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Symmetry of electromechanical delay, peak torque and rate of force development in knee flexors and extensors in female and male subjects
Szpala, A.
Rutkowska-Kucharska, A.
Stawiany, M.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
kończyna dolna
lower extremity
Purpose: The aim of the study was to evaluate electromechanical delay (EMD), peak torque (PT) and rate of force development (RFD) in selected muscles of right and left lower extremities in groups of female and male subjects. Methods: The study evaluated 9 volunteer female subjects (mean ± SD: age: 21.67 ± 0.87 years; height: 168 ± 7 cm; body mass: 59.44 ± 4.8 kg) and 10 male university students (mean ± SD: age 22 ± 1.25 years; height: 179 ± 6 cm; body mass: 74.3 ± 5.1 kg) from the Faculty of Physical Education. Muscle torques and electromyographic activity were measured for knee flexors and extensors in static conditions, separately for the right and the left lower extremities. During the measurements, the subjects generated the maximum torque as fast as possible. Surface electrodes were placed on the right and left lower extremities on the following muscles: rectus femoris, vastus lateralis (m.VL), vastus medialis and biceps femoris. Results: Symmetry of EMD, RFD and “flexors-extensors” ratio was found in the muscles of the right and left lower extremities (with an exception of m.VL) in the group of male and female subjects. Statistical analysis demonstrated the presence of asymmetry in PT (297.66 vs. 272.05 N⋅m) and relative force in knee extensors in the group of men (3.90 vs. 3.54 N⋅m⋅kg–1). Conclusions: Symmetry of EMD and asymmetry of PT might suggest that the cause of asymmetry of the muscular force is mainly morphological characteristics of the muscle rather than the process of controlling its activity.
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics; 2015, 17, 1; 61-68
Pojawia się w:
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rekonstrukcja i możliwości adaptacji dworców kolejowych na przykładzie wybranych obiektów z terenu Dolnego Śląska – wyniki analiz przeprowadzonych podczas warsztatów studenckich
Reconstruction and possibilities for adaptive re-use of railway stations based on the example of selected objects from the area of Lower Silesia – results of analyses carried out during student workshops
Kozaczek, Aleksandra
Wojciechowska, Gabriela
Czarnecka, Maria
Nowicka, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
dworce kolejowe
Dolny Śląsk
railway stations
Lower Silesia
Na terenie Dolnego Śląska w okresie dynamicznego rozwoju kolejnictwa w XIX w. powstały liczne obiekty związane z infrastrukturą kolejową. Wybudowano wtedy budowle wyjątkowe pod względem architektonicznym oraz inżynieryjnym. Celem pracy jest ukazanie obiektów związanych z kolejnictwem na Dolnym Śląsku, mających istotne walory architektoniczne, historyczne, kulturowe i krajobrazowe, a na skutek zaprzestania użytkowania – niszczejących i popadających w ruinę. Zamierzeniem autorek było też wskazanie potencjalnych źródeł inspiracji do rewitalizacji opisanych dworców – przykładów adaptacji budynków kolejowych do nowych zadań.W artykule zaprezentowano rekonstrukcje wybranych dworców w formie makiet architektonicznych. Szczegółowo zostały omówione trzy obiekty reprezentujące różne rozwiązania funkcjonalne i kubaturowe: Dworzec Marchijski we Wrocławiu, pierwszy dworzec w Jaworzynie Śląskiej oraz stacja kolejowa w Żelaźnie. Ich rekonstrukcje zostały wykonane na podstawie archiwaliów (odtworzenie pierwotnego wyglądu obiektu na podstawie archiwalnej dokumentacji budowlanej, rycin, fotografii) oraz opracowań naukowych i kart ewidencyjnych zabytków. Istotnym zadaniem publikacji było pokazanie wybranych założeń kolejowych w dobie ich świetności oraz skonfrontowanie ze stanem obecnym.
In Lower Silesia, during the period of dynamic development of the railway industry in the 19th century, numerous objects related to railway infrastructure were created. At that time, some unique architectural and engineering objects were built. This article discusses selected buildings related to the railways in Lower Silesia that have significant architectural, historical, cultural and landscape values, but which have deteriorated and fallen into disrepair as a result of not being used. The authors’ intention was also to show potential sources of inspiration for the revitalization of the described cases – examples of railway station adaptation to new functions.The article presents reconstructions of selected stations in the form of architectural models. Three objects representing various functional and spatial solutions were discussed in detail: Marchijski Railway Station in Wrocław, the station in Jaworzyna Śląska, and the station in Żelazno. Reconstruction mockups of the facilities were made using archival building documentation, engravings and photographs, data from the Register of Monuments and scientific studies to research their original appearance and provide information on the changes that occurred over time to each facility and its functioning. An important aim k of the publication is to show selected railway facilities in the era of their splendor and to contrast this with their current state.
Architectus; 2020, 1 (61); 57-68
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Energy saving and abatement of gas emission in the wood industry
Bujak, J. W.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
wood industry
boiler plant
lower emissions
thermal efficiency
przemysł drzewny
redukcja emisji
oszczędność energii
The analysis of heat losses and thermal efficiency of the steam system used for plywood dryers before and after its modernization has been presented. In the wood industry, mainly pressure-free condensate return systems are used. An existing open condensate return system has been improved by the application of a closed condensate tank in order to eliminate secondary steaming. The tested system consisted of three basic parts. One of them was a boiler plant producing superheated steam. Steam and condensate transfer grids connecting the boiler plant with the dryer constituted the next part of the tested steam system. The latter element was a processing device for plywood drying. The application of the closed condensate return system has increased the efficiency of the tested steam system by 15.5%. This resulted in lower emissions of contaminations to the atmosphere. The results of the test were also used to define basic economic indicators of the system in order to determine profitability of its installation.
Environment Protection Engineering; 2016, 42, 2; 107-124
Pojawia się w:
Environment Protection Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kaplica grobowa rodziny Samsona Wollera w Leśnej koło Lubania– dzieło Carla Lüdeckego
The tomb-chapel of Samson Woller’s family in Leśna near Lubań– the work of Carl Lüdecke
Grochowska, E.
Stefański, K.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
architektura sepulkralna
architektura Dolnego Śląska
Lüdecke Carl
Woller Samson
sepulchral architecture
architecture of Lower Silesia
Leśna (niem. Marklissa) to niewielkie miasteczko malowniczo położone na Przedgórzu Izerskim, nieopodal Lubania. W XIX w. rozwinął się tu przemysł włókienniczy. Właścicielem największych zakładów, przekształconych w 1888 r. w spółkę akcyjną „Concordia”, był Samson Woller, przemysłowiec pochodzenia żydowskiego. W 1883 r. wybudował on w Leśnej kaplicę grobową według projektu znanego wrocławskiego architekta Carla Lüdeckego. Plany te zachowały się w zbiorach Technische Universität Berlin. Budowla należy do najciekawszych przykładów kaplic grobowych wzniesionych w XIX w. na Dolnym Śląsku. Założona jest na planie centralnym, ze środkowym kwadratem zwieńczonym kopułą. Prezentuje formy klasyczno-renesansowe. Wyróżnia się położeniem na obrzeżu miasta, na zboczu wzgórza opadającego ku jezioru. Jest to najciekawsze dzieło spośród kilku innych kaplic grobowych, jakie ma w swoim dorobku Lüdecke. Współczesny stan obiektu, wpisanego w 2013 r. do rejestru zabytków, jest bardzo zły. W artykule przedstawiono historię powstania kaplicy Samsona Wollera w Leśnej oraz dokonano analizy jej wartości architektonicznych na tle innych obiektów tego typu powstałych na Śląsku w tym samym okresie. Odrębnym wątkiem są związki Samsona Wollera z ziemiami polskimi – pod koniec XIX w. nabył on majątki Dłoń i Smolice w południowej Wielkopolsce, w pobliżu Krotoszyna. Jako wiano otrzymały je jego córki: Helena i Maria Otylia.
Leśna (German Marklissa) is a small town picturesquely situated in Izerskie Foothills, nearby Lubań. In the 19th century a textile industry was developed here. The owner of the biggest production plants, converted in 1888 into the joint stock company “Concordia”, was Samson Woller, a manufacturer of Jewish descent. In 1883 he built in Leśna a tomb-chapel according to a design of well known Breslau’s architect Carl Lüdecke. Its plans survived in the collection of Technische Universität in Berlin. The building belongs to the most interesting examples of tomb-chapels erected in the 19th century in Lower Silesia. The tomb-chapel is built on a central plan with a center square crowned by a cupola. It presents the classic-Renaissance style. The building is distinguished by an unusual location – outside the city, on a hillside that slopes towards a lake. It is the most interesting architectural work from among other tomb-chapels designed by Carl Lüdecke. Current condition of the object, which in 2013 was entered into the register of historical monuments, is very bad. The article presents history of Samson Woller’s tomb-chapel in Leśna. It also contains analysis of chapel's architectural value comparing it to other objects of its type built in the same periods in Silesia. A separate thread are Samson Woller’s connections to Polish lands – at the end of the 19th century he acquired estates in Dłoń and Smolice in the south of Wielkopolska, nearby Krotoszyn. They were given as a dowry to his daughters: Helen and Maria Otylia.
Architectus; 2015, 2(42); 31-40
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effects of performance level on lower limb kinematics during table tennis forehand loop
Qian, J.
Zhang, Y.
Baker, J. S.
Gu, Y.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
strefa graniczna
łańcuch kinematyczny
lower limb drive
contact area
stretch-shortening cycle
kinetic chain
Understanding of biomechanics is important in performance development since each skill has a fundamental mechanical structure. The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in lower limb kinematics during table tennis forehand loop between superior players (SP) and intermediate players (IP). Thirteen male players as superior and thirteen as intermediate participated in this test. A VICON motion analysis system and a Novel Pedar insole plantar pressure measurement system were used to record kinematic and contact area data, respectively. Participants were asked to execute single forehand loop against topspin ball with maximal power. Key findings were that SP showed significantly larger hip flexion and knee external rotation at backward-end and larger hip internal rotation and extension at forward-end compared with IP. Contact areas at both events were larger for SP. In addition, SP showed significantly larger joints angular changing rate during forward swing at the ankle and hip. Results indicated that SP possessed better ability of using lower limb drive in forehand loop.
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics; 2016, 18, 3; 149-155
Pojawia się w:
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Importance of the functional examination in lower extremities in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Wareńczak, A.
Lisiński, P.
Huber, J.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
reumatoidalne zapalenie stawów
dysfunkcja kończyny dolnej
postawa człowieka
rheumatoid arthritis
lower extremities dysfunction
postural instability
This paper deals with evaluation the lower extremity efficiency and balance in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. Own authors test (LLFT-lower extremities functional test) and balance tests during normal standing and tandem positions with eyes opened or closed were used. Twelve patients with RA and fifteen controls for comparison were examined. Center feet of pressure dislocation on platform in normal standing with eyes open, normal standing with eyes closed, tandem left foot in front and tandem right foot in front positions and further dynamic balance tests on three different boards were analyzed. Visual Analogue Scale monitored level of pain after each LLFT task. There was found a relation between intensity of pain and overloading of joints in particular tasks, resulting in lower extremities dysfunction. Significant disbalance in medio-lateral direction during normal standing with eyes closed and tandem right foot in front positions and also in anterior-posterior direction in tandem right foot in front position during static balance tests was found. Correlations showed that patient’s age, disease’s duration and Steinbrocker Functional Classes have an influence on parameters of balance tests. Results indicate that complex dysfunction of lower extremities causes disbalance of posture in static conditions.
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics; 2014, 16, 3; 103-110
Pojawia się w:
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Miasta i miasteczka o nowożytnych formach na Dolnym Śląsku
The modern forms of towns in Lower Silesia
Ludwig, B.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
urbanistyka nowożytna
Dolny Śląsk
modern town planning
Lower Silesia
W artykule przedstawiono i porównano rozwiązania planów miast nowożytnych lokowanych na Dolnym Śląsku po wojnie trzydziestoletniej. Pokazano nieliczne rozwiązania urbanistyczne o formach renesansowych i barokowych. Celem było wyszukanie inspiracji i wzorów oraz wskazanie prawdopodobnych naśladownictw, a także ocena wartości projektów urbanistycznych i ich znaczenia dla utrwalania lub zmian wykorzystywanych koncepcji. Po wojnie trzydziestoletniej obszar Dolnego Śląska miał zorganizowaną i stosunkowo kompletną sieć osadniczą. Jednym z nielicznych powodów zakładania miast była rozwijająca się dziedzina gospodarki – wydobycie rud metali. Drugim były względy prestiżowe. I to w tym wypadku odpowiedni dobór form przestrzennych miał dużo większe znaczenie. Wśród miast górniczych powstały dwa o wyraźnie renesansowym rozplanowaniu – Bolesławów (1581) i Złotniki Lubańskie (1677). Te miasteczka prezentują się typowo dla regionu (Saksonii, Czech, zwłaszcza rejonu Sudetów) i należą do późniejszych realizacji (choć w całej Europie stosowanych jeszcze w XVII, a nawet XVIII w.). Ze względu na swój niewielki rozmiar, podobnie jak inne miasta górnicze regionu, składają się tylko z obszernego rynku z czterema ulicami i otaczających go pierzei zabudowy. W okresie baroku powstały nieliczne nowe miasta zakładane przez dworzan austriackich i nową szlachtę w celu nobilitacji. Najważniejsze inicjatywy urbanistyczne związane są z działalnością członków rodziny książęcej Wirtembergów, którzy urządzając swe nowe rezydencje, dbali o fundację lub rozwój sąsiedniego miasta. Z inicjatywy pierwszego z książąt, Sylwiusza Nimroda, założono Dobroszyce (1663). Eleonora Charlotta, wdowa po Sylwiuszu II Fryderyku, przyczyniła się zaś do powstania barokowej enklawy miejskiej w Twardogórze (ok. 1685). Innym przykładem miasta o układzie barokowym stał się Brzeg Dolny Dyhrnów (1662). Oprócz rozwiązań zachowawczych renesansowych w genezie stosowanych w większości przypadków przy zakładaniu miast górniczych i rzemieślniczych powstały też na Dolnym Śląsku w 2. połowie XVII w. bardzo nowatorskie założenia urbanistyczne. Z zestawień ujawnia się, że projekty zastosowane przy zakładaniu północnośląskich barokowych miast należały do nurtu awangardowego. Powstawały równocześnie lub nawet wcześniej od wielu analogicznych fundacji z sąsiednich terenów.
The article presents and compares the plan solutions of modern towns located in Lower Silesia after the Thirty Years’ War. It shows a few urban designs of Renaissance and Baroque forms. The aim was to find inspiration and models, and to indicate probable imitations, as well as the assessment of the value of urban projects and their relevance to the perpetuation or change of the used concepts. The area of Lower Silesia after the Thirty Years’ War had an organized and fairly complete settlement grid. One of the few reasons of founding new towns was the development of mining of metal ores. The other motive was prestigious considerations. In this case, an appropriate choice of spatial forms was much more important. Among the mining towns two obtained a clearly Renaissance shape – Bolesławów (1581) and Złotniki Lubańskie (1677). These small towns of the Renaissance arrangement are typical for this region (Saxony, Kingdom of Bohemia, especially the Sudetenland) and belong to later implementations (though still used throughout Europe in the 17th century, or even the 18th century). Due to their small size, similarly as other towns of the mining region, they are formed of only a large square market with four streets surrounded by a building frontage. The Austrian courtiers and the new nobles during the Baroque period created a few new towns with the aim of nobilitation. The most important urban initiatives are related to the activities of members of the family of Württemberg-Oels, who organizing their new residences decided to found or to develop a neighboring town. On the initiative of Silvius Nimrod, the first of the duces, Dobroszyce (1663) were founded. Eleonora Charlotta, widow of Silvius II Frederick, contributed to the construction of a new Baroque city enclave in Twardogóra (circa 1685). Brzeg Dolny of Abraham Dyhrn (1662) became another example of Baroque arrangement. Apart from conservative Renaissance solutions in the genesis of applied in most cases of founding mining and craft towns, in the 2nd half of the 17th century there came into being, also in Lower Silesia, very innovatory urban foundations. They were created at the same time or even earlier than many analogous foundation from adjacent areas.
Architectus; 2016, 2 (46); 41-63
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evaluation of reliability of perioral muscle pressure measurements using a newly developed device with a lip piece
Takahashi, M.
Koide, K.
Suzuki, H.
Satoh, Y.
Iwasaki, S.-I.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
jama ustna
tongue pressure
upper lip pressure
lower lip pressure
absolute reliability
relative reliabilit
Purpose: We examined the reliability of measurements using a newly developed perioral muscle pressure measuring device with a lip piece in healthy adults. Methods: Subjects were 40 healthy men (25.8 years) with normal stomatognathic function. Perioral muscle pressure measuring device with a lip piece was used to measure upper lip, lower lip and tongue pressure, and a balloon-based measurement device was used to measure tongue and cheek pressure. Each measurement was taken twice with a 1-min interval between the two measurements. We determined intra-rater reliability by using the intra-class correlation coefficient as a test of relative reliability. As a test of absolute reliability, Bland–Altman analysis was used to assess systematic bias and the 95% confidence interval of the minimal detectable change was calculated. Additionally, the coefficient of variation was calculated. The Spearman–Brown formula was calculated the number of measurements needed to achieve a confidence coefficient ≥0.9. Each set of measurements was followed by a second set that were taken 1 week later. Results: All measurements showed high values of intra-class correlation coefficient. Upper lip, tongue, and cheek pressure can be determined based on a single measurement, while lower lip pressure requires averaging twice. No systematic bias was observed. The coefficients of variation of measurements were almost the same between the two devices. Conclusion: Measurements were highly reliable regardless of the type of perioral muscles. Our findings suggest that the method described in this study is useful as a quantitative chair side method for examining perioral muscle pressure.
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics; 2016, 18, 1; 145-153
Pojawia się w:
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The effect of leg length inequality on joint contact forces of lower limbs during walking
Othman, Nurul Fazreena
Basaruddin, Khairul Salleh
Som, Mohd Hanafi Mat
Majid, Mohd Shukry Abdul
Sulaiman, Abdul Razak
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
kończyna dolna
rozbieżność długości nóg
leg length inequality
leg length discrepancy
joint contact force
lower limb
The aim of this study was to examine the joint contact forces (JCF) between each limb as the LLD magnitude increases during walking activity. Methods: Eighteen male healthy subjects volunteered to participate in the experiment. Walking gait analysis was conducted with eight different levels of insole to simulate the LLD, starting from 0 cm until 4.0 cm with 0.5 cm increment. Qualisys Track Manager System and C-motion Visual 3D biomechanical tools were used to analyse the results. Four joints (ankle, knee, hip, and pelvis) of lower limb of two legs were investigated. The increment of insoles was placed on the right leg to represent the long leg. Results: The results suggest that the mean contact forces for all joints in the short leg were increased as the increment level increased. On the contrary, the mean contact forces in the long leg decreased when the LLD level increased. Among these four joints, JCF in hip shows a positive increment based on the ASI value. Means that hip shows the most affected joint as the LLD level increase. Conclusions: The result obtained in this study might help clinicians treat patients with a structural LLD for treatment plan including surgical intervention.
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics; 2019, 21, 1; 55-62
Pojawia się w:
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The biomechanical characteristics of elite deaf and hearing female soccer players: comparative analysis
Szulc, A. M.
Buśko, K.
Sandurska, E.
Kołodziejczyk, M.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
skład ciała
deaf athletes
body composition
height of jump
power of lower limb
The aim of this study was to examine the differences in body composition, strength and power of lower limbs, height of jump measured for the akimbo counter movement jumps, counter movement jump and spike jumps between deaf and hearing elite female soccer players. Methods: Twenty deaf (age: 23.7 ± 5.0 years, hearing loss: 96 ± 13.9 dB) and 25 hearing (age: 20.3 ± 3.8 years) participated in the study. Their WHR and BMI were calculated. Body fat was measured using the BIA method. The maximal power and height of jump were measured by force plate. Biodex dynamometer was used to evaluate isokinetic isometric strength of the hamstrings and quadriceps. Results: Significant differences between hearing and deaf soccer players in anthropometric values were for the waist and calf circumferences and the WHR index ( p < 0.01, effect size 0.24–0.79). Statistically significant differences were observed for flexion of the lower limb in the knee joint for the relative joint torque and relative power obtained for the angular velocity of 300 degˑs–1 for both lower limbs (p < 0.01, effect size 0.19–0.48) and for 180 degˑs–1 during flexion of the left limb (p = 0.02, effect size 0.13). The hearing female football players developed significantly greater MVC in all the cases. Statistically significant differences between deaf and hearing athletes were found for spike jump for maximal power (1828.6 ± 509.4 W and 2215.2 ± 464.5 W, respectively; p = 0.02, effect size 0.14). Conclusions: Hearing impairment does not limit the opportunities for development of physical fitness in the population of deaf women.
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics; 2017, 19, 4; 127-133
Pojawia się w:
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Investigation of mutual aerobic and lower limb muscular activity during cycling
Griskevicius, J.
Daunoraviciene, K.
Pauk, J.
Troskovas, V.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
aktywność fizyczna
aerobic capability
physical activity
muscular effort
lower limbs
muscular fatigue
The evaluation of physical activity is a complex task that requires performing an analysis of muscular activity and aerobic/anaerobic threshold and it is often difficult to observe and propose a single method. The purpose of the article is to evaluate a relation between aerobic capacity and activity of lower limb muscles via changes of muscle’s EMG signal during physical, sub-maximal veloergometric loading. The activity parameters of 5 lower limb muscles such as semitendinosus, rectus femoris, biceps femoris, gastrocnemius medialis, and tibialis anterior were measured and analyzed during the veloergometric exercise tests and the heart rate and the aerobic capacity were estimated from registered data. The obtained aerobic parameters allow setting an individual and overall voluntary physical capacity. The regression oxygen function presented allows analyzing and predicting the ability of subjects to generate energy while maintaining muscle activity during the exercise. The correlation between the consumption of oxygen and constant physical loading time is determined. It was found that comparing VO2max capabilities the physical effort in the male group was 16% higher than in women. Oxygen consumption and maximum muscle effort dependency on the load time was established. It was observed that the maximal muscular effort appeared before VO2max reached maximal limit in both groups. The maximal oxygen consumption is achieved in the middle or sometimes at the beginning (depending on load) of exercise while maximal muscular effort was found in several phases of cycling: at the beginning and at the end of loading time.
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics; 2015, 17, 3; 109-118
Pojawia się w:
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment of load on the lumbar spine using two computerised packages and REBA method
Tokarski, Maciej
Roman-Liu, Danuta
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
risk assessment
lower back
comparison of assessment procedures
ocena ryzyka
dolna część pleców
porównanie procedur oceny
Purpose: The aim of the research was a comparative analysis of the back lumbar load assessment using three methods: two with continuous input data and evaluation procedures based on mathematical relationships (ShiftBack, 3DSSPP) and one method with categorized input data and tabular load estimation procedures (REBA). Methods: For the analysis, work activities and the value of applied force were selected. Among the analyzed 24 work activities were those during which there was a symmetrical load, as well as those during which the applied force or the assumed position of the body caused a lack of load symmetry. Results: The results show that the REBA method differentiates 24 cases of unit load into six levels, while the other two methods provide 24 different values between cases. Cases differing in load even over 100%, when assessed according to the 3DSSPP or ShiftBack do not differ in the assessment of REBA. Differences in the assessment of the same tasks between the results obtained from 3DSSPP and ShiftBack that were above 15% concern only 7 cases. Conclusions: A comparative analysis of the assessment of the lumbar part of the back using three methods indicates strong correlations between the results of the assessment carried out using 3DSSPP and ShiftBack. Smaller relationships were demonstrated by comparing these two methods with the REBA method.
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics; 2020, 22, 3; 43--53
Pojawia się w:
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Biomechanical evaluation of swing-through crutch gait in patients with lower extremity injury
Rzepnicka, Agata
Kabaciński, Jarosław
Murawa, Michał
Fryzowicz, Anna
Syczewska, Małgorzata
Dworak, Lechosław Bogdan
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
kończyna dolna
parametry czasoprzestrzenne
swing-through gait
motion capture
spatiotemporal parameters
ground reaction force
lower extremity injury
The main purpose was to determine the values of spatio-temporal parameters and ground reaction forces during the swingthrough crutch gait. Methods: Eighteen male patients with unilateral injury within the foot, ankle or shank (age: 25.4 ± 7.7 years, body height: 1.79 ± 0.06 m, body mass: 76.1 ± 11.5 kg) participated in the study. In the experiment, 6-camera optoelectronic motion capture system and force platform were used. The measurements of spatio-temporal parameters and ground reaction force (GRF) were performed for uninjured lower extremity (ULE), crutch on the ULE side (CrU) and crutch on the injured lower extremity side (CrI). Results: Analysis demonstrated a significantly longer stance phase and a significantly shorter swing phase for ULE than crutches ( p < 0.05), and a significantly longer first, compared to the second, double support phase ( p < 0.05). Comparisons showed also significantly higher maximum values of the vertical GRF and extreme values of the horizontal antero-posterior GRF for ULE than crutches ( p < 0.05) as well as for CrI than CrU ( p < 0.05). Conclusions: The present study provides biomechanical data related to the spatio-temporal parameters and GRFs for the swing-through crutch gait in patients with the lower extremity injuries.
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics; 2020, 22, 1; 111-117
Pojawia się w:
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Najmniejsze osiedla projektu Ernsta Maya. Jak stworzyć kameralny zespół mieszkaniowy
The smallest housing estates designed by Ernst May. How to create an intimate residential complex
Ludwig, B.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
Ernst May
osiedla mieszkaniowe
Dolny Śląsk
urbanistyka XX w.
housing estates
Lower Silesia
20th century urbanism
W pejzażu przedmieść miast i miasteczek dolnośląskich można zaobserwować wyróżniającą się grupę zespołów budynków mieszkalnych. Małe par terowe, czasem piętrowe domy jednorodzinne lub kilkurodzinne, o skromnej architekturze nawiązującej do form lokalnego klasycyzmu, tworzą zwykle urozmaicone układy ulic i placów. Wszystkie te zespoły mieszkaniowe powstały w wyniku działalności dwóch spółek budowlanych „Schlesische Landgesellschaft” i „Schlesisches Heim” („Schlesische Heimstätte”) w stosunkowo krótkim okresie ich działalności w pierwszych latach po pierwszej wojnie światowej, kiedy kierownikiem architektonicznym obydwu pozostawał Ernst May. Stanowią przykład bardzo ciekawej próby rozwiązania problemu mieszkaniowego, swoistej alternatywy dla rozbudowy miast. Najmniejsze z nich to najlepsze przykłady realizacji idei architektonicznej i urbanistycznej tzw. małych osiedli (Kleinsiedlung). Były to pierwsze kroki na drodze kształtowania teorii i praktyki projektowania osiedli zabudowy jednorodzinnej. Podczas całej działalności „Schlesische Heimstätte” zajmowała się wznoszeniem małych osiedli i ten aspekt prac, zgodny zresztą z dyrektywami państwowymi, traktowano jako podstawowy. Małe osiedla, w zależności od podejmowanych zleceń, miały różną funkcję. Były to więc osiedla rolnicze (Dobroszyce, Czarne, Nowy Folwark k. Jelcza), półrolnicze na peryferiach miast (Brzeg Dolny, Ząbkowice Śląskie, osiedla w gminach podwrocławskich), osiedla robotnicze przy kopalniach i zakładach przemysłowych oraz kolei (Stary Lesieniec, Małujowice, Oleśnica, Dzierżoniów, Nowa Ruda, Chojnów, Prudnik). Również w projekty rozbudowy miast wprowadzano układy tzw. małych osiedli (Radków, Niemcza, Lądek-Zdrój, Kluczbork). W zależności od wielkości terenu, jego ukształtowania i sąsiedniej zabudowy otrzymywały różną kompozycję urbanistyczną i dostosowane do niej rozwiązania architektoniczne budynków. Początkowo w architekturze domków i rozwiązaniach urbanistycznych duże znaczenie miały jeszcze zasady projektowania dziedziczone po secesji oraz regionalizm, z czasem coraz większą rolę odgrywały reguły funkcjonalizmu. Małe osiedla okresu międzywojennego na Dolnym Śląsku należą zapewne do jednych z ciekawszych przykładów rozwiązań zespołów mieszkaniowych. Najbardziej charakterystyczną ich cechą, która stanowi o szczególnym uroku, jest ukształtowanie niewielkich wnętrz urbanistycznych – placyków, zakoli ulicznych czy małych skwerów. Wszystkie te rozwiązania stanowią do dziś godne powielenia pomysły przy projektowaniu architektury i urbanistyki osiedli mieszkaniowych.
In the scenery of the suburbs of Lower Silesian cities and small towns we can observe a distinctive group of complexes of residential buildings. Small ground-floor or sometimes storied one-family or two-family houses with modest architecture that relates to forms of local classicism usually produce diverse systems of streets and squares. All these housing complexes came into being as a result of activities of two construction companies called “Schlesische Landgesellschaft” and “Schlesisches Heim” (“Schlesische Heimstätte”) within a relatively short time just after the end of the World War I when Ernst May worked as an architectural manager of both of these firms. They constitute an example of a very interesting solution to the housing problem and a specific alternative for development of cities. The housing estates which are the smallest ones constitute the best examples of implementing architectural and urban ideas of the so called small housing estates (Kleinsiedlung). They represented the first steps in the formation of the theory and practice of designing single-family housing estates. “Schlesische Heimstätte” during its whole activity dealt with construction of small housing estates and this aspect of its activity, in accordance with the government directives, was treated as fundamental. Small housing estates, depending on accepted orders, had different functions. Thus, they were agricultural housing estates (Dobroszyce, Czarne, Nowy Folwark near Jelcz), semi-agricultural housing estates on the outskirts of towns (Brzeg Dolny, Ząbkowice Śląskie, housing estates in the areas around Wrocław), workers’ estates near coalmines and factories as well as near railways (Stary Lesieniec, Małujowice, Oleśnica, Dzierżoniów, Nowa Ruda, Chojnów, Prudnik). Systems of the so called small housing estates were also introduced into the extensive development designs (Radków, Niemcza, Lądek-Zdrój, Kluczbork). Depending on a given area, type of terrain and adjoining developments, the urban arrangement of these estates differed and consequently various architectural solutions of buildings were employed. In the process of designing houses and applying urban solutions, principles of design inherited from Art Nouveau and regionalism were initially very important; however, with time, rules of functionalism played a more significant role. Small housing estates of the interwar period in Lower Silesia are certainly one of the most interesting examples of solutions of residential complexes. Their most characteristic feature, which adds to their particular charm, is the way of arranging their small urban interiors such as various small squares or street bends. All these solutions still remain as the ideas which are really worth imitating when designing architecture and urbanism of housing estates up to the present.
Architectus; 2013, 1(33); 19-36
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uwagi na temat ochrony historycznych obiektów przemysłowych. Śląskie doświadczenia
Comments on the protection of historic industrial facilities, experience in Silesia
Gerber, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
ochrona zabytków
ochrona dziedzictwa przemysłowego
historia techniki
Dolny Śląsk
protection of monuments
industrial heritage protection
history of technology
Lower Silesia
Ochrona dziedzictwa przemysłowego jest ważnym społecznym zadaniem. Proces zachowania zabytków techniki wymaga wiedzy i doświadczenia z różnych dziedzin obejmujących specyfikę chronionego zabytku. W artykule przedstawiono kryteria stosowane przy ocenie wartości zabytku techniki. Na podstawie badań usystematyzowano modele postępowania przy ochronie i ponownym użytkowaniu historycznych obiektów przemysłowych. Omówiono zasady obowiązujące przy podejmowaniu decyzji o przystosowaniu zabytków techniki do nowych funkcji. Zaprezentowane rozwiązania zilustrowano przykładami projektów ochrony i użytkowania dużych zabytkowych obiektów przemysłowych zrealizowanymi przez Fundację Ochrony Dziedzictwa Przemysłowego Śląska.
The protection and preservation of industrial heritage is an important social task. The process of preserving technical monuments requires knowledge and experience in various fields covering the specificity of the protected monument.This article presents the criteria used to assess the value of a technical monument. Based on the research, approaches to the protection and re-use of historic industrial facilities were systematized. The way of proceeding when making decisions on adapting technical monuments to new functions was discussed. The solutions discussed are illustrated by examples of projects for the protection and use of large historic industrial facilities implemented by the Foundation for the Protection of Industrial Heritage of Silesia.
Architectus; 2020, 1 (61); 69-80
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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