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Obowiązek uwzględniania ustaleń miejscowego planu zagospodarowania przestrzennego przy wydawaniu pozwolenia konserwatorskiego
The obligation to take the provisions of the local land use plan into account when issuing conservation permits
Fogel, Anna
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
zabytki nieruchome
rejestr zabytków
plan miejscowy
immovable monuments
register of monuments
land use plan
Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza prawnego zagadnienia, dotyczącego zakresu, w jakim wojewódzki konserwator zabytków, wydając pozwolenie konserwatorskie określone w art. 36 ustawy o ochronie zabytków i opiece nad zabytkami, związany jest ustaleniami planu miejscowego. Potrzeba takiej analizy wynika z trudności w określeniu reżimu prawnego w sytuacji nałożenia się form ochrony zabytków nieruchomych, jakimi są wpis do rejestru i ustalenia w planie miejscowym. Podjęta tematyka ma na celu wskazanie reguł interpretacyjnych, które pomogą ujednolicić praktykę organów administracji w tym zakresie.
The subject of the article is the analysis of the legal issue concerning the extent to which voivodeship conservators of monuments are bound by the determinations of local land use plans when issuing conservation permits as specified in Art. 36 of the Act on the Protection and Care of Historical Monuments. The need for such an analysis arises from the difficulty in establishing the legal regime in the case of overlapping forms of protection of immovable monuments, namely their registration and the arrangements from the land use plan. The subject matter addressed has the objective of specifying the rules of interpretation which will help standardize the practice of the administrative authorities in this respect.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2022, 2; 141-149
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Najstarszy plan miasta Lublina z połowy XVII wieku i jego konserwacja
Gawarecki, Henryk
Lenart, Bonawentura
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
plan Lublina z XVII wieku
najstarszy plan miasta
Karol Bekiewicz
„Miasto Lublin w Murze”
plan na skórze cielęcej
konserwacja planu Lublina
konserwacja pergaminu z planem
Ochrona Zabytków; 1954, 3; 197-199
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lokacja Krakowa i powstanie układu urbanistycznego miasta
Mitkowski, Józef
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
lokacja Krakowa
założenie Krakowa
plan miasta średniowiecznego
plan Krakowa
dzieje Krakowa
Janowa Wola
Most Królewski
Ochrona Zabytków; 1955, 3; 151-160
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Odnaleziony plan miasta lasu Śródborowa jako przyczynek do badań nad rozwojem przestrzennym i zabudową miasta Otwocka
The discovered plan of the forest city of Śródborów as a contribution to the research on spatial development and the development of the town of Otwock
Popławska-Bukało, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
plan parcelacji
architekt Zdzisław Kalinowski
miasto ogród
miasto las
land parcelling plan
architect Zdzisław Kalinowski
forest city
Śródborów należał do podwarszawskich osiedli o charakterze letniskowo- -uzdrowiskowym, założonych przed 1939 r. wzdłuż linii Kolei Nadwiślańskiej w tzw. paśmie otwockim. W 1932 r. znalazł się w granicach miasta Otwocka. Artykuł nie tylko prezentuje odnaleziony przez autorkę nieznany i dotychczas niepublikowany plan miasta parku leśnego Śródborowa, autorstwa architekta Zdzisława Kalinowskiego, ale jest także próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy Śródborów urzeczywistniał ideę zapoczątkowaną w Anglii pod koniec XIX w. przez Ebenezera Howarda. Na podstawie powyższego planu (sporządzonego w 1922 r.) można stwierdzić, czy koncepcja osiedla została zrealizowana i w jakim stopniu, a także czy osiedle to zachowało do dzisiaj swój pierwotny kształt urbanistyczny i pierwotną zabudowę. W artykule zostały przedstawione zagadnienia historyczne, urbanistyczno-architektoniczne i krajobrazowe, opracowane na podstawie rozległych kwerend archiwalnych.
The town of Śródborów was a summer settlement and health resort situated near Warsaw, established before 1939 along the Nadwiślańska Railway line in the so-called Otwock zone. In 1932 it was incorporated into the borders of the town of Otwock. The article not only presents the so far unknown and unpublished plan of the forest-park city of Śródborów designed by architect Zdzisław Kalinowski, discovered by the author, but it is also an attempt to answer the question whether Śródborów implemented the idea started in England at the end of the 19th century by Ebenezer Howard. On the basis of the above plan (drawn up in 1922) it can be concluded whether the concept of the the settlement was implemented and to what extent, as well as whether the settlement has retained its original urban shape and original development. The article presents historical, urban-architectural and landscape issues, conducted on the basis of extensive archival queries.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2020, 1; 41-78
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Plan Zarządzania w ochronie miasta historycznego – założenia i kluczowe działania w Planie Zarządzania Starego Miasta w Zamościu
The Management Plan for the protection of the historical town – assumptions and key measures in the Management Plan of the Old Town in Zamość
Szmygin, Bogusław
Fortuna-Marek, Anna
Siwek, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
ochrona zabytków
plan zarządzania
miasto historyczne
dobro światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO
protection of historical monuments
management plan
UNESCO World Heritage Site
historical town
W większości z 900 polskich miast historyczne śródmieścia nadają im tożsamość, a zarazem pełnią współczesne funkcje użytkowe. Ochrona zabytkowych zespołów miejskich jest jednym z najtrudniejszych zadań konserwatorskich. Decyduje o tym złożoność przedmiotu ochrony oraz fakt, iż nawet najcenniejsze zespoły muszą być żywymi organizmami. W praktyce konieczne staje się połączenie restrykcyjnej ochrony konserwatorskiej i różnego rodzaju aktywności niezbędnych dla współczesnych funkcji. W systemie ochrony dóbr światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO dostrzeganie wartości kulturowej idzie w parze ze zrozumieniem procesów współczesnych. W systemie tym tworzy się szereg instrumentów służących ochronie dobra. Jednym z nich jest Plan Zarządzania, który sumuje informacje i na ich podstawie określa sposób ochrony i zakres użytkowania dobra. W 2018 roku dla obszaru staromiejskiego w Zamościu powstał Plan Zarządzania uwzględniający powyższe założenia. Plan Zarządzania Starego Miasta w Zamościu wykracza poza bezpośrednie utrzymanie zabytkowych wartości. Prezentuje on dopuszczalne i pożądane działania, które pozwalają jednocześnie chronić i użytkować omawiany obszar. Tematyka funkcji była przedmiotem konsultacji społecznych. Dyskusji poddano założenia oraz kluczowe działania, które mają służyć funkcjonowaniu zespołu staromiejskiego. Konsultacje przeprowadzono w celu określenia priorytetów. Z konsultacji wyłączono natomiast specjalistyczne problemy konserwatorskie. Finalnie kluczowe działania zostały zaprojektowane w trzech sferach: administracyjnej, inwestycyjnej i funkcjonalnej. Uzgodniona społecznie koncepcja wyważenia potrzeb ochrony i wymagań funkcjonalnych Starego Miasta w Zamościu to przykład wdrażania w życie dyrektyw wypracowanych w sferze światowego dziedzictwa. To „dobra praktyka”, która może inspirować kolejne działania w skali kraju.
In the majority of 900 Polish towns and cities, historical centres define an identity of these localities. Simultaneously, they fulfil modern utility functions. Protection of historical urban complexes is one of the most difficult tasks in the field of conservation. It depends on the intricacy of a protection target and the fact that even the most valuable complexes must be living organisms. In practice, it becomes necessary to combine restrictive conservational protection and different activities which are crucial for modern functions. In the protection system of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, perception of a cultural value is associated with the understanding of modern processes. In this system a range of tools can be created which serve for the site protection. One of them is the Management Plan. It collects all the information and, based on this information, defines how to protect a site and determines the extent of its use. In 2018, the Management Plan, taking the above-mentioned assumptions into account, was created for the Old Town area in Zamość. The Management Plan for the Old Town in Zamość surpasses the direct maintenance of historical values. The Plan presents acceptable and desirable activities which allow to protect the discussed area and utilise it. The issue of functions was the subject matter of social consultation. The discussion concerned the assumptions and crucial activities, which should serve for the functioning of the Old Town complex. Consultation was organised to define priorities. However, special conservational issues were excluded from the consultation. Finally, crucial activities were determined in three spheres: administrative, investment and functional. The socially agreed conception to balance the needs of protection and functional requirements of the Old Town in Zamość is an example of implementation of directives developed in the sphere of the world heritage. It is “good practice”, which can inspire further activities in the scale of the country.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2020, 2; 129-162
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problemy rewaloryzacji zabytkowych zespołów w świetle prac studialnych i projektowych
Sawicki, Olgierd
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
rewaloryzacja małego miasta historycznego
plan rewaloryzacji
Góra Kalwaria-Czersk
The Town Planning Team o f ZAMEK (The Castle) Designing Office (Designer-in-Chief: Olgierd Sawicki, Arch.; Teresa Rogowska, M. Arch., and Małgorzata Ciarka-Drzewiecka, Arch.) has taken up research and designing work on the plan for revalorization o f the so-called protected substance which is also understood as valuable formations of natural environment integrated with historical groupings. The method o f preparation of the plan, as proposed by the Team, provides for studies on the subject being carried on in the scale of four areas: the surrounding area (1:100 000—1:25 000) covers the linkages between the protected substance and factors which influence it in an essential way. The author’s analyses give the grounds for conclusions determining the functions of protected substance in town and the conditions whose satisfaction will provide for its further existence. The area o f the so-called conservation zones (1:1000—1:2000) embraces the protected substance and lay-out and the attendant valuable natural formations of the surrounding. In this area the zones subject to conservation and protection are demarcated and the conditions established of work on implementing the projects concerned. The adopted protection zones are as follows: A — protection of the historical grouping, В — protection of the historical lay-out, E ■— zone of exposition of the protected substance, К — landscape protection, W — protection of excavation sites and archaeological relics. The area covered by the detailed plan for revalorization (1 :5000— —1:2000) is in line with that of the structural town planning unit, in which the protected substance, e.g. the historical grouping is situated. It is for this area that a development plan is drawn up in the manner of a detailed plan. The decisions o f that plan are meant to ensure to the protected grouping and lay-out lasting existence within the urban organism. The area of the project for revalorization embraces only the historical grouping for which an overall (multi-branch) concept of implementation project is drawn up (1 :400 —1:100) for the grouping as a whole. Work on revalorization plan is carried out a t two stages: Stage I — at which assumptions of revalorization plan are prepared on the basis of the studies conducted in the scale of bout the surrounding area and that o f conservation zones. Stage II — work on the detailed plan for revalorization and on implementation project. The theoretical pursuits o f the Town Planning Team are translated by it into practice. The plan for revalorization o f the historical complex of Góra Kalwaria an d Czersk is the first one drawn up in consonance with the new method. The study of the development o f conservation zones (basing on that prepared for Góra Kalwaria) makes an attempt a t a somewhat different approach to the problem of further development of a historical organism, with industrial building materials being used for the purpose. As regards construction o f spatial lay-outs the binding principles are those of attractive appearance of streets and buildings and structures o f minor scale and of the search for multi-function patterns.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1978, 2; 103-115
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Szczegółowy plan zagospodarowania przestrzennego Starego Miasta w Zamościu
Haman, Zofia
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
plan zagospodarowania przestrzennego Starego Miasta w Zamościu
kamienice podcieniowe
funkcja turystyczna miasta
La ville de Zamość, construite au XVIe s. par l’architecte italien Morando, est en général considérée par les spécialistes comme une des plus belles merveilles de la Renaissance en Pologne, et classée parmi les monuments historiques du groupe O. Le plan détaillé conçu pour Zamość comprend les lignes directrices générales étant à la base des projets futurs de réalisation. Le plan englobe aussi bien une proposition pour la reconstruction des fortifications de défense, de l ’aménagement de l ’avant-terrain dans la ville sur lequel se trouvent les constructions de défense datant du XIXe s. qu’une proposition de reconstruction du vieux centre. Pour cet ensemble de bâtiments historiques, le plan détaillé prévoit la fonction du centre urbain tandis qu’un deuxième grand centre de services en dehors de la Vieille Ville sera relié avec elle par un réseau de voies de communications. La fonction de l’habitat de cette cité sera successivement limitée en faveur du commerce, de l’artisanat et de l ’administration.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1969, 3; 181-185
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Osiągnięcia pierwszego roku planu 6-letniego w zakresie ochrony zabytków
P., K.
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Stare Miasto w Warszawie
Dom Fukiera
Pałac w Radzyniu
Gdańsk - Zbrojownia
ul. Jezuicka 2 w Warszawie
plan 6-letni
plan 6-cio letni
odbudowa obiektów zabytkowych
roboty rekonstrukcyjne
Ochrona Zabytków; 1951, 1-2; 3-8
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zarządzanie miejscami światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO w Szkocji – wybrane aspekty w świetle opracowania modelu planu zarządzania
Management of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Scotland – selected aspects in the light of a development of the management plan model
Fortuna-Marek, Anna
Siwek, Andrzej
Szmygin, Bogusław
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
zarządzanie dziedzictwem
światowe dziedzictwo UNESCO
plan zarządzania
New Lanark
most Forth Bridge
zabytki techniki
management of heritage
UNESCO world heritage
management plan
the Forth Bridge
industrial heritage
The future of monument protection depends to a greater extent on methods of managing this resource. This is an ever more difficult problem, since complexity of values and functions of monuments is growing as well as, simultaneously, pressure to convert them. Sites entered to the UNESCO World Heritage List represent a certain test site for management problems concerning objects with the highest value. Management plans, the development and implementation of which became an obligation for administrators of UNESCO sites, are supposed to be the main tool in this regard. Operating guidelines specify a number of elements the management plan should contain, however, there is no universal specimen of such document. It is legitimate to create model management plans for groups of sites with similar characteristics. Above all, a model management plan should take account of the protection of values that justified the designation of a given status. This element has a universal character in management plans. This means that one can use best experiences collected on various sites entered to the List. New Lanark residential and industrial complex and Forth Bridge management systems have been selected as a subject of analysis. The New Lanark factory settlement was entered to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2001. The Forth Bridge was entered in 2015. In both cases management plans reflecting the specificity of a site and individual needs of technological monuments were developed. Notwithstanding any systemic differences, the Scottish experiences allow us to draw a number of conclusions we should take into account while preparing management plans for Polish UNESCO sites. The site management should provide for close cooperation between the most important stakeholders who can influence the object’s destiny. Particular partners have different competences, capacities and qualifications. However unexchangeable, they complement one another. Only the management system that includes substantial partners can be efficient – it enables us to maintain and convert the site in an assumed direction. Management of a historical resource (particularly a complex) should be multifunctional. Limiting a site to a museum does not create sufficient economic basis. Combination of numerous functions based on using – and respecting – historical values is possible, if organised (or supervised) by a site manager who has formal and substance-related competences in the scope of managing the site as protected heritage. An industrial monument can be attractive as an example of heritage; it can form a basis for plenty of functional solutions using its historic values; it can also form a basis for a intensive tourism. Multifunctional management of an industrial monument can take place at preserving an acceptable conservation maintenance standard. Management of a complex, multifunctional site is a process that should be executed on the basis of a management plan. Such a document – apart from standard information specified in operating guidelines – should contain a long-term vision, a strategy for a couple of years and short (one-year) action plans. A management plan should also take account of risks and possibilities generated by protection to local communities, particularly if it is linked with such status as the entry to the UNESCO List.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2015, 2; 199-211
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kilka uwag o zabytkowych domach podcieniowych w Stanisławowie i Latowiczu na tle założeń przestrzennych tych osiedli
Benko, Marian
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
domy podcieniowe w Stanisławowie i Latowiczu
plan Stanisławowa
konstrukcja domów podcieniowych
Ochrona Zabytków; 1955, 4; 252-261
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stare Miasto w Chojnie : problem zagospodarowania obszaru zabytkowego
Latour, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
kościół farny NMP w Chojnie
Stare Miasto w Chojnie
plan zagospodarowania przestrzennego Chojny
The earliest records referring to the town of Chojna date from the 13th century. The town developed on the site o f an earlier settlement, as indicated by remnants of a gród (circular fortified centre) and an early-mediaeval market square. The civic rights, based on the Magdeburg law, were confirmed in 1298. The town — together with its defences — was completely shaped in the 14th century. Its successful development continued until the Thirty-Year War which brought a considerable destruction in its the wake. The town’s repeated development in the 17th and 18th centuries was characterized by half-timbered construction o f the buildings raised there at time. The process of that reconstruction was interrupted by the Napoleonic war after which Chojna has never recovered its former splendour. In 1945 the town suffered again almost complete destruction. Among the ruins there have survived few dwelling houses and the walls of the most important historical monuments: St. Mary’s Church dating from the 15th century, burnt down and left in ruin, the Augustinian Church and Monastery, 14th century, already reconstructed, the Town Hall — dating from mid-15th century, partly rebuilt in the 17th, burnt in 1945, and intended for reconstruction as a seat o f the municipal library. What has also been preserved is a complete ring o f 14th century town walls, with gates and watch-towers, and the building of former caserns now adapted for dwelling purposes. Chojna, with the population of 5,656 makes at present the administrative centre o f the commune. Its principal functions are the administrative activities, those in the field of services, industrial production, agricultural production, market gardening, breeding and also in that of services for agriculture and forestry. In spite of its total destruction the Old Town district continues to be that o f supreme compositional value. This is manifest in the panorama of the town as well as in its interior where the main historical monuments — dominating by their size and attractive in their architectonic detail — spring up from the historical ground-work o f streets. The programme for revalorization, prepared in close correlation with that for the economic and regional development o f the town of Chojna and its environment, should start from the following criteria: — the Old Town makes an area valuable from the historical and compositional point of view, calling for due consideration o f the existing lay-out and the historical monuments preserved; — the building dating from the 18th and 19th centuries — especially in the neighbourhood of the monastery grouping and the town walls — should be preserved and complemented with individual buildings filling the gaps therein, stress should be laid, in particular, on the lay-out of the old market square within the boundaries of which the town hall and the parish church are situated; — the area between the said church and the market square should be intended for buildings not higher than two storeys so as to provide for a visual contact between those two historical m onuments; — transit traffic should be eliminated from the Old Town district and only the local one — o f limited range — made admissible without any change in the character o f the streets; — a promenade and green belt should be laid out around both the outer and inner side of the town walls; •— the new building should be noted for commination of the streets and pathways and emphasis laid on vertical divisions referring to the old property division; — the Old Town should be given the character o f a residential district provided with some non-onerous, basic and municipal services; i.e. the retail shops, craftsmen’s workshops, catering establishments and cultural life and tourist facilities. The reconstruction of the town, conducted in 1968—1976 did not fulfil, for the most part, the postulates above what is confirmed by the illustrations inserted in the text. Hence the urgent need for a revision of both the presently binding general plan and the detail one for revalorization o f the historical district discussed. The relevant proposals are comprised in the enclosed concept o f its revalorization and development, as expounded by Andrzej Skorupski in his M. Arch, degree-thesis, prepared under the au th o r’s direction at the Department o f Building and Architecture, Szczecin College of Science and Technology. The concept meets all the postulated mentioned above. The condition of the reconstruction work carried out so far gives the grounds to assume that the prospects o f changes in the mode of development o f the Old Town district are still feasible. The wealthy historical tradition o f the town o f Chojna, its historical monuments and lay-out and, first and foremost, the concern to ensure the best possible conditions o f life to the town’s inhabitants today and the generations to come — the conditions based on a symbiosis o f the past and the future — should all make an incentive to a quick action for the sake of implementation of the postulates and the concept herewith discussed.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1978, 2; 116-125
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sprawa Oliwy. Uwagi na marginesie konkursu architektoniczno-urbanistycznego
Stankiewicz, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
konkurs na zagospodarowanie centrum Oliwy
zagospodarowanie przestrzenne zespołu portowo-miejskiego Gdańsk-Gdynia
plan „GD”
zagospodarowanie Oliwy
The problems of shaping and protection of the complexes of spatial, cultural and historical value as exemplified by the case of Oliwa, near Gdańsk, are discussed by the author. Referring to the architectonic and town planning competition for the development o f Stara Oliwa (Old Oliwa) he also draws certain general conclusions pertaining to competitions of this kind. At Oliwa, a settlement connected with the Cistercian Abbey founded there in the 12th century, certain industrial activities developed in the course of time when mills, forges and other manufacturing plants started being set up on the stream flowing that locality. Nearby, on the sea- coast, the fisherman’s village o f Jelitkowo existed since early me diaeval times. Beginning with the 16th century, the patricians of Gdańsk used to built their country residences near Oliwa (on the grounds of the village of Polanka). On the turn of the 19th, a few residential villa settlements, interesting from architectonic point of view, were added to the complex of Oliwa. Almost untouched by the hostilities of the Second World War, it has retained its most important and varied historical and spatial values, harmonized with one another and with the landscape: the seaside te r race in the east and the wodded slopes of the moraine upland and picturesque valleys in the west. The postwar period saw a dynamic development of the agglomeration o f Gdańsk. Work was taken up on modernization and integration of the band-shaped transport system of the „Tricity” (Gdańsk-Sopot-Gdynia). A few large residential estates have been s ited on the non-developed areas of the seaside terrace o f Oliwa. New building has penetrated even to the areas of Stara Oliwa not only clashing with its old buildings but even ousting the latter. The sum to tal o f the problems and difficulties involved in spatial development of Stara Oliwa turned out so large eventually that the municipal authorities have decided to examine the possibilities of their being resolved by way o f a competition. In v iew of the numerous, still preserved values of Oliwa and, also, of the necessity of reconciling those values with the complex problems of public transport system, the work on preparation of the detailed conditions of the competition was extremely difficult and lasted for a year and a half. Moreover, as has turned out in this connection, the earlier decisions of the conservator bodies and urban plans took into consideration but the most important hi:torical monuments and complexes without sufficient understanding of the significance o f the broadly conceived historical, cultural, spatial and landscape values of Stara Oliwa and its environs. Oliwa’s cultural and spatial values a s a w h o l e were neither duly appreciated and respected. Preparations for the competition brought into relief the necessity of reconsideration of a number of the decisions already made and, even, withdrawal of those on allocation of the respective building sites. They have necessitated as well a thorough review of not only the detailed plan of the whole of Oliwa but also verification of some e le ments and assumptions of the general plan. The experience acquired during the preparations for the competition discussed have revealed as well the imperative need for embracing with conservator’s protection not only the respective monuments but also larger and smaller spatial complexes and units of cultural and landscape values, inclusive of their immediate environment. Another imperative displayed by the competition was that o f a closer than so far cooperation between the conservation bodies and the authorities responsible for the preparation and approval of regional development plans, especially at the stage of drawing up those plans. The so-called Oliwa competition made a telling illustration of the significant part played in laying down the conditions of a competition which involves the problems of historical heritage, spatial, cultural and landscape aspects, by specialists emotionally engaged in protection of cultural heritage of the nation. For it was precisely during the preparations for the competition and its proceedings as such that it has turned out that, with duly thought out concepts and adequately colected and elaborated documentation, it is possible to win over proper understanding of the weight o f the problem o f rational shaping and protection o f the cultural and spatial environment not only on the part of conservators, architects and town planners but also of the authorities and the general public. The final outcome of the case of Oliwa is not merelly the positive resolution of many urgent spatial problems of that beautiful historical district and ta king up the work on a new elaboration of the detailed plan o f Oliwa as a whole, the plan based on new assumptions and directives. Its no less essential result is the fact that the case discussed has also made the local conservation bodies, the circles of town planners and architects, the authorities concerned, and the community at large, more sensitive to the question of comprehensive and hormonious shaping and protection o f the cultural and spatial values o f not solely the agglomeration of Gdańsk but the whole of the region concerned.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1976, 4; 253-272
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Obrady ekspertów w Kazimierzu Dolnym n. Wisłą, 12-14 listopada 1972
Jeleński, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
plan zagospodarowania przestrzennego Kazimierza Dolnego n. Wisłą
dom wypoczynkowy Kombinatu Azotowego w Puławach
Kazimierz Dolny nad Wisłą
Ochrona Zabytków; 1973, 1; 74-75
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problemy przebudowy staromiejskich zespołów mieszkaniowych
Kalinowski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
przebudowa staromiejskich zespołów mieszkaniowych
Tadeusz Rutkowski
powoływanie Zespołów Koordynacyjnych do opracowywania programów rekonstrukcji
plan zagospodarowania przestrzennego historycznych miast
Ochrona Zabytków; 1973, 1; 80-82
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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