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Międzynarodowa konferencja skansenowska w Sanoku
Szurowa, Bogumiła
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
konferencja skansenowska w Sanoku
muzea na wolnym powietrzu
muzealnictwo skansenowskie
park etnograficzny
Ochrona Zabytków; 1978, 4; 275-277
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Koncepcja Olęderskiego Parku Etnograficznego w Wielkiej Nieszawce. Głos w dyskusji o roli skansenów w ochronie zabytków architektury drewnianej
The importance of open-air museums in terms of protection architectural monuments. A study based on the idea of transferring certain farm buildings to Olęderski Park Etnograficzny (Haulander Ethnographic Park) in Wielka Nieszawka
Prarat, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Olęderski Park Etnograficzny
Wielka Nieszawka
architektura drewniana
architektura chłopska
muzeum na wolnym powietrzu
park etnograficzny
ochrona zabytków architektury
badania architektoniczne
osadnictwo olęderskie
zagroda olęderska
zagroda podcieniowa
krajobraz kulturowy
This paper is devoted to the issue of wooden architecture protection in so called open-air museum. Unique form of certain buildings is closely related to their educational and expositional functions. In the museums attempts are frequently made to reconstruct the whole village cultural landscape in a given period of time. This aspect is often more important than the building history or the original materials maintenance. What is more, the conditions of rural architecture are worsening all the time. These factors contribute to the phenomenon of making copies of the buildings. The ideas of this kind are nowadays widely applied by a number of museums. The issue of creating a new museum as well as the attempts made to maintain original monuments has been analyzed on the examples of six conservation projects of the buildings earmarked to be transferred to Olęderski Park Etnograficzny (Haulander Ethnographic Park) in Wielka Nieszawka. These buildings are very much unique in terms of construction as well as spatial design. They were adjusted to the terrain conditions of the Vistula plains exposed to floods. This manner of building was typical of the Haulander colonization. Most of the most valuable buildings come from the 18th century. They will be removed and transferred to the reconstructed cultural landscape dated back to the beginning of the 20th century. Detailed architectural research enabled to establish the chronological boarders of the whole project. The most important features of the buildings were revealed through the analysis of the building materials, reconstruction and the final conceptual project. Three farm buildings will be inserted in the historical village landscape. These are: the one that includes staff rooms, cash desk and the exhibition dedicated to Protestantism; the one that shows impoverished single-building farm typical of the 18th century and the wealthy one that consists of arcade house, workers house, granary and the barn. The latter is to present the prosperous farm typical of the beginning of the 20th century. What is significant, the possibilities of reconstruction have been taken into consideration while preparing the area. That means the maintenance of the original substance (often in deteriorating conditions) was the most important in the project while the restoration work was limited. Translated by Karolina Pszczółkowska
Ochrona Zabytków; 2013, 1-4; 233-261
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Otwarcie Parku Etnograficznego i Ogólnopolska Konferencja Parków Etnograficznych w Kolbuszowej
Jankowski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Park Etnograficzny w Kolbuszowej
ogólnopolska konferencja parków etnograficznych
budownictwo ludowe Rzeszowszczyzny
Gerard Ciołek
Ochrona Zabytków; 1978, 3; 197-199
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Inwentaryzacja etnograficzna drewnianego budownictwa ludowego na Opolszczyźnie
Gil, Euzebiusz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
drewniane budownictwo ludowe na Opolszczyźnie
Opolski Park Etnograficzny
Muzeum Wsi Lubelskiej
ewidencja etnograficzna
karta etnograficzna budownictwa
The author deals with the problem of the protection of monuments of rural timber building in the region o f Opole. The framework construction technique was developing there from the 10th till the 19th century. In the period of Poland’s partitions, the folk timber building was disappearing systematically and the transformations after the recovery o f independence were accompanied by the tendency to eliminate the rests of wooden buildings and replace them by those raised in brick. It was in order to preserve the monuments of timber architecture that Opole Skansen Museum — latter on called Opole Village Museum — was set up in 1961. In 1966—1971 an ethnographic survey of the folk timber architecture was carried out. The staff of the Museum have worked out, on the basis of the so-called green inventory chart, used in conservation proceedings, their own chart for ethnographic inventorying of the monuments of rural architecture. As a result data have been collected pertaining to 1,200 specimens of folk timber building in the region of Opole. Of this number only a half have been recognized as buildings of historical value, the remaining ones having not been included in that class on account of a high degree of their decay or numerous alterations and repeated rebuilding. As follows from relevant analysis of the collected materials, it was the framework construction technique — characterized by wall beams being connected in the cogs — and the transom-type one, that was mainly applied in raising the preserved wooden buildings. The most numerous group among them make the barns and granaries, a minor one — dwelling houses and churches, followed by a small number of structures used for what might be defined as industrial purposes, above all, of wind mills. In view of the rapidly progressing process of disappearance of the monuments of folk timber architecture, the Opole Village Museum carries on verification of the surveyed buildings, sets up the Skansen and runs an inventory of valuable structures, not to be included in the latter.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1978, 1; 51-54
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problemy organizacji i lokalizacji skansenów na terenie województwa warszawskiego
Jaśkiewicz, Juliusz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
muzeum w plenerze
park etnograficzny
odtworzenie klimatu regionu
zabytki budownictwa drewnianego
skanseny woj. warszawskiego
Discussing th e p ro b lem s re la tin g to o rg an iz a tio n and lo c a tio n of sk a n s e n -ty p e mu seum s in th e te r r ito ry of W a rs aw Voivodship th e a u th o r tu rn s much of his a tte n tio n to th e q u e stio n s co nnected w ith th e te rm s “m o n um e n t”, “re s e rv a tio n ”, “sk a n s e n ”, “o p e n -a ir m u se um ” th e rem in d in g an d discussing of whom may p ro v e h e lp fu l in e x p la in in g an d d e fin in g th e d ire c tio n in w h ich th e se a rch an d a ttem p ts should follow. All th e a fo re -m e n tio n e d te rm s m ay be considered as p ro p e r a n d w e ll-re a so n ed u n d e r d e fin ite conditions p ro vid ed , how ev e r, th a t th e “th em a tic lin e ” w ill be s tr ic tly m a rk ed . In p ro b lem s re la tin g to sk a n s e n -ty p e m u s eum s should p rim a rily be ta k e n into a c co u n t th e cla s sific a tio n of collections of ob je c ts belonging to th e c o u n try fo lk c u ltu ra l tr a d itio n , b a sed on e th n o g rap h ic stu d ie s whose re su lts in tu rn should p ro v id e a basis fo r d e te rm in in g th e ir o rg an iz a tio n a l forms. While selecting th e a n c ie n t bu ild in g s th e r e should p re f e ra b ly be selected not th e ex c ep tio n a l buildings or o b je c ts b u t r a th e r th o se ty p ic a l in v iew of sc ie n tific re s e a rc h c a rrie d o u t in a giv en are a . S e v e ra l sk a n s e n -ty p e museums w e re organized to r e p re s e n t a given region th ro u g h a collection of in d iv id u a l ty p e s of bu ild in g s s itu a te d acco rd in g to ex h ib itio n re q u irem e n ts . Thus, in acco rd an c e to u su a lly ad o p ted p ra c tic e , th e a re a is divided into th e re sp e c tiv e th em a tic se c to rs, th e access d esigned as a d a p te d to th e v ie wing, an d th e b u ild in g s loc a ted in su itab ly exposed site s w ith an organized visib ility . T h e a u th o r of th e p re s e n t considers w h e th e r th is sch em e m ay be fu lly accepted as one reaso n ed and w h e th e r “th e scientific su rv ey of an a r e a ” does not oblige to look a fte r o th e r solutions, a t th e same time q u o tin g n um e ro u s and d iffe rin g views on th e subject. When org an iz in g th e sk a n s e n -ty p e mu seums su ffic ien t c a re sh o u ld be devoted to p ro d u c in g th e “c lim a te ” of a re g io n which is to be ex h ib ite d and th is in tu r n is being connected w ith th e need to re co n s tru c t th e c h a ra c te r of sp a tia l lay o u t of an c ie n t b u ild in g g ro u p ings le ad in g to re co n s tru c tio n of th e o rig in a l villag e stru c tu re . I t should be b o rn e in min d th a t a s “an a rc h ite c tu ra l m o n um e n t” is to be considered n o t only an o b je c t alone b u t also its situ a tio n , i.e. sitin g w ith in a fa rm an d only th e connection w ith th e lay o u t of o th e r fa rm s could be tr e a te d as a re co n s tru c tio n of “s e ttlem e n t sch em e ”. According to th e a u th o r ’s view w h en organizing th e sk a n s e n -ty p e mu seums in c lu d in g th e sp a tia l systems of a region e ffo rts should be m ad e to tr a n s fe r e n tire a rc h ite c tu ra l g ro u p in g s a lth o u g h it may be ta k e n fo r g r a n ted th a t it will n o t be possible to m e e t th is r e q u ire m en t in a ll cases. To illu s tra te th e m e th o d en ab lin g to d e te rm in e th e lo catio n of sk a n s e n -ty p e mu seums in th e te r r ito ry of W a rsaw Voivodship w e re p re s e n ted th e re su lts of a s tu d y p re p a re d by th e In s titu te of Basic A rc h ite c tu ra l Development, Te ch n ic a l U n iv e rsity , W a rsaw w h e re a selectio n was made of m a te ria ls g a th e red in th e g iven a re a from th e v iew p o in t of th e ir ap p lic ab ility w ith in th e sk a n s en -ty p e museums. The location of th e selected ob je c ts of an c ie n t wood buildings by itse lf m a rk s th e lines fo r th e fu tu re p ro c ed u re s in seeking th e sites fo r location of sk an sen museums. I t should also be rem em b e red th a t mu seums of th a t k in d should not be situ a te d f a r from u su a l to u rin g ro u te s as th ey form a co n sid e rab le a ttra c tio n fo r both local an d fo re ig n to u rists. On th e basis of su rv ey s c a rrie d out a to u ris t m ap has been p re p a re d illu s tra tin g th e to u rin g volumes and p o te n tia litie s of re c re a tio n regions w ith in th e te r r ito ry of W a rsaw Voivodship in a period 1985— 2000 to g e th e r w ith p ro p o sa ls concerning th e fu tu re d ev e lo pm en t of to u rin g roads.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1972, 3; 215-219
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Projektowana sieć parków etnograficznych województwa krakowskiego
Pieńkowska, Hanna
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
muzea regionalne
parki etnograficzne
izby regionalne
Spichlerz Zamkowy w Niedzicy
park etnograficzny na Podhalu
ochrona zabytków ziemi czorsztyńskiej i spiskiej
Lipnica Murowana
rezerwaty małomiasteczkowe i wiejskie
Le problème de la protection de l’architecture régionale en voie de destruction, envisagée en tant qu’exposition scientifique et didactique, dans le cadre des activités culturelles, sociales et économiques, s’avère d ’une grande actualité en Pologne, vu les changements rapides qui surviennent dans la vie de nos villages et dont découle la nécessité pressante d’une activité hien raisonnée, reposant sur de solides bases scientifiques et économiques. La création d’un parc ethnographique à base d’une documentation scientifique et selon les principes généralement admis dans la muséologie contemporaine demande la coopération d’un groupe d’experts dont les membres appartiendraient à diverses branches de la science, notamment à: l’ethnographie, la conservation, l’a rchitecture etc. Pour les raisons susdites il semble bon d’envisager la filiation des parcs ethnographiques avec les institutions et postes scientifiques déjà existantes, qui pourraient leur garantir un contrôle méritorique et une aide administrative au moins à l’orée de leur existence. Les fonds investis dont le chiffre est relativement élevé dans les entreprises de ce genre, seraient couverts, dans une certaine mesure, après une période assez courte des débuts, par le prix des billets d ’entrée. Néanmoins, il semble nécessaire de postuler l’avancement des fonds par des organismes centraux et des conseils nationaux du terroir. Surtout on pourrait recommander aux conseils municipaux et aux conseils des voïevodies, dans les centres culturels importants d’investir en commun les fonds nécessaires pour la création des parcs ethnographiques. L’organisation des grands parcs ethnographiques à l’échelle de la voïevodie ou d ’un groupe de voïevodies ne devrait ni exclure ni enrayer la création des parcs ethnographiques plus modestes, portant sur une seule région. Il faut aussi dire que les parcs ethnographiques de moindre importance inspirés par le terroir dépassent par leur valeur didactique, sociale et touristique les grands ensembles, étant donné leur plus grande accessibilité e t leurs liens plus étroits avec le terroir qu’ils représentent. Leur organisation est moins coûteuse, donc leur réalisation plus rapide, ce qui augmente la valeur de ce genre d’entreprises. En parlant des musées régionaux il ne nous est pas permis de négliger le problème des ensembles architecturaux de valeur historique, conservés „in s itu ”. Ce sont de petites bourgades ou des ensembles d’architecture rurale qui constituent des réserves uniques dans leur genre même à l’échelle européenne. Dans leur éta t actuel, ils ne répondent ni aux conditions sanitaires requises par la population ni à celles de la vie culturelle. Ils .ne peuvent plus continuer à servir d’habitation sans être soumis à des remaniements intérieurs substantiels. Par contre, après des travaux de restauration et d’adaptation aux buts muséologiques envisagés, ils peuvent constituer l’un des plus grands attraits touristiques du pays. Une autre forme de la protection de l’architecture e t de la culture populaire se révèle dans la conception des aménagements d’intérieurs, dites „izba”, dans les maisons paysannes les plus pittoresques, gravées de caractères historiques. Cette „izba”, pourvue de tous les objets d’art et vestiges de la culture matérielle issue du terroir, aura une grande importance tant au point de vue didactique que pour l’inspiration qu’elle fera naître chez les habitants de la localité tout en leur apprenant le respêct de leur patrimoine culturel. L’article présent expose le projet du réseau des parcs ethnographiques, des réserves e t des aménagements d’intérieurs folcloriques, à base des considérations susmentionnées, dans la voïevodie de Cracovie. I. Parc ethnographique de la voïevodie, localisé à Cracovie, touchant à tous les problèmes de la région cracovienne et prenant compte en premier lieu des proches alentours de Cracovie. II. Les parcs ethnographiques devraient faire valoir les particularités culturelles de chaque région, la spécifique de son paysage, en eormexité avec les autres postes muséologiques déjà existants. Le projet envisage les parcs ethnographiques dans les régions suivantes: Podhale (région de Zakopane), terroir de Czorsztyn — Spisz, menacé actuellement par la construction du barrage de l’usine hydraulique (Łopuszna, Niedzica), terroir de Orawa où il ne serait question que d’un agrandissement du parc ethnographique de Zubrzyca Górna; Gorce, Nowy Sącz et ses alentours, Żywiec, la Jura Cracovienne (près de Ojców), la région vistulienne de Cracovie (près de Zator e t du château Lipowiec). III. Il y a des régions où la „izba” régionale a été déjà crée, d’autres pourraient l’avoir en profitant dans les villages des maisons paysannes les plus anciennes et les plus intéressantes. Toutefois il faudrait envisager la possibilité de les inclure dans le cadre des institutions culturelles de la commune, telles que bibliothèques, salles communes, etc. IV. Les réserves des sites urbains et ruraux concerneraient plusieurs ensembles pourvus de valeurs architectoniques frappantes dans le cadre attrayant d’un beau paysage. Les petites localités somnolentes à cause du manque d’un facteur qui leur donnerait la possibilité de se développer rapidement, sont menacées de se vider peu à peu de leur population et de tomber en ruine. Leur réanimation est possible si l’on tirait parti de ces réserves pour des buts touristiques ou récréatifs. L’architecture historique en bois, ayant subi les réparations nécessaires et dotée d'un équipement nouveau, constituerait un aimant pour les touristes, amateurs du camping, du pittoresque et de la beauté, du repos dans des lieux spécifiques pour notre pays. Ceci concerne surtout les petites localités qui possèdent une architecture historique des plus frappantes: Lanckorona, Ciężkowice, Lipnica Murowana, le village de Chochołów. Le projet de la protection de l’architecture populaire sur le territoire de la voïevodie de Cracovie ne peut être réalisé qu’à l’issue d’un commun effort des autorités locales et des institutions compétentes. Il a sa raison d’être aussi bien au point de vue scientifique qu’au point de vue social car les causes et les buts poursuivis par la sauvegarde de la culture populaire, ’en tant que patrimoine national, trouvent une compréhension de plus en plus active dans notre société.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1966, 1; 7-19
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Z zagadnień ekspozycji zabytków archeologicznych in situ : problemy ekspozycji na grodzisku
Augustyniak, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
zabytek archeologiczny
muzealnictwo archeologiczne
eksponowanie zabytków archeologicznych
rezerwat archeologiczny
grodzisko kasztelańskie w Gieczu
rezerwat archeologiczny w Kaliszu-Zawodziu
grodzisko w Brudnie Starym w Warszawie
Sieradzki Park Etnograficzny
Within the complex structure of a „bridge” linking the past with our days in the field of evolution and development of both artistic culture and historical conscience of a society the historic monuments, the relics of the past, no doubt, have their important place. In fact entirely particular position is being kept among them by those of archaeological character since they relate to times from which no written records or sources have survived, or are available in quite negligible numbers. The advances of archaeological excavations conducted in the period of the Polish People’s Republic resulted in a considerable extension of the so-called source material base, i.e. in enrichment of supply of materials enabling the insight into the story of formation of the Polish State. An immense supply of source materials has led to changes in activities of such important institutions where they can be popularized as are the museums. However, this fundamental change that occured with regard to the basic form of the museum’s activities, i.e. display is by far inadequate nowadays. Those serious objectives that are being set by contemporaneity before museums are in a considerable measure concerning the display itself. Today it can by no means be based on scientific information alone that has been furnished by archaeology, history of art or by ethnography. There exists a need to find a creative agent in its system as it should contain a number of experiences of emotional nature that are required by young people, it must emphasize the importance of direct contact with original objects and more still — it should prevent the loss of historical and social receptiveness. A properly thought modern display method should avoid any forms of stereotyped presentation whatsoever that obscures its sense and makes its language more or less conventionalized. The display space should be handled as a place of action or even to some extent as a theatrical stage on which with the aid of exhibits a sui generis performance can be played. The displayed exhibits do not in themselves constitute any information — they only form an informative situation that controls the flow of information in a strictly predetermined manner. As one of possible answers to objectives that are set before archaeological museums by contemporaneity is to be considered the display of archaeological objects in situ. The first attempts to cristallize an idea of archaeological reservation were made in Poland as early as in 1934 at Biskupin. At present the number of reservations whose forms comply to definition by Professor K. Piwocki is ranging as high as to ten. The author distinguishes two types of archaeological reservations: I — a simple reservation, and II — a composed reservation. As the background for such distinction was adopted the form of relics discovered. As the most essential element of the in situ display is to be considered that of proportion between the historical substance and installations and equipment that are necessary to secure the appropriate functioning of reservation and are decisive for the effects and impressions that can be received by visitors. With concern to the in situ display of archaeological relics within the space of an ancient castle the author suggests that (1) the castle site needs to be immediately and inseparably linked with its natural environment which the links should in no way be disturbed by any modern buildings or other kind of installations, (2) regardless of the state of preservation of a castle its shape that survived to our days forms a part of its historical substance and should therefore be protected. The architectural design of display must take into account the following: (a) the necessary climatic conditions (i.e. temperature, humidity) under which can be kept the relics exposed to their action, (b) an appropriate from the historical and aesthetic viewpoint display of relics themselves. In his further considerations the author discussed some examples of archaeological sites within the ancient castles that have already been realized as, for instance, that of Giecz or are now at the stage of designing as those at Kalisz or Bródno Stare. Unfortunately, all the three archaeological sites mentioned above in their architectural designs are far enough from the required respect for the castle solids as the latter have seriously been disturbed by service installations and equipment. The author of the present publication is responsible for general design of archaeological site at Sieradz being discussed here and forming an integral part of the Sieradz Ethnographic Park. The ethnographic part will, however, not disturb the natural environment of the Sieradz castle site as a wide green belt and plantings accentuating the site occuppied by ancient castle will ensure the appropriate proportion between the both parts. As a result of archaeological investigations the following elements have been planned as those designed for permanent exhibition: (1) the 13th-century timber-constructed fortifications, (2) the relics of brickwork rotunda of the 13th century, (3) the negative pattern of circumpherential castle wall built during the 14th century. To prevent the damage to the castle solid preserved to our times it was decided that the in situ display of the discovered relics will be placed at the underground level. None of installations that are inevitable for preservation and display of historic substance will be visible at the ground level. Both system and rôle of the separate components forming the whole display on the Sieradz archaeological site have been devised as follows: Part I — „Prologue”; (1) Projection of a film devoted to „History of Sieradz covering the period of the 6th to 15th century A.D.”; (2) a printed „Guide to Archaeological Site, Sieradz” having special version for young readers with a plastic reconstruction of the castle site; Part II — „Culmination”; Pavilion No 1 housing the relics of the timber constructed fortifications and those of rotunda; Pavilion No 2 housing the negative castle wall pattern; Part III — „Epilogue”; a display of the movable historical monuments coming from excavations conducted on the castle site. It may be said that Parts I and III perform a subordinated, servicing function thus supporting the main part of the in situ display and their location (Part I forming a projection room is housed in an especially adapted to purpose historic building located within the „ethnographic” area whereas Part III in the Sieradz Museum some 500 m from the castle site) creates conditions favouring the exclusive display of relics excavated within the castle site. At any rate, however, the proportion of historic substance to the necessary safeguarding and servicing installations remains an open problem in the in situ display. Nevertheless, it is a duty of every conservator and designing architect to keep this problem before his eyes and to make every possible effort to arrive at its optimum solution.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1973, 4; 270-283
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prace konserwatorskie w województwie olsztyńskim w latach 1961-1967 (cz. I)
Czubiel, Lucjan
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
działalność konserwatorska 1961-1967 w woj. olsztyńskim
Park Etnograficzny w Olsztynku
zamek krzyżacki w Kętrzynie
Zamek w Nidzicy
pałac biskupi we Fromborku
„Wieża Kopernika”
ołtarz z katedry pw. św. Walentego
Ochrona Zabytków; 1968, 4; 38-48
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prace konserwatorskie - województwo katowickie 1959-1972
Kudła, Adam
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
zespól podworski w Będzinie
Pałac w Boryni
Pałac w Bycinie
piwnice Gorywodów
Wojewódzki Park Etnograficzny w Chorzowie
założenie fortyfikacyjne w Dankowie
Dwór Cetryczów
Zamek w Ogrodzieńcu
kościół w Ostropie
Pałac w Sośnicowie
Ochrona Zabytków; 1973, 3; 209-216
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-12 z 12

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