded with use of Eucalyptus oil at 0.1 per cent (28.7-64.7), Karanj oil at 0.1 per cent (18.7-60.0%), and Eucalyptus at 0.5 per cent (18.0-58.0%). No grain damage was recorded in 1.0 per cent Neem oil-treated grain, for up to 270 days. For up to 90 days of treatment, no grain damage was recorded in 1.0 per cent castor oil treated grain, and no grain damage was recorded in 1.0 per cent Tarmira oil treated grain for up to 90 days of treatment. No adverse effect of plant oils was observed on seed viability for up to 270 days of treatments.
Journal of Plant Protection Research; 2013, 53, 3
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Plant Protection Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O społecznej konstrukcji wiedzy na przykładzie tradycji europejskich badań nad technologią Ch. Freemana
The social construction of knowledge on the example of Ch. Freeman’s European tradition of European tradition of technology research
Karpińska, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
europejska tradycja badań nad technologią
studia o innowacjach
European tradition of technology research
innovation studies
Autor artykułu podejmuje próbę rekonstrukcji naukowej aktywności Christophera Freemana w obszarze innowacyjności. Przedstawiona zostanie genealogia, zainicjowanej przez brytyjskiego ekonomistę, tzw. europejskiej tradycji myśli nad technologią. Analiza zostanie dokonana w kontekście współpracy Freemana z organizacją OECD. Zgodnie z przyjętym przez autora konstruktywistycznym modelem poznania, procesy wiedzotwórcze są zawsze uwikłane w złożone relacje społeczne, związane z osiągnięciem przez jednostkę indywidualnego zwycięstwa naukowego. Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą rekonstrukcji takiego uwikłania. Wskazane zostaną więc te właściwości koncepcji innowacji opracowanej przez Freemana, które nie mają odpowiedniego umocowania empirycznego i nie realizują heurystycznych oraz teleologicznych cech poznania naukowego.
The article is an attempt to reconstruct the scientific activity of Christopher Freeman in the area of innovations. The genealogy of European tradition, initiated by the British economist, will be described. The main context of analysis will be Freeman’s involvment in the cooperation with OECD. According to accepted by the author construstivist model of epistemology, the process of knowledge creation is always involved in complicated social relations, connected among others with achieving the individual scientific victory. This article is an attempt to reconstruct such entanglement. Therefore, there will be indicated the properties of the concept of innovation developed by Freeman, which do not have adequate empirical legitimacy nor perform heuristic and teleological characteristics of scientific knowledge.
Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa; 2017, 53, 1(211); 65-84
Pojawia się w:
Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Simple three-level neutral point voltage balance control strategy based on SVPWM
Bo, G.
Shanmei, Ch.
Yi, Q.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
space vector
neutral point voltage
voltage offset
The unbalance of the neutral point voltage is an inherent problem of three-level neutral-point-clamped (NPC) inverter, the effect of neutral point voltage balancing which is caused by voltage vector is analyzed, and the relationship of the voltage offset and neutral point voltage is studied in this paper. This paper proposes a novel neutral point balance strategy for three-level NPC inverter based on space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM). A voltage offset is added to the modulation wave, and a closed-loop neutral point voltage balance control system is designed. In the control system, the dwelling time of synthesis voltage vectors for SVPWM is varied to solve the problem of the unbalance of the neutral point voltage, the sequence of the voltage vectors maintains unchanging. Simulation and experimental results show the neutral point voltage balancing control strategy based on SVPWM is effective.
Archives of Electrical Engineering; 2013, 62, 1; 15-23
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Electrical Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The influence of climate change on CO2 and CH4 concentration near closed shaft – numerical simulations
Wpływ zmiany klimatu na rozkład stężeń CO2 i CH4 wokół nieczynnego szybu – symulacje numeryczne
Wrona, P.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
emisja gazów cieplarnianych
zmiana klimatu
likwidacja kopalń
nieczynny szyb
lokowanie podziemne gazów
greenhouse gas emissions
climate change
mine closure
abandoned shafts
underground gas storage
public safety
Given the scientific consensus pointing to climate change, the more extreme weather events associated with this will lead to deeper pressure drops. As has already been stated, pressure drops are the main cause of gas flow from underground sites to the surface. This article presents the results of numerical simulations of the change in distribution of CO2 and CH4 near a closed mining shaft under the predicted baric tendency. Simulations have been undertaken by means of the FDS software package with the Pyrosim graphical interface – a CFD tool for fire and ventilation analysis. Assumptions have been based on previous results of in-situ measurements. The results (determined for a height of 1m above the ground) were compared to the following levels (later in the text comparison levels): for CO2 0.1%vol. according to Pettenkoffer’s scale and 2.5%vol. for CH4 as the half of Lower Explosive Limit (LEL). The results show that the deeper baric drops anticipated could lead to a wider spread of both greenhouse gases in the vicinity of the shaft, especially along the prevailing wind direction. According to the results obtained, CO2 and CH4 with concentrations above their comparison levels are expected at a distance greater than 50m from the shaft when wind is present for CO2 and at a distance of 4.5m for CH4. Subsequent analysis of the results enabled the determination of functions for describing the concentration of gases along the wind direction line under the projected pressure drop. The results relate to a particular case, although the model could easily be modified to any other example of gas emissions from underground sites.
Wraz ze zmianami klimatu należy spodziewać się większej niż obecnie liczby dni w roku, w których będą występować ekstremalne zjawiska pogodowe, związane z przechodzeniem coraz głębszych frontów atmosferycznych (np. Falarz, 1997; Koźmiński i Michalska, 2010). Przyczyni się to do wzrostu tendencji barycznej zniżek ciśnienia. Zniżki baryczne są główną przyczyną emisji gazów kopalnianych na powierzchnię (Wrona et al., 2016b). Gazy te zawierają głównie CO2 i CH4, które są uznawane za gazy cieplarniane oraz mogą stworzyć lokalne zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa powszechnego (np. Czaja, 2012). W artykule przedstawiono wyniki symulacji numerycznych dotyczących zmiany stężenia obu gazów emitowanych z nieczynnego szybu górniczego na skutek zwiększającej się zniżkowej tendencji barycznej. Na podstawie analizy literaturowej zagadnienia (np. Falarz, 1997), stwierdzono, że w przyszłości możliwe są ekstremalne zniżki baryczne sięgające lub nawet przekraczające 5 hPa/1h. Na obszarze południowej Polski można spodziewać się raz na dwa lata zniżki sięgającej 4 hPa/1h oraz raz na 10 lat przekraczającej 5 hPa/1h. Takie zdarzenie, spowodowane przez zmiany klimatu, może doprowadzić do intensywniejszego wypływu gazów z obszarów podziemnych, a przez to zasięg ich oddziaływania może być zaskakujący i przede wszystkim niebezpieczny dla okolicznej ludności. Równocześnie do atmosfery zostanie wyemitowana większa ilość gazów cieplarnianych. Natężenie emisji gazów przyjęte podczas symulacji oparto o wyniki pomiarów in-situ nad jednym z nieczynnych szybów na Górnym Śląsku (Wrona et al., 2016b), kiedy to wyznaczono empiryczną zależność (1) pomiędzy wartością tendencji zniżki barycznej, a natężeniem wypływu gazów przez szyb. Założono także stężenia obu gazów jako 5%obj. Wartości te określono jako prawdopodobne na podstawie przeprowadzonych wcześniej pomiarów (Wrona et al., 2016b), oraz na podstawie analizy literaturowej (np. Nawrat, 2002; Szlązak et al., 2002; Krause, 2003). Założono kilka wariantów (zestawów danych wejściowych) symulacji. Dotyczyły one zmiennej wartości tendencji barycznej (TB) oraz wpływu wiatru z jednego kierunku geograficznego (zachodu).Wyznaczone wartości zostały określone na wysokości 1m nad gruntem. Wykazano, że przy bezwietrznej pogodzie, wraz ze wzrostem tendencji barycznej do wartości 5 hPa/1h zasięg obecności CO2 w stężeniu przekraczającym 0.1%obj. (wartość po przekroczeniu której można odnotować efekt duszący, wg skali Pettenkoffera), sięga 45 m. Dla metanu przyjęto poziom porównawczy jako 2.5%obj. stanowiący połowę dolnej granicy wybuchowości tego gazu i stwierdzono, że stężenie wyższe od tej wartości występuje do 4 m od szybu. Przy wietrze 5m/s z zachodu i TB = 1 hPa/1h wartości NDS w linii wiatru (E) są przekroczone do 50 m dla CO2 i 4.2 m dla CH4 (Rys. 6,7). Natomiast przy prognozowanej zniżce 5 hPa/1h wartość NDS dla CO2 w linii jest przekroczona na ponad 50 m od szybu, a dla CH4 na 4.5 m (Rys. 8,9) Prognozę dotyczącą zmiany stężenia na linii zgodnej z dominującym kierunkiem wiatru przedstawiono na rysunkach 10 i 11, podano funkcje aproksymujące i współczynnik determinacji wykonanej prognozy (2) i (3). Wykazano, że przy spodziewanej na skutek zmian klimatu zniżce barycznej sięgającej 5 hPa/1h oba gazy mogą być obecne w odległości ponad 100 m od szybu na wysokości 1m nad gruntem. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na możliwość występowania w przyszłości poważniejszego niż obecnie zagrożenia gazowego wokół nieczynnych szybów, a także zwiększonej emisji gazów cieplarnianych do atmosfery. Zbudowany model może być łatwo modyfikowany do innych przypadków emisji gazów z górotworu, np. przy rozszczelnieniu instalacji CCS lub UCG, a także przy wszelkich stanach awaryjnych systemów odmetanowania.
Archives of Mining Sciences; 2017, 62, 3; 639-652
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Mining Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Thirty-six pulse rectifier scheme based on zigzag auto-connected transformer
Xiao-Qiang, Ch.
Chun-Ling, H.
Hao, Q.
Min, L.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
harmonic suppression
multipulse rectifier
power quality
In this paper, a low kilo-volt-ampere rating zigzag connected autotransformer based 36-pulse rectifier system supplying vector controlled induction motor drives (VCIMD) is designed, modeled and simulated. Detailed design procedure and magnetic rating calculation of the proposed autotransformer and interphase reactor is studied. Moreover, the design process of the autotransformer is modified to make it suitable for retrofit applications. Simulation results confirm that the proposed 36-pulse rectifier system is able to suppress less than 35th harmonics in the utility line current. The influence of load variation and load character is also studied to demonstrate the performance and effectiveness of the proposed 36-pulse rectifiers. A set of power quality indices at AC mains and DC link are presented to compare the performance of 6-, 24- and 36-pulse AC-DC converters.
Archives of Electrical Engineering; 2016, 65, 1; 117-132
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Electrical Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Comparison of Fecal Egg Counts and ELISA for the diagnosis of Dicrocoelium Dendriticum infection
Naeemipour1, M.
Hashemitabar, Ch.R.
Dastjerdi, K.
Jamshidian Mojaver, M.
Mohammadi, H.R.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
From economical point of view, Dicrocoelium Dendriticum (D. dendriticum) causes a lot of damages to the livestock industry annually. So, the rapid diagnosis of infection is very important. The diagnosis is based on egg per count of feces (EPG) test because detection according to clinical symptoms is difficult. Since EPG is not accurate and sensitive, the serological methods become important for the diagnosis of this parasite as they are more accurate in comparison to EPG test and they are able to diagnose infection in a short time. In this study, somatic and Excretory-secretory antigens (EsAg) were isolated. The ELISA test was set up according to positive and negative sera and the results which were obtained compared to those obtained by the EPG test. The prevalence of infection in 550 samples by ELISA and EPG methods were 56% and 7% respectively, which shows the significant difference between these methods in examining the rate of infection. Based on the results, the specificity and sensitivity in ELISA test were 95% and 94%, respectively. The results showed that the ELISA is a more reliable test in comparison to EPG test for the rapid diagnosis of D. dendriticum infection.
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences; 2016, 19, 3
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
SVC placement for voltage constrained loss minimization using self-adaptive Firefly algorithm
Selvarasu, R.
Kalavathi, M. S.
Rajan, C. Ch. A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Firefly algorithm
loss minimization
voltage profile
Static Var Compensator (SVC) is a popular FACTS device for providing reactive power support in power systems and its placement representing the location and size has significant influence on network loss, while keeping the voltage magnitudes within the acceptable range. This paper presents a Firefly algorithm based optimization strategy for placement of SVC in power systems with a view of minimizing the transmission loss besides keeping the voltage magnitude within the acceptable range. The method uses a self-adaptive scheme for tuning the parameters in the Firefly algorithm. The strategy is tested on three IEEE test systems and their results are presented to demonstrate its effectiveness.
Archives of Electrical Engineering; 2013, 62, 4; 649-661
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Electrical Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Scaphitid ammonites from the Upper Cretaceous of KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Kennedy, W. J.
Klinger, H. Ch.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
scaphitid ammonites
South Africa
Republika Południowej Afryki
Scaphitid ammonites are described and illustrated from the Upper Cretaceous of the coastal region of north-eastern South Africa. Scaphites kieslingswaldensis Langenhan and Grundey, 1891, Scaphites manasoaensis Collignon, 1965, and Yezoites concinna sp. nov. occur in the Coniacian part of the St Lucia Formation in northern KwaZulu-Natal. A further Yezoites sp. may also be from this level. Argentoscaphites corrugatus sp. nov. occurs in the Santonian to Lower Campanian Mzamba Formation on the northernmost coast of Eastern Cape Province. Yezoites australis sp. nov. occurs in the Upper Santonian part of the St Lucia and Mzamba formations of these areas, and Scaphites reesidei Collignon, 1969, is recorded from the Lower Campanian part of the Mzamba Formation. The scaphitid assemblage includes species previously described from Western Europe and Madagascar, together with Argentoscaphites, previously known only from Patagonia (and possibly South India). Dimorphism is recognised in Scaphites reesidei, Yezoites concinna sp. nov. and Y. australis sp. nov. Argentoscaphites corrugatus sp. nov. and Yezoites sp. are represented by microconchs only. Dimorphism has not been recognised in Scaphites kieslingswaldensis.
Acta Geologica Polonica; 2013, 63, 4; 527-543
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Species Composition and Occurrence of Thrips on Tomato and Pepper as Influenced by Farmers’ Management Practices in Uganda
Ssemwogerere, Ch.
Ochwo-Ssemakula, M.K.N.
Kovach, J.
Kyamanywa, S.
Karungi, J.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
A biological monitoring survey was carried out in central Uganda for two consecutive seasons to provide information on species composition and occurrence of thrips on tomato and pepper as influenced by farmers’ management practices. A total of 50 farms for each crop participated in the study. Data was collected on cropping system, crop variety, type of pesticide used, pesticide spray regime, and on thrips populations. Results indicated that a total of six thrips species: Frankliniella occidentalis, Thrips tabaci, F. schultzei, Scirtothrips dorsalis, Ceratothrips ericae and Megalurothrips sjostedti infest tomato in the region. Pepper had the same thrips profile with the exception of F. schultzei. There was a distinct seasonal effect on thrips occurrence in the case of tomato. Higher thrips populations (61%) were recorded in the first season of the study as compared to the second. The majority of the thrips were recorded in the flowering stage of crop development for both crops, and 100% in the case of pepper. Generally, for both crops, plants in intercropped arrangements had higher thrips counts than the monocropped ones. Different tomato/pepper varieties sustained variable thrips populations. All the farmers applied pesticides to manage the complex of pests on the crops, albeit to variable extents. In this region, thrips populations were reduced when an increase in the number of pesticide applications in a given week was used.
Journal of Plant Protection Research; 2013, 53, 2
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Plant Protection Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Design and analysis of the ferrite air-gapped cores for a resonant inductor
Zheng, J.
Wang, Ch.
Xia, D.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
electromagnetic and thermal field
finite element method
resonant inductor
In this paper, a three-air-gapped structure of a ferrite core for a resonant inductor is proposed. The electromagnetic and thermal field models are built using a 3D finite element method. Compared with the conventional signal-air-gapped structure of a ferrite core, the simulation and analysis results show that the proposed three-air-gapped ferrite core resonant inductor can reduce eddy-current loss and decrease temperature rise. In addition, the optimal position of air-gapped is presented.
Archives of Electrical Engineering; 2018, 67, 3; 579--589
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Electrical Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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