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Poznanie turystyczne jako element ochrony wartości dziedzictwa kultury
Tourist cognition as an element of the protection of cultural heritage value
Nowicki, Rafał G.
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
poznanie turystyczne
ochrona dziedzictwa kulturowego
turystyka kulturowa
wartości zabytkowe
tourist cognition
cultural heritage protection
cultural tourism
historic value
Przedmiotem niniejszych rozważań jest zagadnienie społecznej ochrony dziedzictwa kulturowego jako obszaru potencjalnego oddziaływania turystyki. Cel artykułu koncentruje się wokół ukazania edukacyjnego potencjału praktyk poznania turystycznego i ich roli w budowaniu więzi z dziedzictwem kulturowym. Autor w oparciu o literaturę przedmiotu oraz obserwacje uczestniczące rozpatruje intelektualny i emocjonalny kontekst tej specyficznej relacji pomiędzy poznaniem a ochroną. Główny wątek dociekań dotyczy specyfiki zachowań turystów w spotkaniu z dziedzictwem kulturowym i edukacyjnych implikacji tegoż spotkania, które w rezultacie umożliwiają refleksyjną postawę względem reliktów przeszłości, pozwalając na kształtowanie zachowań sprzyjających ochronie wytworów dawnej kultury. Zważywszy na masowość podróży turystycznych w świecie zachodnim, poznanie turystyczne pomimo wielu niedoskonałości i ograniczoności wydaje się odgrywać żywotną rolę w procesie społecznej ochrony reliktów przeszłości. Szczególne znaczenie ma tutaj emocjonalna strona poznania, co potwierdza tezę, że to emocje otwierają drogę do rozumienia i stymulacji postaw ludzi w procesie społecznej reprodukcji dziedzictwa.
The subject of this article is the issue of the social protection of cultural heritage as a sphere of the potential influence of tourism. The objective is to show the educational potential of tourist cognition practices and their role in creating bonds with cultural heritage. The author analyses the intellectual and emotional aspects of this specific relationship between cognition and protection based on the literature on this subject and his own observations. The main subject of consideration is the specific behaviour of tourists coming into contact with cultural heritage and the educational outcomes of that contact, which enable adopting a reflective attitude towards the relics of the past and thus enable shaping behaviours favourable to the protection of cultural property. Taking into account the prevalence of tourism in the West, tourist cognition, despite its many imperfections and limits, seems to play an active part in the process of the social protection of relics of the past. The emotional aspect of cognition occupies a prominent role in this respect, which supports the thesis that emotions open the way to understanding and stimulating people’s attitudes in the process of social regeneration of heritage.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2016, 2; 105-127
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Autostrady i co dalej?
Motorways and what’s next?
Czopek, Sylwester
Pelisiak, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
protection of archeological cultural heritage
rescue excavation
The article raises important formal and organisational issues related to rescue excavations on the routes of motorways in Poland conducted from 1996 and preceding their construction. The authors make evaluation of consecutive stages of the works – from the selection of contractors through correct excavation studies and making available their results by scientific publication and of educational projects (exhibitions, popularisation). They pay attention to the role of motorway studies in the transformation of the Polish archeology.
Raport; 2014, 9; 423-434
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Biblioteka Nauki
Kaczorowska, Maria K.
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
The Zwierzyniec Cultural Park (1 100 hectares) is part of the most important fragment of the natural system of Cracow. Together with Wolski Wood it constitutes a limestone horst within the fork of the rivers Vistula and Rudawa. Its range encompasses a number of historical monuments: monasteries and residences, fortifications and mounds built to commemorate Polish national heroes. The whole area is traditionally intended for leisure and fulfils important social functions. Its landscape and natural and cultural conditions create an outstanding spatial complex, essential for the preservation of the attraction of the town of Cracow (population 750 000). Spatial development plans are obligatory in the case of a cultural park. The Zwierzyniec Park has been divided into four planning units: St. Bronislawa II Hill, the Fort Skala II Region, Fort Olszanica and Wolski Wood. In the case of two of the areas - St. Bronislawa II Hill and the Fort Skala II Region - such plans had been devised already prior to the establishment of the park. The merits of these areas are the reason for strong investment pressure, and a high percentage of privately owned land creates a considerable problem. In order to justify the protection projects they are accompanied by detailed conditions, supported by the opinions of researchers, the authors of specialist studies. The plans acknowledged the priority status of the maintenance of the natural environment and landscape while integrating the protection of the former and the cultural environment. Protection is to include the vista connections between the areas encompassed by the plans and the sites of their perception from other parts of town. A boundary between built-up areas and those free of buildings has been demarcated. Principles for protecting formal and historical values have been established together with methods of their use for contemporary functions. The plans render possible the development of multi-generation leisure and entertainment: the preserved elements of the Cracow fort have been included into the municipal system of green areas. Emphasis must be placed on the positive role played by the representatives of the local community as well as the ecological and civic organizations backing the planning process. The Grand Prix awarded at the VI edition of a Competition held by European Council of Town Planners (ECTP) 2006 for a project intended for St. Bronislawa Hill confirms the correctness of the resolutions accepted by the self-government of Cracow.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2007, 1; 101-116
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dobrzyn, Anna
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
kodeks dziedzictwa Francji
francuski Kodeks środowiska
francuska ochrona dziedzictwa kultury
Fundacja Dziedzictwa Narodowego
A suitable conception of the legal aspects of protecting cultural heritage poses a considerable challenge. While discussing pertinent Polish legislation, it is worth referring to the examples of solutions applied in other countries. On 20 February 2004 France introduced 'Code du patrimoine' - a new regulation relating to the protection of cultural property. The code replaced six previously binding regulations, with the legislator recognising the protection of national heritage as a fundamental state task. The resultant complex regulation can be considered an example for other European countries, including Poland. Regardless of particular regulations, the most important achievement appears to be the endowment of supreme rank to the protection of culture by including it within the code. This choice not only produced the complex character of the legal act, but predominantly placed cultural heritage at the pinnacle of tasks pursued by the state, thus confirming the fulfilment of the latter's mission associated with the protection of the titular heritage.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2007, 3; 79-86
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ochrona dziedzictwa kulturowego a ochrona środowiska przyrodniczego – uwagi na tle regulacji dotyczących ochrony i kształtowania krajobrazów kulturowych
Protection of cultural heritage and the natural environment – comments with regard to the regulations on the protection and shaping of cultural landscapes
Fogel, Anna
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
krajobraz kulturowy
ochrona zabytków
ochrona przyrody
planowanie przestrzenne
cultural landscape
monument protection
natural environment protection
spatial planning
Autorka artykułu podejmuje zagadnienie przenikania się regulacji prawnych dotyczących ochrony środowiska oraz ochrony dziedzictwa kulturowego i odnosi je do regulacji prawnych dotyczących krajobrazu kulturowego. Potrzeby zarówno ochrony dziedzictwa kulturowego, jak i ochrony przyrody, mimo że są emanacją interesu publicznego, wymagają szczególnych regulacji. Samo pojęcie krajobrazu kulturowego zawiera w sobie elementy i przyrodnicze, i zabytkowe, co stwarza nową, autonomiczną wartość. To wręcz modelowy przykład materii wymagającej spójnych i umacniających się nawzajem regulacji prawnych, jeżeli ma być osiągnięty założony cel. Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu jest więc analiza prawnych regulacji dotyczących ochrony i kształtowania krajobrazów kulturowych, ich osadzenia w prawie ochrony zabytków oraz powiązań z innymi przepisami. Na podstawie tej analizy dokonano oceny skuteczności przyjętych rozwiązań, a także sformułowano wnioski de lege ferenda.
The author of the article addresses the issue of the overlapping of the legal regulations relating to the protection of natural environment and cultural heritage, and relates them to the legal regulations on the cultural landscape. Although emanating from public interest, both the protection of cultural heritage and of the natural environment require specific regulations. The very concept of cultural landscape includes both natural and historic elements which creates a new, autonomous value. It is a model example of a matter that requires legal regulations that are coherent and mutually reinforce each other if the stated objective is to be achieved. The subject of this article, therefore, is an analysis of the legal regulations on the protection and shaping of cultural landscapes, their incorporation into the law on the protection of monuments and their interrelationship with other laws. Based on this analysis, the effectiveness of the solutions adopted is evaluated, and de lege ferenda conclusions are drawn up.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2023, 2; 83-97
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Myczkowski, Zbigniew Jan
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Park Kulturowy
obszarowa ochrona zabytków
krajobraz naturalny
krajobraz kulturowy
doktryna krajobrazowa
Observing the protection of the landscape in the world, Europe and Poland one might declare that the variety of the landscape is “matched” by the diversity and great number of the forms of its protection. The landscape is physiognomy – an expression of the natural environment, a reflection of all the phenomena transpiring on the surface of the Earth. The environment – both natural and cultural – is decisive for the identity of a given place, while its external expression is the landscape. It is impossible to conceal or ignore the landscape, although one can be more or less sensitive to its beauty or at least order. The landscape always affects man, even if only his subconsciousness. In our surrounding we are dealing with a natural landscape, the product of Nature, and a cultural landscape, created by human intellect and hands; as a rule, however, we encounter their assorted, adverse or positive, mutual permeation. Gutersohn was right when he wrote that the landscape is the expression of man’s economy, Favourable economy comprises the foundation of a harmonious landscape, while bad economy – a devastated landscape, and vice versa: the devastation of the landscape reflects bad economy. The protection of Nature as if precedes the protection of historical monuments; the latest version of the statute on the protection of Nature of 16 April 2004 defined landscape merits as the ecological, aesthetic or cultural qualities of a given area together with the associated lay of the land, and the products and components of the natural environment moulded by the forces of Nature or man’s activity. For the sake of their protection article 16 confirmed the regional protection of the landscape, established at the beginning of the 1980s, which consists in the landscape park; according to its statutory definition, it encompasses an area protected owing to its natural and landscape values for the sake of the preservation and popularisation of those merits in the conditions of balanced development. At present, there are more than 120 such parks in Poland, which constitute over 7% of the total area of the country. In turn, the statute on the protection and care of historical monuments of 23 July 2003 described the cultural landscape as space historically shaped due to man’s activity, and containing products of civilisation or natural elements. Numerous milieus have shown great interest in preparing instruments serving both the revival of the merits of cultural heritage and their exploitation for the sake of economic activisation, specially the progress of tourism. The initiation of such undertakings will benefit from a presentation of the synthesis: Zasady tworzenia i zarządzania dla parków kulturowych oraz sporządzania planów ich ochrony (The Principles of the Establishment and Administration for Cultural Parks and the Conception of Plans for their Improvement), which constitutes auxiliary material both for units of communal territorial self-governments and conservation services as well as town planners, landscape architects, rural studies experts, architects and historians of art. These principles were commissioned by the National Centre for the Study and Documentation of Historical Monuments in Warsaw, and accepted in October 2005 by the State Council for the Protection of Historical Monuments, working alongside the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. On the one hand, the statute provides communal self-governments and their organisational units as well as conservation services relatively considerable flexibility in these ventures; on the other hand, it leaves certain things unsaid as regards the crux of the matter and its implementation. Deciding to face the increasingly distinctly accentuated social needs, the Institute of Landscape Architecture at the Cracow Polytechnic, cooperating with the National Centre for the Study and Documentation of Historical Monuments in Warsaw, undertook the completion of the above-mentioned Zasady. The indicated proposal does not comprise a regulation defining the necessity of devising a collection of strictly determined documents or inaugurating the indispensable activity demanded by law. At the present stage of the first steps made by the self-governments and the conservators of monuments together with specialists and social groups cooperating in the establishment of cultural parks, it is difficult or outright impossible to foresee what sort of conservation, social, economic and organisational problems will have to be tackled. Zasady indicates a certain scenario of issues and activity, conceived according to the ”step by step” principle, which in the nearest future will be probably improved in the course of winning experiences provided by the creation of cultural parks in Poland.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2007, 2; 105-116
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola gmin w zagospodarowaniu zabytkowych nieruchomości na Dolnym Śląsku
The role of communes in the use and management of historic real properties in Lower Silesia
Merta-Staszczak, Adriana
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
dziedzictwo kulturowe
ochrona i użytkowanie zabytków
Dolny Śląsk
cultural heritage
protection and use of monuments
Lower Silesia
Gminy są właścicielami około 20 proc. obiektów zabytkowych na Dolnym Śląsku, a ich zadaniem jest ten zasób chronić oraz wykorzystywać na potrzeby turystyczne, społeczne i edukacyjne. Ze względu na różnorodność i dużą liczbę zabytków jest to przedsięwzięcie trudne w realizacji. Głównymi barierami są: brak funduszy, zły stan techniczny budynków, wandalizm, ale też w wielu przypadkach niedostateczna wiedza i zaangażowanie osób odpowiedzialnych za zachowanie dziedzictwa kulturowego. Celem artykułu jest analiza działań podjętych przez wybrane gminy wiejskie, miejskie i miejsko-wiejskie Dolnego Śląska w zakresie wykorzystania zabytków nieruchomych zlokalizowanych na ich terenie, zabezpieczenia i zachowania, odnowy, adaptacji do nowych funkcji oraz udostępniania mieszkańcom i turystom. Ważnymi aspektami tych działań jest wdrażanie projektów z wykorzystaniem środków krajowych i unijnych oraz podejmowanie współpracy z innymi jednostkami, szczególnie ze stowarzyszeniami i administracją państwową.
Communes own approx. 20 per cent of historic monuments in Lower Silesia. Their mission is to protect them and utilise them for tourist, social, and educational purposes. Due to the large number and diversity of monuments, it is an objective that is difficult to accomplish. The main obstacles are: lack of funds, poor technical condition of buildings, and vandalism, but in many cases, also insufficient knowledge and involvement of persons responsible for the preservation of cultural heritage. The aim of this article is to analyse activities undertaken by selected rural, urban, and rural-urban communes of Lower Silesia in respect of making use of immovable monuments located within their area, securing, preserving, and restoring those monuments, and adapting them to serve new purposes, as well as making them available to the locals and to tourists. Important aspects of such activities are the implementation of projects using national and EU funds and cooperation with other entities, in particular associations and public administration.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2016, 2; 191-217
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zabytkowy most na Wiśle w Tczewie, czyli pamięć i niepamięć
The historical bridge over the Vistula River in Tczew, or memory and oblivion
Affelt, Waldemar J.
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
zabytkowy Most Tczewski
ochrona dziedzictwa techniki
pamięć społeczna i kulturowa
historical Tczew Bridge
protection of technical heritage
social and cultural memory
W artykule omówiono dzieje mostu drogowego w Tczewie, którego najstarsza żelazna część powstała w latach 1852-1858 jako budowla sześcioprzęsłowa – stanowiąca układ trzech belek zespolonych – wówczas nowatorska na kontynencie europejskim. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono wysadzeniu mostu przez polskich saperów 1 września 1939 roku oraz czasom jego odbudowy po 1945 roku. W skład mostu weszło pięć różnych typów przęseł, w tym dwa nawodne, złożone według polskiego projektu konstrukcyjnego z brytyjskich elementów wojskowego mostu składanego zwanego ESTB, produkcji Dorman Long Middlesbrough. Rozwikłanie tego skrótu prowadzi do pełnej nazwy Everall Sectional Truss Railway Bridge, czyli Segmentowy Kratowy Most Kolejowy, który zaprojektował angielski konstruktor, wówczas podpułkownik, William Teague Everall (1880-1968), Elementy te trafiły do Polski w ramach działalności United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA). Stan techniczny mostu w XXI wieku zaczął budzić obawy i po doraźnych remontach postanowiono zamknąć go całkowicie dla ruchu pieszego i kołowego. Starostwo Powiatowe w Tczewie, zarządca mostu, rozpoczęło starania o przywrócenie użyteczności tego obiektu, wynikiem czego, w 2019 roku, stało się przystąpienie do rozbiórki przęseł ESTB metodą cięcia palnikiem gazowym, bez względu na fakt wpisania całej budowli do rejestru zabytków. Autor interpretuje to przedsięwzięcie w kontekście ochrony zabytków oraz nauk o pamięci, gdyż podjęcie odbudowy mostu dla przywrócenia mu wizerunku z czasów Królestwa Prus stanowi zatarcie śladów tragedii z początków II wojny światowej.
The article discusses the history of the road bridge in Tczew, whose the last iron part was made in 1852-1858 as a six-span construction – forming a layout of three welded beams – innovative on the European continent at that time. Special attention has been devoted to the blowing up of the bridge by Polish sappers on 1 September 1939 and the time of its rebuilding after 1945. The bridge comprised five different types of spans, including two surface spans, assembled according to a Polish constructional design from British elements of a military folding bridge called ESTB, made by Dorman Long Middlesbrough. Unravelling of this abbreviation leads to the full name of the Everall Sectional Truss Railway Bridge, which was designed by the English constructor, then lieutenant colonel, William Teague Everall (1880-1968), These elements were brought to Poland within the activity of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA). The technical state of the bridge in the 21st century raised concern, and the bridge was closed completely for the pedestrian and vehicular traffic after interim renovations. The Starostwo Office (district authority) in Tczew, the administrator of the bridge, undertook efforts to restore usability of this object. As a result, in 2019, the ESTB spans were demolished by a method of gas ring cutting, regardless of adding of the whole structure to the register of historical monuments. The author interprets this operation in the context of the protection of historical monuments and sciences concerning memory, as rebuilding of the bridge for restoring its image from the times of the Kingdom of Prussia blurs the traces of the tragedy from the beginnings of World War II.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2022, 1; 45-74
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Karta Wenecka a realizacja postanowień Konwencji w sprawie ochrony światowego dziedzictwa kulturalnego i naturalnego z 1972 roku – o pojęciu autentyczności
A Venice Charter and the implementation of the provisions of the UNESCO Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage of 1972 – on authenticity
Lipska, Dąbrówka
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Karta Wenecka
światowe dziedzictwo
Konwencja w sprawie ochrony światowego dziedzictwa kulturalnego
i naturalnego z 1972 roku
Venice Charter
world heritage
Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage of 1972
This article is devoted to the analysis of links between the Venice Charter and the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage of 1972, along with the presentation of evolution of certain ideas exemplified by the term of authenticity, which constitutes one of the foundations of the Venice Charter. Some issues, currently well recognised, which constitute the basis of a modern conservation doctrine, are included in the very Venice Charter. Over years, they became reinforced in the international community’s awareness, which directly reflects the contents of the World Heritage Convention and its execution – starting from the term “heritage of mankind” found in the Charter and popularised by the Convention, through the establishment of ICOMOS, which became an advisory organisation to the World Heritage Committee, to the concept of authenticity and respect to historic substance. A historic substance is the basic carrier of the outstanding universal value of World Heritage Sites. However, the meaning of authenticity of the substance has changed within the last forty years. One of the most significant phases in this process, which influenced, among others, the UNESCO World Heritage List, was the adoption of the Nara Document concerning authenticity (1994), broadening and supplementing the provisions of the Venice Charter mainly in the context of authenticity. However, a high degree of arbitrariness in interpreting international doctrinal documents, resulting from their universal character, has led to blurring of importance of values underlying the World Heritage Convention, valuing intangible values over tangible ones, which derives from the Venice Charter. The concept of authenticity, although linked to the provisions of the Venice Charter, began to be defined only in Operating Guidelines to the execution of the World Heritage Convention. Since 1976 it has evolved, reflecting changes in attitude towards heritage. In this article the process has been illustrated by three entries to the World Heritage List: a historical centre of Warsaw, an Old Bridge within the Old Town in Mostar and a historical and archaeological complex in Bolgar.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2015, 2; 185-197
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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